module Snake where import Util import TypesConstants import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game ( color, pictures, rectangleSolid, rectangleWire, scale, text, translate, play, polygon, Display(InWindow), Key(Char, SpecialKey), SpecialKey(KeyRight, KeyUp, KeyDown, KeyLeft, KeySpace), Event(EventKey, EventResize), KeyState(Up, Down), Picture ) import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Color as C ( black, dark, green, red, white, violet) import Data.List import System.Random ( mkStdGen, randomIO, Random(randomR)) initBoard :: Int -> Bool -> Board initBoard s auto = Board { res = (512, 512), size = (32, 32), --scaled down by factor 16 snake = if auto then [(-10,4)] else [(-7,5),(-6,5),(-5,5),(-4,5)], food = (0,1), dir = L, gameOver = False, r = gen2, currentFood = "$", tumFoods = zip foods foodPosis, started = False, automatic = auto} where firstGen = mkStdGen s (foods, gen) = getNRandomElements firstGen allOps 11 (foodPosisTemp, gen2) = getNRandomElements firstGen foodPositionsTUM2 10 foodPosis = filter (`elem` foodPosisTemp) foodPositionsTUM2 ++ [(-7.0, 4.0)] --i know this is ugly, but this is a relly easy way to ensure the random elements keep the order from the original list displayMode :: Bool-> Display displayMode False = InWindow "python" (512,512) (0,0) displayMode True = InWindow "python" (1024, 1024) (0,0) --updates the Board according to the given event eventHandler :: Event -> Board -> Board eventHandler e@(EventKey (Char c) Up _ _) b = b eventHandler e@(EventKey (Char c) Down _ _) b = keyHandler' c b eventHandler e@(EventKey (SpecialKey k) Up _ _) b = b eventHandler e@(EventKey (SpecialKey k) Down _ _) b = keyHandler k b eventHandler (EventResize resize) b = b{res=resize, size=newSize} where newSize = mapTuple (ceiling . (/ 16.0) . fromIntegral) resize --needed because `div` rounds towards negInf, but i want to divison rounded towards posInf eventHandler _ b = b keyHandler :: SpecialKey -> Board -> Board keyHandler KeySpace b = b{started=True} keyHandler KeyUp b | d == U || d == D = b | otherwise = b{dir=U} where d = dir b keyHandler KeyDown b | d == U || d == D = b | otherwise = b{dir=D} where d = dir b keyHandler KeyLeft b | d == L || d == R = b | otherwise = b{dir=L} where d = dir b keyHandler KeyRight b | d == L || d == R = b | otherwise = b{dir=R} where d = dir b keyHandler _ b = b keyHandler' :: Char -> Board -> Board keyHandler' 'w' b = keyHandler KeyUp b keyHandler' 's' b = keyHandler KeyDown b keyHandler' 'a' b = keyHandler KeyLeft b keyHandler' 'd' b = keyHandler KeyRight b keyHandler' _ b = b stepHandler :: Float -> Board -> Board stepHandler _ b | not $ started b = b | gO = b{gameOver=True} | foodEaten = b{snake=newSnake, food=foodPos, r=gen, currentFood = foodOp} | otherwise = b{snake=newSnake} where d = dir b snk = snake b (x, y) = head snk newSnakeHead | d == U = (x, y+1) | d == D = (x, y-1) | d == L = (x-1, y) | otherwise = (x+1, y) foodEaten = food b == newSnakeHead newSnake = if foodEaten then newSnakeHead : snk else newSnakeHead : init snk (foodPos, foodOp, gen) = newFood b newSnake gO = checkGO newSnake b stepHandlerAutomatic :: Float -> Board -> Board stepHandlerAutomatic _ b | not $ started b = b | gO = b{gameOver=True} | otherwise = b{snake=newSnake, dir = newDir, tumFoods = newFoods} where snk = snake b d = dir b (x, y) = head snk newSnakeHead | d == U = (x, y+1) | d == D = (x, y-1) | d == L = (x-1, y) | otherwise = (x+1, y) newDir | newSnakeHead `elem` rightTurnSpots = turn d | newSnakeHead `elem` leftTurnSpots = turnLeft d | otherwise = d newSnake = newSnakeHead : snk fds = tumFoods b newFoods | null fds = fds | otherwise = if snd (head fds) `elem` newSnake then tail fds else fds gO = checkGO newSnake b {- MCCOMMENT I know this stretches the task of creating something "visually appealing" by a lot, but it turned out my art skills are even worse than I orignally thought so I can't really offer more than this little "python" game. To make up for it (or at least try to do so) I created an automatic mode where you don't play the game yourself, but instead the python slithers around on it's own, creating a picture of the most beatiful thing I could think of. [oh and of course everything you see is created in haskell (using the gloss library) without the use of any external images etc] - Game description - The slow, loop-loving python slithers through the peaceful Haskell land all day, when suddenly, out of the bushes a small little $ appears. The imperative python instantly shivers with fear of all the functional power and elegance radiating from the innocent little Dollar sign, so it tries to do the only thing it knows to protect itself: Try to eat the danger. But what it does not know is that Haskell has an seemingly endless supply of weird looking yet elegant operators just waiting to appear out of nowhere to confuse slow, imperative Programmers. Try to find your way around Haskell land, eating as much functional operators as you can. Try not to move too fast as our python is a little slow and may not react appropriately to very fast direction changes. - Art description - This Art piece shows the playful beauty of Haskell, while highlighting the importance of functional programming and it's origin at the same time. The first aspect is indicated by the fact that the piece lends it look from the famous game 'snake', which has been recreated by the artist using pure Haskell functions, whereas the latter is done by illustrating how the foundations of the most excellent organisation - the TUM itself - are built upon the power of functional thinking and abstract logic like lambda calculus. - Wettbewerb info - [additional packages: the gloss package (I really hope the cabal stuff works), run: "stack run game", how to play: type to stdin whether you want to play yourself (see output on stdout), press space to start game, controls: arrow Keys | WASD, wettbwerb submission: video in .\art or , infos: everything visual is created using the gloss package (background is a combination of multiple polygons), the foods are generated randomly (in the game and in automatic mode) ] -} main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "Type a 'y' if you want to play yourself (and anything else to show automated game)" autoQuestion <- getChar randomSeed <- randomIO let auto = autoQuestion /= 'y' let world = initBoard randomSeed auto let handler = if auto then stepHandlerAutomatic else stepHandler let stepSpeed = if auto then 10 else 5 let mode = displayMode auto play mode stepSpeed world drawBoard eventHandler handler