section "Auxilliary Lemmas"
theory Kruskal_Misc
lemma card2_get2: assumes "card x = 2"
obtains a b where "x = {a, b}" "a ≠ b"
proof -
from assms have [simp,intro!]: "finite x" apply(rule_tac ccontr) by auto
from assms obtain a where ax: "a ∈ x"
by fastforce
with assms have "card (x - {a}) = 1" by fastforce
then obtain b where "x - {a} = {b}" "a ≠ b"
by (metis Diff_cancel Diff_idemp card_1_singletonE insert_not_empty)
with that ax show ?thesis by blast
subsection "Lemmas on equivalence relations"
lemma equiv_sym: "equiv V R ⟹ (x,y)∈R ⟹ (y,x)∈R"
by (metis equiv_def symD)
lemma equiv_trans: "equiv V R ⟹ (x,y)∈R ⟹ (y,z)∈R ⟹ (x,z)∈R"
by (metis equiv_def transD)
lemma equiv_trans_sym:
"⟦ equiv V R; (a,b)∈R; (c,b)∈R ⟧ ⟹ (a,c)∈R"
"⟦ equiv V R; (a,b)∈R; (a,c)∈R ⟧ ⟹ (b,c)∈R"
apply (metis equiv_sym equiv_trans)+
lemma union_equiv:
"equiv V R ⟹ equiv V (per_union R a b)"
apply (rule equivI)
unfolding per_union_def
subgoal unfolding equiv_def refl_on_def by auto
subgoal apply (rule symI) by (auto dest: equiv_sym)
subgoal apply (rule transI) by (auto dest: equiv_trans equiv_trans_sym)
lemma equiv_mono: "E'⊆E ⟹ equiv E R1 ⟹ equiv E' (R1 ∩ E'×E')"
apply(rule equivI)
subgoal unfolding equiv_def
by (simp add: refl_on_def subset_iff)
subgoal unfolding equiv_def
by (metis mem_Sigma_iff symI sym_Int)
subgoal unfolding equiv_def using trans_Restr by fastforce
lemma unify2EquivClasses_alt:
assumes "R``{x} ≠ R``{y}" and inV: "y∈V" "x∈V" and "R⊆V×V"
and eq: "equiv V R" and [simp]: "finite V"
shows "Suc (card (quotient V (per_union R x y))) = card (quotient V R)"
proof -
from eq have Rtrancl: "R⇧+ = R" by (auto elim: equivE)
from `equiv V R` have sym: "sym R" unfolding equiv_def by auto
let ?R' = "per_union R x y"
have "⋀z. z ∈ V ⟹ z ∉ R `` {x} ⟹ z ∉ R `` {y} ⟹ per_union R x y `` {z} = R `` {z}"
using sym by(auto simp: sym_def per_union_def)
then have K: "(⋃x ∈ (V-(R``{x})-(R``{y})). {?R'``{x}}) = (⋃x ∈ (V-(R``{x})-(R``{y})). {R``{x}})"
by auto
have R_respect: "(λx. {R `` {x}}) respects R"
unfolding congruent_def using eq equiv_class_eq_iff by fastforce+
have R'_respect: "(λxa. {?R' `` {xa}}) respects R"
unfolding congruent_def per_union_def
using eq equiv_class_eq_iff by force+
have xdrin: "(R``{x}) ⊆ V" using assms(4) by auto
have x1: "(⋃x ∈ (R``{x}). {?R'``{x}}) = {?R'``{x}}"
apply(rule UN_equiv_class) by fact+
have x2: "(⋃x ∈ (R``{x}). {R``{x}}) = {R``{x}}"
apply(rule UN_equiv_class) by fact+
have ydrin: "(R``{y}) ⊆ V" using assms(4) by auto
have y1: "(⋃x ∈ (R``{y}). {?R'``{x}}) = {?R'``{y}}"
apply(rule UN_equiv_class) by fact+
have y2: "(⋃x ∈ (R``{y}). {R``{x}}) = {R``{y}}"
apply(rule UN_equiv_class) by fact+
have z: "(y,x)∈?R'" unfolding per_union_def using sym sym_def
using assms(2) assms(3) eq eq_equiv_class by fastforce
have bla: "?R'``{y} = ?R'``{x}"
apply(rule equiv_class_eq)
apply(rule union_equiv)
apply fact
by fact
let ?Vm = "(⋃x ∈ (V-(R``{x})-(R``{y})). {R``{x}})"
have "quotient V ?R' = (⋃x ∈ V. {?R'``{x}})" unfolding quotient_def by auto
have "… = (⋃x ∈ (V-(R``{x})-(R``{y})). {?R'``{x}})
∪ (⋃x ∈ (R``{y}). {?R'``{x}}) ∪ (⋃x ∈ (R``{x}). {?R'``{x}})"
using xdrin ydrin by auto
have "… = (⋃x ∈ (V-(R``{x})-(R``{y})). {?R'``{x}}) ∪ {?R'``{y}} ∪ {?R'``{x}}" using x1 y1 by auto
have "… = (⋃x ∈ (V-(R``{x})-(R``{y})). {R``{x}}) ∪ {?R'``{y}}" using K bla by auto
have "… = insert (?R'``{y}) ?Vm" by auto
finally have leftside: "quotient V ?R' = insert (?R'``{y}) ?Vm" .
