theory DataRefinement
imports Sepreftime
subsection {* Data Refinement *}
lemma "{(1,2),(2,4)}``{1,2}={2,4}" by auto
definition conc_fun ("⇓") where
"conc_fun R m ≡ case m of FAILi ⇒ FAILT | REST X ⇒ REST (λc. Sup {X a| a. (c,a)∈R})"
definition abs_fun ("⇑") where
"abs_fun R m ≡ case m of FAILi ⇒ FAILT
| REST X ⇒ if dom X⊆Domain R then REST (λa. Sup {X c| c. (c,a)∈R}) else FAILT"
conc_fun_FAIL[simp]: "⇓R FAILT = FAILT" and
conc_fun_RES: "⇓R (REST X) = REST (λc. Sup {X a| a. (c,a)∈R})"
unfolding conc_fun_def by (auto split: nrest.split)
lemma nrest_Rel_mono: "A ≤ B ⟹ ⇓ R A ≤ ⇓ R B"
unfolding conc_fun_def
apply (auto split: nrest.split simp: le_fun_def)
by (smt Sup_mono mem_Collect_eq)
subsubsection ‹Examples›
definition Rset where "Rset = { (c,a)| c a. set c = a}"
lemma "RETURNT [1,2,3] ≤ ⇓Rset (RETURNT {1,2,3})"
unfolding conc_fun_def RETURNT_def Rset_def
apply simp unfolding le_fun_def by auto
lemma "RETURNT [1,2,3] ≤ ⇓Rset (RETURNT {1,2,3})"
unfolding conc_fun_def RETURNT_def Rset_def
apply simp unfolding le_fun_def by auto
definition Reven where "Reven = { (c,a)| c a. even c = a}"
lemma "RETURNT 3 ≤ ⇓Reven (RETURNT False)"
unfolding conc_fun_def RETURNT_def Reven_def
apply simp unfolding le_fun_def by auto
lemma "m ≤ ⇓Id m"
unfolding conc_fun_def RETURNT_def
apply (cases m) by auto
lemma "m ≤ ⇓{} m ⟷ (m=FAILT ∨ m = SPECT bot)"
unfolding conc_fun_def RETURNT_def
apply (cases m) apply auto by (metis bot.extremum dual_order.antisym le_funI)
lemma abs_fun_simps[simp]:
"dom X⊆Domain R ⟹ ⇑R (REST X) = REST (λa. Sup {X c| c. (c,a)∈R})"
"¬(dom X⊆Domain R) ⟹ ⇑R (REST X) = FAILT"
unfolding abs_fun_def by (auto split: nrest.split)
term single_valued
context fixes R assumes SV: "single_valued R" begin
fixes m :: "'b ⇒ enat option"
Sup_sv: "(c, a') ∈ R ⟹ Sup {m a| a. (c,a) ∈ R} = m a'"
proof -
assume "(c,a') ∈ R"
with SV have singleton: "{m a| a. (c,a) ∈ R} = {m a'}" by(auto dest: single_valuedD)
show ?thesis unfolding singleton by simp
lemma indomD: " M c = Some y ⟹ dom M ⊆ Domain R ⟹ (∃a. (c,a)∈R)"
by auto
lemma conc_abs_swap: "m' ≤ ⇓R m ⟷ ⇑R m' ≤ m"
apply rule
unfolding conc_fun_def abs_fun_def using SV
apply (auto split: nrest.splits)
subgoal for M M'
apply (auto simp add: le_fun_def)
by (smt Sup_least antisym le_cases mem_Collect_eq single_valuedD)
by (smt Collect_cong Domain.DomainI domI domIff empty_Sup empty_def le_map_dom_mono set_rev_mp)
unfolding conc_fun_def abs_fun_def using SV
apply(auto split: nrest.splits if_splits)
apply (auto simp add: le_fun_def)
subgoal for M M' c
apply(cases "M c = None")
apply auto apply(frule indomD) apply simp
apply(simp only: Sup_sv)
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Sup_le_iff mem_Collect_eq)
fixes m :: "'b ⇒ enat option"
Inf_sv: "(c, a') ∈ R ⟹ Inf {m a| a. (c,a) ∈ R} = m a'"
proof -
assume "(c,a') ∈ R"
