module Main where import Codec.Picture import qualified Codec.Picture.Types as M import Control.Arrow (second) import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.ST import Data.List (zip5) import Data.Word (Word8) import Options.Applicative import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Random (Random, randomRIO) {-MCCOMMENT Required packages: - base - containers - random - parallel-io - optparse-applicative - JuicyPixels Instructions: Build: > ghc --make -O2 -threaded -o render Main.hs Usage help: > ./render --help > ./render img --help > ./render seq --help Examples (please use the configuration here for my submission): Generate a single image (~1.76s): > ./render +RTS -N1 -RTS img -o {out}.png -a 0.361247 -w 3840 -h 2160 -g 400000 -b 60000 Generate an image sequence (~114s with 6 threads on 6 cores, please create the target directory first): > ./render +RTS -N{threads} -RTS seq -f 30 -o {out_dir} Generate a video from an image sequence: > ffmpeg -r 30 -i {out_dir}/%d.png -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p {out}.mp4 Feel free to play with it, for example passing custom keyframes. (You may also want to edit 'animateGalaxyStars' and 'animateBackgroundStars'.) Cheers! -} {--- TYPES ---} type File = String type Directory = String type Width = Int type Height = Int type X = Int type Y = Int type Radius = Int type Angle = Double type Pos = (X, Y) type GalaxyStar = (Angle, Radius) type Speed = Double type AspectRatio = Double type Spin = Double type Fps = Int type Duration = Int type Moment = Int type Frame = Int type Keyframe = (Moment, Double) type ColorTemperature = Int type Color = (Word8, Word8, Word8) {-- ANIMATION CONFIGURATION --} -- Galaxy stars animation strategy. animateGalaxyStars :: Fps -> Duration -> Speed -> Int -> [GalaxyStar] -> [[GalaxyStar]] animateGalaxyStars fps duration s n gs = gss' ++ zipWith (drop . (dropsPerFrame *)) [0..] gss'' where dropsPerFrame = n `div` (destroyIn * fps) (gss', gss'') = splitAt (fps * destroyAfter) movingGs movingGs = map (\i -> map (moveGalaxyStar s i) gs) [0..duration * fps] destroyIn = 8 destroyAfter = duration - destroyIn -- Background stars animation strategy. animateBackgroundStars :: Fps -> Duration -> Int -> [Pos] -> [[Pos]] animateBackgroundStars fps duration n rs = map rsAtFrame [0..] where rsAtFrame = flip drop rs . ceiling . (dropsPerFrame *) dropsPerFrame = fromIntegral n / fromIntegral (destroyUntil * fps) destroyUntil = duration {--- MAIN ---} main :: IO () main = do opts <- execParser argsParser let ProgOptions{modeOptions=mOpts} = opts in case mOpts of o@ImageOptions{} -> renderImage opts mOpts o@SequenceOptions{} -> renderSequence opts mOpts {--- CLI PARAM PARSING ---} data ProgOptions = ProgOptions { modeOptions :: ModeOptions, width :: Width, height :: Height, nGalaxyStars :: Int, nBackgroundStars :: Int } data ModeOptions = ImageOptions { aspectRatio :: AspectRatio, spin :: Spin, out :: File } | SequenceOptions { fps :: Fps, starMovementSpeed :: Speed, aspectRatioKeyframes :: [Keyframe], spinKeyframes :: [Keyframe], out :: Directory } -- Parser for command line arguments. argsParser :: ParserInfo ProgOptions argsParser = info (helpOption <*> versionOption <*> programOptions) (fullDesc <> header "URGE - The UnReal Galaxy Engine") where helpOption = abortOption ShowHelpText (long "help" <> help "Display this message") versionOption = infoOption "1.0" (long "version" <> short 'v' <> help "Show version") programOptions = ProgOptions <$> hsubparser (imageMode <> videoMode) <*> option auto (long "width" <> short 'w'<> metavar "INT" <> value 1920 <> help "Width in pixels") <*> option auto (long "height" <> short 'h'<> metavar "INT" <> value 1080 <> help "Height in pixels") <*> option auto (long "galaxyStars" <> short 'g' <> metavar "INT" <> value 115000 <> help "Number of galaxy stars") <*> option auto (long "backgroundStars" <> short 'b'<> metavar "INT" <> value 2200 <> help "Number of stars in the background") imageMode = command "img" (info imgOptions (progDesc "Generate a single image")) imgOptions = ImageOptions <$> option auto (long "eAspectRatio" <> short 'a' <> metavar "FLOAT" <> value 0.42124721603563486 <> help "Galaxy ellipse aspect ratio") <*> option auto (long "eSpin" <> short 's' <> metavar "FLOAT" <> value 8.0 <> help "Galaxy ellipse \"spin\"") <*> strOption (long "out" <> short 'o' <> metavar "STRING" <> value "out.png" <> help "Output file (.png)") videoMode = command "seq" (info videoOptions (progDesc "Generate an image sequence")) videoOptions = SequenceOptions <$> option auto (long "fps" <> short 'f' <> metavar "INT" <> value 30 <> help "Frames per second") <*> option auto (long "starMovementSpeed" <> short 'm' <> metavar "FLOAT" <> value 0.02 <> help "Galaxy star movement speed factor") <*> option auto (long "aspectRatioKeyframes" <> short 'a' <> metavar "[(INT, FLOAT)]" <> value [(0, 42.0), (7, 16.0), (18, 0.03), (29, 0.03), (31, 0.0), (32, 0.0), (38, 15.0), (45, 250.0)] <> help "Galaxy ellipse aspect ratio keyframes") <*> option auto (long "spinKeyframes" <> short 's' <> metavar "[(INT, FLOAT)]" <> value [(0, 8.0), (18, 8.0), (29, 0.0), (45, 0.0)] <> help "Galaxy ellipse spin keyframes") <*> strOption (long "out" <> short 'o' <> metavar "STRING" <> value "out" <> help "Output directory") {--- IMAGE RENDERING ---} -- Render a single image. renderImage :: ProgOptions -> ModeOptions -> IO () renderImage ProgOptions{width=w, height=h, nGalaxyStars=nGs, nBackgroundStars=nBs} ImageOptions{aspectRatio=ar, spin=s, out=file} = do let r = galaxyRadiusFromHeight h rs <- randomStarPositions w h nBs gs <- randomGalaxyStars r nGs let galaxy = genGalaxy w h ar (s / fromIntegral r) gs rs savePngImage file (ImageRGB8 galaxy) -- Render an image sequence. renderSequence :: ProgOptions -> ModeOptions -> IO () renderSequence ProgOptions{width=w, height=h, nGalaxyStars=nGs, nBackgroundStars=nBs} SequenceOptions{ fps=fps, starMovementSpeed=s, aspectRatioKeyframes=aks, spinKeyframes=sks, out=dir } = do putStrLn "You might want to ask your favorite subordinate MC for a cup of coffee now..." gs <- randomGalaxyStars (galaxyRadiusFromHeight h) nGs rs <- randomStarPositions w h nBs let duration = fst (last aks) let gss = animateGalaxyStars fps duration s nGs gs let rss = animateBackgroundStars fps duration nBs rs let ars = seqFromKeyframes fps aks let r = fromIntegral (galaxyRadiusFromHeight h) let sks' = map (second (/ r)) sks let ess = seqFromKeyframes fps sks' let dir' = if last dir == '/' then dir else dir ++ "/" let tasks = genTasks dir' w h (zip5 [0..] ars ess gss rss) parallel_ tasks putStrLn "Done." stopGlobalPool -- Create a sequence of single frames from keyframes, distributing equally. seqFromKeyframes :: Fps -> [Keyframe] -> [Double] seqFromKeyframes fps = fst . foldl toSeq ([], (-1, 0.0)) where toSeq (acc, w1) w2 | fst w1 == -1 = (acc, w2) | otherwise = (acc ++ ps w1 w2, w2) ps (t1, p1) (t2, p2) = pointsInRange (fps * (t2 - t1)) p1 p2 -- Generate points with equal distances to each other within a given range. pointsInRange :: Int -> Double -> Double -> [Double] pointsInRange n a b | a == b = replicate n a | otherwise = map (\i -> a `go` dist i) [0..pred n] where dist i = (fromIntegral i / fromIntegral (pred n)) * diff diff = abs (b - a) go = if a < b then (+) else (-) -- Generate I/O tasks which can be executed in parallel. genTasks :: String -> Width -> Height -> [(Frame, AspectRatio, Spin, [GalaxyStar], [Pos])] -> [IO ()] genTasks dir w h = map genTask where genTask ps@(i, ar, s, gs, rs) = do