section ‹Basic Definitions›
theory Sepref_Basic
no_notation i_ANNOT (infixr ":::⇩i" 10)
no_notation CONST_INTF (infixr "::⇩i" 10)
no_notation timeCredit_assn ("$")
text ‹
In this theory, we define the basic concept of refinement
from a nondeterministic program specified in the
Isabelle Refinement Framework to an imperative deterministic one
specified in Imperative/HOL.
subsection {* Values on Heap *}
text ‹We tag every refinement assertion with the tag @{text hn_ctxt}, to
avoid higher-order unification problems when the refinement assertion
is schematic.›
definition hn_ctxt :: "('a⇒'c⇒assn) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'c ⇒ assn"
"hn_ctxt P a c ≡ P a c"
definition pure :: "('b × 'a) set ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ assn"
where "pure R ≡ (λa c. ↑((c,a)∈R))"
lemma pure_app_eq: "pure R a c = ↑((c,a)∈R)" by (auto simp: pure_def)
lemma pure_eq_conv[simp]: "pure R = pure R' ⟷ R=R'"
unfolding pure_def
apply (rule iffI)
apply safe
apply (meson pure_assn_eq_conv)
apply (meson pure_assn_eq_conv)
lemma pure_rel_eq_false_iff: "pure R x y = false ⟷ (y,x)∉R"
by (auto simp: pure_def)
definition "is_pure P ≡ ∃P'. ∀x x'. P x x'=↑(P' x x')"
lemma is_pureI[intro?]:
assumes "⋀x x'. P x x' = ↑(P' x x')"
shows "is_pure P"
using assms unfolding is_pure_def by blast
lemma is_pureE:
assumes "is_pure P"
obtains P' where "⋀x x'. P x x' = ↑(P' x x')"
using assms unfolding is_pure_def by blast
lemma pure_pure[simp]: "is_pure (pure P)"
unfolding pure_def by rule blast
lemma pure_hn_ctxt[intro!]: "is_pure P ⟹ is_pure (hn_ctxt P)"
unfolding hn_ctxt_def[abs_def] .
definition "the_pure P ≡ THE P'. ∀x x'. P x x'=↑((x',x)∈P')"
lemma the_pure_pure[simp]: "the_pure (pure R) = R"
unfolding pure_def the_pure_def
by (rule theI2[where a=R]) auto
lemma is_pure_alt_def: "is_pure R ⟷ (∃Ri. ∀x y. R x y = ↑((y,x)∈Ri))"
unfolding is_pure_def
apply auto
apply (rename_tac P')
apply (rule_tac x="{(x,y). P' y x}" in exI)
apply auto
lemma pure_the_pure[simp]: "is_pure R ⟹ pure (the_pure R) = R"
unfolding is_pure_alt_def pure_def the_pure_def
apply (intro ext)
apply clarsimp
apply (rename_tac a c Ri)
apply (rule_tac a=Ri in theI2)
apply auto
lemma is_pure_conv: "is_pure R ⟷ (∃R'. R = pure R')"
unfolding pure_def is_pure_alt_def by force
lemma is_pure_the_pure_id_eq[simp]: "is_pure R ⟹ the_pure R = Id ⟷ R=pure Id"
by (auto simp: is_pure_conv)
lemma is_pure_iff_pure_assn: "is_pure P = (∀x x'. is_pure_assn (P x x'))"
unfolding is_pure_def is_pure_assn_def by metis
abbreviation "hn_val R ≡ hn_ctxt (pure R)"
lemma hn_val_unfold: "hn_val R a b = ↑((b,a)∈R)"
by (simp add: hn_ctxt_def pure_def)
definition "invalid_assn R x y ≡ ↑(∃h. h⊨R x y) * true"
abbreviation "hn_invalid R ≡ hn_ctxt (invalid_assn R)"
lemma invalidate_clone: "R x y ⟹⇩A invalid_assn R x y * R x y"
apply (rule entailsI)
unfolding invalid_assn_def
by (metis mod_pure_star_dist abel_semigroup.commute entailsD entt_refl' linordered_field_class.sign_simps(4) mult.abel_semigroup_axioms)
lemma invalidate_clone': "R x y ⟹⇩A invalid_assn R x y * R x y * true"
apply (rule entailsI)
unfolding invalid_assn_def
by (metis (full_types) assn_times_comm mod_star_trueI monoid.left_neutral mult.monoid_axioms pure_true)
lemma invalidate: "R x y ⟹⇩A invalid_assn R x y"
apply (rule entailsI)
unfolding invalid_assn_def
using assn_times_comm entails_def entails_true by auto
lemma invalid_pure_recover: "invalid_assn (pure R) x y = pure R x y * true"
apply (rule ent_iffI)
apply (rule entailsI)
unfolding invalid_assn_def
by (auto simp: pure_def)
unfolding invalid_assn_def
apply (auto simp: pure_def)
using pheap.sel(2) pheap.sel(3) by blast
lemma hn_invalidI: "h⊨hn_ctxt P x y ⟹ hn_invalid P x y = true"
apply (cases h)
apply (rule ent_iffI)
by (auto simp: invalid_assn_def hn_ctxt_def)
lemma invalid_assn_cong[cong]:
assumes "x≡x'"
assumes "y≡y'"
assumes "R x' y' ≡ R' x' y'"
shows "invalid_assn R x y = invalid_assn R' x' y'"
using assms unfolding invalid_assn_def
by simp
subsection ‹Constraints in Refinement Relations›
lemma mod_pure_conv[simp]: "pHeap h as n ⊨pure R a b ⟷ (as={} ∧ n=0 ∧ (b,a)∈R)"
by (auto simp: pure_def pure_assn_rule)
definition rdomp :: "('a ⇒ 'c ⇒ assn) ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" where
"rdomp R a ≡ ∃h c. h ⊨ R a c"
abbreviation "rdom R ≡ Collect (rdomp R)"
lemma rdomp_ctxt[simp]: "rdomp (hn_ctxt R) = rdomp R"
by (simp add: hn_ctxt_def[abs_def])
lemma rdomp_pure[simp]: "rdomp (pure R) a ⟷ a∈Range R"
unfolding rdomp_def pure_def apply (auto simp: pure_assn_rule)
using pheap.sel(2) pheap.sel(3) pure_assn_rule by blast
lemma pureD: "h ⊨ ↑B ⟹ B"
by (simp add: pure_assn_rule)
lemma rdom_pure[simp]: "rdom (pure R) = Range R"
unfolding rdomp_def[abs_def] pure_def apply (auto dest: pureD simp: pure_assn_rule)
by (meson pheap.sel(2) pheap.sel(3))
lemma Range_of_constraint_conv[simp]: "Range (A∩UNIV×C) = Range A ∩ C"
by auto
subsection ‹Heap-NresT Refinement Calculus›
text {* Predicate that expresses refinement. Given a heap
@{text "Γ"}, program @{text "c"} produces a heap @{text "Γ'"} and
a concrete result that is related with predicate @{text "R"} to some
abstract result from @{text "m"}*}
definition "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R m ≡ nofailT m ⟶
(∀h as n M. pHeap h as n ⊨ Γ ⟶ m = REST M ⟶
(∃h' t r. execute c h = Some (r, h', t) ∧
(∃ra (Ca::nat). M ra ≥ Some (enat Ca) ∧ n+Ca≥t
∧ pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') ((n+Ca)-t) ⊨ Γ' * R ra r * true
∧ relH {a . a < Heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h' ∧ Heap.lim h ≤ Heap.lim h'))"
subsection "easy rules"
lemma hnr_FAILT[simp]: "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R FAILT"
by(simp add: hn_refine_def)
subsection "Refine hnr"
lemma assumes "m ≤ m'"
"hn_refine Γ c Γ' R m"
shows hnr_refine: "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R m'"
proof (cases m)
case FAILi
then show ?thesis using assms(1) by (auto simp: hn_refine_def)
case (REST x2)
with assms(2)[unfolded hn_refine_def] have
E: "(⋀h as n M. pHeap h as n ⊨ Γ ⟹
m = SPECT M ⟹
(∃h' t r. execute c h = Some (r, h', t) ∧
(∃ra Ca. Some (enat Ca) ≤ M ra ∧ t ≤ n + Ca ∧ pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Ca - t) ⊨ Γ' * R ra r * true) ∧
relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h' ∧ heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h'))"
by auto
show ?thesis unfolding hn_refine_def
proof (clarsimp)
fix h as n M'
assume M': "m' = SPECT M'"
with assms(1) obtain M where M: "m = SPECT M"
by fastforce
assume 2: "pHeap h as n ⊨ Γ"
from E[OF 2 M] obtain h' t r ra Ca where
ineq: "Some (enat Ca) ≤ M ra" and
r: "execute c h = Some (r, h', t)" "t ≤ n + Ca"
"pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Ca - t) ⊨ Γ' * R ra r * true "
"relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h'" "heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h'"
by blast
from assms(1) M' M have "M ≤ M'" by simp
with ineq have ineq': "Some (enat Ca) ≤ M' ra"
using dual_order.trans by(auto simp: le_fun_def)
from r ineq'
show "∃h' t r. execute c h = Some (r, h', t) ∧
(∃ra Ca. Some (enat Ca) ≤ M' ra ∧ t ≤ n + Ca ∧ pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Ca - t) ⊨ Γ' * R ra r * true) ∧ relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h' ∧ heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h'"
by blast
subsection "Frame rule"
lemma hnr_frame:
assumes "hn_refine P' c Q' R m"
assumes "P ⟹⇩t F * P'"
shows "hn_refine P c (F * Q') R m"
using assms(2)
unfolding hn_refine_def entailst_def
proof clarsimp
fix h as n M
assume "P ⟹⇩A F * P' * true" "pHeap h as n ⊨ P"
then have "pHeap h as n ⊨ F * P' * true" by(rule entailsD)
then have H: "pHeap h as n ⊨ P' * (F * true)"
apply simp by (metis mult.commute)
with assms(1)[unfolded hn_refine_def] have D1: "(⋀h as n M. pHeap h as n ⊨ P' ⟹
m = SPECT M ⟹
(∃h' t r. execute c h = Some (r, h', t) ∧
(∃ra Ca. Some (enat Ca) ≤ M ra ∧ t ≤ n + Ca ∧ pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Ca - t) ⊨ Q' * R ra r * true) ∧
relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h' ∧ heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h'))"
by auto
from mod_star_convE[OF H] obtain as1 as2 n1 n2 where uni: "as = as1 ∪ as2"
and a: "as1 ∩ as2 = {}" and n: "n = n1 + n2"
and pH1: "pHeap h as1 n1 ⊨ P'"
and Fr': "pHeap h as2 n2 ⊨ F * true" by blast
assume m: "m = SPECT M"
from D1[OF pH1 m] obtain h' t r ra Ca where
1: "execute c h = Some (r, h', t)" "Some (enat Ca) ≤ M ra" and 2: "t ≤ n1 + Ca"
and 3: "pHeap h' (new_addrs h as1 h') (n1 + Ca - t) ⊨ Q' * R ra r * true"
and 4: "relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as1} h h'" and 5: "heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h'"
by blast
have Fr: "pHeap h' as2 n2 ⊨ F * true"
apply(rule mod_relH[OF _ Fr'])
apply(rule relH_subset) apply fact
using Fr' a models_in_range by fastforce
have na: "new_addrs h as1 h' ∩ as2 = {}"
using a models_in_range[OF Fr'] 4
by (auto simp: new_addrs_def)
have n': "n1 + Ca - t + n2 = n + Ca - t" using n 2 by auto
have ne: "new_addrs h as1 h' ∪ as2 = new_addrs h as h'"
using uni new_addrs_def by auto
thm mod_star_convI
have "pHeap h' (new_addrs h as1 h' ∪ as2) (n1 + Ca - t + n2) ⊨ (Q' * R ra r * true) * (F * true)"
by(rule mod_star_convI[OF na 3 Fr])
then have "pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Ca - t) ⊨ (Q' * R ra r * true) * (F * true)"
by(simp only: n' ne)
then have 31: "pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Ca - t) ⊨ F * Q' * R ra r * true"
apply(rule entailsD[rotated])
by (simp add: assn_times_assoc entails_def mult.left_commute top_assn_reduce)
have 41: "relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h'"
apply(rule relH_subset) apply fact
using uni by blast
have 21: "t ≤ n + Ca" using 2 n by auto
from 1 21 31 41 5 show " ∃h' t r. execute c h = Some (r, h', t) ∧
(∃ra Ca. Some (enat Ca) ≤ M ra ∧ t ≤ n + Ca ∧ pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Ca - t) ⊨ F * Q' * R ra r * true) ∧
relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h' ∧ heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h'"
by auto
subsection "Consequence rules"
lemma hn_refine_cons':
assumes I: "P⟹⇩AP' * true"
assumes R: "hn_refine P' c Q R m"
assumes I': "Q⟹⇩A Q' * true"
assumes R': "⋀x y. R x y ⟹⇩A R' x y * true"
shows "hn_refine P c Q' R' m"
proof -
have "hn_refine P c Q R m"
apply(rule hnr_frame[OF R, where F=emp,simplified])
unfolding entailst_def by fact
then have R2: "(⋀h as n M. nofailT (SPECT M) ⟹
pHeap h as n ⊨ P ⟹
m = SPECT M ⟹
(∃h' t r. execute c h = Some (r, h', t) ∧
(∃ra Ca. Some (enat Ca) ≤ M ra ∧ t ≤ n + Ca ∧ pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Ca - t) ⊨ Q * R ra r * true) ∧
relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h' ∧ heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h'))" unfolding hn_refine_def by auto
show ?thesis unfolding hn_refine_def
proof (safe,goal_cases)
case (1 h as n M)
from R2[OF 1] obtain h' t r ra Ca where a: "execute c h = Some (r, h', t)"
"Some (enat Ca) ≤ M ra" "t ≤ n + Ca"
"relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h'" "heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h'"
and b: "pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Ca - t) ⊨ Q * R ra r * true" by blast
have b': "pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Ca - t) ⊨ Q' * R' ra r * true"
apply(rule entailsD[OF _b])
using I' R'
by (smt assn_times_assoc ent_star_mono ent_true_drop(1) merge_true_star mult.left_commute)
from a b' show ?case by blast
lemma hn_refine_cons_pre':
assumes I: "P⟹⇩AP' * true"
assumes R: "hn_refine P' c Q R m"
shows "hn_refine P c Q R m"
apply(rule hn_refine_cons'[OF I R])
by (auto simp add: entt_refl')
lemma hn_refine_preI:
assumes "⋀h. h⊨Γ ⟹ hn_refine Γ c Γ' R a"
shows "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R a"
using assms unfolding hn_refine_def
by blast
lemma hn_refine_cons:
assumes I: "P⟹⇩tP'"
assumes R: "hn_refine P' c Q R m"
assumes I': "Q⟹⇩t Q'"
assumes R': "⋀x y. R x y ⟹⇩t R' x y"
shows "hn_refine P c Q' R' m"
by(rule hn_refine_cons'[OF assms[unfolded entailst_def]])
lemma hn_refine_cons_post':
assumes R: "hn_refine P c Q R m"
assumes I: "Q⟹⇩AQ'*true"
shows "hn_refine P c Q' R m"
using assms
by (rule hn_refine_cons'[OF entt_refl' _ _ entt_refl'])
lemma hn_refine_cons_post:
assumes R: "hn_refine P c Q R m"
assumes I: "Q⟹⇩tQ'"
shows "hn_refine P c Q' R m"
using assms
by (rule hn_refine_cons[OF entt_refl _ _ entt_refl])
lemma hn_refine_split_post:
assumes "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R a"
shows "hn_refine Γ c (Γ' ∨⇩A Γ'') R a"
apply (rule hn_refine_cons_post[OF assms])
by (rule entt_disjI1_direct)
lemma hn_refine_post_other:
assumes "hn_refine Γ c Γ'' R a"
shows "hn_refine Γ c (Γ' ∨⇩A Γ'') R a"
apply (rule hn_refine_cons_post[OF assms])
by (rule entt_disjI2_direct)
lemma hn_refine_cons_pre:
assumes I: "P⟹⇩tP'"
assumes R: "hn_refine P' c Q R m"
shows "hn_refine P c Q R m"
by(rule hn_refine_cons_pre'[OF assms[unfolded entailst_def]])
lemma hn_refine_nofailI:
assumes "nofailT a ⟹ hn_refine Γ c Γ' R a"
shows "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R a"
using assms hn_refine_def by blast
lemma hn_refine_false[simp]: "hn_refine false c Γ' R m"
by (simp add: hn_refine_def)
lemma hn_refine_frame:
assumes "hn_refine P' c Q' R m"
assumes "P ⟹⇩t F * P'"
shows "hn_refine P c (F * Q') R m"
using assms hnr_frame by metis
lemma hn_refine_cons_res:
"⟦ hn_refine Γ f Γ' R g; ⋀a c. R a c ⟹⇩t R' a c ⟧ ⟹ hn_refine Γ f Γ' R' g"
apply (erule hn_refine_cons[OF entt_refl])
by (auto simp add: entt_refl)
lemma hn_refine_ref:
assumes LE: "m≤m'"
assumes R: "hn_refine P c Q R m"
shows "hn_refine P c Q R m'"
using assms hnr_refine by metis
lemma hn_refine_cons_complete:
assumes I: "P⟹⇩tP'"
assumes R: "hn_refine P' c Q R m"
assumes I': "Q⟹⇩tQ'"
assumes R': "⋀x y. R x y ⟹⇩t R' x y"
assumes LE: "m≤m'"
shows "hn_refine P c Q' R' m'"
apply (rule hn_refine_ref[OF LE])
apply (rule hn_refine_cons[OF I R I' R'])
subsection ‹Product Types›
text ‹Some notion for product types is already defined here, as it is used
for currying and uncurrying, which is fundamental for the sepref tool›
definition prod_assn :: "('a1⇒'c1⇒assn) ⇒ ('a2⇒'c2⇒assn)
⇒ 'a1*'a2 ⇒ 'c1*'c2 ⇒ assn" where
"prod_assn P1 P2 a c ≡ case (a,c) of ((a1,a2),(c1,c2)) ⇒
P1 a1 c1 * P2 a2 c2"
notation prod_assn (infixr "×⇩a" 70)
lemma prod_assn_pure_conv[simp]: "prod_assn (pure R1) (pure R2) = pure (R1 ×⇩r R2)"
by (auto simp: pure_def prod_assn_def intro!: ext)
lemma prod_assn_pair_conv[simp]:
"prod_assn A B (a1,b1) (a2,b2) = A a1 a2 * B b1 b2"
unfolding prod_assn_def by auto
lemma prod_assn_true[simp]: "prod_assn (λ_ _. true) (λ_ _. true) = (λ_ _. true)"
by (auto intro!: ext simp: hn_ctxt_def prod_assn_def)
subsection "Convenience Lemmas"
lemma hn_refine_guessI:
assumes "hn_refine P f P' R f'"
assumes "f=f_conc"
shows "hn_refine P f_conc P' R f'"
using assms by simp
lemma hnr_pre_pure_conv:
shows "hn_refine (Γ * ↑P) c Γ' R a ⟷ (P ⟶ hn_refine Γ c Γ' R a)"
unfolding hn_refine_def
by auto
subsubsection ‹Return›
lemma move_back_pure: "⋀B P. ↑B * P = P * ↑B"
by (simp add: assn_times_comm)
lemma move_back_pure': "⋀Q B P. Q * ↑B * P = Q * P * ↑B"
using assn_times_assoc assn_times_comm by auto
lemma consume_true: "⋀R. true * R * true = R * true"
by (metis mult.assoc mult.left_commute top_assn_reduce)
lemmas move = move_back_pure move_back_pure' consume_true
lemma hnr_uRETURN_pass:
"hn_refine (hn_ctxt R x p) (ureturn p) (hn_invalid R x p) R (RETURNT x)"
unfolding hn_refine_def
apply (auto simp: hn_ctxt_def)
subgoal for h as n
using execute_ureturn'[of p h] apply auto
subgoal apply(rule exI[where x=0]) apply (simp add: zero_enat_def)
apply(rule entailsD) by(auto simp: invalidate_clone')
subgoal by(simp add: relH_def) done
lemma hnr_uRETURN_pure:
assumes "(c,a)∈R"
shows "hn_refine emp (ureturn c) emp (pure R) (RETURNT a)"
unfolding hn_refine_def
apply (auto simp: hn_ctxt_def)
subgoal for h as n
using execute_ureturn'[of c h] apply auto
subgoal apply(rule exI[where x=0]) apply (simp add: zero_enat_def pure_def)
apply(simp add: move assms)
using entailsD entails_true by blast
subgoal by(simp add: relH_def) done
subsubsection ‹Assertion›
lemma param_ASSERT_bind[param]: "⟦
(Φ,Ψ) ∈ bool_rel;
⟦ Φ; Ψ ⟧ ⟹ (f,g)∈⟨R⟩nrest_rel
⟧ ⟹ (ASSERT Φ ⪢ f, ASSERT Ψ ⪢ g) ∈ ⟨R⟩nrest_rel"
by (auto intro: nrest_relI)
lemma hnr_ASSERT:
assumes "Φ ⟹ hn_refine Γ c Γ' R c'"
shows "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R (do { ASSERT Φ; c'})"
using assms
apply (cases Φ)
by auto
subsubsection ‹Bind›
lemma hnr_bind:
assumes D1: "hn_refine Γ m' Γ1 Rh m"
assumes D2:
"⋀x x'. RETURNT x ≤ m ⟹ hn_refine (Γ1 * hn_ctxt Rh x x') (f' x') (Γ2 x x') R (f x)"
assumes IMP: "⋀x x'. Γ2 x x' ⟹⇩A Γ' * hn_ctxt Rx x x' * true"
shows "hn_refine Γ (m'⤜f') Γ' R (m⤜f)"
unfolding hn_refine_def apply clarify
proof (goal_cases)
case (1 h as n Mf)
from 1(1) have nfm: "nofailT m" and nff: "⋀x t. inresT m x t ⟹ nofailT (f x)" by (auto simp: pw_bindT_nofailT)
from nfm obtain M where M: "m = SPECT M" by fastforce
from D1 nfm 1(2) M
obtain r h' t ra Ca where execm: "execute m' h = Some (r, h', t)"
and Mra: "M ra ≥ Some (enat Ca)" and pH1: "pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Ca - t) ⊨ (Γ1 * Rh ra r) * true" and t: "t ≤ n + Ca"
and relH1: "relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h'" and hl1: "heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h'"
unfolding hn_refine_def by blast
from M Mra have ram: "RETURNT ra ≤ m" apply (auto simp: le_fun_def RETURNT_def)
using dual_order.trans by fastforce
have noff: "nofailT (f ra)" apply(rule nff[where t=0]) using Mra M unfolding inresT_def
by (smt le_some_optE nrest.simps(5) zero_enat_def zero_le)
then obtain fM where fMra: "f ra = SPECT fM" by fastforce
from D2[OF ram, of r] have D2': "⋀h as n M.