with SV have singleton: "{m a| a. (c,a) ∈ R} = {m a'}" by(auto dest: single_valuedD)
show ?thesis unfolding singleton by simp
lemma ac_galois: "galois_connection (⇑R) (⇓R)"
apply (unfold_locales)
by (rule conc_abs_swap)
fixes m :: "'b ⇒ enat option"
Sup_some_svD: "Sup {m a |a. (c, a) ∈ R} = Some t' ⟹ (∃a. (c,a)∈R ∧ m a = Some t')"
using SV by (smt Sup_le_iff dual_order.antisym less_eq_option_Some_None mem_Collect_eq order_refl single_valued_def)
lemma pw_abs_nofail[refine_pw_simps]:
"nofailT (⇑R M) ⟷ (nofailT M ∧ (∀x. (∃t. inresT M x t) ⟶ x∈Domain R))"
apply (cases M)
apply simp
apply (auto simp: abs_fun_simps abs_fun_def)
by (metis zero_enat_def zero_le)
lemma pw_conc_nofail[refine_pw_simps]:
"nofailT (⇓R S) = nofailT S"
by (cases S) (auto simp: conc_fun_RES)
lemma "single_valued A ⟹ single_valued B ⟹ single_valued (A O B)"
by (simp add: single_valued_relcomp)
lemma Sup_enatoption_less2: " Sup X = Some ∞ ⟹ (∃x. Some x ∈ X ∧ enat t < x)"
using Sup_enat_less2
by (metis Sup_option_def in_these_eq option.distinct(1) option.sel)
lemma pw_conc_inres[refine_pw_simps]:
"inresT (⇓R S') s t = (nofailT S'
⟶ ((∃s'. (s,s')∈R ∧ inresT S' s' t) (* ∧ (∀s' t'. (s,s')∈R ⟶ inresT S' s' t' ⟶ t' ≤ t ) *) ))"
apply (cases S')
subgoal by simp
subgoal for m'
apply rule
apply (auto simp: conc_fun_RES )
subgoal for t'
apply(cases t')
apply auto
subgoal for n apply(auto dest!: Sup_finite_enat)
subgoal for a apply(rule exI[where x=a]) apply auto
apply(rule exI[where x="enat n"]) by auto
subgoal apply(drule Sup_enatoption_less2[where t=t])
apply auto subgoal for x a apply(rule exI[where x=a]) apply auto
apply(rule exI[where x=x]) by auto
apply (auto simp: conc_fun_RES)
by (smt Sup_upper dual_order.trans le_some_optE mem_Collect_eq)
fixes m :: "'a ⇒ enat option"
"single_valued R ⟹ Sup {m a| a. (c,a) ∈ R} = None ⟷ c ∉ Domain R"
apply rule
subgoal oops
lemma sv_the: "single_valued R ⟹ (c,a) ∈ R ⟹ (THE a. (c, a) ∈ R) = a"
by (simp add: single_valued_def the_equality)
assumes SV: "single_valued R"
shows "⇓R (REST X) = REST (λc. if c∈Domain R then X (THE a. (c,a)∈R) else None )"
unfolding conc_fun_def
apply(auto split: nrest.split)
apply(rule ext)
apply auto
subgoal using SV by (auto simp: Sup_sv sv_the)
subgoal by (smt Collect_cong Domain.DomainI empty_Sup empty_def)
lemma conc_fun_mono[simp, intro!]:
shows "mono (⇓R)"
apply rule
apply (simp add: pw_le_iff)
by (auto simp: refine_pw_simps)
lemma conc_fun_R_mono:
assumes "R ⊆ R'"
shows "⇓R M ≤ ⇓R' M"
using assms
by (auto simp: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps)
lemma SupSup_2: "Sup {m a |a. (c, a) ∈ R O S} = Sup {m a |a b. (b,a)∈S ∧ (c,b)∈R }"
proof -
have i: "⋀a. (c,a) ∈ R O S ⟷ (∃b. (b,a)∈S ∧ (c,b)∈R)" by auto
have "Sup {m a |a. (c, a) ∈ R O S} = Sup {m a |a. (∃b. (b,a)∈S ∧ (c,b)∈R)}"
unfolding i by auto
also have "... = Sup {m a |a b. (b,a)∈S ∧ (c,b)∈R}" by auto
finally show ?thesis .
