Theory IICF_ArrayMap_Map

theory IICF_ArrayMap_Map
imports IICF_Map RBTree_Impl
theory IICF_ArrayMap_Map
  imports "../Intf/IICF_Map" "SepLogicTime_RBTreeBasic.RBTree_Impl"

(* inspired by Separation_Logic_Imperative_HOL/Examples/Array_Map_Impl *)

  subsection "Array Map"

  type_synonym 'v array_map = "'v option array"

  definition "iam_of_list l ≡ (λi. if i<length l then l!i else None)"

  lemma finite_dom_iam_of_list: "finite (dom (iam_of_list l))"
    by(auto intro: subset_eq_atLeast0_lessThan_finite
          simp: iam_of_list_def domIff split: if_splits)

  definition is_liam   where
    "is_liam s m a ≡ ∃Al f. snd a↦rf * fst a↦al * ↑(length l=s ∧ card (dom m) = f ∧ m=iam_of_list l)"

  definition new_liam :: "nat ⇒ (('a::{heap}) array_map × 'b::{heap,zero} ref) Heap"  where
    "new_liam n = do { a ← n None; s←Ref.ref 0; return (a,s) } "

lemma return_rule':
  "<$1> return x <λr. ↑(r = x)>" by auto2

schematic_goal "⋀x xa. x ↦a replicate n None * xa ↦r 0 * $0⟹A xa ↦r 0 * x ↦a ?f51 x xa  * $0"
  apply solve_entails oops
lemma new_liam_rule: "<$(n+3)> new_liam n <is_liam n (Map.empty)>" unfolding new_liam_def is_liam_def
    apply(sep_auto heap: ref_rule return_rule' )
    prefer 3 unfolding zero_time apply solve_entails by (auto simp: iam_of_list_def) 

lemma mop_map_empty_rule:
  "s+3≤t ⟹ hn_refine (emp) (new_liam s) emp (is_liam s) (PR_CONST (mop_map_empty t))"
  unfolding autoref_tag_defs mop_map_empty_def  
  apply (rule extract_cost_otherway[OF _ new_liam_rule, where Cost_lb="s+3" and F=emp])
    apply solve_entails+
  by auto 

thm mop_map_empty_rule[to_hfref]

definition "mop_map_empty_fs s t = SPECT [ Map.empty ↦ t]"

  fixes s::nat and t ::  " nat"
  sepref_register "  (mop_map_empty_fs s t )" 

  lemma  mop_map_empty_fs: "tt ≤ lst (SPECT [ Map.empty ↦ t  ])  Q
        ⟹ tt ≤ lst (mop_map_empty_fs s t ) Q" unfolding mop_map_empty_fs_def by simp

  definition "mop_map_empty_fixed_length s = mop_map_empty "
  context fixes s :: nat begin
      sepref_register " (mop_map_empty_fixed_length s)"

  (*    lemma [def_pat_rules]: "mop_map_empty_fixed_length$s ≡ UNPROTECT (mop_map_empty_fixed_length s)"
      by simp *)

lemma mop_map_empty_add_mn: "mop_map_empty = mop_map_empty_fs s"  by(auto simp: mop_map_empty_def mop_map_empty_fs_def)

lemma mop_map_empty_rule'[sepref_fr_rules]:
  "s+3≤n ⟹ hn_refine (emp) (new_liam s) emp (is_liam s) (PR_CONST (mop_map_empty_fs s n))"
  unfolding mop_map_empty_fs_def apply(rule mop_map_empty_rule[unfolded mop_map_empty_def]) by simp

term RECT
thm sep_heap_rules
thm sep_decon_rules

definition update_liam where
    "update_liam m k v = do {
          ov ← Array.nth (fst m) k;
          a ← Array.upd k (Some v) (fst m);
          (if ov = None then do {
              s ← Ref.lookup (snd m);
              Ref.update (snd m) (s+1);
              return (a,snd m)
            } else return (a, snd m))


thm return_rule
thm return_rule
lemma zz: "xs!i = n ⟹ xs[i:=n] = xs" by auto

lemma "<$2> if c=0 then return d else return 0 <λr. ↑(r = 0)>t"
  apply(sep_auto) oops

