module Exercise03 where import Text.Printf (printf) import Data.List (intercalate, transpose, nub, deleteBy) import qualified Data.Char -- HA 3.1a) i selectRow :: [[Int]] -> Int -> [Int] selectRow xss i = xss !! i -- HA 3.1a) ii selectColumn :: [[Int]] -> Int -> [Int] selectColumn xss i = transpose xss !! i -- HA 3.1a) iii intRoot :: Int -> Int intRoot = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral --return numbers in square as a list. squares are numbered from left to right and top to bottom --e.g. : --[0,1,2] --[3,4,5] --[6,7,8] selectSquare :: [[Int]] -> Int -> [Int] selectSquare xss i = [xss !! r !! c|r<-[0..length xss-1], c<- [0.. length xss-1], r>=fR, r=fC, c Bool isValidSubsection xs= nub (filter(/=0) xs) == filter(/=0) xs && minimum xs >= 0 && maximum xs <= length xs isValidSudoku :: [[Int]] -> Bool isValidSudoku xss = and $ concat [[isValidSubsection $ selectRow xss tmp| tmp<-i],[isValidSubsection $ selectColumn xss tmp| tmp<-i], [isValidSubsection $ selectSquare xss tmp| tmp<-i]] where i = [0..length xss -1] -- HA 3.1c) setCell :: [[Int]] -> (Int,Int) -> Int -> [[Int]] setCell xss (r, c) x = take r xss ++ [take c (xss !! r) ++ [x] ++ drop (c + 1) (xss !! r)] ++ drop (r + 1) xss -- HA 3.1d) {-WETT-} -- I did have a look at one solution on the internet, which inspired me a way of building my solutionAt function -- -- Removes the elements in the second list from the first list remove' :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] remove' [] _ = [] remove' xs [] = xs remove' xs (y:ys) = remove' (removeAll y xs) ys -- Remove all occurences of a value in a list removeAll :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] removeAll _ [] = [] removeAll y (x:xs) | x == y = removeAll y xs | otherwise = x : removeAll y xs position :: [[Int]] -> (Int,Int) ->Int position xss (i,j) = (i `div` l )* l + j `div` l where l=intRoot $ length xss -- all functions from above is used to help build this "solutionAt" function -- The list of solutions at the index (i,j) solutionsAt :: (Int,Int) -> [[Int]] -> [Int] solutionsAt (i,j) xss | i > length xss || j > length xss = [] | (xss !! i!!j) == 0 = [1..length xss] `remove'` (selectColumn xss j ++ selectRow xss i ++ (selectSquare xss (position xss (i,j)))) | otherwise = [xss !! i!!j] nextBlank :: (Int,Int) -> [[Int]] -> (Int,Int) nextBlank (i,j) xss | i==length xss -1&&j==length xss -1=(i,j) | j==length xss && i [[Int]] solveSudoku xss | not(isValidSudoku xss) =[] | otherwise= solve xss (0,0) (solutionsAt (0,0) xss) --it gives a current edition of the matrix xss, a position to be determined (i,j), --and a cooresponding list which contains possible solutions possilities solve :: [[Int]]->(Int,Int)->[Int]->[[Int]] solve xss (_,_) [] = [] solve xss (i,j) (possibility:possiblities) -- if reach the end and the possibilities left isn't one, it would not be a successful attempt | i==length xss -1 && j ==length xss-1 && not(null possiblities) = [] | i==length xss -1 && j == length xss -1 && null possiblities = setCell xss (i,j) possibility -- recursion starts here, as it has the function to filter the first possibility if it does not contain a valid solvedNext | solvedNext == [] = solve xss (i,j) possiblities | otherwise = solvedNext -- solveNext always find the nextBlank position and keep going down until reaching the last index and return a valid solution or do the recursion where solveNext xss (i,j) = solve xss (nextBlank (i,j) xss) (solutionsAt (nextBlank (i,j) xss) xss) solvedNext = solveNext (setCell xss (i,j) possibility) (i,j) {-TTEW-} hardSudoku :: [[Int]] hardSudoku = [[8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,3,6,0,0,0,0,0], [0,7,0,0,9,0,2,0,0], [0,5,0,0,0,7,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,4,5,7,0,0], [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,3,0], [0,0,1,0,0,0,0,6,8], [0,0,8,5,0,0,0,1,0], [0,9,0,0,0,0,4,0,0]] -- Utility method to show a sudoku -- show sudoku with -- >>> putStr (showSudoku sudoku) showSudoku :: [[Int]] -> String showSudoku xss = unlines $ intercalate [showDivider] $ chunksOf squareSize $ map showRow xss where size = length xss squareSize = intRoot size numberSize = size `div` 10 + 1 showRowSection xs = unwords $ map (printf ("%0" ++ show numberSize ++ "d")) xs showRow xs = intercalate "|" $ map showRowSection $ chunksOf squareSize xs showDivider = intercalate "+" $ replicate squareSize $ replicate ((numberSize + 1) * squareSize - 1) '-' chunksOf :: Int -> [e] -> [[e]] chunksOf i [] = [] chunksOf i ls = take i ls : chunksOf i (drop i ls)