fixes m :: "'a ⇒ enat option"
shows SupSup: "Sup {Sup {m aa |aa. P a aa c} |a. Q a c} = Sup {m aa |a aa. P a aa c ∧ Q a c}"
apply(rule antisym)
subgoal apply(rule Sup_least)
by (auto intro: Sup_subset_mono)
unfolding Sup_le_iff apply auto
by (smt Sup_upper Sup_upper2 mem_Collect_eq)
fixes m :: "'a ⇒ enat option"
SupSup_1: "Sup {Sup {m aa |aa. (a, aa) ∈ S} |a. (c, a) ∈ R} = Sup {m aa |a aa. (a,aa)∈S ∧ (c,a)∈R}"
by(rule SupSup)
lemma conc_fun_chain:
shows "⇓R (⇓S M) = ⇓(R O S) M"
apply(cases M)
subgoal by simp
apply simp
apply(simp only: conc_fun_RES)
apply auto apply (rule ext) unfolding SupSup_1 SupSup_2 by meson
lemma conc_fun_chain_sv:
assumes SVR: "single_valued R" and SVS: "single_valued S"
shows "⇓R (⇓S M) = ⇓(R O S) M"
apply(cases M)
subgoal by simp
apply simp
using SVS apply(simp only: conc_fun_RES_sv)
using SVR apply(simp only: conc_fun_RES_sv)
using single_valued_relcomp[OF SVR SVS] apply(simp only: conc_fun_RES_sv)
apply (auto split: nrest.split)
apply (rule ext) apply auto
apply(auto simp add: sv_the)
apply(subst sv_the) by auto
lemma conc_Id[simp]: "⇓Id = id"
unfolding conc_fun_def [abs_def] by (auto split: nrest.split)
lemma conc_fun_fail_iff[simp]:
by (auto simp add: pw_eq_iff refine_pw_simps)
lemma conc_trans[trans]:
assumes A: "C ≤ ⇓R B" and B: "B ≤ ⇓R' A"
shows "C ≤ ⇓R (⇓R' A)"
using assms by (fastforce simp: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps)
lemma conc_trans_sv:
assumes SV: "single_valued R" "single_valued R'"
and A: "C ≤ ⇓R B" and B: "B ≤ ⇓R' A"
shows "C ≤ ⇓R (⇓R' A)"
using assms by (fastforce simp: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps)
text {* WARNING: The order of the single statements is important here! *}
lemma conc_trans_additional[trans]:
assumes "single_valued R"
"⋀A B C. A≤⇓R B ⟹ B≤ C ⟹ A≤⇓R C"
"⋀A B C. A≤⇓Id B ⟹ B≤⇓R C ⟹ A≤⇓R C"
"⋀A B C. A≤⇓R B ⟹ B≤⇓Id C ⟹ A≤⇓R C"
"⋀A B C. A≤⇓Id B ⟹ B≤⇓Id C ⟹ A≤ C"
"⋀A B C. A≤⇓Id B ⟹ B≤ C ⟹ A≤ C"
"⋀A B C. A≤ B ⟹ B≤⇓Id C ⟹ A≤ C"
using assms conc_trans[where R=R and R'=Id]
by (auto intro: order_trans)
lemma RETURNT_refine:
assumes "(x,x')∈R"
shows "RETURNT x ≤ ⇓R (RETURNT x')"
using assms
by (auto simp: RETURNT_def conc_fun_RES le_fun_def Sup_upper)
lemma bindT_refine':
fixes R' :: "('a×'b) set" and R::"('c×'d) set"
assumes R1: "M ≤ ⇓ R' M'"
assumes R2: "⋀x x' t . ⟦ (x,x')∈R'; inresT M x t; inresT M' x' t;
nofailT M; nofailT M'
⟧ ⟹ f x ≤ ⇓ R (f' x')"
shows "bindT M (λx. f x) ≤ ⇓ R (bindT M' (λx'. f' x'))"
using assms
apply (simp add: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps)
by blast
lemma bindT_refine:
