Equational Logic
Holger Gast, Sommersemester 2013
- Lectures: Monday, 14:15 - 15:45, Tuesday, 14:00 - 15:30 in HS2 (00.04.011) HS2 00.04.011
- Exercises: Wednesday 16:15 - 17:45 in Konrad Zuse (MI 01.11.018)
- Start: 15.04.2013. First exercise: 17.04.2013
- Tutors: Peter Lammich Andrei Popescu (First half) Lars Hupel (Second half)
- There will be no tutorial on Wednesday, May 22. The deadline for homework 3 is extended to May 29, 16:00. Revisions of already submitted homework are accepted until then.
- Lectures on Tuesdays start 14:00 sharp, by popular demand.
- The source code of the visualization is available
in the subdirectory
of this web-site (seehg clone
below). -
Term Rewriting Animated
To get an intuition of rewriting, try out the
steps in our visualization! Available for
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(Menu: Help/Install Software) - The cheat sheet summarizes the definitions given in the lecture to keep a handy overview throughout.
Contents (Last Year)
This lecture exclusively treats equational logic instead of the usual first-order logic. It combines the topics term-rewriting and lambda-calculus with a logical view.- Part I: Term Rewriting
- Abstract reduction systems
- Abstract reduction systems
Basic definitions Thm Church-Rosser iff confluent. Thm For convergent reductions, two elements are equivalent iff their normal forms are equal. - Well-founded Induction
Thm Well-founded induction is valid iff the reduction terminates. Application: König's Lemma. - Termination proofs
Thm A finitely branching relation terminates iff it can be embedded into (N,>). - Lexicographic orders
Thm The lexicographic order on AxB terminates if the order on A and B terminate. Thm The lexicographic order on A* terminates if the order on A terminates. - Multiset order
Thm (Dershowitz and Manna) The multiset order terminates if the underlying order terminates.
- Abstract reduction systems
- Equational Logic
- Terms and Substitutions
Signature, term, position in term, subterm at position, replacement at position, substitution, composition of substitutions. - Term Rewriting and Equational Logic
Identities, term rewriting (→E), equational logic (s ≈E t and E |- s ≈ t). Thm s ↔*E t iff s ≈E t.
Note that I defined equational logic with rule K (if s ≈E t then u[s]p ≈E u[t]p) but the book uses a different rule: if si ≈E ti for i=1,...,n then f(s1,...,sn) ≈E f(t1,...,tn). It can be shown easily that both rules are equivalent (in the presence of the other rules). - Semantics
Algebra. Validity and semantic consequence (|=). Thm (Birkhoff) E |- s ≈ t iff E |= s ≈ t.
- Terms and Substitutions
- Equational Problems
Definition of word problem, unification problem and matching problem modulo E- Word problems
Undecidable for arbitrary E (Example: undecidable semigroup). Decidable for finite and convergent E. - Congruence closure
Thm If E is finite and ground and s ≈E t, then there is a proof of this fact that involves only subterms of E, s, t.
Hence the word problem is decidable (in polynomial time) if E is finite and ground. - Syntactic unification
Basic definitions: the "more general" quasiorder on substitutions, most general unifier, idempotent substitution. - Unification by transformation
Transformation rules, soundness and completeness. Exponential worst case complexity.
- Word problems
- Termination
- Termination is undecidable because TRS can simulate Turing machines and the Halting Problem for Turing machines is undecidable. Still undecidable for 1-rule TRS, and for TRS of 3 or more rules if all function symbols are unary. Open problem: is it decidable for 1 or 2 rules if all function symbols are unary?
- Termination is decidable for finite TRS where all right-hand sides are ground.
- Reduction orders, the interpretation method and polynomial interpretations.
- There is an annual Termination Competition
- Confluence
- Thm Confluence is undecidable for arbitrary finite TRSs.
- Newman's Lemma A terminating and localy confluent reduction is confluent.
- Critical Pair Lemma If all critical pairs of a TRS are joinable, the TRS is locally confluent.
- Knuth-Bendix Completion The completion algorithm. Example (groups): completion of (x.y).z → x.(y.z), 1.x → x, i(x).x → 1 generates the additional rules x.1 → x, i(1) → 1, x.i(x) → 1, i(x).(x.y) → y, x.(i(x).y) → y, i(i(x)) → x, i(x.y) → i(y).i(x).
- Abstract reduction systems
- Part II: Lambda Calculus
- Untyped Lambda calculus
- Syntax
Terms, notational conventions, Currying, static binding, free and bound variables, substitution, alpha-conversion. - Beta-reduction
Definition of beta-reduction. Definition of parallel reduction >. Proof that > has the diamond property. Because >* = →β* this implies that β-reduction is confluent. (See confluence proof for orthogonal TRS) - Eta-reduction
Motivation, definition and basic properties: termination and (local) confluence. No proofs. - Reduction strategies
Without proof: contraction of leftmost β-redexes leads to a normal form if one exists. - Lambda calculus as a programming language
Booleans, pairs, Church numerals, fixed-point combinators.
- Syntax
- Typed Lambda calculus
- Simply typed lambda calculus
Simple types. Implicitly and explicitly typed terms. Type checking rules. Properties: 1. beta-reduction preserves types ("subject reduction") (w/o proof). 2. beta-reduction terminates on type-correct terms (w/o proof). Thus beta-equivalence is decidable for type-correct terms (but has non-elementary complexity). Corollary The simply-typed lambda-calculus can only represent total functions. Thm Every computable functions is representable as a closed type-correct lambda-term whose only contants are additional fixed-point combinators (proof only sketched). - Type inference
The rules. Type-correct terms no longer have a unique type but still a most general type. Proof by a concrete Prolog-like interpretation of the typing rules as backward computation rules. - Let-polymorphism
Universally quantified type schemas. Typing rules for "let" and for type schemas. Syntax-directed typing rules with built-in quantifier handling. - Curry-Howard isomorphism
Types = formulas, lambda-terms = proofs, beta-reduction = proof-reduction. Proof of the subterm property of proofs in normal form. Proof of decidability of intuitionistic propositional logic via proofs in normal form.
- Simply typed lambda calculus
- Untyped Lambda calculus
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There will be a written exam. It will last 120 minutes. You are allowed to bring one A4 sheet with your notes into the exam, books are not allowed.
There will be weekly homework sheets, which will be graded. Students who achieve 50% of the homework points will receive a bonus mark of 0.3, provided that they also pass the final exam.
Primary:- Franz Baader and Tobias Nipkow. Term Rewriting and All That. Cambridge University Press.
- Skript zur Vorlesung Lambda Kalkül
- Lecture notes on Lambda Calculus
- Jürgen Avenhaus. Reduktionssyteme, Springer, 1995
- Hendrik Pieter Barendregt. The Lambda Calculus, its Syntax and Semantics, North-Holland, 2nd edition, 1984
- Jean-Yves Girard, Yves Lafont, and Paul Taylor. Proofs and Types, Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science, Cambridge University Press, 1989
- Chris Hankin. An Introduction to Lambda Calculi for Computer Scientists, King's College Publications, 2004
- J. Roger Hindley and Jonathan P. Seldin. Introduction to Combinators and Lambda Calculus, Cambridge University Press, 1986
- J. Roger Hindley and Jonathan P. Seldin. Lambda-Calculus and Combinators: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press, 2008