pHeap h as n ⊨ Γ1 * Rh ra r ⟹
f ra = SPECT M ⟹
∃h' t rb. execute (f' r) h = Some (rb, h', t) ∧
(∃raa Ca. M raa ≥ Some (enat Ca) ∧ t ≤ n + Ca ∧ pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Ca - t) ⊨ Γ2 ra r * R raa rb * true) ∧
relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h' ∧ heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h'" unfolding hn_refine_def hn_ctxt_def by auto
from mod_star_convE[OF pH1] obtain as1 as2 n1 n2 where uni: "(new_addrs h as h') = as1 ∪ as2"
and a: "as1 ∩ as2 = {}" and n: "(n + Ca - t) = n1 + n2"
and pH1: "pHeap h' as1 n1 ⊨ Γ1 * Rh ra r"
and Fr': "pHeap h' as2 n2 ⊨ true" by blast
from D2'[OF pH1 fMra] obtain h'' t' r' ra' Ca' where execf: "execute (f' r) h' = Some (r', h'', t')" and
fMra': " fM ra' ≥ Some (enat Ca')"
and M'': " pHeap h'' (new_addrs h' as1 h'') (n1 + Ca' - t') ⊨ Γ2 ra r * R ra' r' * true"
and t':" t' ≤ n1 + Ca'"
and relH2': "relH {a. a < heap.lim h' ∧ a ∉ as1} h' h''" and hl2: "heap.lim h' ≤ heap.lim h'' "
by blast
from Fr' have Fr: "pHeap h'' as2 n2 ⊨ true"
using hl2 top_assn_rule by auto
have disj: "new_addrs h' as1 h'' ∩ as2 = {}"
using a models_in_range[OF Fr'] hl2
by (auto simp: in_range.simps new_addrs_def)
have k: "{a. a < Heap.lim h' ∧ a ∉ (new_addrs h as h')} ⊆ {a. a < Heap.lim h' ∧ a ∉ as1}"
using uni by auto
have relH2: "relH {a. a < heap.lim h' ∧ a ∉ (new_addrs h as h')} h' h''"
by(rule relH_subset[OF relH2' k])
thm relH_subset
have addrs: "(new_addrs h' as1 h'' ∪ as2) = (new_addrs h' (new_addrs h as h') h'')"
using ‹new_addrs h as h' = as1 ∪ as2› new_addrs_def by auto
have n12: " (n1 + Ca' - t' + n2) = (n + Ca - t) + Ca' - t'" using n t' by auto
from mod_star_convI[OF disj M'' Fr] have
M'': "pHeap h'' (new_addrs h' (new_addrs h as h') h'') ((n + Ca - t) + Ca' - t') ⊨ Γ2 ra r * R ra' r' * true"
unfolding n12 addrs by (metis assn_times_assoc assn_times_comm entailsD' entails_true)
from Mra fMra' obtain Car Car' where PF: "M ra = Some Car" "fM ra' = Some Car'" by fastforce+
thm execute_bind
have t'': "n + Ca - t + Ca' - t' = n + (Ca + Ca') - (t + t')" using t t' by simp
"new_addrs h' (new_addrs h as h') h'' = new_addrs h as h''"
using hl1 hl2
by (auto simp add: new_addrs_def)
with M'' have
ende: "pHeap h'' (new_addrs h as h'') (n + (Ca + Ca') - (t + t')) ⊨ Γ2 ra r * R ra' r' * true"
by (simp add: t'')
thm Sup_upper
have "Some (enat (Ca+Ca')) ≤ Some (Car+Car')"
using PF Mra fMra' add_mono by fastforce
from 1(3) fMra M have
"Some ((Car+Car')) ≤ Mf ra' "
unfolding bindT_def apply simp apply(drule nrest_Sup_SPECT_D[where x=ra'])
apply simp apply(rule Sup_upper) apply auto
apply(rule exI[where x="(map_option ((+) (Car)) ∘ fM)"])
using PF
apply simp apply(rule exI[where x=ra]) apply(rule exI[where x="Car"]) by simp
finally have "Some (enat (Ca+Ca')) ≤ Mf ra' " .
show ?case
apply(rule exI[where x=h''])
apply(rule exI[where x="t+t'"])
apply(rule exI[where x="r'"])
proof (safe)
show "execute (m' ⤜ f') h = Some (r', h'', t + t')"
by (simp add: execute_bind(1)[OF execm] execf)
show "∃ra Ca. Mf ra ≥ Some (enat Ca)∧ t + t' ≤ n + Ca ∧ pHeap h'' (new_addrs h as h'') (n + Ca - (t + t')) ⊨ Γ' * R ra r' * true "
apply(rule exI[where x=ra'])
apply(rule exI[where x="Ca+Ca'"])
proof (safe)
show "Mf ra' ≥ Some (enat (Ca+Ca'))" apply fact done
have "Γ2 ra r * R ra' r' * true ⟹⇩A Γ' * R ra' r' * true"
apply(subst mult.assoc)
apply(rule ent_trans[OF entails_frame[OF IMP]])
by sep_auto
with ende show "pHeap h'' (new_addrs h as h'') (n + (Ca + Ca') - (t + t')) ⊨ Γ' * R ra' r' * true"
using entailsD by blast
show "t + t' ≤ n + (Ca + Ca')" using n t t' by simp
note relH1
also have "relH {a. a < Heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h' h''"
apply (rule relH_subset[OF relH2])
using hl1 hl2
by (auto simp: new_addrs_def)
finally show "relH {a. a < Heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h''" .