lemma knotin_dom_iam_of_listI: "l ! k = None ⟹ k ∉ dom (iam_of_list l)"
  by(auto simp: iam_of_list_def split: if_splits)

lemma kin_dom_iam_of_listI: "k < length l ⟹ l ! k = Some y ⟹  k ∈ dom (iam_of_list l) "
  by(auto simp: iam_of_list_def)

lemma iam_of_list_update: "k < length l ⟹ iam_of_list (l[k := Some v]) = iam_of_list l(k ↦ v)"   
  by (auto simp: iam_of_list_def split: if_splits)

lemma update_liam_rule: "k<n ⟹ <is_liam n M m * $6> update_liam m k v <λr. is_liam n (M(k:=Some v)) r >t"
  unfolding update_liam_def is_liam_def
  apply(sep_auto heap: nth_rule lookup_rule update_rule return_rule')
    apply(auto simp:   zz  card_insert finite_dom_iam_of_list
              set_minus_singleton_eq knotin_dom_iam_of_listI iam_of_list_update )
  apply(sep_auto heap: return_rule')    
   apply(auto intro!: card_Suc_Diff1   simp:    iam_of_list_update finite_dom_iam_of_list )
  by(auto simp: iam_of_list_def) 

lemma mop_set_insert_rule[sepref_fr_rules]:
  "(uncurry2 update_liam, uncurry2 (PR_CONST (mop_map_update t)))
     ∈ [λ((a, b), x). 6 ≤ t a ∧ b < mn]a (is_liam mn)d *a nat_assnk *a id_assnk → is_liam mn"
  apply sepref_to_hoare 
  unfolding mop_map_update_def autoref_tag_defs
  apply (rule extract_cost_otherway'[OF _  update_liam_rule ])
  by (auto simp: emb'_def | solve_entails; auto)+  

definition dom_member_liam where
    "dom_member_liam m k = do { f ← Array.nth (fst m) k; return (f ≠ None) }"

lemma dom_member_liam_rule: "k<n  ⟹ <is_liam n M m * $2> dom_member_liam m k <λr. is_liam n M m * ↑(r⟷k∈dom M)  >t"
  unfolding dom_member_liam_def is_liam_def
  apply(sep_auto heap: nth_rule return_rule' )
  by(auto simp: iam_of_list_def)

lemma mop_mem_set_rule[sepref_fr_rules]:
  "2 ≤ t M ⟹ x < n ⟹
    hn_refine (hn_val Id x x' * hn_ctxt (is_liam n) M p)
     (dom_member_liam p x')
     (hn_ctxt (pure Id) x x' * hn_ctxt (is_liam n) M p) id_assn ( PR_CONST (mop_map_dom_member t) $ M $ x)"
  apply sepref_to_hoare 
  unfolding autoref_tag_defs mop_map_dom_member_def
  apply (rule extract_cost_otherway'[OF _  dom_member_liam_rule])  
  by (auto simp: emb'_def | solve_entails; auto)+   

definition nth_liam where
    "nth_liam m k = do { f ← Array.nth (fst m) k; return (the f) }"

lemma nth_liam_rule: "k<n ⟹ k ∈ dom M ⟹ <is_liam n M m * $2> nth_liam m k <λr. is_liam n M m * ↑(r=the (M k))>t"
  unfolding nth_liam_def is_liam_def
  apply(sep_auto heap: nth_rule return_rule' )
  by(auto simp: iam_of_list_def)

lemma mop_map_lookup_rule[sepref_fr_rules]:
  "2 ≤ t M ⟹ x < n ⟹ 
    hn_refine (hn_val Id x x' * hn_ctxt (is_liam n) M p)
     (nth_liam p x')
     (hn_ctxt (pure Id) x x' * hn_ctxt (is_liam n) M p) id_assn ( PR_CONST (mop_map_lookup t) $ M $ x)"
  apply sepref_to_hoare
  unfolding autoref_tag_defs mop_map_lookup_def 
  apply(rule hnr_ASSERT) 
  apply (rule extract_cost_otherway'[OF _ nth_liam_rule] )
    by (auto | solve_entails; auto)+  
