Katharina Heidler (geb. Kreuzer)

Chair for Logic and Verification

Academic Information


Currently, I am a PhD student at the Chair for Logic and Verification supervised by Prof. Nipkow. My interest is the formalisation and automation of mathematics using interactive theorem provers like Isabelle. Special interests lie in the verification of cryptography, especially post-quantum lattice-based cryptography (eg. CRYSTALS-Kyber) and hardness results of underlying problems.

Before starting as a doctoral candidate, I did both my Masters and Bachelors degree in Mathematics at TUM. During my studies, I spent a semester abroad in Kyoto, Japan, and Exeter, UK.

Furthermore, I have working experience in engeneering of sensors and measurement systems at Micro-Epsilon and in software developement at Atix AG.

From 2021 to 2024, I have been part of the ConVeY DFG Research Training Group.

Please note that with my marriage I changed my last name from Kreuzer to Heidler.


E-mail {k.kreuzer} AT [tum.de]
Office MI 00.09.064
Address Katharina Heidler
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching


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