theory EdmondsKarp_Algo
imports EdmondsKarp_Maxflow.EdmondsKarp_Termination_Abstract FordFulkerson_Algo
text ‹
In this theory, we formalize an abstract version of
Edmonds-Karp algorithm, which we obtain by refining the
Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to always use shortest augmenting paths.
Then, we show that the algorithm always terminates within $O(VE)$ iterations.
subsection ‹Algorithm›
locale EdKa = Network c s t for c :: "'capacity::linordered_idom graph" and s t +
fixes shortestpath_time :: nat
and augment_with_path_time :: nat
and init_graph :: "nat ⇒ nat"
assumes augment_progress: "0 ≠ enat shortestpath_time"
text ‹First, we specify the refined procedure for finding augmenting paths›
definition "find_shortest_augmenting_spec f ≡ ASSERT (NFlow c s t f) ⪢
SELECT (λp. Graph.isShortestPath (residualGraph c f) s p t) (shortestpath_time)"
definition edka_measure :: "(nat × nat ⇒ 'capacity) ⇒ nat" where
"edka_measure cf = ek_analysis_defs.ekMeasure (residualGraph c cf) s t"
definition info :: "(nat × nat ⇒ 'capacity) ⇒ (nat × nat) list ⇒ bool" where
"info f p = Graph.isShortestPath (residualGraph c f) s p t"
lemma edka_measure_decreases:
assumes "NFlow c s t a"
"NPreflow.isAugmentingPath c s t a x"
"info a x"
shows "edka_measure (NFlow.augment_with_path c a x) < edka_measure a"
proof -
have 2: "Graph.isShortestPath (cf_of a) s x t"
using assms(3) unfolding info_def by simp
show "edka_measure (NFlow.augment_with_path c a x) < edka_measure a"
unfolding edka_measure_def
using NFlow.shortest_path_decr_ek_measure[OF assms(1) 2]
NFlow.augment_with_path_def[OF assms(1) ] by auto
lemma augments: "⋀f p. NFlow c s t f ⟹ info f p ⟹ NPreflow.isAugmentingPath c s t f p"
unfolding info_def using NFlow.shortest_is_augmenting by blast
print_locale FoFu
definition (in -) edka_time_aux where
"edka_time_aux shortestpath_time augment_with_path_time init_graph cE cV = init_graph cV + (shortestpath_time+augment_with_path_time) * (2 * cV * cE + cV + 1)"
interpretation edka: FoFu c s t "edka_measure:: (nat × nat ⇒ 'capacity) ⇒ nat" shortestpath_time augment_with_path_time init_graph "info :: (nat × nat ⇒ 'capacity) ⇒ (nat × nat) list ⇒ bool"
apply standard
subgoal using NFlow.augmenting_path_imp_shortest info_def by blast
subgoal using edka_measure_decreases info_def augments by simp
subgoal using augment_progress by simp
subgoal using augments by blast
text ‹We show that our refined procedure is actually a refinement›
lemma find_shortest_augmenting_refine:
"(f',f)∈Id ⟹ find_shortest_augmenting_spec f' ≤ ⇓(⟨Id⟩option_rel) (edka.find_augmenting_spec f)"
unfolding find_shortest_augmenting_spec_def edka.find_augmenting_spec_def
apply(rule bindT_refine'[where R'=Id])
apply auto
apply(rule SELECT_refine)
subgoal unfolding info_def by auto
subgoal unfolding info_def by safe
by simp
text ‹Next, we specify the Edmonds-Karp algorithm.
