module Exercise08 where import Data.Bits import Data.List import System.Random (mkStdGen, randoms, randomIO, Random) --import Debug.Trace import Data.IntMap.Lazy (IntMap) import qualified Data.IntMap.Lazy as IntMap type Player = Int type Field = Int type Row = [Field] type Column = [Field] type Board = [Row] type Pos = (Int, Int) type Size = (Int, Int) type Strategy = [Double] -> Player -> Board -> Pos -- A stateful strategy can additionally pass some object between invocations type StatefulStrategyFunc a = a -> [Double] -> Player -> Board -> (Pos, a) -- first value is the state object to pass to the first invocation of each game type StatefulStrategy a = (a, StatefulStrategyFunc a) defaultSize :: (Int, Int) defaultSize = (9,6) -- Some useful helper functions row :: Board -> Int -> Row row = (!!) column :: Board -> Int -> Column column = row . transpose width :: Board -> Int width (x : _) = length x width _ = 0 height :: Board -> Int height = length size :: Board -> Size size b = (height b, width b) getCell :: Pos -> Board -> Field getCell (y, x) b = b !! y !! x showCell :: Field -> String showCell c = "- +" !! succ (signum c) : show (abs c) showBoard :: Board -> String showBoard = unlines . map (unwords . map showCell) printBoard :: Board -> IO () printBoard = putStr . showBoard isValidPos :: Size -> Pos -> Bool isValidPos (r, c) (y, x) = y >= 0 && y < r && x >= 0 && x < c {- x.1 -} canPlaceOrb :: Player -> Pos -> Board -> Bool canPlaceOrb player pos board | player == -1 = getCell pos board <= 0 | otherwise = getCell pos board >= 0 hasWon :: Player -> Board -> Bool hasWon player board = hasWonRec player (0, 0) board hasWonRec :: Player -> Pos -> Board -> Bool hasWonRec player (y, x) board | x >= width board = hasWonRec player (y + 1, 0) board | y >= height board = True | otherwise = (getCell (y, x) board * player >= 0) && (hasWonRec player (y, x + 1) board) neighbors :: Size -> Pos -> [Pos] neighbors size (y, x) = filter (isValidPos size) [(y - 1, x),(y, x - 1),(y + 1, x),(y, x + 1)] updatePos :: (Int -> Int) -> Player -> Pos -> Board -> Board updatePos f player pos board = updatePosRec f player pos board 0 updatePosRec :: (Int -> Int) -> Player -> Pos -> Board -> Int -> Board updatePosRec f player (y, x) board currentRow | currentRow == y = (modifieRow f player (y, x) (row board y) 0) : (updatePosRec f player (y, x) board (currentRow + 1)) | currentRow >= height board = [] | otherwise = (row board currentRow) : (updatePosRec f player (y, x) board (currentRow + 1)) modifieRow :: (Int -> Int) -> Player -> Pos -> Row -> Int -> Row modifieRow f player (y, x) row currentIndex | currentIndex == x = (f (abs (row!!currentIndex)) * player) : (modifieRow f player (y, x) row (currentIndex + 1)) | currentIndex >= length row = [] | otherwise = row!!currentIndex : (modifieRow f player (y, x) row (currentIndex + 1)) {- x.2 -} putOrb :: Player -> Pos -> Board -> Board putOrb player pos board | hasWon player board = updatePos (+1) player pos board | abs (getCell pos board) + 1 >= length neighborCells = putOrbForEach player neighborCells (updatePos (\_ -> 0) player pos board) | otherwise = updatePos (+1) player pos board where neighborCells = neighbors (size board) pos putOrbForEach :: Player -> [Pos] -> Board -> Board putOrbForEach player [] board = board putOrbForEach player (m:ms) board = putOrbForEach player ms (putOrb player m board) {- x.3 -} {-WETT-} strategy :: Strategy strategy random (-1) board = bestMove (createMap board (*(-1)) s) s random where s = size board strategy random 1 board = bestMove (createMap board (\c -> c) s) s random where s = size board createMap :: Board -> (Int -> Int) -> Size -> IntMap Field createMap board f (h, w) = IntMap.fromAscList [(mapKey (y, x) w, f (getCell (y, x) board)) | y<-[0..(h - 1)], x<-[0..(w - 1)], getCell (y, x) board /= 0] increasePosMap :: Player -> IntMap Field -> Int -> IntMap Field increasePosMap player map index = IntMap.insert index ((1 + abs (IntMap.findWithDefault 0 index map)) * player) map removePosMap :: IntMap Field -> Int -> IntMap Field removePosMap map index = IntMap.delete index map mapKey :: Pos -> Int -> Int mapKey (y, x) w = x + w * y indexToCoordinate :: Int -> Int -> Pos indexToCoordinate index w = (div index w, mod index w) hasWonMap :: IntMap Field -> Int hasWonMap map | occupiedByPos == 0 = -1 | occupiedCells == occupiedByPos = 1 | otherwise = 0 where occupiedCells = IntMap.size map occupiedByPos = IntMap.size (IntMap.filter (>0) map) putOrbMap :: Player -> IntMap Field -> Int -> Size -> (IntMap Field, Int) putOrbMap player map index size@(h, w) | hasWonMap map == player = (map, player) | abs (IntMap.findWithDefault 0 index map) + 1 >= length neighborCells = putOrbForEachMap player neighborCells (removePosMap map index) size | otherwise = (increasePosMap player map index, 0) where neighborCells = neighborsMap size index putOrbForEachMap :: Player -> [Int] -> IntMap Field -> Size -> (IntMap Field, Int) putOrbForEachMap _ [] map _ = (map, hasWonMap map) putOrbForEachMap player (m:ms) map size | winner == player = (changedMap, player) | otherwise = putOrbForEachMap player ms changedMap size where (changedMap, winner) = putOrbMap player map m size neighborsMap :: Size -> Int -> [Int] neighborsMap (h, w) index = (if mod index w /= 0 then [index - 1] else []) ++ (if mod (index + 1) w /= 0 then [index + 1] else []) ++ (if index >= w then [index - w] else []) ++ (if index + w < w * h then [index + w] else []) neighborsMapAmount :: Size -> Int -> Int neighborsMapAmount (h, w) index = (if mod index w /= 0 then 1 else 0) + (if mod (index + 1) w /= 0 then 1 else 0) + (if index >= w then 1 else 0) + (if index + w < w * h then 1 else 0) allMoves :: Player -> IntMap Field -> Size -> [Int] allMoves player map (h, w) = [index | index<-[0..(h * w - 1)], IntMap.notMember index map || map IntMap.! index * player > 0] allMovesFiltered :: Player -> IntMap Field -> Size -> [Int] allMovesFiltered player map size = removeChainMultiples (allMoves player map size) map size removeChainMultiples :: [Int] -> IntMap Field -> Size -> [Int] removeChainMultiples moves map size@(h, w) = filter (\index -> not (isCritical index map size) || ((mod (index + 1) w == 0 || IntMap.findWithDefault 0 (index + 1) map * (IntMap.findWithDefault 0 index map) <= 0 || not (isCritical (index + 1) map size)) && (index + w >= w * h || IntMap.findWithDefault 0 (index + w) map * (IntMap.findWithDefault 0 index map) <= 0 || not (isCritical (index + w) map size)))) moves emptyCornerMoves :: IntMap Field -> Size -> [Int] emptyCornerMoves map size@(h, w) = filter (\index -> IntMap.notMember index map) [0, w - 1, w * (h - 1), w * h - 1] isCorner :: Int -> Size -> Bool isCorner index (h, w) = index == 0 || index == w - 1 || index == w * (h - 1) || index == w * h - 1 isEdge :: Int -> Size -> Bool isEdge index (h, w) = index < w || mod index w == 0 || mod (index + 1) w == 0 || index >= w * (h - 1) isCritical :: Int -> IntMap Field -> Size -> Bool isCritical index map size = abs (IntMap.findWithDefault 0 index map) == neighborsMapAmount size index - 1 bestMove :: IntMap Field -> Size -> [Double] -> Pos bestMove map size@(h, w) (r:rs) | shouldNotUseMiniMax map = indexToCoordinate (getRandomElement (makeNonMiniMaxMove map size) r) w | otherwise = indexToCoordinate miniMaxMove w where miniMaxMove = fst (maximizeStart map size rs) shuffel :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [Double] -> [a] shuffel [] _ = [] shuffel list (r:rs) = removedValue : (shuffel [value | value<-list, value /= removedValue] rs) where removedIndex = (floor (r * fromIntegral (length list - 1))) removedValue = list !! removedIndex getRandomElement :: [a] -> Double -> a getRandomElement list random = list !! (floor (random * fromIntegral (length list - 1))) shouldNotUseMiniMax :: IntMap Field -> Bool shouldNotUseMiniMax map = IntMap.foldr (\a b -> abs a + b) 0 map < 4 makeNonMiniMaxMove :: IntMap Field -> Size -> [Int] makeNonMiniMaxMove map size@(h, w) | null moveNextToOpponent = emptyCornerMoves map size | otherwise = moveNextToOpponent where moveNextToOpponent = [index |index<-[0..(w * h - 1)], isEdge index size, not(isCorner index size),any (\neighbor -> not (isEdge neighbor size) && IntMap.findWithDefault 0 neighbor map < 0) (neighborsMap size index)] maxBranches :: Int maxBranches = 400000 maximizePlaceHolder :: (Int, Int) maximizePlaceHolder = (-1, -10000000) maximizeStartDebug :: IntMap Field -> Size -> ([Int], Int) maximizeStartDebug map size = maximizeEvaluation where moves = allMovesFiltered 1 map size maximizeEvaluation = if (not (null (fst maximizeEvaluationBigAlpha))) then maximizeEvaluationBigAlpha else maximizeEvaluationSmallBeta currentEvaluation = evaluateMap map size 1 maximizeEvaluationBigAlpha = maximizeStartDebugRec map (length moves) currentEvaluation 1000000 size moves ([], snd maximizePlaceHolder) maximizeEvaluationSmallBeta = maximizeStartDebugRec map (length moves) (-1000000) currentEvaluation size moves ([], snd maximizePlaceHolder) maximizeStartDebugRec :: IntMap Field -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Size -> [Int] -> ([Int], Int) -> ([Int], Int) maximizeStartDebugRec _ _ _ _ _ [] evaluation = evaluation maximizeStartDebugRec map currentBranches alpha beta size (m:ms) evaluation | winner /= 0 = ([m], winner * 1000000) | otherwise = maximizeStartDebugRec map currentBranches newAlpha beta size ms newEvaluation where (changedMap, winner) = putOrbMap 1 map m size minimizeEvaluation = minimize changedMap currentBranches alpha beta size newAlpha = max alpha (minimizeEvaluation - 1) newEvaluation = if (minimizeEvaluation > snd evaluation) then ([m], minimizeEvaluation) else (if (minimizeEvaluation == snd evaluation) then (m : (fst evaluation), snd evaluation) else evaluation) maximizeStart :: IntMap Field -> Size -> [Double] -> (Int, Int) maximizeStart map size random = maximizeEvaluation where moves = allMovesFiltered 1 map size miniMaxMoves = shuffel moves random maximizeEvaluation = maximizeStartRec map (length miniMaxMoves) (-1000000) 1000000 size miniMaxMoves maximizePlaceHolder maximizeStartRec :: IntMap Field -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Size -> [Int] -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) maximizeStartRec _ _ _ _ _ [] evaluation = evaluation maximizeStartRec map currentBranches alpha beta size (m:ms) evaluation | winner /= 0 = (m, winner * 1000000) | otherwise = maximizeStartRec map currentBranches newAlpha beta size ms newEvaluation where (changedMap, winner) = putOrbMap 1 map m size minimizeEvaluation = minimize changedMap currentBranches alpha beta size newAlpha = max alpha minimizeEvaluation newEvaluation = if (minimizeEvaluation > snd evaluation) then (m, minimizeEvaluation) else evaluation maximize :: IntMap Field -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Size -> Int maximize map currentBranches alpha beta size | newBranches > maxBranches = evaluateMap map size 1 | otherwise = maximizeRec map newBranches alpha beta size moves (snd maximizePlaceHolder) where moves = allMovesFiltered 1 map size newBranches = currentBranches * (length moves) maximizeRec :: IntMap Field -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Size -> [Int] -> Int -> Int maximizeRec _ _ _ _ _ [] evaluation = evaluation maximizeRec map currentBranches alpha beta size (m:ms) evaluation | winner /= 0 = winner * 1000000 | newAlpha >= beta = newEvaluation | otherwise = maximizeRec map currentBranches newAlpha beta size ms newEvaluation where (changedMap, winner) = putOrbMap 1 map m size minimizeEvaluation = minimize changedMap currentBranches alpha beta size newAlpha = max alpha minimizeEvaluation newEvaluation = max evaluation minimizeEvaluation minimizePlaceHolder :: Int minimizePlaceHolder = 10000000 minimize :: IntMap Field -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Size -> Int minimize map currentBranches alpha beta size | newBranches > maxBranches = evaluateMap map size (-1) | otherwise = minimizeRec map newBranches alpha beta size moves minimizePlaceHolder where moves = allMovesFiltered (-1) map size newBranches = currentBranches * (length moves) minimizeRec :: IntMap Field -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Size -> [Int] -> Int -> Int minimizeRec _ _ _ _ _ [] evaluation = evaluation minimizeRec map currentBranches alpha beta size (m:ms) evaluation | winner /= 0 = winner * 1000000 | newBeta <= alpha = newEvaluation | otherwise = minimizeRec map currentBranches alpha newBeta size ms newEvaluation where (changedMap, winner) = putOrbMap (-1) map m size maximizeEvaluation = maximize changedMap currentBranches alpha beta size newBeta = min beta maximizeEvaluation newEvaluation = min evaluation maximizeEvaluation cellScore :: Player -> Int cellScore 1 = 57 cellScore (-1) = 100 cellQuotientScore :: Player -> Int cellQuotientScore 1 = 34 cellQuotientScore (-1) = 55 orbScore :: Player -> Int orbScore 1 = 86 orbScore (-1) = 48 orbQuotientScore :: Player -> Int orbQuotientScore 1 = 75 orbQuotientScore (-1) = 67 orbCellScore :: Player -> Int orbCellScore 1 = 30 orbCellScore (-1) = 10 orbCellQuotientScore :: Player -> Int orbCellQuotientScore 1 = 34 orbCellQuotientScore (-1) = 50 awayFromCritScore :: Player -> Int awayFromCritScore 1 = 94 awayFromCritScore (-1) = 26 neighborOwn :: Player -> Int neighborOwn 1 = 54 neighborOwn (-1) = -10 neighborOpp :: Player -> Int neighborOpp 1 = 21 neighborOpp (-1) = 0 criticalNeighborOwn :: Player -> Int criticalNeighborOwn 1 = -58 criticalNeighborOwn (-1) = -7 criticalNeighborOpp :: Player -> Int criticalNeighborOpp 1 = 1 criticalNeighborOpp (-1) = -76 criticalNeighborSameCritical :: Player -> Int criticalNeighborSameCritical 1 = 24 criticalNeighborSameCritical (-1) = -83 criticalNeighborDifferentCritical :: Player -> Int criticalNeighborDifferentCritical 1 = 55 criticalNeighborDifferentCritical (-1) = -67 cornerBoost :: Player -> Int cornerBoost 1 = 99 cornerBoost (-1) = -12 edgeBoost :: Player -> Int edgeBoost 1 = 78 edgeBoost (-1) = 73 evaluateMap :: IntMap Field -> Size -> Player -> Int evaluateMap map size currentPlayer = cScore + cQScore + oScore + oQScore + ownOCScore + ownOCQScore - oppOCScore - oppOCQSCore + score where (ownC, ownO, oppC, oppO, score) = evaluateMapRec map size currentPlayer 0 cScore = (ownC - oppC) * (cellScore currentPlayer) cQScore = floor ((fromIntegral ownC) / (fromIntegral oppC) * (fromIntegral (cellQuotientScore currentPlayer))) oScore = (ownO - oppO) * (orbScore currentPlayer) oQScore = floor ((fromIntegral ownO) / (fromIntegral oppO) * (fromIntegral (orbQuotientScore currentPlayer))) ownOCScore = (ownO - ownC) * (orbCellScore currentPlayer) ownOCQScore = floor ((fromIntegral ownO) / (fromIntegral ownC) * (fromIntegral (orbCellQuotientScore currentPlayer))) oppOCScore = (oppO - oppC) * (orbCellScore currentPlayer) oppOCQSCore = floor ((fromIntegral oppO) / (fromIntegral oppC) * (fromIntegral (orbCellQuotientScore currentPlayer))) evaluateMapRec :: IntMap Field -> Size -> Player -> Int -> (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) evaluateMapRec gameMap size@(h, w) currentPlayer index | index >= h * w = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) | currentCell == 0 = evaluateMapRec gameMap size currentPlayer (index + 1) | otherwise = (ownCNew, ownONew, oppCNew, oppONew, score + corner + edge + critEvaluation + nOwn + nOpp + criticalNOwn + criticalNOpp + criticalNSameCritical + criticalNDifferentCritical) where (ownC, ownO, oppC, oppO, score) = evaluateMapRec gameMap size currentPlayer (index + 1) currentCell = IntMap.findWithDefault 0 index gameMap signOfCell = signum currentCell neighborCells = neighborsMap size index ownCNew = ownC + if currentCell > 0 then 1 else 0 ownONew = ownO + if currentCell > 0 then currentCell else 0 oppCNew = oppC + if currentCell < 0 then 1 else 0 oppONew = oppO + if currentCell < 0 then (-currentCell) else 0 corner = if isCorner index size then (cornerBoost currentPlayer) * signOfCell else 0 edge = if isEdge index size && not (isCorner index size) then (edgeBoost currentPlayer) * signOfCell else 0 critEvaluation = (3 - (length neighborCells) + (abs currentCell)) * (awayFromCritScore currentPlayer) * signOfCell isCrit = isCritical index gameMap size ownNeighbors = filter (\indexN -> IntMap.findWithDefault 0 indexN gameMap * signOfCell > 0) neighborCells oppNeighbors = filter (\indexN -> IntMap.findWithDefault 0 indexN gameMap * signOfCell < 0) neighborCells nOwn = length ownNeighbors * (neighborOwn currentPlayer) * signOfCell nOpp = length oppNeighbors * (neighborOpp currentPlayer) * signOfCell criticalNOwn = if isCrit then length ownNeighbors * (criticalNeighborOwn currentPlayer) * signOfCell else 0 criticalNOpp = if isCrit then length oppNeighbors * (criticalNeighborOpp currentPlayer) * signOfCell else 0 criticalNSameCritical = if isCrit then length (filter (\indexN -> isCritical indexN gameMap size) ownNeighbors) * (criticalNeighborSameCritical currentPlayer) * signOfCell else 0 criticalNDifferentCritical = if isCrit then length (filter (\indexN -> isCritical indexN gameMap size) oppNeighbors) * (criticalNeighborDifferentCritical currentPlayer) else 0 --debug :: (Show a) => String -> a -> a --debug string a = trace (string ++ (show a)) a -- adds state to a strategy that doesn't use it wrapStrategy :: Strategy -> StatefulStrategy Int wrapStrategy strat = (0, \s r p b -> (strat r p b, succ s)) -- the actual strategy submissions -- if you want to use state modify this instead of strategy -- additionally you may change the Int in this type declaration to any type that is usefully for your strategy strategyState :: StatefulStrategy Int strategyState = wrapStrategy strategy {-TTEW-} play :: [Int] -> Size -> StatefulStrategy a -> StatefulStrategy b -> [(Board, Pos)] play rss (r, c) (isa, sa) (isb, sb) = go rss isa sa isb sb 1 0 (replicate r (replicate c 0)) where go :: [Int] -> a -> StatefulStrategyFunc a -> b -> StatefulStrategyFunc b -> Player -> Int -> Board -> [(Board, Pos)] go (rs:rss) stc sc stn sn p n b | won = [] | valid = (b, m) : go rss stn sn st' sc (-p) (succ n) (putOrb p m b) | otherwise = [] where won = n > 1 && hasWon (-p) b (m, st') = sc stc (mkRandoms rs) p b valid = isValidPos (size b) m && canPlaceOrb p m b playAndPrint :: Size -> StatefulStrategy a -> StatefulStrategy b -> IO () playAndPrint size sa sb = do seed <- randomIO -- let seed = 42 let moves = play (mkRandoms seed) size sa sb putStr $ unlines (zipWith showState moves $ cycle ['+', '-']) ++ "\n" ++ (case length moves `mod` 2 of { 1 -> "Winner: +"; 0 -> "Winner: -" }) ++ "\n" ++ "View at" ++ base64 (1 : t size ++ concatMap (t . snd) moves) ++ "\n" where showState (b, pos) p = showBoard b ++ p : " places at " ++ show pos ++ "\n" t (a, b) = [a, b] mkRandoms :: Random a => Int -> [a] mkRandoms = randoms . mkStdGen base64 :: [Int] -> String base64 xs = case xs of [] -> "" [a] -> f1 a : f2 a 0 : "==" [a, b] -> f1 a : f2 a b : f3 b 0 : "=" a : b : c : d -> f1 a : f2 a b : f3 b c : f4 c : base64 d where alphabet = (!!) "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" f1 a = alphabet $ shiftR a 2 f2 a b = alphabet $ shiftL (a .&. 3 ) 4 .|. shiftR b 4 f3 b c = alphabet $ shiftL (b .&. 15) 2 .|. shiftR c 6 f4 c = alphabet $ c .&. 63