module MCPowser where import Data.Bits import Data.List import Data.Ratio import Data.Tuple {- This is a draft of an implementation of the algorithm described in Section 5 of . The MC is not 100% sure it really works in all cases, but it delivered correct results for all of his test cases. -} ld = go 0 where go acc n = if n <= 1 then acc else go (acc + 1) (n `div` 2) negateIfOdd n x = if even n then x else -x fact n = product [2..n] {-# INLINE timesTwoPow #-} timesTwoPow :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer timesTwoPow x n = x `shiftL` fromIntegral n {-# INLINE divTwoPow #-} divTwoPow :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer divTwoPow x n = x `shiftR` fromIntegral n {-# INLINE extractBits #-} extractBits :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer) extractBits n x = (x .&. (shiftL 1 (fromIntegral n) - 1), shiftR x (fromIntegral n)) everyOther :: [a] -> [a] everyOther (x : _ : xs) = x : everyOther xs everyOther _ = [] tangents :: Integer -> [Integer] tangents n = ts where -- p is the precision (i.e. number of bits per "block") to use p = n * (ld n + 1) zs = reverse $ scanl' (*) 1 [2*n,2*n-1..1] -- s and c approximate sin(2^(-p)) and cos(2^(-p)), shifted with a power of two to get an integer !s = sum $ zipWith (\k x -> negateIfOdd k $ x `timesTwoPow` (2*(n-k-1)*p)) [0..n-1] (everyOther (tail zs)) !c = sum $ zipWith (\k x -> negateIfOdd k $ x `timesTwoPow` ((2*(n-k)-1)*p)) [0..n-1] (everyOther zs) -- v is then a (shifted) approximation for tan(2^(-p)) !v = ((fact (2*n-1) `timesTwoPow` ((2*n-1)*p)) * s) `div` c -- we carve out the modified Tangent numbers from the bit blocks of v ts' = genericTake n $ unfoldr (Just . extractBits (2*p)) v -- and compute the actual tangent numbers ts = zipWith (\t k -> t `div` product [2*k..2*n-1]) (reverse ts') [1..] tangent :: Integer -> Integer tangent = last . tangents . succ bernoulli :: Integer -> Rational bernoulli 0 = 1 bernoulli 1 = -0.5 bernoulli n | odd n = 0 bernoulli n = negateIfOdd (n `div` 2) $ (n * tangent (n `div` 2 - 1)) % (2 ^ n - 4 ^ n) where negateIfOdd n = if even n then id else negate