have notin: "?R'``{y} ∉ ?Vm"
apply (auto simp: per_union_def)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Image_singleton_iff UnI1 assms(2) eq equiv_class_self local.sym symE)
have o: "card (quotient V ?R') = Suc (card ?Vm)"
unfolding leftside apply(rule card_insert_disjoint)
using notin by auto
have "quotient V R = (⋃x ∈ V. {R``{x}})" unfolding quotient_def by auto
have "… = (⋃x ∈ (V-(R``{x})-(R``{y})). {R``{x}})
∪ (⋃x ∈ (R``{y}). {R``{x}}) ∪ (⋃x ∈ (R``{x}). {R``{x}})"
using xdrin ydrin by auto
have "… = (⋃x ∈ (V-(R``{x})-(R``{y})). {R``{x}}) ∪ {R``{y}} ∪ {R``{x}}" using x2 y2 by auto
have "… = insert (R``{y}) (insert (R``{x}) ?Vm)" by auto
finally have ii: "quotient V R = insert (R``{y}) (insert (R``{x}) ?Vm)" .
have "R``{x} ∉ ?Vm"
using eq equiv_class_self by fastforce
have "R``{y} ∉ ?Vm"
using eq equiv_class_self by fastforce
with assms(1)
have "R``{y} ∉ (insert (R``{x}) ?Vm)" by blast
have "card (quotient V R) = Suc (card (insert (R``{x}) ?Vm))" apply(simp only: ii) apply(rule card_insert_disjoint)
apply simp
apply fact done
also have "card (insert (R``{x}) ?Vm) = Suc (card ?Vm)" apply(rule card_insert_disjoint)
apply simp
apply fact done
finally have a: "card (quotient V R) = Suc (Suc (card ?Vm))" by auto
from a o show ?thesis by auto
subsection "On the pigeon hole principle"
lemma fixes f::"'c⇒'d"
and g ::"'c⇒'d"
assumes "finite A" and k: "⋀a b. a∈A ⟹ b∈A ⟹ f a = f b ⟹ g a = g b"
shows coarser: "card (f ` A) ≥ card (g ` A)"
using assms
proof -
let ?h = "λd. THE x. {x} = g ` {x∈A. f x = d}"
term image
have z: "⋀x. x∈A ⟹ g ` {y∈A. f y = f x} = {g x} "
unfolding image_def apply auto using k
by blast
have uz: "⋀x. x∈A ⟹ ?h (f x) = g x"
by (simp add: z)
have "card (?h ` (f ` A)) ≤ card (f ` A)"
apply(rule card_image_le)
apply(rule finite_imageI) by fact
from uz have "?h ` (f ` A) = g ` A"
by force
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
subsection "On sorting and @{text max_node}"
definition edges_less_eq :: "('a × 'w::{linorder, ordered_comm_monoid_add} × 'a) ⇒ ('a × 'w × 'a) ⇒ bool"
where "edges_less_eq a b ≡ fst(snd a) ≤ fst(snd b)"
definition "sort_edges ≡ quicksort_by_rel edges_less_eq []"
definition "max_node l ≡ Max (insert 0 (fst`set l ∪ (snd o snd)`set l))"
lemma max_node_impl[code]: "max_node l = fold (λ(u,_,w) x. max u (max w x)) l 0"
proof -
have "fold (λ(u,_,w) x. max u (max w x)) l a = Max (insert a (fst`set l ∪ (snd o snd)`set l))" for a
apply (induction l arbitrary: a)
apply (auto simp: )
subgoal for a b l aa
apply (cases l)
by (auto simp: ac_simps)
thus ?thesis unfolding max_node_def by auto
definition "is_linorder_rel R ≡ (∀x y. R x y ∨ R y x) ∧ (∀x y z. R x y ⟶ R y z ⟶ R x z)"
lemma edges_less_eq_linorder: "is_linorder_rel edges_less_eq"
unfolding edges_less_eq_def is_linorder_rel_def
by (metis linear order_trans)
lemma sort_edges_correct: "sorted_wrt edges_less_eq (quicksort_by_rel edges_less_eq [] l)"
by (metis (no_types, hide_lams) edges_less_eq_linorder is_linorder_rel_def sorted_wrt_quicksort_by_rel)
lemma distinct_mset_eq:"distinct a ⟹ mset a = mset b ⟹ distinct b"
by (metis card_distinct distinct_card set_mset_mset size_mset)
lemma quicksort_by_rel_distinct: "distinct l ⟹ distinct (quicksort_by_rel edges_less_eq [] l)"
by (auto intro: distinct_mset_eq)