when (i > 0 && i `mod` 50 == 0) $ putStrLn $ "Rendered ~" ++ show i ++ " images..." let galaxy = genGalaxy w h ar s gs rs savePngImage (dir ++ show i ++ ".png") (ImageRGB8 galaxy) -- Generate the galaxy image. genGalaxy :: Width -> Height -> AspectRatio -> Spin -> [GalaxyStar] -> [Pos] -> Image PixelRGB8 genGalaxy w h ar s gs rs = runST $ do im <- M.createMutableImage w h blackPixel let gps = map (galaxyStarPos w h ar s) gs let gps' = filter (inImageBounds w h) gps mapM_ (\(x, y) -> writePixel im x y whitePixel) rs mapM_ (\(x, y) -> writePixel im x y (colorPixelAt w h (x, y))) gps' M.unsafeFreezeImage im -- Generate random star positions outside of the galaxy. randomStarPositions :: Width -> Height -> Int -> IO [Pos] randomStarPositions w h n = mapM (const $ randomPos w h) [1..n] -- Generate the galaxy stars. randomGalaxyStars :: Radius -> Int -> IO [GalaxyStar] randomGalaxyStars r n = mapM (const $ randomGalaxyStar r) [1..n] -- Generate a random star inside the galaxy. randomGalaxyStar :: Radius -> IO GalaxyStar randomGalaxyStar r = do a <- randomBetween 0 (2 * pi) r <- randomBetween 1 r return (a, r) {--- GRAPHICS/2D UTILS ---} -- Calculate the distance of a position from the center. radius :: Width -> Height -> Pos -> Double radius w h (x, y) = let (centerX, centerY) = center w h in sqrt $ fromIntegral $ ((x - centerX) ^ 2) + ((y - centerY) ^ 2) -- Check whether a position is inside the allowed range. inImageBounds :: Width -> Height -> Pos -> Bool inImageBounds w h (x, y) = x > 0 && y > 0 && x < w && y < h -- Find the center of an image. center :: Width -> Height -> Pos center w h = (w `div` 2, fromIntegral h `div` 2) -- Calculate the max galaxy radius. galaxyRadiusFromHeight :: Height -> Radius galaxyRadiusFromHeight h = (7 * h) `div` 16 -- Move a star following its trajectory. moveGalaxyStar :: Speed -> Int -> GalaxyStar -> GalaxyStar moveGalaxyStar s n (a, r) = (a + fromIntegral n * s, r) -- Calculate a galaxy star's position in the 2-dimensional space. galaxyStarPos :: Width -> Height -> AspectRatio -> Spin -> GalaxyStar -> Pos galaxyStarPos w h ar s (a, r) = (x, y) where x = round (centerX + x' * sin b + y' * cos b) y = round (centerY + x' * cos b - y' * sin b) x' = sin a * fromIntegral r y' = cos a * fromIntegral r * ar b = s * fromIntegral r centerX = fromIntegral centerX' centerY = fromIntegral centerY' (centerX', centerY') = center w h {--- COLOR UTILS ---} blackPixel :: PixelRGB8 blackPixel = PixelRGB8 0 0 0 whitePixel :: PixelRGB8 whitePixel = PixelRGB8 255 255 255 -- Generate a colored star pixel based on its distance from the galaxy center. colorPixelAt :: Width -> Height -> Pos -> PixelRGB8 colorPixelAt w h p = PixelRGB8 r g b where (r, g, b) = temperatureToRgb t t = 1700 + round (radius w h p / radius w h (0, 0) * 6000) -- Convert a color temperature (in K) to a color. -- (based on temperatureToRgb :: ColorTemperature -> Color temperatureToRgb t | t >= 6590 && t <= 6680 = (255, 249, 255) | otherwise = (to8BitRange r, to8BitRange g, to8BitRange b) where r | t' <= 66 = 255.0 | otherwise = 329.698727446 * ((t' - 60.0) ** (-0.1332047592)) g | t' <= 66 = 99.4708025861 * log t' - 161.1195681661 | otherwise = 288.1221695283 * ((t' - 60.0) ** (-0.0755148492)) b | t' >= 66 = 255.0 | t' <= 19.1 = 0.0 | otherwise = 138.5177312231 * log (t' - 10.0) - 305.0447927307 t' = fromIntegral t / 100.0 to8BitRange = max 0 . min 255 . round {--- RANDOMIZATION UTILS ---} -- Generate a random position in the 2-dimensional space. randomPos :: Width -> Height -> IO Pos randomPos w h = do x <- randomBetween 0 (pred w) y <- randomBetween 0 (pred h) return (x, y) -- Generate a random number between given limits (both included). randomBetween :: Random a => a -> a -> IO a randomBetween a b = randomRIO (a, b)