Academic Information


You can find my detailed CV here, including my list of publications. Below, you can find a short summary:

I am PhD student at the Chair for Logic and Verification supervised by Prof. Nipkow. My interests are the semantics and foundations of programming languages and interactive theorem provers as well as automated theorem proving. In my PhD project, I investigate soft type foundations for interactive theorem provers and implement my ideas in Isabelle.

Recently, I have published on the automated transport of programs in interactive proof assistants. Currently, I am working on the automation of type-inference-like problems.

Before starting my PhD, I was a research assistant at VU Amsterdam working on the Lean Forward project. I did my Masters in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science at the University of Oxford and my Bachelors in Computer Science at the TU Munich. I also worked as a software development engineer at IMDb.

Here is my ORCID: 0000-0003-1421-6497.

For Students

Theses and Projects

Interested in doing a thesis or project at the chair of LoVe (Logic and Verification)? Check out our proposals. If you are interested in working at the intersection of type and set theory in interactive theorem proving, send me an e-mail.

Student Groups

I am a co-organiser of Philosophia Munich and the Klima Cafe at TUM. The former is a reading and discussion group for philosophy, accredited at TU Munich, the latter an activistic group fighting climate change and advocating participatory democracy at the local level. In general, both are also open to non-students. Be curious and join! :)


Office MI 00.09.061
Phone +49 (89) 289 - 17330
Address Kevin Kappelmann
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching