Equational Logic

Prof. Tobias Nipkow, Sommersemester 2012



This lecture exclusively treats equational logic instead of the usual first-order logic. It combines the topics term-rewriting and lambda-calculus with a logical view.



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Timetable for repetition exam (Wiederholunsgprüfung) for Equational Logic and Lambda Calculus on 2. October 2012 in Prof. Nipkow's office (01.11.058):

9:00 Guni
9:30 Grebenshchikov
10:00 Wermser
10:30 Kastenmayer
11:00 Gaina

On 8.8.2012 there will be a written exam. It will last 120 minutes. You are allowed to bring one A4 sheet with your notes into the exam, books are not allowed.

There will be weekly homework sheets, which will be graded. Students who achieve 50% of the homework points will receive a bonus mark of 0.3, provided that they also pass the final exam.


Primary: Additional: