module Types where import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import qualified Data.IntMap.Lazy as IM import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LC import Data.Function (on) import Control.Arrow (Arrow(second)) -- type definitions type EName = String type Name = Int -- change as you like data Polarity = Pos | Neg deriving Eq data ELiteral = Literal Polarity EName deriving Eq type Literal = Name -- change as you like type EClause = [ELiteral] type Clause = IS.IntSet -- change as you like type EConjForm = [EClause] type ConjForm = IM.IntMap Clause -- change as you like type Key = Int type EKeyClause = (Key, EClause) type KeyClause = (Key, Clause) -- change as you like type Data = (Name, Name) -- the smallest value and the largest literal type DataClause = (Data, Clause) type KeyDataClause = (Key, DataClause) type EKeyConjForm = [EKeyClause] type KeyConjForm = IM.IntMap Clause -- change as you like type KeyDataConjForm = IM.IntMap DataClause -- change as you like data EResolve = Resolve EName Key Key deriving (Eq, Show) data Resolve = Resolve' Name Key Key -- change as you like deriving (Eq, Show) type EValuation = [EName] type Valuation = IS.IntSet -- change as you like data EProof = Refutation [EResolve] | Model EValuation deriving (Eq, Show) data Proof = Refutation' [Resolve] | Model' Valuation -- change as you like deriving (Eq, Show) -- queue where key = size of clauses type Queue = IM.IntMap KeyDataConjForm type SelClauseStrategy = Queue -> Maybe (KeyDataClause, Queue) -- change as you like -- selection strategies for negative clauses type SelLiteralsStrategy = DataClause -> Clause -- adapt the following if you changed the internal data types above toEName :: Name -> EName toEName = show toName :: EName -> Name toName = fst . fromJust . LC.readInt . LC.pack -- readInt is way faster than toELiteral :: Literal -> ELiteral toELiteral n | n < 0 = Literal Neg $ toEName (abs n) | otherwise = Literal Pos $ toEName n toLiteral :: ELiteral -> Literal toLiteral (Literal Pos n) = toName n toLiteral (Literal Neg n) = -(toName n) toEClause :: Clause -> EClause toEClause = map toELiteral . IS.elems toClause :: EClause -> Clause toClause = IS.fromList . map toLiteral toEConjForm :: ConjForm -> EConjForm toEConjForm = map (toEClause . snd) . IM.toList toConjForm :: EConjForm -> ConjForm toConjForm = IM.fromAscList . zipWith (curry $ second toClause) [0..] toEKeyClause :: KeyClause -> EKeyClause toEKeyClause = second toEClause toKeyClause :: EKeyClause -> KeyClause toKeyClause = second toClause toEKeyConjForm :: KeyConjForm -> EKeyConjForm toEKeyConjForm = map toEKeyClause . IM.toList toKeyConjForm :: EKeyConjForm -> KeyConjForm toKeyConjForm = IM.fromList . map toKeyClause toEResolve :: Resolve -> EResolve toEResolve (Resolve' n k1 k2) = Resolve (toEName n) k1 k2 toResolve :: EResolve -> Resolve toResolve (Resolve n k1 k2)= Resolve' (toName n) k1 k2 toEValuation :: Valuation -> EValuation toEValuation = map toEName . IS.toList toValuation :: EValuation -> Valuation toValuation = IS.fromList . map toName toEProof :: Proof -> EProof toEProof (Refutation' rs) = Refutation $ map toEResolve rs toEProof (Model' val) = Model $ toEValuation val toProof :: EProof -> Proof toProof (Refutation rs) = Refutation' $ map toResolve rs toProof (Model val) = Model' $ toValuation val queueToKeyConjForm :: Queue -> KeyConjForm queueToKeyConjForm = IM.foldr (IM.union . snd) IM.empty lData :: Clause -> Data lData c | IS.null c = (0,0) -- don't care value | otherwise = let lma = IS.findMax c lmi = IS.findMin c in if ((>) `on` abs) lma lmi then (lmi,lma) else (lmi,lmi) keyConjFormToQueue :: KeyConjForm -> Queue keyConjFormToQueue = IM.foldrWithKey (\k c -> IM.insertWith IM.union (IS.size c) (IM.singleton k (lData c,c))) IM.empty