module Exercise10 where import Codec.Picture import Codec.Picture.Gif import Data.List (find, nubBy) import Data.Map as Map (lookup) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Word as W import System.IO (hReady, stdin) import System.Random (Random (randomRIO)) import Turtle (Ln, Turtle, black, move, sit, turn) -- data type for L-System data Rule = Char :->: String -- context-free and deterministic! deriving (Eq, Show) data LSystem = LSystem { start :: String, rules :: [Rule] -- constraint: unique left sides } deriving (Eq) instance Show LSystem where show (LSystem s r) = unlines $ ["Start: " ++ show s, "Rules: "] ++ map show r apply :: Char -> Turtle -> Turtle apply 'F' t = move 10 t apply 'G' t = move 10 t apply '+' t = turn 30 t apply '-' t = turn (-30) t apply '*' t = turn 15 t apply '~' t = turn (-15) t apply _ t = sit t -- Use apply to convert movements of turtle to GL lines. -- Try changing the color to red! execute :: LSystem -> Integer -> [Ln] execute ls n = let (pen, ang, pnt, ln, bps) = lines (black, 0, 0, [], []) $ expandLSystem ls n in ln where lines t [] = t lines t (x : xs) = lines (apply x t) xs -- sample LSystems for (manual) testing dragoncurve :: LSystem dragoncurve = LSystem "FX" ['X' :->: "X+++YF+++", 'Y' :->: "---FX---Y"] kochcurve :: LSystem kochcurve = LSystem "F" ['F' :->: "F+++F---F---F+++F"] sierpinski :: LSystem sierpinski = LSystem "F++++G++++G" ['F' :->: "F++++G----F----G++++F", 'G' :->: "GG"] -- finds the first occurrence of a fitting rule findRule :: [Rule] -> Char -> Rule findRule [] c = c :->: [c] findRule ((x :->: o) : xs) c | x == c = x :->: o | otherwise = findRule xs c -- expands the L-System n times expandLSystem :: LSystem -> Integer -> String expandLSystem l 0 = start l expandLSystem l i = expandLSystem (LSystem currentIter (rules l)) (i -1) where currentIter = applyRule (start l) (rules l) applyRule [] _ = [] applyRule (x : xs) r = ro ++ applyRule xs r where (ri :->: ro) = findRule r x updateOne :: LSystem -> IO LSystem updateOne ls = do commandS <- getLine let command = words commandS case myHead command of "start" -> if length command < 2 then failed else return (LSystem (concat (tail command)) (rules ls)) "rule" -> if length command < 4 || command !! 2 /= "->" || length (command !! 1) /= 1 then do putStrLn "Error parsing rule" return ls else do return (LSystem (start ls) (addRule (rules ls) (head (command !! 1)) (concat (drop 3 command)))) "clear" -> return (LSystem [] []) "print" -> do print ls return ls _ -> failed where myHead [] = [] myHead x = head x failed = do putStrLn "Error parsing command" return ls addRule r c s = nubBy (\(x :->: _) (y :->: _) -> x == y) ((c :->: s) : r) -- updating LSystem via command update :: LSystem -> IO LSystem update ls = do ready <- hReady stdin if ready then do uo <- updateOne ls update uo else return ls -- add the WETT ... TTEW tags if you want to participate in the wettbewerb! {-WETT-} {-MCCOMMENT Kein vector image, stattdessen simple Implementation vom Chaos game inspiriert von: Enthält nur beim SierpinskiTriangle Zufall Bild wird mit generateMyGif erstellt Die Datei befindet sich in der Repository und heisst final.gif Weitere Referenzen: haskell logo Quelle: -} gifDelay :: GifDelay gifDelay = 50 -- in 100th of seconds shortGifDelay :: GifDelay shortGifDelay = 10 -- in 100th of seconds longGifDelay :: GifDelay longGifDelay = 200 -- in 100th of seconds width :: Int width = 500 height :: Int height = 500 type PictureVec = V.Vector W.Word8 initPicture :: PictureVec initPicture = V.replicate (width * height) 0 -- black at start to_3x3 :: W.Word8 -> Int -> Int -> [(Int, W.Word8)] to_3x3 c x y = [ (fromPos x y, c), (fromPos (x + 1) y, c), (fromPos (x + 1) (y -1), c), (fromPos x (y + 1), c), (fromPos (x -1) (y + 1), c), (fromPos (x + 1) (y + 1), c), (fromPos (x -1) (y -1), c), (fromPos x (y -1), c), (fromPos (x -1) y, c) ] markedInitPicture :: PictureVec markedInitPicture = initPicture V.// (uncurry (to_3x3 3) startPoint ++ concat [uncurry (to_3x3 2) ip | ip <- initPoints]) pentMarkedInitPicture :: PictureVec --pentMarkedInitPicture = initPicture V.