Our first specification still uses partial correctness,
termination will be proved afterwards. ›
definition "edka_partial ≡ do {
f ← SPECT [(λ_. 0) ↦ init_graph (card V)];
(f,_) ← whileT(*⇗fofu_invar⇖*)
(λ(f,brk). ¬brk)
(λ(f,_). do {
p ← find_shortest_augmenting_spec f;
case p of
None ⇒ RETURNT (f,True)
| Some p ⇒ do {
ASSERT (p≠[]);
ASSERT (NPreflow.isAugmentingPath c s t f p);
ASSERT (Graph.isShortestPath (residualGraph c f) s p t);
f ← SPECT [NFlow.augment_with_path c f p ↦ augment_with_path_time];
ASSERT (NFlow c s t f);
RETURNT (f, False)
ASSERT (NFlow c s t f);
lemma edka_partial_refine : "edka_partial ≤ ⇓Id edka.fofu"
unfolding edka_partial_def edka.fofu_def
apply(rule bindT_refine'[where R'=Id])
apply simp
apply(rule bindT_refine'[where R'="Id"])
apply simp unfolding whileIET_def
apply(rule whileT_mono)
apply(rule case_prod_refine)
apply auto
apply(rule bindT_mono) apply auto
using find_shortest_augmenting_refine[simplified option_rel_id_simp, simplified] by simp
apply(rule case_option_mono) apply simp
apply(rule le_ASSERTI)+
apply(rule ASSERT_leI | simp)+
unfolding find_shortest_augmenting_spec_def
subgoal apply(simp only: inresT_ASSERT inresT_SELECT_Some) apply safe
unfolding edka.find_augmenting_spec_def
by(simp add: nofailT_ASSERT_bind)
by (rule ASSERT_leI | simp)+
subsubsection ‹Total Correctness›
text ‹We specify the total correct version of Edmonds-Karp algorithm.›
definition "edka ≡ do {
f ← SPECT [(λ_. 0) ↦ init_graph (card V)];
(f,_) ← whileT(*⇗fofu_invar⇖*)
(λ(f,brk). ¬brk)
(λ(f,_). do {
p ← find_shortest_augmenting_spec f;
case p of
None ⇒ RETURNT (f,True)
| Some p ⇒ do {
ASSERT (p≠[]);
ASSERT (NPreflow.isAugmentingPath c s t f p);
ASSERT (Graph.isShortestPath (residualGraph c f) s p t);
f ← SPECT [NFlow.augment_with_path c f p ↦ augment_with_path_time];
ASSERT (NFlow c s t f);
RETURNT (f, False)
ASSERT (NFlow c s t f);
text ‹Based on the measure function, it is easy to obtain a well-founded
relation that proves termination of the loop in the Edmonds-Karp algorithm:›
definition "edka_wf_rel ≡ inv_image
(less_than_bool <*lex*> measure (λcf. ek_analysis_defs.ekMeasure cf s t))
(λ(f,brk). (¬brk,residualGraph c f))"
lemma edka_wf_rel_wf[simp, intro!]: "wf edka_wf_rel"
unfolding edka_wf_rel_def by auto
text ‹The following theorem states that the total correct
version of Edmonds-Karp algorithm refines the partial correct one.›
theorem edka_refine: "edka ≤ ⇓Id edka_partial"
unfolding edka_def edka_partial_def
by simp
thm edka_refine edka_partial_refine edka.fofu_partial_correct
lemma edka_correct_time: "edka ≤ SPECT (emb isMaxFlow edka.maxFlow_time)"
using edka_refine edka_partial_refine edka.fofu_partial_correct
by simp
subsubsection ‹Complexity Analysis›
text ‹For the complexity analysis, we additionally show that the measure
function is bounded by $O(VE)$. Note that our absolute bound is not as
precise as possible, but clearly $O(VE)$.›
lemma ekMeasure_upper_bound:
"ek_analysis_defs.ekMeasure (residualGraph c (λ_. 0)) s t
< 2 * card V * card E + card V"
proof -
interpret NFlow c s t "(λ_. 0)"
by unfold_locales (auto simp: s_node t_node cap_non_negative)
interpret ek: ek_analysis cf
by unfold_locales auto
have cardV_positive: "card V > 0" and cardE_positive: "card E > 0"
using card_0_eq[OF finite_V] V_not_empty apply blast
using card_0_eq[OF finite_E] E_not_empty apply blast
show ?thesis proof (cases "cf.connected s t")
case False hence "ek.ekMeasure = 0" by (auto simp: ek.ekMeasure_def)
with cardV_positive cardE_positive show ?thesis
by auto
case True
have "cf.min_dist s t > 0"
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (auto simp: Graph.min_dist_z_iff True s_not_t[symmetric])
have "cf = c"
unfolding residualGraph_def E_def
by auto
hence "ek.uE = E∪E¯" unfolding ek.uE_def by simp
from True have "ek.ekMeasure
= (card cf.V - cf.min_dist s t) * (card ek.uE + 1) + (card (ek.spEdges))"
unfolding ek.ekMeasure_def by simp
also from
mlex_bound[of "card cf.V - cf.min_dist s t" "card V",
OF _ ek.card_spEdges_less]
have "… < card V * (card ek.uE+1)"
using ‹cf.min_dist s t > 0› ‹card V > 0›
by (auto simp: resV_netV)
also have "card ek.uE ≤ 2*card E" unfolding ‹ek.uE = E∪E¯›
apply (rule order_trans)
apply (rule card_Un_le)
by auto
finally show ?thesis by (auto simp: algebra_simps)
text ‹Finally, we present a version of the Edmonds-Karp algorithm
which is instrumented with a loop counter, and asserts that
there are less than $2|V||E|+|V| = O(|V||E|)$ iterations.
Note that we only count the non-breaking loop iterations.
abbreviation "edka_time ≡ edka_time_aux shortestpath_time augment_with_path_time init_graph (card E) (card V)"
lemma maxFlow_time_ub: "edka.maxFlow_time ≤ edka_time"
unfolding edka.maxFlow_time_def edka_measure_def unfolding edka_time_aux_def
using ekMeasure_upper_bound by auto
lemma edka_correct: "edka ≤ (SPECT (emb isMaxFlow (edka_time)))"
apply(rule order_trans[OF edka_correct_time])
apply(rule SPECT_ub)
apply (simp only: le_fun_def)
using maxFlow_time_ub by simp