module Exercise08 where import Data.Bits ( Bits((.&.), shiftL, shiftR, (.|.)) ) import Data.List import Data.Sequence (fromList, adjust', index, update, Seq) import Data.Foldable import System.Random (mkStdGen, randoms, randomIO, Random) import Data.Ord import Data.Maybe --import Debug.Trace -- Player is either 1 or -1 type Player = Int -- A field is just an Int value where the absolute gives the number of pieces on the field -- and the sign corresponds to the player -- e.g. -3 would mean there are three blobs in this field of player -1 type Field = Int type Row = [Field] type Column = [Field] -- boards are rectangles represented as a list of rows type Board = [Row] -- A position on the board is represented as (row, column) -- (0,0) is the top left corner, coordinate values increase towards the bottom right type Pos = (Int, Int) -- A size represented as (height,width) type Size = (Int, Int) -- A strategy takes the player who's move it is, optionally takes a list of double values -- to allow for probabilistic strategies, takes the current board and gives back the position -- of the move the player should do type Strategy = [Double] -> Player -> Board -> Pos -- A stateful strategy can additionally pass some object between invocations type StatefulStrategyFunc a = a -> [Double] -> Player -> Board -> (Pos, a) -- first value is the state object to pass to the first invocation of each game type StatefulStrategy a = (a, StatefulStrategyFunc a) defaultSize :: (Int, Int) defaultSize = (9,6) --Some useful helper functions row :: Board -> Int -> Row row = (!!) column :: Board -> Int -> Column column = row . transpose width :: Board -> Int width (x : _) = length x width _ = 0 height :: Board -> Int height = length size :: Board -> Size size b = (height b, width b) getCell :: Pos -> Board -> Field getCell (y, x) b = b !! y !! x -- pretty print a single cell showCell :: Field -> String showCell c = "- +" !! succ (signum c) : show (abs c) -- pretty print the given board showBoard :: Board -> String showBoard = unlines . map (unwords . map showCell) -- print a board to the console printBoard :: Board -> IO () printBoard = putStr . showBoard -- check if a position is one a board of the given size isValidPos :: Size -> Pos -> Bool isValidPos (r, c) (y, x) = y >= 0 && y < r && x >= 0 && x < c {- x.1 -} -- Check if the given player can put an orb on the given position canPlaceOrb :: Player -> Pos -> Board -> Bool canPlaceOrb p (y, x) b | p < 0 = b !! y !! x <= 0 | otherwise = b !! y !! x >= 0 -- Check if the given player has won the game, -- you can assume that the opponent has made at least one move before hasWon :: Player -> Board -> Bool hasWon p b | p < 0 = not $ any (> 0) c | otherwise = not $ any (< 0) c where c = concat b -- the list of neighbors of a cell neighbors :: Size -> Pos -> [Pos] neighbors (r, c) (y, x) = filter (\ t -> fst t >= 0 && fst t < r && snd t >= 0 && snd t < c) [up, down, right, left] where up = (y-1, x) down = (y+1,x) right = (y,x+1) left = (y,x-1) -- update a single position on the board -- f: function that modifies the number of orbs in the cell -- p: player to whom the updated cell should belong updatePos :: (Int -> Int) -> Player -> Pos -> Board -> Board updatePos f p (y, x) b = toList (fmap toList updated) where seqboard = fromList $map fromList b updated = adjust' (adjust' ((*p) . f . abs) x) y seqboard updateRow :: (Int->Int) -> Player -> Pos -> Row -> Int -> Row updateRow _ _ _ [] _ = [] updateRow f p pos@(y,x) (c:rest) currentX | currentX /= x = c : updateRow f p pos rest (currentX+1) | otherwise = ((*p) . f . abs) c : rest {- x.2 -} updatePos3 :: (Int -> Int) -> Player -> Pos -> Seq ( Seq Int) -> Seq ( Seq Int) updatePos3 f p (y, x) b = updated where updated = adjust' (adjust' ((*p) . f . abs) x) y b seqToB :: Seq (Seq Int) -> Board seqToB sb = toList $ fmap toList sb -- place an orb for the given player in the given cell putOrb :: Player -> Pos -> Board -> Board putOrb p (y, x) b | abs (index (index updated y) x) >= ofOrbs = if hasWon p updatedB then updatedB else seqToB $fst $mapAccumL (\b n-> (putOrbSeq p n b, n)) zeroB nb | otherwise = updatedB where seqBoard = fromList $map fromList b zeroB = updatePos3 (*0) p (y,x) updated updated = updatePos3 (+1) p (y,x) seqBoard updatedB = seqToB updated nb = neighbors (size b) (y,x) ofOrbs = length nb putOrbSeq :: Player -> Pos -> Seq (Seq Field) -> Seq (Seq Field) putOrbSeq p (y,x) sBoard | abs (index (index updated y) x) >= ofOrbs = if hasWon p (seqToB updated) then updated else fst $mapAccumL (\b n-> (putOrbSeq p n b, n)) zeroB nb | otherwise = updated where zeroB = updatePos3 (*0) p (y,x) updated updated = updatePos3 (+1) p (y,x) sBoard nb = neighbors (length sBoard, length $ index sBoard 1) (y,x) ofOrbs = length nb {- x.3 -} --returns the winning player for a concatenated board, 0 if no winner yet whoWon :: [Int] -> Int whoWon xs = go xs [] [] where go [] plus minus | null plus = if length minus > 1 then -1 else 0 | null minus = if length plus > 1 then 1 else 0 | otherwise = 0 go (x:xs) plus minus | x == 0 = go xs plus minus | x < 0 = if not (null plus) then go xs plus (1:minus) else 0 | x > 0 = if not (null minus) then go xs (1:plus) minus else 0 --negative Infinity constant for minimax negInf :: Int negInf = minBound :: Int --positive infinity constant for minimax posInf :: Int posInf = maxBound :: Int --returns true if the player (arg 1) has an orb in the given field (arg 2), false otherwise belongs :: Int -> Int -> Bool belongs (-1) field = field < 0 belongs 1 field = field > 0 belongs _ _ = False --easy, hardcoded way to order the moves so potentially better moves (e.g. corners) are evaluated first -> makes AB pruning faster allMovesOrdered :: [Pos] allMovesOrdered = [(0,0),(0,5),(8,5),(8,0), -- corners (0,1),(0,2),(0,3),(0,4), -- first row (1,0),(2,0),(3,0),(4,0),(5,0),(6,0),(7,0), -- first column (1,5),(2,5),(3,5),(4,5),(5,5),(6,5),(7,5), -- last column (8,1),(8,2),(8,3),(8,4), -- bottom row (1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4), -- second row (7,1),(7,2),(7,3),(7,4), -- second to last row (2,1),(3,1),(4,1),(5,1),(6,1), -- second column (2,4),(3,4),(4,4),(5,4),(6,4), --second to last column (6,2),(6,3), (2,2),(2,3), (5,2),(5,3), (3,2),(3,3), (4,2),(4,3)] {- (6,2),(6,3), (2,2),(2,3), (5,2),(5,3), (3,2),(3,3), (4,2),(4,3)]-} {-WETT-} {- -------------------------------------SCORE EVALUATION FUNCTIONS--------------------------------------------- -} --evaluation function for a given board and a given player. returns an Int (higher => better board) bewertung :: Player -> Board -> Int bewertung p b | ww /= 0 && signum ww == p = 100000 | ww /= 0 && signum ww /= p = -100000 | otherwise = --trace ("bewertung "++ show (sum (map (evaluateCell b p) allPos) + rowScores + columnScores) ++", p: " ++ show p ++ ", b: " ++ show b) $ --trace ("player "++ show p ++ ": eC: " ++ show (sum (map (evaluateCell b p) allPos)) ++ ", rS: " ++ show rowScores ++ ", cS: " ++ show columnScores) $ sum (map (evaluateCell b p) allPos) + --evaluate all cells rowScores + --add score for groups of close to Explosion cells (=> more chain reactions possible) columnScores where c = concat b allPos = [(y,x) | y <- [0..height b-1], x <- [0..width b-1]] ww = whoWon (concat b) transposed = transpose b uc = fromJust $uncons b ucT = fromJust $uncons transposed rowScores = rowScore (fst uc) [] 0 p 2 + rowScore (last $snd uc) [] 0 p 2 + sum (map (\r -> rowScore r [] 0 p 3) (init $snd uc)) columnScores = columnScore (fst ucT) [] 0 p 2 + columnScore (last $snd ucT) [] 0 p 2 + sum (map (\r -> columnScore r [] 0 p 3) (init $snd ucT)) evaluateCell :: Board -> Player -> Pos -> Int evaluateCell b p (y,x) | val == 0 = 0 | signum valOrig /= p = -val | otherwise = --trace ("val: " ++ show val ++ ", nbVals: " ++ show nbVals ++ ", posHeur: " ++ show positionHeuristicVal ++ ", isCrit: " ++ show isCritical) $ val + val * ( --add CurrentOrbs sum nbVals + --subtract for closeToExplosion enemy neighbors if any (/=0) nbVals then 0 else positionHeuristicVal + isCritical) -- add for edge/corner/close to explosion where valOrig = b !! y !! x val = abs $valOrig nb = neighbors (9,6) (y,x) nbVals = map (evHelper b p) nb currentFilledVal = filledVal b (y,x) positionHeuristicVal | currentFilledVal == 3 = 1 --kante | currentFilledVal == 2 = 4 --ecke | otherwise = 0 isCritical | val == currentFilledVal - 1 = 2 | otherwise = 0 --next two methods add score for multiple close to Explosion cells after each other rowScore :: [Field] -> [Int] -> Int -> Player -> Int -> Int rowScore [] stack current p criticalVal = if length stack == 1 then 0 else 2 * length stack rowScore (f:row) stack current p criticalVal | null row = if belongs p f && abs f == criticalVal - 1 then 2 * (current + lengthG1 (f:stack)) else 2 * (current + lengthG1 stack) --last element | length row == 5 = if belongs p f && abs f == criticalVal -1 then rowScore row (f:stack) current p criticalVal else rowScore row stack current p criticalVal --first element | belongs p f && abs f == criticalVal = rowScore row (f:stack) current p criticalVal --more critical in current Block | otherwise = rowScore row [] (current + lengthG1 stack) p criticalVal -- no more critical in current block columnScore :: [Field] -> [Int] -> Int -> Player -> Int -> Int columnScore [] stack current p criticalVal = if length stack == 1 then 0 else 2 * length stack columnScore (f:c) stack current p criticalVal | null c = if belongs p f && abs f == criticalVal - 1 then 2 * (current + lengthG1 (f:stack)) else 2 * (current + lengthG1 stack) --last element | length c == 8 = if belongs p f && abs f == criticalVal -1 then columnScore c (f:stack) current p criticalVal else columnScore c stack current p criticalVal --first element | belongs p f && abs f == criticalVal = columnScore c (f:stack) current p criticalVal --more critical in current Block | otherwise = columnScore c [] (current + lengthG1 stack) p criticalVal -- no more critical in current block --returns the length of the given list if it is > 1, 0 otherwise lengthG1 :: [Int] -> Int lengthG1 stack = if l <= 1 then 0 else l where l = length stack evHelper :: Board -> Player -> Pos -> Int evHelper b p (y,x) | belongs p val = 0 | abs val /= fV -1 = 0 | otherwise = -(5-fV) where val = b !! y !! x fV = filledVal b (y,x) filledVal :: Board -> Pos -> Int filledVal _ (0,0) = 2 filledVal _ (0,5) = 2 filledVal _ (8,0) = 2 filledVal _ (8,5) = 2 filledVal _ (0,_) = 3 filledVal _ (8,_) = 3 filledVal _ (_,0) = 3 filledVal _ (_,5) = 3 filledVal _ _ = 4 {- -----------------------------------------------------MINIMAX IMPLEMENTATION------------------------------------------------------ -} minimaxAB :: Board -> Player -> Bool -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int minimaxAB b p max depth al be | depth == 0 = --trace (" bewertung: " ++ show (if max then bewertung p b else bewertung (-1*p) b)) $ if max then bewertung p b else bewertung (-1*p) b | ww /= 0 && signum ww == p = if max then 100000 else -100000 | ww /= 0 && signum ww /= p = if max then -100000 else 100000 | max = --trace (map (const ' ') [0..3-depth] ++ "getVal " ++ show (getVal posMoves negInf b p max depth al be) ++ " b: " ++show b ++", p: " ++ show p ++ ", max: " ++ show max) $ getVal posMoves negInf b p max depth al be | otherwise = --trace (map (const ' ') [0..3-depth] ++ "getVal " ++ show (getVal posMoves posInf b p max depth al be) ++ " b: " ++show b ++", p: " ++ show p ++ ", max: " ++ show max) $ getVal posMoves posInf b p max depth al be where ww = whoWon (concat b) posMoves = possibleMoves b p {-simulates this loop (for maxi, with min and alpha cutoff for not maxi): for each next possible Move: value = max(value, minimaxAB(child, depth − 1, alpha, beta, False)) alpha = max(alpha, value) if alpha >= beta then break --beta cutoff -} getVal :: [Pos] -> Int -> Board -> Player -> Bool -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int getVal [] value _ _ _ _ _ _ = value getVal _ value _ _ _ 0 _ _ = value getVal (m:moves) value b p maxi depth alpha beta | maxi = if newAlpha >= beta then newValMax else getVal moves newValMax b p maxi depth newAlpha beta | otherwise = if newBeta <= alpha then newValMin else getVal moves newValMin b p maxi depth alpha newBeta where nextStep = minimaxAB (putOrb p m b) (-1*p) (not maxi) (depth-1) alpha beta newValMax = max value nextStep newValMin = min value nextStep newAlpha = max alpha newValMax newBeta = min beta newValMin --filters illegal moves from the lsit of ordered moves possibleMoves :: Board -> Player -> [Pos] possibleMoves b p = filter (\pos -> canPlaceOrb p pos b) allMovesOrdered --first run of the getVal loop. assumes max is true (which is the case as this is only the first loop) --this is almost the same as getVal, but is needed because the rest of the minimax implementation only returns scores, not the move that led to it, but I need the move. minimaxABStrat :: [Pos] -> Pos -> Int -> Board -> Player -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Pos minimaxABStrat [] currentPos _ _ _ _ _ _ = currentPos minimaxABStrat (m:moves) currentPos val b p depth alpha beta = --trace ("nextStep for move " ++ show m ++" has nextStep " ++ show nextStep ++" newValMax: " ++ show newValMax) $ if newAlpha >= beta then currentBestPos else minimaxABStrat moves currentBestPos newValMax b p depth newAlpha beta where nextStep = minimaxAB (putOrb p m b) (-1*p) False (depth-1) alpha beta newValMax = max val nextStep newAlpha = max alpha newValMax currentBestPos = if val < nextStep then m else currentPos -- Your strategy strategy :: Strategy strategy d p b = minimaxABStrat posM (0,0) negInf b p depth negInf posInf where posM = possibleMoves b p depth = 3 --if length posM <= 25 then 5 else 3 -- adds state to a strategy that doesn't use it wrapStrategy :: Strategy -> StatefulStrategy Int wrapStrategy strat = (0, \s r p b -> (strat r p b, succ s)) -- the actual strategy submissions -- if you want to use state modify this instead of strategy -- additionally you may change the Int in this type declaration to any type that is usefully for your strategy strategyState :: StatefulStrategy Int strategyState = wrapStrategy strategy {-TTEW-} -- Simulate a game between two strategies on a board of the given size and -- returns the state of the board before each move together with the player that won the game play :: [Int] -> Size -> StatefulStrategy a -> StatefulStrategy b -> [(Board, Pos)] play rss (r, c) (isa, sa) (isb, sb) = go rss isa sa isb sb 1 0 (replicate r (replicate c 0)) where -- type signature is necessary, inferred type is wrong! go :: [Int] -> a -> StatefulStrategyFunc a -> b -> StatefulStrategyFunc b -> Player -> Int -> Board -> [(Board, Pos)] go (rs:rss) stc sc stn sn p n b | won = [] | valid = (b, m) : go rss stn sn st' sc (-p) (succ n) (putOrb p m b) | otherwise = [] where won = n > 1 && hasWon (-p) b (m, st') = sc stc (mkRandoms rs) p b valid = isValidPos (size b) m && canPlaceOrb p m b -- Play a game and print it to the console playAndPrint :: Size -> StatefulStrategy a -> StatefulStrategy b -> IO () playAndPrint size sa sb = do seed <- randomIO -- let seed = 42 let moves = play (mkRandoms seed) size sa sb putStr $ unlines (zipWith showState moves $ cycle ['+', '-']) ++ "\n" ++ (case length moves `mod` 2 of { 1 -> "Winner: +"; 0 -> "Winner: -" }) ++ "\n" ++ "View at" ++ base64 (1 : t size ++ concatMap (t . snd) moves) ++ "\n" where showState (b, pos) p = showBoard b ++ p : " places at " ++ show pos ++ "\n" t (a, b) = [a, b] mkRandoms :: Random a => Int -> [a] mkRandoms = randoms . mkStdGen base64 :: [Int] -> String base64 xs = case xs of [] -> "" [a] -> f1 a : f2 a 0 : "==" [a, b] -> f1 a : f2 a b : f3 b 0 : "=" a : b : c : d -> f1 a : f2 a b : f3 b c : f4 c : base64 d where alphabet = (!!) "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" f1 a = alphabet $ shiftR a 2 f2 a b = alphabet $ shiftL (a .&. 3 ) 4 .|. shiftR b 4 f3 b c = alphabet $ shiftL (b .&. 15) 2 .|. shiftR c 6 f4 c = alphabet $ c .&. 63 --not used at the moment, still kept here if i choose to use it again cornerMove :: [Double] -> Player -> Board -> Maybe Pos cornerMove d p b = if null good then Nothing else Just (snd $last good) where corners = [(0,0), (0,5), (8,0), (8,5)] cornerVals = map (\(y,x) -> (b !! y !! x, (y,x))) corners possible = filter (\v -> fst v == 0 || belongs p (fst v)) cornerVals good = filter (\v -> abs (fst v) == 1 && belongs p (fst v)) cornerVals updatePos' :: (Int->Int) -> Player -> Pos -> Board -> Int -> Board updatePos' _ _ _ [] _ = [] updatePos' f p pos@(y,x) (r:rest) currentY | currentY /= y = r : updatePos' f p pos rest (currentY+1) | otherwise = updateRow f p pos r 0 : rest --filledVal working for Board sizes other than (9,6) {-filledVal :: Board -> Pos -> Int filledVal b (y,x) | (y == 0 && x == 0) || (y == 0 && x == w-1) || (y == h-1 && x==0) || (y == h-1 && x == w-1) = 2 --corner | y==0 || x == 0 || y == h-1 ||x == w-1 = 3 --edge | otherwise = 4 where (h,w) = size b-}