// (uncurry (to_3x3 0) pentStartPoint ++ concat [uncurry (to_3x3 2) ip | ip <- pentInitPoints]) pentMarkedInitPicture = initPicture initPoints :: [(Int, Int)] initPoints = [(200, 50), (20, 490), (470, 300)] startPoint :: (Int, Int) startPoint = (200, 250) pentInitPoints :: [(Int, Int)] pentInitPoints = [ (cx + floor (r * cos p0), cy + floor (r * sin p0)), (cx + floor (r * cos p1), cy + floor (r * sin p1)), (cx + floor (r * cos p2), cy + floor (r * sin p2)), (cx + floor (r * cos p3), cy + floor (r * sin p3)), (cx + floor (r * cos p4), cy + floor (r * sin p4)) ] where (cx, cy) = (width `div` 2, height `div` 2) r :: Float r = fromIntegral $ (max width height `div` 2) - 10 p0 = pi * 2 - pi / 2 p1 = pi * 2 / 5 - pi / 2 p2 = pi * 4 / 5 - pi / 2 p3 = pi * 6 / 5 - pi / 2 p4 = pi * 8 / 5 - pi / 2 pentStartPoint :: (Int, Int) pentStartPoint = (width `div` 2, height `div` 2) -- using black Background for better contrast myPalette :: Palette myPalette = generateImage color 5 1 where color :: Int -> Int -> PixelRGB8 color 1 _ = PixelRGB8 255 255 255 --white color 0 _ = PixelRGB8 0 0 0 -- black color 2 _ = PixelRGB8 255 0 0 -- Red color 3 _ = PixelRGB8 0 255 0 -- Green color 4 _ = PixelRGB8 0 0 255 --Blue --color x _ = paletteColors V.! x coloredPalette :: Palette coloredPalette = generateImage color 193 1 where color :: Int -> Int -> PixelRGB8 color 0 _ = PixelRGB8 0 0 0 --black color x _ = PixelRGB8 (fromIntegral r) (fromIntegral g) (fromIntegral b) where r | x < 32 = 255 | x < 64 = 255 - (x -32) * 4 | x < 96 = 0 | x < 128 = 0 | x < 160 = (x -128) * 4 | otherwise = 255 g | x < 32 = 0 | x < 64 = 0 | x < 96 = (x - 64) * 4 | x < 128 = 255 | x < 160 = 255 | otherwise = 255 - (x -160) * 4 b | x < 32 = x * 4 | x < 64 = 255 | x < 96 = 255 | x < 128 = 255 - (x -96) * 4 | x < 160 = 0 | otherwise = 0 toPos :: Int -> (Int, Int) toPos n = (n `mod` width, n `div` height) fromPos :: Int -> Int -> Int fromPos x y = x + height * y toImage :: PictureVec -> Image Pixel8 toImage vec = generateImage (mapPicture vec) width height where mapPicture :: PictureVec -> Int -> Int -> W.Word8 mapPicture pic x y = pic V.! fromPos x y generateSierpinskiTriangle :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> IO [Image Pixel8] generateSierpinskiTriangle iter edgePoints xs ys = do result <- gst markedInitPicture iter xs ys -- return [toImage r | (r, c) <- zip result [0 ..], takeIt (c `div` 10)] -- dont take all (only power of two) -- return $ map toImage result -- take all -- return [toImage (last result)] -- only last return [toImage r | (r, c) <- zip result [0 ..], takeIt2 (c `div` 10)] where takeIt 0 = True takeIt 1 = True takeIt x | even x = takeIt (x `div` 2) | otherwise = False takeIt2 x | x < 3 = True | otherwise = x `mod` floor (logBase 2 $ fromIntegral x) == 0 gst :: PictureVec -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO [PictureVec] gst _ 0 _ _ = return [] gst pic iter x y = do (new_pic, nx, ny) <- stepRandomHalf pic edgePoints x y next <- gst new_pic (iter -1) nx ny return (new_pic : next) -- this funktion goes randomly 1/2 to one edge point makes (3x3 points) stepRandomHalf :: PictureVec -> [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> IO (PictureVec, Int, Int) stepRandomHalf pic edgePoints x y = do rnd <- randomRIO (0, length edgePoints -1) let (cx, cy) = edgePoints !! rnd let (nx, ny) = (x + ((cx - x) `div` 2), y + ((cy - y) `div` 2)) -- div 2 rule let npic = pic V.// if (x, y) == startPoint || (x, y) `elem` initPoints then [] else to_3x3 1 x y -- make white return (npic, nx, ny) {- generateHaskell :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> IO [Image Pixel8] generateHaskell iter edgePoints xs ys = do r <- result return $ map toImage r where result = do has <- getHaskell return $ gst pentMarkedInitPicture iter [(xs, ys)] 1 has gst :: PictureVec -> Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> W.Word8-> Image PixelYA8 -> IO [PictureVec] gst _ 0 _ _ _ = return[] gst pic iter points color has = do new_pic : next where (new_pic, new_points) = stepHaskell pic edgePoints points (color + 15) has next = gst new_pic (iter -1) new_points (color + 15) stepHaskell :: PictureVec -> [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] -> W.Word8 -> Image PixelYA8 -> (PictureVec, [(Int, Int)]) stepHaskell pic edgePoints points color has = (npic, npoints) where npoints = concat [[(x + ((ex - x) `div` 2), y + ((ey - y) `div` 2)) | ((ex, ey), ed) <- zip edgePoints [0 ..]] | (x, y) <- points, rule x y] npic = pic V.// [(fromPos x y, color) | (x, y) <- npoints, (x, y) /= startPoint && (x, y) `notElem` initPoints] rule x y = True -} generateCrap :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> [Image Pixel8] generateCrap iter edgePoints xs ys = map toImage result where result = gst pentMarkedInitPicture iter [(xs, ys, -10)] 1 gst :: PictureVec -> Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> W.Word8 -> [PictureVec] gst _ 0 _ _ = [] gst pic iter points color = new_pic : next where (new_pic, new_points) = stepCrap pic edgePoints points (color + 15) next = gst new_pic (iter -1) new_points (color + 15) stepCrap :: PictureVec -> [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int, Int)] -> W.Word8 -> (PictureVec, [(Int, Int, Int)]) -- points also contain the previously used edge point stepCrap pic edgePoints points color = (npic, npoints) where npoints = concat [[(x + ((ex - x) `div` 2), y + ((ey - y) `div` 2), eb) | ((ex, ey), eb) <- zip edgePoints [0 ..], rule eb b] | (x, y, b) <- points] -- rule n b = (n + 1) `mod` 5 /= b && (n - 1) `mod` 5 /= b rule n b = n /= b npic = pic V.// [(fromPos x y, color) | (x, y, _) <- npoints, (x, y) /= startPoint && (x, y) `notElem` initPoints] generateStar :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> Int -> Int -> [Image Pixel8] generateStar iter edgePoints xs ys = map toImage result where result = gst pentMarkedInitPicture iter [(xs, ys, -10, -10)] 100 gst :: PictureVec -> Int -> [(Int, Int, Int, Int)] -> W.Word8 -> [PictureVec] gst _ 0 _ _ = [] gst pic iter points color = new_pic : next where (new_pic, new_points) = stepStar pic edgePoints points (color) next = gst new_pic (iter -1) new_points (color) stepStar :: PictureVec -> [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int, Int, Int)] -> W.Word8 -> (PictureVec, [(Int, Int, Int, Int)]) -- points also contain the 2 previously used edge points stepStar pic edgePoints points _ = (npic, npoints) where npoints = concat [[(x + ((ex - x) `div` 2), y + ((ey - y) `div` 2), eb, b1) | ((ex, ey), eb) <- zip edgePoints [0 ..], rule eb b1 b2] | (x, y, b1, b2) <- points] rule n b1 b2 = b1 /= b2 || (n + 1) `mod` 5 /= b1 && (n - 1) `mod` 5 /= b1 npic = pic V.// [(fromPos x y, newColor x y) | (x, y, _, _) <- npoints, (x, y) /= startPoint && (x, y) `notElem` initPoints] newColor x y | cc == 0 = 150 | otherwise = cc + 12 where cc = pic V.! fromPos x y getHaskell :: IO (Image PixelYA8) getHaskell = do png <- readPng "haskell.png" case png of Left failed -> return undefined Right png -> case png of ImageYA8 p -> return p _ -> return undefined -- main funktion (takes iteration steps and file name) generateMyGif :: IO () generateMyGif = do {- -- SierpinskiTriangle st <- uncurry (generateSierpinskiTriangle 100 initPoints) startPoint case writeGifImages "SierpinskiTriangle.gif" LoopingForever (zip3 (repeat myPalette) (repeat gifDelay) st) of Right make -> make Left failed -> putStrLn failed -- Crap let crap = uncurry (generateCrap 10 pentInitPoints) pentStartPoint case writeGifImages "Crap.gif" LoopingForever (zip3 (repeat coloredPalette) (repeat gifDelay) crap) of Right make -> make Left failed -> putStrLn failed -- Star let star = uncurry (generateStar 8 pentInitPoints) pentStartPoint case writeGifImages "Star.gif" LoopingForever (zip3 (repeat greyPalette) (repeat gifDelay) star) of Right make -> make Left failed -> putStrLn failed -} st <- uncurry (generateSierpinskiTriangle 100 initPoints) startPoint let crap = uncurry (generateCrap 10 pentInitPoints) pentStartPoint let star = uncurry (generateStar 8 pentInitPoints) pentStartPoint let final = zip3 (repeat myPalette) (repeat shortGifDelay) st ++ zip3 (repeat myPalette) (repeat longGifDelay) [last st] ++ zip3 (repeat coloredPalette) (repeat gifDelay) crap ++ zip3 (repeat greyPalette) (repeat gifDelay) star case writeGifImages "final.gif" LoopingForever final of Right make -> make Left failed -> putStrLn failed {-TTEW-}