module Exercise09 where import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import qualified Data.HashSet as S import Data.List (delete, minimumBy, nub, sort, sortOn, (\\)) import Data.Maybe import Data.Ord (Down (Down)) --import Debug.Trace import Types -- things from the tutorial instance Show Polarity where show Pos = "" show Neg = "~" instance Show ELiteral where show (Literal p a) = show p ++ a lName :: Literal -> Name lName (Literal _ n) = n lPos :: Name -> Literal lPos = Literal Pos lNeg :: Name -> Literal lNeg = Literal Neg lIsPos :: Literal -> Bool lIsPos (Literal p _) = p == Pos lIsNeg :: Literal -> Bool lIsNeg = not . lIsPos lNegate :: Literal -> Literal lNegate (Literal Pos n) = Literal Neg n lNegate (Literal Neg n) = Literal Pos n complements :: Literal -> Literal -> Bool complements (Literal p n) (Literal p' n') = p /= p' && n == n' evalLiteral :: Valuation -> Literal -> Bool evalLiteral val l@(Literal _ n) | lIsPos l = n `elem` val | otherwise = n `notElem` val evalClause :: Valuation -> Clause -> Bool evalClause = any . evalLiteral eval :: Valuation -> ConjForm -> Bool eval = all . evalClause clauseIsTauto :: Clause -> Bool clauseIsTauto c = not (null c) && any (\l -> lNegate l `elem` c) c -- homework starts here -- feel free to change behaviour and type resolveP :: Name -> Clause -> Clause -> Clause resolveP na cp cn = nub (filter (\(Literal p n) -> p /= Pos || n /= na) cp ++ filter (\(Literal p n) -> p /= Neg || n /= na) cn) resolveN :: Name -> Clause -> Clause -> Clause resolveN na cp cn = nub (filter (\(Literal p n) -> p /= Neg || n /= na) cp ++ filter (\(Literal p n) -> p /= Pos || n /= na) cn) --first HClause has positive, second negative hresolve :: Name -> HClause -> HClause -> HClause hresolve n (cpp, cpn) (cnp, cnn) = (S.union (S.delete n cpp) cnp, S.union cpn (S.delete n cnn)) -- feel free to change behaviour and type resolvants :: KeyClause -> KeyClause -> [(Resolve, Clause)] resolvants (k1, kc1) (k2, kc2) = [(Resolve name k1 k2, resolveP name kc1 kc2) | (Literal _ name) <- filter (\(Literal po na) -> po == Pos && (Literal Neg na `elem` kc2)) kc1] ++ [(Resolve name k2 k1, resolveN name kc1 kc2) | (Literal _ name) <- filter (\(Literal po na) -> po == Pos && (Literal Neg na `elem` kc1)) kc2] hresolvants :: ([Resolve], HConjForm, KeyMap, Key) -> HConjForm -> HClause -> HClause -> ([Resolve], HConjForm, KeyMap, Key) hresolvants (rs, up, km, key) pc c1 c2 = h (h (rs, up, km, key) c1 c2 k1 k2) c2 c1 k2 k1 where k1 = fromJust $ M.lookup c1 km k2 = fromJust $ M.lookup c2 km h (srs, sup, skm, skey) sc1@(sc1p, _) sc2@(_, sc2n) sk1 sk2 = S.foldl' ( \a@(frs, fup, fkm, fkey) na -> if S.member na sc2n then let nc@(ncp, ncn) = hresolve na sc1 sc2 in if M.member nc fkm -- || any (\(pcp, pcn) -> all (`S.member` pcp) ncp && all (`S.member` pcn) ncn) pc then a else (Resolve na sk1 sk2 : frs, S.insert nc fup, M.insert nc fkey fkm, fkey + 1) else a ) (srs, sup, skm, skey) sc1p -- proof checking -- don't change the type nor expected behaviour proofCheck :: ConjForm -> Proof -> Bool proofCheck jf (Model ts) = all (rc ts) jf where -- rc tns [] | trace ("proof FALSE: " ++ show tns) False = undefined rc _ [] = False rc tns ((Literal Pos na) : cs) = (na `elem` tns) || rc tns cs rc tns ((Literal Neg na) : cs) = (na `notElem` tns) || rc tns cs proofCheck jf (Refutation ref) = res jf ref where -- res cnf [] | trace ("\n PROOF FAILED !!!!!:" ++ show cnf) False = undefined res _ [] = False -- res cnf ((Resolve na k1 k2) : rs) | (k1 >= length cnf || k2 >= length cnf) && trace ("proof out of bound: k1:" ++ show k1 ++ " k2:" ++ show k2 ++ " cnf:" ++ show cnf) False = undefined res cnf ((Resolve na k1 k2) : rs) = let nc = resolveP na (cnf !! k1) (cnf !! k2) in null nc || res (cnf ++ [nc]) rs -- feel free to change behaviour and type selClause :: SelClauseStrategy selClause [] = Nothing selClause cf = Just (minimumBy (\(_, c1) (_, c2) -> compare (length c1) (length c2)) cf) selClauseH :: HConjForm -> Maybe HClause selClauseH ch = if S.null ch then Nothing else Just (minimumBy (\(c1p, c1n) (c2p, c2n) -> compare (length c1p + length c1n) (length c2p + length c2n)) ch) -- feel free to change behaviour and type resolutionParam :: SelClauseStrategy -> ConjForm -> (Proof, KeyConjForm) resolutionParam _ cj = undefined resu :: KeyConjForm -> KeyConjForm -> [EResolve] -> Maybe KeyClause -> Int -> (Proof, KeyConjForm) resu _ p _ Nothing _ = (Model (extractModel [c | (_, c) <- p]), p) resu u p rs (Just (_, [])) _ = (Refutation rs, u ++ p) resu u p rs (Just c) k = resu nu (c : p) (rs ++ nars) (selClause nu) (l + k) where npu = delete c u (nars, nuu) = unzip (concat [resolvants c pc | pc <- p]) nfu = filter (\fc -> not (any (\(_, cl) -> cl == fc) p)) nuu l = length nfu nu = npu ++ [(i + k, nuu !! i) | i <- [0 .. l -1]] --t = [] --t = if trace ("resu c:"++show c++" nuu:"++show nuu++" p:"++show p) True then [] else undefined --t = if trace ("resu last: u:" ++ show u ++ " p:" ++ show p ++ " rs:" ++ show rs ++ " c:" ++ show c ++ " k;" ++ show k ++ " npu:" ++ show npu ++ " nars:" ++ show nars ++ " nuu:" ++ show nuu ++ " l:" ++ show l ++ " nu:" ++ show nu) True then [] else [] hresu :: [Resolve] -> HConjForm -> KeyMap -> Key -> Maybe HClause -> HConjForm -> Proof --hresu rs uc km key mc pc | trace ("hresu: rs:" ++ show rs ++ " uc:" ++ show uc ++ " km:" ++ show km ++ " key:" ++ show key ++ " mc:" ++ show mc ++ " pc:" ++ show pc) False = undefined --hresu rs uc km key (Just cc) pc | trace ("hresu: " ++ " cc:" ++ show cc ++ " rs:" ++ show [0] ++ " key:" ++ show key ++ " rnrs:" ++ show (nrs \\ rs) ++ " rnuc:" ++ show (S.difference nuc uc) ++ " rnkm:" ++ show (M.difference nkm km) ++ " rnkey:" ++ show nkey) False = undefined -- where -- (nrs, nuc, nkm, nkey) = S.foldl' (`hresolvants` cc) (rs, uc, km, key) pc hresu _ _ _ _ Nothing pc = Model (extractModel (toEConjFormH pc)) hresu rs uc km key (Just cc@(ccp, ccn)) pc = if S.null ccp && S.null ccn then Refutation (reverse rs) else hresu nrs nnuc nkm nkey (selClauseH nnuc) (S.insert cc pc) where nnuc = S.delete cc nuc (nrs, nuc, nkm, nkey) = S.foldl' (\upa ncl -> hresolvants upa pc cc ncl) (rs, uc, km, key) pc fillKeyMap :: ConjForm -> KeyMap -> Int -> (KeyMap, Int) fillKeyMap [] km key = (km, key) fillKeyMap (c : cs) km key = if M.member hc km then fillKeyMap cs km (key + 1) else fillKeyMap cs nkm (key + 1) where hc = toClauseH c nkm = M.insert hc key km {-WETT-} -- don't change the type; instantiate your best resolution prover here -- Please leave some comments for the MC Jr to understand your ideas and code :') -- The Code is trivially self explaining -- Proof by contradiction: -- Assume code is not trivially self explanatory -- This is a contradiction, because the compiler is able to understand the code -- □ QED resolution :: ConjForm -> (Proof, KeyConjForm) resolution cj = (hresu [] hc km key (selClauseH hc) S.empty, []) where (km, key) = fillKeyMap cj M.empty 0 hc = toConjFormH cj resolutionFA :: String -> (Proof, Bool) resolutionFA str = let (pr, _) = resolution inp in (pr, proofCheck inp pr) where inp = makeInputAux str exh :: HClause exh = (S.fromList [], S.fromList ["1"]) {-TTEW-} -- extract a model as described on instance Ord Polarity where Neg <= Pos = False _ <= _ = True instance Ord ELiteral where (Literal p a) <= (Literal p' a') = a < a' || a == a' && p <= p' extractModel :: ConjForm -> Valuation --extractModel m | trace ("extractModel: " ++ show m) False = undefined extractModel m = (run [] . sort . map (sortOn Down)) m where run val [] = val run val (c : cs) | evalClause val c = run val cs | otherwise = run (lName (head c) : val) cs -- Georg Kreuzmayr -- Help Method to generate ConjForm makeInputAux :: [Char] -> ConjForm makeInputAux [] = [] makeInputAux ('[' : xs) = makeInputAux xs makeInputAux (']' : xs) = makeInputAux xs makeInputAux (',' : xs) = makeInputAux xs makeInputAux xs = let clause_string = takeWhile (/= ']') xs a = clauseFromString clause_string in a : makeInputAux (xs \\ clause_string) clauseFromString :: [Char] -> Clause clauseFromString [] = [] clauseFromString (',' : xs) = clauseFromString xs clauseFromString ('~' : xs) = let name = takeWhile (/= ',') xs in Literal Neg name : clauseFromString (xs \\ name) clauseFromString xs = let name = takeWhile (/= ',') xs in Literal Pos name : clauseFromString (xs \\ name)