module FTrie where import Types import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import qualified Data.IntMap.Lazy as IM import Data.List (groupBy, sortOn) import Control.Arrow (second) import Data.Function (on) -- this is a path-compressed version of feature vector indexing as described in -- we implement perfect subsumption checking by using all literals as features; -- a Node stores whether a literal does not occur (left) or does occur (right) in a set of clause keys data FTrie = Leaf IS.IntSet | Node FTrie Name IS.IntSet FTrie deriving (Eq, Show) emptyFTrie :: FTrie emptyFTrie = Leaf IS.empty buildFTrie :: KeyConjForm -> FTrie buildFTrie = run [] . group . sortOn snd . map (second IS.toAscList) . IM.toList where group = groupBy (groupHead `on` snd) groupHead _ [] = True groupHead [] _ = False groupHead (k1:_) (k2:_) = k1 == k2 run :: [Key] -> [[(Key, [Literal])]] -> FTrie run lks [] = Leaf $ IS.fromList lks -- note: as we call run with groupBy, ther will always be at least one element in the list run lks gkcs@(gkc@((_, []):_):gkct) = run nLks gkct where nLks = lks ++ map fst gkc run lks gkcs@(gkc@((_, l:_):_):gkct) = Node left l (IS.fromList ks) right where ks = lks ++ concatMap (map fst) gkcs left = run lks gkct right = run [] $ group $ map (second tail) gkc run _ _ = error "unreachable code" insertFTrie :: Key -> Clause -> FTrie -> FTrie insertFTrie k c fTrie = run fTrie $ IS.toAscList c where run (Leaf ks) [] = Leaf $ IS.insert k ks run (Node left l ks right) [] = Node (run left []) l (IS.insert k ks) right run t@(Leaf ks) (l:ls) = Node t l (IS.insert k ks) (run emptyFTrie ls) run t@(Node left l ks right) ls@(l':lt) | l < l' = Node (run left ls) l nks right | l == l' = Node left l nks (run right lt) | otherwise = Node t l' nks (run emptyFTrie lt) where nks = IS.insert k ks fTrieSubsumes :: FTrie -> Clause -> Bool fTrieSubsumes fTrie = find fTrie . IS.toAscList where find :: FTrie -> [Literal] -> Bool find (Leaf ks) _ = not $ IS.null ks find (Node left _ _ _) [] = find left [] find t@(Node left l _ right) ls@(l':lt) | l < l' = find left ls | l == l' = find left lt || find right lt | otherwise = find t lt filterSubsumedFTrie :: Clause -> FTrie -> (IS.IntSet, FTrie) filterSubsumedFTrie c fTrie = filterAux fTrie $ IS.toAscList c where filterAux (Leaf ks) [] = (ks, emptyFTrie) filterAux (Leaf ks) _ = (IS.empty, Leaf ks) filterAux (Node _ _ ks _) [] = (ks, emptyFTrie) filterAux ftrie@(Node left l ks right) ls@(l':lt) | l < l' = let (ksl, fTrieL) = filterAux left ls (ksr, fTrieR) = filterAux right ls in (ksl `IS.union` ksr, compress fTrieL fTrieR l $ ks IS.\\ (ksl `IS.union` ksr)) | l == l' = let (ksr, fTrieR) = filterAux right lt in (ksr, compress left fTrieR l $ ks IS.\\ ksr) | otherwise = (IS.empty, ftrie) compress left@(Leaf ksl) right@(Leaf ksr) l ks | IS.null ksl && IS.null ksr = Leaf ks | otherwise = Node left l ks right compress left right l ks = Node left l ks right filterSubsumedDataKeyConjFormFTrie :: Clause -> KeyDataConjForm -> FTrie -> (KeyDataConjForm, FTrie) filterSubsumedDataKeyConjFormFTrie c kcs fTrie = let (ks, fTrie') = c `filterSubsumedFTrie` fTrie kcs' = kcs `IM.withoutKeys` ks in (kcs', fTrie')