module Exercise10 where import Data.List import Data.Map as Map (lookup) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import System.IO import Turtle -- data type for L-System data Rule = Char :->: String -- context-free and deterministic! deriving (Eq, Show) data LSystem = LSystem { start :: String, rules :: [Rule] -- constraint: unique left sides } deriving (Eq) instance Show LSystem where show (LSystem s r) = unlines $ ["Start: " ++ show s, "Rules: "] ++ map show r apply :: Char -> Turtle -> Turtle apply 'F' t = move 10 t apply 'G' t = move 10 t apply '+' t = turn 30 t apply '-' t = turn (-30) t apply '*' t = turn 15 t apply '~' t = turn (-15) t apply '7' t = turn 7 t apply '8' t = turn (-7) t apply '1' t = turn 1 t apply '2' t = turn (-1) t apply '3' t = move 5 t apply 'b' t = changeColor blue t apply 'w' t = changeColor white t apply 'r' t = changeColor red t apply 'g' t = changeColor green t apply 'B' t = changeColor black t apply 'N' (Colour a b c, angle, pnt, xs, ys) = changeColor (Colour b c a) (Colour a b c, angle, pnt, xs, ys) apply 'P' (Colour a b c, angle, pnt, xs, ys) = changeColor (Colour c a b) (Colour a b c, angle, pnt, xs, ys) apply _ t = sit t inverseString :: Char -> String -> String inverseString _ [] = [] inverseString color (x : xs) = inverseString newColor xs ++ xInv where xInv | x == 'F' || x == 'G' = "++++++F------" | x == '+' = "-" | x == '-' = "+" | x == '*' = "~" | x == '~' = "*" | x == '7' = "8" | x == '8' = "7" | x == '1' = "2" | x == '2' = "1" | x == '3' = "++++++3------" | x == 'b' || x == 'w' || x == 'r' || x == 'g' || x == 'B' = [color] | x == 'N' = "P" | x == 'P' = "N" | otherwise = "" newColor | x == 'b' || x == 'w' || x == 'r' || x == 'g' || x == 'B' = x | x == 'P' && color == 'r' = 'g' | x == 'P' && color == 'g' = 'b' | x == 'P' && color == 'b' = 'r' | x == 'N' && color == 'r' = 'b' | x == 'N' && color == 'g' = 'r' | x == 'N' && color == 'b' = 'g' | otherwise = color getBranchString :: Char -> String -> String -> (String, String) getBranchString _ [] branch = (branch, []) getBranchString color (x : xs) branch | x == '[' = let (inner, rest) = getBranchString newColor xs [] in getBranchString newColor rest (branch ++ inner ++ inverseString newColor inner) | x == ']' = (branch, xs) | otherwise = getBranchString newColor xs (branch ++ [x]) where newColor | x == 'b' || x == 'w' || x == 'r' || x == 'g' || x == 'B' = x | x == 'P' && color == 'r' = 'g' | x == 'P' && color == 'g' = 'b' | x == 'P' && color == 'b' = 'r' | x == 'N' && color == 'r' = 'b' | x == 'N' && color == 'g' = 'r' | x == 'N' && color == 'b' = 'g' | otherwise = color -- Use apply to convert movements of turtle to GL lines. -- Try changing the color to red! execute :: LSystem -> Integer -> [Ln] execute ls n = let (pen, ang, pnt, ln, bps) = lines (black, 0, 0, [], []) $ expandLSystem ls n in ln where lines t [] = t lines (penL, angL, pntL, lnL, bpsL) (x : xs) = if x == '[' then let (branch, rest) = getBranchString color xs [] in lines (penL, angL, pntL, lnL, bpsL) ((branch ++ inverseString color branch) ++ rest) else lines (apply x (penL, angL, pntL, lnL, bpsL)) xs where color | penL == white = 'w' | penL == red = 'r' | penL == green = 'g' | penL == blue = 'b' | otherwise = 'B' -- sample LSystems for (manual) testing dragoncurve :: LSystem dragoncurve = LSystem "FX" ['X' :->: "X+++YF+++", 'Y' :->: "---FX---Y"] kochcurve :: LSystem kochcurve = LSystem "F" ['F' :->: "F+++F---F---F+++F"] sierpinski :: LSystem sierpinski = LSystem "F++++G++++G" ['F' :->: "F++++G----F----G++++F", 'G' :->: "GG"] -- Darstellung einer Pflanze plant :: LSystem plant = LSystem "+gXF" ['F' :->: "FF", 'X' :->: "F-[[X]+X]+F[+FX]-X"] -- Fast eine Hilbertkurve, ist aber durch einen kleinen Fehler etwas völlig anderes geworden. Eine Methapher für das Leben. almostHilbert :: LSystem almostHilbert = LSystem "X" ['X' :->: "---YF+++XFX+FY---", 'Y' :->: "+++XF-YFY---FX+++"] -- Normale Hilbertkurve hilbert :: LSystem hilbert = LSystem "X" ['X' :->: "---YF+++XFX+++FY---", 'Y' :->: "+++XF---YFY---FX+++"] -- Bunte Hilbertkurve hilbertColored :: LSystem hilbertColored = LSystem "X" ['X' :->: "---gYF+++rXFbX+++FbY---", 'Y' :->: "+++BXF---gYFrY---FX+++"] -- LevyC Kurve levyC :: LSystem levyC = LSystem "F" ['F' :->: "***F---F***"] -- Zwei Kreise drehen sich umeinander spiral :: LSystem spiral = LSystem "XFX" ['F' :->: "G[r-G]~F*GP[g+G]", 'X' :->: "GX"] -- Versuch einer Uhr clock :: LSystem clock = LSystem "F[---8wGrGGGYbGG]" ['F' :->: "F~GX~G", 'X' :->: "[~--wG-B3]", 'Y':->:"Y+22"] -- Farbenfroh colorfull :: LSystem colorfull = LSystem "rF" ['F':->:"GN-F++G~F"] -- Exzellenz tum :: LSystem tum = LSystem "X" ['X':->:"bFFFFF---FF+++F+++FFFFF+++F+++FF---FFFFF+++FwFFFFFbFF+*FF*+FFFF3+++F+++FFFF-~F-~FF-~F-~FFFF+++F+++FFFF3+*FF+*FF3w ---F+++FF3+++FbFFFFFF---F-~FFF+++FFF-~F---FFFFFF---F---FFFF3++++*FFF---FFF++++*FFFF3---F+++wFFFFFFF+++++++++wFFFFFFFF---bX"] -- finds the first occurrence of a fitting rule findRule :: [Rule] -> Char -> Rule findRule [] c = c :->: [c] findRule ((from :->: to) : rules) c = if c == from then from :->: to else findRule rules c -- expands the L-System n times expandLSystem :: LSystem -> Integer -> String expandLSystem lSys times | times <= 0 = str | otherwise = expandLHelper rul str times where str = start lSys rul = rules lSys expandLHelper :: [Rule] -> String -> Integer -> String expandLHelper _ str 0 = str expandLHelper rules str times = expandLHelper rules (concat [let (from :->: to) = findRule rules c in to | c <- str]) (times -1) -- updating LSystem via command update :: LSystem -> IO LSystem update ls = blub where str = start ls rul = rules ls blub = do b <- hReady stdin if b then do x <- getLine if "clear" == x then update (LSystem "" []) else if "print" == x then do putStrLn (show ls) update ls else if "start " `isPrefixOf` x then update (LSystem (drop 6 x) rul) else if "rule " `isPrefixOf` x then if " -> " `isPrefixOf` drop 6 x && not (null (drop 10 x)) then update (LSystem str (replaceRule rul (x !! 5 :->: drop 10 x))) else do putStrLn "Error parsing rule" update ls else do putStrLn "Error parsing command" update ls else return ls replaceRule :: [Rule] -> Rule -> [Rule] replaceRule rules (from :->: to) = (from :->: to) : filter (\(c :->: str) -> c /= from) rules -- add the WETT ... 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