Maximilian Schäffeler

Chair for Logic and Verification

About me


I am currently (since August 2021) a doctoral candidate in Computer Science at the Chair for Logic and Verification supervised by Prof. Nipkow and Dr. Mohammad Abdulaziz. I am interested in the formalization of solution methods for Markov decision processes (MDPs) in the interactive theorem prover Isabelle.

Beginning in 2015, I did my Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science at the Technical University of Munich. During my studies I specialized in IT security, functional programming and formal methods. For my Master’s thesis Verified Solution Methods for Markov Decision Processes I verified the value iteration and policy iteration algorithms in Isabelle/HOL.

If you are interested in collaborating on a project, feel free to contact me!


Entries in the Archive of Formal Proofs (AFP)


Name Maximilian Schäffeler
E-mail {schaeffm} AT []
Office MI 00.09.056
Address Maximilian Schäffeler
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching