theory FW_Code
section ‹Refinement to Efficient Imperative Code›
text ‹
We will now refine the recursive version of the \fw to an efficient imperative version.
To this end, we use the Imperative Refinement Framework, yielding an implementation in Imperative HOL.
definition fw_upd' :: "('a::linordered_ab_monoid_add) mtx ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a mtx nrest" where
"fw_upd' m k i j =
do {
mij ← mop_matrix_get 1 m (i, j);
mik ← mop_matrix_get 1 m (i, k);
mkj ← mop_matrix_get 1 m (k, j);
s ← mop_plus 1 mik mkj;
ss ← mop_min 1 mij s;
mop_matrix_set 1 m (i, j) ss
definition fwi' :: "('a::linordered_ab_monoid_add) mtx ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a mtx nrest"
"fwi' m n k i j = RECT (λ fw (m, k, i, j).
case (i, j) of
(0, 0) ⇒ fw_upd' m k 0 0 |
(Suc i, 0) ⇒ do {m' ← fw (m, k, i, n); fw_upd' m' k (Suc i) 0} |
(i, Suc j) ⇒ do {m' ← fw (m, k, i, j); fw_upd' m' k i (Suc j)}
) (m, k, i, j)"
lemma fwi'_simps:
"fwi' m n k 0 0 = fw_upd' m k 0 0"
"fwi' m n k (Suc i) 0 = do {m' ← fwi' m n k i n; fw_upd' m' k (Suc i) 0}"
"fwi' m n k i (Suc j) = do {m' ← fwi' m n k i j; fw_upd' m' k i (Suc j)}"
unfolding fwi'_def by (subst RECT_unfold, (refine_mono; fail), (auto split: nat.split; fail))+
lemma fw_upd'_spec: "fw_upd' m k i j ≤ SPEC (λr. r = uncurry (fw_upd (curry m) k i j)) (λ_. enat 6)"
unfolding SPEC_def
unfolding fw_upd'_def fw_upd_def upd_def
apply(rule T_specifies_I)
apply(vcg' ‹-› rules: matrix_set matrix_get mop_min mop_plus)
by(auto split: if_splits )
"fwi' m n k i j ≤ SPEC (λ r. r = uncurry (fwi (curry m) n k i j)) (λ_. 6*((j+1)+i*(n+1)))"
proof (induction "curry m" n k i j arbitrary: m rule: fwi.induct)
case (1 n k)
then show ?case apply (simp add: fwi'_simps) by (rule fw_upd'_spec)
case (2 n k i)
show ?case apply (simp add: fwi'_simps)
unfolding SPEC_def
apply(rule T_specifies_I)
apply(vcg' ‹simp› rules: 2(1)[unfolded SPEC_def, THEN T_specifies_rev, THEN T_conseq4]
fw_upd'_spec[unfolded SPEC_def, THEN T_specifies_rev, THEN T_conseq4] )
by(auto split: if_splits)
case (3 n k i j)
show ?case apply (simp add: fwi'_simps)
unfolding SPEC_def
apply(rule T_specifies_I)
apply(vcg' ‹simp› rules: 3(1)[unfolded SPEC_def, THEN T_specifies_rev, THEN T_conseq4]
fw_upd'_spec[unfolded SPEC_def, THEN T_specifies_rev, THEN T_conseq4] )
by(auto split: if_splits)
definition "fw_time (n::nat) = 6*((n+1)*(n+1))*(n+1)"
definition "fwi_time (i::nat) (j::nat) (n::nat) = 6*((j+1)+i*(n+1))"
lemma fw_time_fwi_time: "fw_time n = (n+1)* fwi_time n n n" unfolding fw_time_def fwi_time_def
by auto
lemma for_rec2_fwi:
"for_rec2 (λ M. fw_upd' M k) M n i j ≤ SPEC (λ M'. M' = uncurry (fwi (curry M) n k i j)) (λ_. fwi_time i j n)"
unfolding fwi_time_def
proof (induction "λ M. fw_upd' (M :: (nat × nat ⇒ 'a)) k" M n i j rule: for_rec2.induct)
case (1 a n)
then show ?case apply simp by (rule fw_upd'_spec)
case (2 a n i)
show ?case apply simp
unfolding SPEC_def
apply(rule T_specifies_I)
apply(vcg' ‹simp› rules: 2[unfolded SPEC_def, THEN T_specifies_rev, THEN T_conseq4]
fw_upd'_spec[unfolded SPEC_def, THEN T_specifies_rev, THEN T_conseq4] )
by(auto split: if_splits)
case (3 a n i j)
show ?case apply simp
unfolding SPEC_def
apply(rule T_specifies_I)
apply(vcg' ‹simp› rules: 3[unfolded SPEC_def, THEN T_specifies_rev, THEN T_conseq4]
fw_upd'_spec[unfolded SPEC_def, THEN T_specifies_rev, THEN T_conseq4] )
by(auto split: if_splits)
definition fw' :: "('a::linordered_ab_monoid_add) mtx ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a mtx nrest" where
"fw' m n k = nfoldli [0..<k + 1] (λ _. True) (λ k M. do { for_rec2 (λ M. fw_upd' M k) M n n n }) m"
lemma fw'_spec:
"fw' m n k ≤ SPEC (λ M'. M' = uncurry (fw (curry m) n k)) (λ_. (k+1)*fwi_time n n n)"
unfolding fw'_def
proof (induction k)
case 0
then show ?case apply simp unfolding SPEC_def
apply(rule T_specifies_I)
apply(vcg' ‹simp› rules:
for_rec2_fwi[unfolded SPEC_def, THEN T_specifies_rev, THEN T_conseq4] )
apply simp apply (vcg' ‹-›) by(auto split: if_splits simp: curry_def)
case (Suc k)
have dec: "[0..<Suc k + 1] = [0..<k + 1] @ [k+1]" by auto
show ?case apply(simp only: dec nfoldli_append) unfolding SPEC_def
apply(rule T_specifies_I)
apply(vcg' ‹simp› rules:
Suc(1)[unfolded SPEC_def, THEN T_specifies_rev, THEN T_conseq4]
apply simp apply (vcg' ‹-› rules: for_rec2_fwi[unfolded SPEC_def, THEN T_specifies_rev, THEN T_conseq4] )
apply simp apply (vcg' ‹-›) by(auto split: if_splits simp: curry_def)
fixes n :: nat
fixes dummy :: "'a::{linordered_ab_monoid_add,zero,heap}"
abbreviation "node_assn ≡ nat_assn"
abbreviation "mtx_assn ≡ asmtx_assn (Suc n) id_assn::('a mtx ⇒_)"
lemma ff: "(bb ::⇩iTYPE('a i_mtx)) ⟹ (bb ::⇩iTYPE(nat × nat ⇒'a))" by auto
sepref_definition fw_upd_impl is
"uncurry2 (uncurry fw_upd')" ::
"[λ (((_,k),i),j). k ≤ n ∧ i ≤ n ∧ j ≤ n]⇩a mtx_assn⇧d *⇩a node_assn⇧k *⇩a node_assn⇧k *⇩a node_assn⇧k
→ mtx_assn"
unfolding fw_upd'_def[abs_def]
apply sepref_dbg_preproc
apply sepref_dbg_cons_init
apply(drule ff)
apply sepref_dbg_id
apply sepref_dbg_monadify
apply sepref_dbg_opt_init
apply sepref_dbg_trans
apply sepref_dbg_opt
apply sepref_dbg_cons_solve
apply sepref_dbg_cons_solve
apply sepref_dbg_constraints
declare fw_upd_impl.refine[sepref_fr_rules]
sepref_register fw_upd' :: "'a i_mtx ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a i_mtx nrest"
"fwi_impl' (M :: 'a mtx) k = for_rec2 (λ M. fw_upd' M k) M n n n"
"fw_impl' (M :: 'a mtx) = fw' M n n"
notes [id_rules] = itypeI[of n "TYPE (nat)"]
and [sepref_import_param] = IdI[of n]
sepref_definition fw_impl is
"fw_impl'" :: "mtx_assn⇧d →⇩a mtx_assn" using [[id_debug, goals_limit = 1]]
unfolding fw_impl'_def[abs_def] fw'_def
unfolding for_rec2_eq apply(subst (2) nfoldli_assert'[symmetric])
apply(subst (1) nfoldli_assert'[symmetric])
apply(subst (0) nfoldli_assert'[symmetric])
unfolding nfoldli_def
by sepref
sepref_definition fwi_impl is
"uncurry fwi_impl'" :: "[λ (_,k). k ≤ n]⇩a mtx_assn⇧d *⇩a node_assn⇧k → mtx_assn"
unfolding fwi_impl'_def[abs_def] for_rec2_eq
apply(subst (1) nfoldli_assert'[symmetric])
apply(subst (0) nfoldli_assert'[symmetric])
unfolding nfoldli_def
by sepref
export_code fw_impl checking SML_imp
text ‹
A compact specification for the characteristic property of the \fw.
definition fw_spec where
"fw_spec n M ≡ SPEC (λ M'.
if (∃ i ≤ n. M' i i < 0)
then ¬ cyc_free M n
else ∀i ≤ n. ∀j ≤ n. M' i j = D M i j n ∧ cyc_free M n) (λ_. fw_time n)"
lemma D_diag_nonnegI:
assumes "cycle_free M n" "i ≤ n"
shows "D M i i n ≥ 0"
using assms D_dest''[OF refl, of M i i n] unfolding cycle_free_def by auto
lemma fw_fw_spec:
"SPECT [FW M n ↦ enat (fw_time n)] ≤ fw_spec n M"
unfolding fw_spec_def cycle_free_diag_equiv SPEC_def apply (simp add: le_fun_def)
proof (safe, goal_cases)
case prems: (1 i)
with fw_shortest_path[unfolded cycle_free_diag_equiv, OF prems(3)] D_diag_nonnegI show ?case
by fastforce
case 2 then show ?case using FW_neg_cycle_detect[unfolded cycle_free_diag_equiv]
by (force intro: fw_shortest_path[symmetric, unfolded cycle_free_diag_equiv])
case 3 then show ?case using FW_neg_cycle_detect[unfolded cycle_free_diag_equiv] by blast
"mat_curry_rel = {(Mu, Mc). curry Mu = Mc}"
"mtx_curry_assn n = hr_comp (mtx_assn n) (br curry (λ_. True))"
declare mtx_curry_assn_def[symmetric, fcomp_norm_unfold]
lemma fw_impl'_correct:
"(fw_impl', fw_spec) ∈ Id → br curry (λ _. True) → ⟨br curry (λ _. True)⟩ nrest_rel"
unfolding fw_impl'_def[abs_def] using fw'_spec fw_fw_spec
by (fastforce simp: in_br_conv pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps fw_time_fwi_time intro!: nrest_relI )
subsection ‹Main Result›
text ‹This is one way to state that ‹fw_impl› fulfills the specification ‹fw_spec›.›
theorem fw_impl_correct:
"(fw_impl n, fw_spec n) ∈ (mtx_curry_assn n)⇧d →⇩a mtx_curry_assn n"
using fw_impl.refine[FCOMP fw_impl'_correct[THEN fun_relD, OF IdI]] .
text ‹An alternative version: a Hoare triple for total correctness.›
corollary fw_correct:
"<mtx_curry_assn n M Mi * $(fw_time n)> fw_impl n Mi <λ Mi'. ∃⇩A M'. mtx_curry_assn n M' Mi' * ↑
(if (∃ i ≤ n. M' i i < 0)
then ¬ cyc_free M n
else ∀i ≤ n. ∀j ≤ n. M' i j = D M i j n ∧ cyc_free M n)>⇩t"
unfolding cycle_free_diag_equiv
thm fw_impl_correct[THEN hfrefD] fw_spec_def
apply (rule ht_cons_rule[OF _ _ extract_cost_ub_SPEC[OF fw_impl_correct[THEN hfrefD, unfolded fw_spec_def[unfolded cycle_free_diag_equiv]] ]])
by sep_auto+
lemma fw_time_n_cube: "fw_time ∈ Θ(λn. n*n*n)"
unfolding fw_time_def by auto2
subsection ‹Alternative Versions for Uncurried Matrices.›
definition "FWI' = uncurry ooo FWI o curry"
lemma fwi_impl'_refine_FWI':
"(fwi_impl' n, (λx. SPECT [ x ↦ fwi_time n n n]) oo PR_CONST (λ M. FWI' M n)) ∈ Id → Id → ⟨Id⟩ nrest_rel"
unfolding fwi_impl'_def[abs_def] FWI_def[abs_def] FWI'_def using for_rec2_fwi
by (force simp: pw_nrest_rel_iff pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps fw_time_fwi_time)
lemmas fwi_impl_refine_FWI' = fwi_impl.refine[FCOMP fwi_impl'_refine_FWI']
definition "FW' = uncurry oo FW o curry"
definition "FW'' n M = FW' M n"
lemma fw_impl'_refine_FW'':
"(fw_impl' n, (λx. SPECT [ x ↦ fw_time n]) o PR_CONST (FW'' n)) ∈ Id → ⟨Id⟩ nrest_rel"
unfolding fw_impl'_def[abs_def] FW''_def[abs_def] FW'_def using fw'_spec
by (force simp: pw_le_iff pw_nrest_rel_iff refine_pw_simps fw_time_fwi_time)
lemmas fw_impl_refine_FW'' = fw_impl.refine[FCOMP fw_impl'_refine_FW'']