module Sol_Exercise_9 where import qualified Data.HashSet as HS import Data.List as List import Data.Maybe as Maybe import Data.Ord as Ord import Data.Function as Fun import Control.Monad import Test.QuickCheck {- Library -- nicht veraendern -} data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Eq, Show) data Tree23 a = Leaf a | Branch2 (Tree23 a) a (Tree23 a) | Branch3 (Tree23 a) a (Tree23 a) a (Tree23 a) deriving Show mirror :: Tree a -> Tree a mirror Empty = Empty mirror (Node x l r) = Node x (mirror r) (mirror l) flat :: Tree a -> [a] flat Empty = [] flat (Node x l r) = flat l ++ [x] ++ flat r -- allow QuickCheck to generate arbitrary values of type Tree -- just ignore this instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Tree a) where arbitrary = sized tree where tree 0 = return Empty tree n | n > 0 = oneof [return Empty, liftM3 Node arbitrary (tree (n `div` 2)) (tree (n `div` 2))] shrink Empty = [] shrink (Node x l r) = l : r : map (\l' -> Node x l' r) (shrink l) ++ map (\r' -> Node x l r') (shrink r) -- examples for balanced trees balancedTrees = [ Empty , Node 0 Empty Empty , Node 0 (Node 1 Empty Empty) Empty , Node 4 (Node 2 Empty (Node 5 Empty Empty)) (Node 0 Empty Empty) , Node 1 (Node 0 Empty (Node 3 Empty Empty)) (Node 0 Empty (Node 3 Empty Empty)) ] -- examples for unbalanced trees unbalancedTrees = [ Node 3 (Node 2 Empty (Node 1 Empty Empty)) Empty , Node 4 (Node 3 (Node 2 (Node 1 Empty Empty) Empty) Empty) (Node 3 Empty (Node 2 Empty (Node 1 Empty Empty))) , Node 9 (Node 8 (Node 7 Empty Empty ) Empty) (Node 1 (Node 0 Empty (Node 3 Empty Empty)) (Node 0 Empty (Node 3 Empty Empty))) ] {- G9.1 -} {- Lemma mirror (mirror t) = t Proof by structural induction on t Base case: To show: mirror (mirror Empty) = Empty mirror (mirror Empty) == mirror Empty (by mirror_Empty) == Empty (by mirror_Empty) Induction step: IH1: mirror (mirror l) = l IH2: mirror (mirror r) = r To show: mirror (mirror (Node x l r)) = Node x l r mirror (mirror (Node x l r)) == mirror (Node x (mirror r) (mirror l)) (by mirror_Node) == Node x (mirror (mirror l)) (mirror (mirror r)) (by mirror_Node) == Node x l (mirror (mirror r)) (by IH1) == Node x l r (by IH2) QED -} {- G9.2 -} balanced :: Tree a -> Bool balanced t = depth min t + 1 >= depth max t where depth _ Empty = 0 depth f (Node _ l r) = 1 + f (depth f l) (depth f r) {- G9.3 -} type Coords = (Int, Int) data Shape = Line Coords Coords | Circle Coords Int move :: Coords -> Shape -> Shape move (x,y) (Line (z1,w1) (z2,w2)) = Line (z1+x,w1+y) (z2+x,w2+y) move (x,y) (Circle (z,w) s) = Circle (x+z,y+w) s polygon :: [Shape] -> Bool polygon (Line c1 c2 : xs) = polygon' c1 c2 xs where polygon' c1 c2 [] = c1 == c2 polygon' c1 c2 (Line c3 c4 : xs) = c2 == c3 && polygon' c1 c4 xs polygon' _ _ _ = False polygon _ = False {- H9.1 -} {- Lemma flat (mirror t) = reverse (flat t) Proof by structural induction on t Base case: To show: flat (mirror Empty) = reverse (flat Empty) flat (mirror Empty) == flat Empty (by mirror_Empty) == [] (by flat_Empty) reverse (flat Empty) == reverse [] (by flat_Empty) == [] (by reverse_Nil) Induction step: IH1: flat (mirror l) = reverse (flat l) IH2: flat (mirror r) = reverse (flat r) To show: flat (mirror (Node x l r)) = reverse (flat (Node x l r)) flat (mirror (Node x l r)) == flat (Node x (mirror r) (mirror l)) (by mirror_Node) == flat (mirror r) ++ [x] ++ flat (mirror l) (by flat_Node) == flat (mirror r) ++ [x] ++ reverse (flat l) (by IH1) == reverse (flat r) ++ [x] ++ reverse (flat l) (by IH2) reverse (flat (Node x l r)) == reverse (flat l ++ [x] ++ flat r) (by flat_Node) == reverse ([x] ++ flat r) ++ reverse (flat l) (by reverse_append) == (reverse (flat r) ++ reverse [x]) ++ reverse (flat l) (by reverse_append) == reverse (flat r) ++ reverse [x] ++ reverse (flat l) (by append_assoc) == reverse (flat r) ++ ([] ++ [x]) ++ reverse (flat l) (by reverse_Cons) == reverse (flat r) ++ [x] ++ reverse (flat l) (by append_Nil) QED -} {- H9.2 -} -- Ein fold ist eine Funktion für eine allgemeine strukturelle Rekursionsfunktion, -- die immer nach dem gleichen Schema aufgebaut ist. Für einen Typ (in unserem Fall "Tree a") -- mit n Konstruktoren hat die Funktion n+1 Parameter. Eines für jeden Konstruktor -- und eines für die Eingabe. -- -- Der Typ der Parameter ergibt sich, wenn man überall "Tree a" durch b ersetzt: -- -- Empty :: Tree a --> empty :: b -- Node :: a -> Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a --> node :: a -> b -> b -> b -- -- Dann wird einfach jeder Konstruktor durch den dazugehörigen Parameter ersetzt, -- also in unserer Lösung Node durch node und Empty durch empty. Wenn die Konstruktoren -- Parameter vom Typ "Tree a" haben, wird dieser durch einen rekursiven Aufruf ersetzt: foldTree :: (a -> b -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b foldTree node empty Empty = empty foldTree node empty (Node x l r) = node x (foldTree node empty l) (foldTree node empty r) inord x l r = l ++ [x] ++ r preord x l r = [x] ++ l ++ r postord x l r = l ++ r ++ [x] inorder :: Tree a -> [a] inorder = foldTree inord [] preorder :: Tree a -> [a] preorder = foldTree preord [] postorder :: Tree a -> [a] postorder = foldTree postord [] {- H9.3 -} data SkeleTree = SEmpty | SNode SkeleTree SkeleTree deriving (Show, Eq) -- alternative: type SkeleTree = Tree () splitNum :: Int -> (Int,Int) splitNum n = (n - n `div` 2, n `div` 2) makeBalanced :: Int -> SkeleTree makeBalanced n | n <= 0 = SEmpty | otherwise = SNode (makeBalanced l) (makeBalanced r) where (l,r) = splitNum (n - 1) skelBalanced :: SkeleTree -> Bool skelBalanced t = depth min t + 1 >= depth max t where depth _ SEmpty = 0 depth f (SNode l r) = 1 + f (depth f l) (depth f r) skelSize :: SkeleTree -> Int skelSize SEmpty = 0 skelSize (SNode l r) = 1 + skelSize l + skelSize r prop_balanced (Positive n) = skelBalanced (makeBalanced n) prop_size (Positive n) = skelSize (makeBalanced n) == n -- very simple and inefficient variant: Generate all trees with n inner nodes, -- delete the ones which are not balanced. -- -- To make this a more efficient, think about the minimal and maximal sizes -- of the left and right subgraphs. makeAllBalanced :: Int -> [SkeleTree] makeAllBalanced = filter skelBalanced . makeAll where makeAll 0 = [SEmpty] makeAll n = let prevTrees = map makeAll [0..n-1] in concat $ zipWith (\xs ys -> [SNode x y | x <- xs, y <- ys]) prevTrees (reverse prevTrees) --makeAllBalanced' :: Int -> [SkeleTree] --makeAllBalanced' = filter skelBalanced . makeAll -- where -- makeAll 0 = [SEmpty] -- makeAll n = let prevTrees = map makeAll [0..maxSize n - 1] in -- concat $ zipWith (\xs ys -> [SNode x y | x <- xs, y <- ys]) prevTrees (reverse prevTrees) -- maxSize n = ceiling $ log $ fromIntegral $ n + 1 {- H9.4 -} find23 :: Ord a => a -> Tree23 a -> Bool find23 x (Leaf y) = x == y find23 x (Branch2 t1 y t2) | x < y = find23 x t1 | otherwise = find23 x t2 find23 x (Branch3 t1 y1 t2 y2 t3) | x < y1 = find23 x t1 | x < y2 = find23 x t2 | otherwise = find23 x t3 {- W9.1 -} {-WETT-} setOneInClause :: Int -> [Int] -> Maybe [Int] setOneInClause l ls = if elem l ls then Nothing else Just (List.filter (/= - l) ls) setOneInProblem :: Int -> [[Int]] -> [[Int]] setOneInProblem = mapMaybe . setOneInClause killPure :: [[Int]] -> ([Int], [[Int]]) killPure cs = (pures, List.foldl (flip setOneInProblem) cs pures) where insertIf p h l = if p l then HS.insert l h else h hashSetOf p = List.foldl (List.foldl (insertIf p)) HS.empty cs pos = hashSetOf (> 0) neg = negate (hashSetOf (< 0)) pos' = HS.toList (pos `HS.difference` neg) neg' = negate (HS.toList (neg `HS.difference` pos)) pures = pos' ++ neg' satisfySortedCnf :: [[Int]] -> Maybe [Int] satisfySortedCnf [] = Just [] satisfySortedCnf ([] : _) = Nothing satisfySortedCnf ((l : ls) : cs) = case satisfyUnsortedCnf (setOneInProblem l cs) of Just sol -> Just (l : sol) Nothing -> case satisfyUnsortedCnf (setOneInProblem (- l) (ls : cs)) of Just sol -> Just (- l : sol) Nothing -> Nothing satisfyUnsortedCnf :: [[Int]] -> Maybe [Int] satisfyUnsortedCnf = satisfySortedCnf . sortBy (Ord.comparing length) fixpoint :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a fixpoint eq f x = if eq x (f x) then x else fixpoint eq f (f x) tryHorn :: [[Int]] -> Maybe [Int] tryHorn cs = if length pns == length cs then collect $ fixpoint (==) horn (Just [], sort pns) else Nothing where pns = sort $ mapMaybe (\c -> let (ps, ns) = List.partition (>0) c in case ps of [] -> Just (Nothing, List.sort $ abs $ nub ns) [x] -> Just (Just x, List.sort $ abs $ nub ns) _ -> Nothing) cs sort = sortBy (Ord.comparing (length . snd)) horn (Nothing, pns) = (Nothing, pns) horn (Just sol, pns) = case List.find (any (`elem` sol) . snd) pns of Just (Nothing, _) -> (Nothing, pns) Just (c@(Just p, ns)) -> (Just (p : sol), deleteBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) c pns) Nothing -> if [] `elem` map snd pns then (Nothing, pns) else (Just sol, pns) collect (Nothing, _) = Nothing collect (Just sol, pns) = Just (nub (sol ++ List.concatMap ( negate . snd) pns)) satisfyCnf :: [[Int]] -> Maybe [Int] satisfyCnf cs = case tryHorn cs' of Just sol -> Just (pures ++ sol) Nothing -> case satisfyUnsortedCnf cs' of Just sol -> Just (pures ++ sol) Nothing -> Nothing where (pures, cs') = killPure cs {-TTEW-}