fixes R' :: "('a×'b) set" and R::"('c×'d) set"
assumes R1: "M ≤ ⇓ R' M'"
assumes R2: "⋀x x'. ⟦ (x,x')∈R' ⟧
⟹ f x ≤ ⇓ R (f' x')"
shows "bindT M (λx. f x) ≤ ⇓ R (bind M' (λx'. f' x'))"
apply (rule bindT_refine') using assms by auto
subsection ‹WHILET refine›
lemma RECT_refine:
assumes M: "mono2 body"
assumes R0: "(x,x')∈R"
assumes RS: "⋀f f' x x'. ⟦ ⋀x x'. (x,x')∈R ⟹ f x ≤⇓S (f' x'); (x,x')∈R ⟧
⟹ body f x ≤⇓S (body' f' x')"
shows "RECT (λf x. body f x) x ≤⇓S (RECT (λf' x'. body' f' x') x')"
unfolding RECT_flat_gfp_def
apply (clarsimp simp add: M)
apply (rule flatf_fixp_transfer[where
fp'="flatf_gfp body"
and B'=body
and P="λx x'. (x',x)∈R",
OF _ _ flatf_ord.fixp_unfold[OF M[THEN trimonoD_flatf_ge]] R0])
apply simp
apply (simp add: trimonoD_flatf_ge)
by (rule RS)
lemma WHILET_refine:
assumes R0: "(x,x')∈R"
assumes COND_REF: "⋀x x'. ⟦ (x,x')∈R ⟧ ⟹ b x = b' x'"
assumes STEP_REF:
"⋀x x'. ⟦ (x,x')∈R; b x; b' x' ⟧ ⟹ f x ≤ ⇓R (f' x')"
shows "whileT b f x ≤ ⇓R (whileT b' f' x')"
unfolding whileT_def apply(rule RECT_refine)
subgoal by(refine_mono)
apply (fact R0)
by(auto simp: COND_REF STEP_REF RETURNT_refine intro: bindT_refine[where R'=R])
assumes a: "⋀m n c a. c∈Domain R ⟹ ∃a. SPECT (n c) ≤ SPECT (m a)"
shows "(SPECT n) ≤ ⇓ R (SPECT m)"
using a apply auto
unfolding conc_fun_def apply (auto split: nrest.split)
unfolding le_fun_def apply auto
proof -
fix c
assume "(⋀c n m. c ∈ Domain R ⟹ ∃a. ∀x. n c x ≤ m a x)"
lemma SPECT_refines_conc_fun':
assumes a: "⋀m c. M = SPECT m
⟹ c ∈ dom n ⟹ (∃a. (c,a)∈R ∧ n c ≤ m a)"
shows "SPECT n ≤ ⇓ R M"
proof -
show ?thesis
unfolding conc_fun_def apply (auto split: nrest.split)
subgoal for m unfolding le_fun_def apply auto
proof -
fix c
assume m: "M = SPECT m"
show "n c ≤ Sup {m a |a. (c, a) ∈ R} "
proof (cases "c ∈ dom n")
case True
with m a obtain a where k: "(c,a)∈R" "n c ≤ m a" by blast
show ?thesis apply(rule Sup_upper2) using k by auto
case False
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: domIff)
lemma SPECT_refines_conc_fun:
assumes a: "⋀m c. (∃a. (c,a)∈R ∧ n c ≤ m a)"
shows "SPECT n ≤ ⇓ R (SPECT m)"
apply(rule SPECT_refines_conc_fun') using a by auto
lemma SPECT_refines_conc_fun_sv:
assumes "single_valued R"
and a: "dom n ⊆ Domain R"
and "⋀c. c ∈ dom n ⟹ n c ≤ (THE a. (c,a)∈R)"
shows "SPECT n ≤ ⇓ R (SPECT m)"
apply(rule SPECT_refines_conc_fun') using a
using indomD[OF assms(1) _ a] domIff
lemma conc_fun_br: "⇓ (br α I1) (SPECT (emb I2 t))
= (SPECT (emb (λx. I1 x ∧ I2 (α x)) t))"
unfolding conc_fun_RES apply auto apply(rule ext)
using Sup_Some by (auto simp: emb'_def br_def bot_option_def Sup_option_def)