Theory IICF_DArray_List

theory IICF_DArray_List
imports IICF_List DynamicArray2
theory IICF_DArray_List  
  imports "../Intf/IICF_List" "SepLogicTime_RBTreeBasic.DynamicArray2"

section "Implementing List Interface with DynamicArrays"

lemma new' : "12 ≤ n ⟹ 
      hn_refine emp dyn_array_new emp dyn_array (PR_CONST (mop_empty_list n))"
  unfolding mop_empty_list_def autoref_tag_defs
  apply (rule extract_cost_otherway[OF _ dyn_array_new_rule, where Cost_lb=7 and F=emp])
    apply auto
  apply(rule ent_ex_postI[where x="[]"]) by simp

(* concrete and abstract operations have to have the same order of parameters *)

subsection "get parametricity in element for 'free'"
thm param
term REST
lemma [param]: "(REST,REST) ∈ (A → Id) → ⟨A⟩nrest_rel" oops           (* ? gilt das ? *)                                                                
lemma pl_param: "(PR_CONST (mop_push_list n),PR_CONST (mop_push_list n)) ∈ A → ⟨A⟩list_rel → ⟨⟨A⟩list_rel⟩nrest_rel"
  unfolding mop_push_list_def autoref_tag_defs (* apply parametricity *) oops

(* thm pl_param[to_fref] *)
definition "da_assn R ≡ hr_comp dyn_array (⟨the_pure R⟩list_rel)"

lemma hn_refine_ex: "(⋀b. hn_refine (R b) c Q RR a) ⟹ hn_refine (∃Ab. R b) c Q RR a" 
   unfolding hn_refine_def mod_ex_dist by blast

lemma new[sepref_fr_rules]: "12 ≤ n ⟹  CONSTRAINT is_pure R ⟹
      hn_refine emp dyn_array_new emp (da_assn (R)) (PR_CONST (mop_empty_list n))"
  unfolding mop_empty_list_def autoref_tag_defs
  apply (rule extract_cost_otherway[OF _ dyn_array_new_rule, where Cost_lb=7 and F=emp])
    apply auto
  apply(rule ent_ex_postI[where x="[]"]) by (auto intro!: inst_ex_assn simp add: da_assn_def hr_comp_def)

lemma push':  "23  ≤ t xs' ==>
       hn_refine (hn_ctxt (da_assn (pure R)) xs' p * hn_ctxt (pure R) x' x) (push_array x p)
         (hn_invalid (da_assn (pure R)) xs' p * hn_ctxt (pure R) x' x)  
             (da_assn (pure R)) (PR_CONST (mop_push_list t) $  x' $   xs')"  
  unfolding mop_push_list_def autoref_tag_defs
  unfolding da_assn_def hr_comp_def hn_ctxt_def invalid_assn_def  apply simp
  apply(rule hn_refine_ex) subgoal for b
  apply (rule extract_cost_otherway[OF _ push_array_rule, where F="(pure R) x' x * hn_invalid dyn_array b p * ↑ ((b, xs') ∈ ⟨the_pure (pure R)⟩list_rel)" ])
    apply(simp ) apply safe apply (simp only: mult.assoc)  apply rotater apply rotater  apply (swapr) apply(taker) apply (rule isolate_first)
  apply (simp add: gr_def hn_ctxt_def)   apply(rule invalidate_clone)   apply(rule entails_triv)
     apply auto
    apply(rule ent_ex_postI[where x="xs' @ [x']"])
    apply(rule ent_ex_postI[where x="b @ [x]"]) apply (auto simp: hn_ctxt_def pure_def)
    subgoal by(auto simp: invalid_assn_def mod_starD  )
    subgoal by (meson list_relI(2) list_rel_append1 refine_list(1))
  apply(simp only: mult.assoc) apply (rule match_first) 
  by (auto simp: invalid_assn_def)   

lemma push''[sepref_fr_rules]:  "23  ≤ t xs' ==> CONSTRAINT is_pure R ⟹
       hn_refine (hn_ctxt (da_assn (R)) xs' p * hn_ctxt (R) x' x) (push_array x p)
         (hn_invalid (da_assn (R)) xs' p * hn_ctxt (R) x' x)  
             (da_assn (R)) (PR_CONST (mop_push_list t) $  x' $   xs')"  
  unfolding CONSTRAINT_def using push'[where R="the_pure R"] by auto

thm push''[to_hfref]

lemma dyn_da: "dyn_array = da_assn (pure Id)" unfolding da_assn_def by auto

lemma push_ :  "23  ≤ t xs' ==> hn_refine (hn_ctxt dyn_array xs' p * hn_ctxt (pure Id) x' x) (push_array x p)
         (hn_invalid dyn_array xs' p * hn_ctxt (pure Id) x' x)  
             dyn_array (PR_CONST (mop_push_list t) $  x' $   xs')" 
  unfolding dyn_da
  apply(rule push') by simp

lemma push :  "23  ≤ t xs' ==> hn_refine (hn_ctxt dyn_array xs' p * hn_ctxt (pure Id) x' x) (push_array x p)
         (hn_invalid dyn_array xs' p * hn_ctxt (pure Id) x' x)  
             dyn_array (PR_CONST (mop_push_list t) $  x' $   xs')" 
  unfolding mop_push_list_def autoref_tag_defs
  apply (rule extract_cost_otherway[OF _ push_array_rule, where F="hn_val Id x' x * hn_invalid dyn_array xs' p" ])
    apply(simp ) apply (simp only: mult.assoc)  apply rotater apply rotater  apply (swapr) apply(taker) apply (rule isolate_first)
  apply (simp add: gr_def hn_ctxt_def)   apply(rule invalidate_clone)   apply(rule entails_triv)
  apply auto
  apply(rule ent_ex_postI[where x="xs' @ [x]"]) apply (auto simp: hn_ctxt_def pure_def)
  apply(simp only: mult.assoc)
  apply rotatel apply (rule match_first) apply rotatel apply rotater  
  by (auto simp: invalid_assn_def)   

declare da_assn_def[symmetric, fcomp_norm_unfold]


(* thm push[FCOMP pl_param] *)

subsection "casting functions by tags"

thm push[to_hfref,to_hnr]
thm push[to_hfref]
thm new[to_hfref,to_hnr]
thm new[to_hfref]

subsection "synthesize some programs"

sepref_definition test is "uncurry0 (do { xs ←mop_empty_list 7;  mop_push_list (λ_. 10) (0::nat) xs })" :: "unit_assnka da_assn (pure Id)"
  apply sepref_dbg_keep                   
  apply sepref_dbg_trans_keep                  
        apply sepref_dbg_trans_step_keep oops

sepref_definition test is "uncurry0 (do { xs ←mop_empty_list 12;  mop_push_list (λ_. 23) (0::nat) xs })" :: "unit_assnka da_assn (pure Id)"
  apply sepref_dbg_keep   done

subsection "combined with relation"

definition "dyn_array_assn R xs' p = (∃Axs. dyn_array xs p * list_assn R xs' xs)"

lemma [simp]: "dyn_array_assn R [] r = dyn_array [] r"
  unfolding dyn_array_assn_def apply (rule ent_iffI)
  subgoal by (simp add: entails_def)
  subgoal apply(rule ent_ex_postI[where x="[]"]) by simp

thm new