show "heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h'' "
using hl1 hl2 by simp
subsubsection ‹Recursion›
definition "hn_rel P m ≡ λr. ∃⇩Ax. P x r * ↑(RETURNT x ≤ m)"
lemma hnr_RECT:
assumes S: "⋀cf af ax px. ⟦
⋀ax px. hn_refine (hn_ctxt Rx ax px * F) (cf px) (F' ax px) Ry (af ax)⟧
⟹ hn_refine (hn_ctxt Rx ax px * F) (cB cf px) (F' ax px) Ry (aB af ax)"
assumes M: "(⋀x. mono_Heap (λf. cB f x))"
shows "hn_refine
(hn_ctxt Rx ax px * F) (heap.fixp_fun cB px) (F' ax px) Ry (Sepreftime.RECT aB ax)"
unfolding RECT_flat_gfp_def
proof (simp, intro conjI impI)
assume "mono2 aB"
hence "flatf_mono_ge aB" by(rule trimonoD_flatf_ge)
have "∀ax px.
hn_refine (hn_ctxt Rx ax px * F) (heap.fixp_fun cB px) (F' ax px) Ry
(flatf_gfp aB ax)"
apply (rule flatf_ord.fixp_induct[OF _ ‹flatf_mono_ge aB›])
apply (rule flatf_admissible_pointwise)
apply simp
apply (auto simp: hn_refine_def) []
apply clarsimp
apply (subst heap.mono_body_fixp[of cB, OF M])
apply (rule S)
apply blast
thus "hn_refine (hn_ctxt Rx ax px * F)
(ccpo.fixp (fun_lub Heap_lub) (fun_ord Heap_ord) cB px) (F' ax px) Ry
(flatf_gfp aB ax)" by simp
lemma hnr_If:
assumes P: "Γ ⟹⇩t Γ1 * hn_val bool_rel a a'"
assumes RT: "a ⟹ hn_refine (Γ1 * hn_val bool_rel a a') b' Γ2b R b"
assumes RE: "¬a ⟹ hn_refine (Γ1 * hn_val bool_rel a a') c' Γ2c R c"
assumes IMP: "Γ2b ∨⇩A Γ2c ⟹⇩t Γ'"
shows "hn_refine Γ (if a' then b' else c') Γ' R (if a then b else c)"
apply (rule hn_refine_cons[OF P])
apply1 (rule hn_refine_preI)
applyF (cases a; simp add: hn_ctxt_def pure_def)
apply1 (rule hn_refine_split_post)
applyF (rule hn_refine_cons_pre[OF _ RT])
applyS (simp add: hn_ctxt_def pure_def)
applyS simp
apply1 (rule hn_refine_post_other)
applyF (rule hn_refine_cons_pre[OF _ RE])
applyS (simp add: hn_ctxt_def pure_def)
applyS simp
applyS (rule IMP)
applyS (rule entt_refl)
subsection ‹ML-Level Utilities›
ML {*
signature SEPREF_BASIC = sig
(* Destroy lambda term, return function to reconstruct. Bound var is replaced by free. *)
val dest_lambda_rc: Proof.context -> term -> ((term * (term -> term)) * Proof.context)
(* Apply function under lambda. Bound var is replaced by free. *)
val apply_under_lambda: (Proof.context -> term -> term) -> Proof.context -> term -> term
(* 'a nres type *)
val is_nresT: typ -> bool
val mk_nresT: typ -> typ
val dest_nresT: typ -> typ
(* Make certified == *)
val mk_cequals: cterm * cterm -> cterm
(* Make ⟹⇩A *)
val mk_entails: term * term -> term
(* Operations on pre-terms *)
val constrain_type_pre: typ -> term -> term (* t::T *)
val mk_pair_in_pre: term -> term -> term -> term (* (c,a) ∈ R *)
val mk_compN_pre: int -> term -> term -> term (* f o...o g*)
val mk_curry0_pre: term -> term (* curry0 f *)
val mk_curry_pre: term -> term (* curry f *)
val mk_curryN_pre: int -> term -> term (* curry (...(curry f)...) *)
val mk_uncurry0_pre: term -> term (* uncurry0 f *)
val mk_uncurry_pre: term -> term (* uncurry f *)
val mk_uncurryN_pre: int -> term -> term (* uncurry (...(uncurry f)...) *)
(* Conversion for hn_refine - term*)
val hn_refine_conv: conv -> conv -> conv -> conv -> conv -> conv
(* Conversion on abstract value (last argument) of hn_refine - term *)
val hn_refine_conv_a: conv -> conv
(* Conversion on abstract value of hn_refine term in conclusion of theorem *)
val hn_refine_concl_conv_a: (Proof.context -> conv) -> Proof.context -> conv
(* Destruct hn_refine term *)
val dest_hn_refine: term -> term * term * term * term * term
(* Make hn_refine term *)
val mk_hn_refine: term * term * term * term * term -> term
(* Check if given term is Trueprop (hn_refine ...). Use with CONCL_COND'. *)
val is_hn_refine_concl: term -> bool
(* Destruct abs-fun, returns RETURN-flag, (f, args) *)
val dest_hnr_absfun: term -> bool * (term * term list)
(* Make abs-fun. *)
val mk_hnr_absfun: bool * (term * term list) -> term
(* Make abs-fun. Guess RETURN-flag from type. *)
val mk_hnr_absfun': (term * term list) -> term
(* Prove permutation of *. To be used with f_tac_conv. *)
val star_permute_tac: Proof.context -> tactic
(* Make separation conjunction *)
val mk_star: term * term -> term
(* Make separation conjunction from list. "[]" yields "emp". *)
val list_star: term list -> term
(* Decompose separation conjunction. "emp" yields "[]". *)
val strip_star: term -> term list
(* Check if true-assertion *)
val is_true: term -> bool
(* Check if term is hn_ctxt-assertion *)
val is_hn_ctxt: term -> bool
(* Decompose hn_ctxt-assertion *)
val dest_hn_ctxt: term -> term * term * term
(* Decompose hn_ctxt-assertion, NONE if term has wrong format *)
val dest_hn_ctxt_opt: term -> (term * term * term) option
type phases_ctrl = {
trace: bool, (* Trace phases *)
int_res: bool, (* Stop with intermediate result *)
start: string option, (* Start with this phase. NONE: First phase *)
stop: string option (* Stop after this phase. NONE: Last phase *)
(* No tracing or intermediate result, all phases *)
val dflt_phases_ctrl: phases_ctrl
(* Tracing, intermediate result, all phases *)
val dbg_phases_ctrl: phases_ctrl
val flag_phases_ctrl: bool -> phases_ctrl
(* Name, tactic, expected number of created goals (may be negative for solved goals) *)
type phase = string * (Proof.context -> tactic') * int
(* Perform sequence of tactics (tac,n), each expected to create n new goals,
or solve goals if n is negative.
Debug-flag: Stop with intermediate state after tactic
fails or produces less/more goals as expected. *)
val PHASES': phase list -> phases_ctrl -> Proof.context -> tactic'
structure Sepref_Basic: SEPREF_BASIC = struct
fun is_nresT (Type (@{type_name nrest},[_])) = true | is_nresT _ = false
fun mk_nresT T = Type(@{type_name nrest},[T])
fun dest_nresT (Type (@{type_name nrest},[T])) = T | dest_nresT T = raise TYPE("dest_nresT",[T],[])
fun dest_lambda_rc ctxt (Abs (x,T,t)) = let
val (u,ctxt) = yield_singleton Variable.variant_fixes x ctxt
val u = Free (u,T)
val t = subst_bound (u,t)
val reconstruct = Term.lambda_name (x,u)
| dest_lambda_rc _ t = raise TERM("dest_lambda_rc",[t])
fun apply_under_lambda f ctxt t = let
val ((t,rc),ctxt) = dest_lambda_rc ctxt t
val t = f ctxt t
rc t
(* Functions on pre-terms *)
fun mk_pair_in_pre x y r = Const (@{const_name Set.member}, dummyT) $
(Const (@{const_name Product_Type.Pair}, dummyT) $ x $ y) $ r
fun mk_uncurry_pre t = Const(@{const_name uncurry}, dummyT)$t
fun mk_uncurry0_pre t = Const(@{const_name uncurry0}, dummyT)$t
fun mk_uncurryN_pre 0 = mk_uncurry0_pre
| mk_uncurryN_pre 1 = I
| mk_uncurryN_pre n = mk_uncurry_pre o mk_uncurryN_pre (n-1)
fun mk_curry_pre t = Const(@{const_name curry}, dummyT)$t
fun mk_curry0_pre t = Const(@{const_name curry0}, dummyT)$t
fun mk_curryN_pre 0 = mk_curry0_pre
| mk_curryN_pre 1 = I
| mk_curryN_pre n = mk_curry_pre o mk_curryN_pre (n-1)
fun mk_compN_pre 0 f g = f $ g
| mk_compN_pre n f g = let
val g = fold (fn i => fn t => t$Bound i) (n-2 downto 0) g
val t = Const(@{const_name "Fun.comp"},dummyT) $ f $ g
val t = fold (fn i => fn t => Abs ("x"^string_of_int i,dummyT,t)) (n-1 downto 1) t
fun constrain_type_pre T t = Const(@{syntax_const "_type_constraint_"},T-->T) $ t
local open Conv in
fun hn_refine_conv c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 ct = case Thm.term_of ct of
@{mpat "hn_refine _ _ _ _ _"} => let
val cc = combination_conv
cc (cc (cc (cc (cc all_conv c1) c2) c3) c4) c5 ct
| _ => raise CTERM ("hn_refine_conv",[ct])
val hn_refine_conv_a = hn_refine_conv all_conv all_conv all_conv all_conv
fun hn_refine_concl_conv_a conv ctxt = Refine_Util.HOL_concl_conv
(fn ctxt => hn_refine_conv_a (conv ctxt)) ctxt
(* FIXME: Strange dependency! *)
val mk_cequals = uncurry SMT_Util.mk_cequals
val mk_entails = HOLogic.mk_binrel @{const_name "entails"}
val mk_star = HOLogic.mk_binop @{const_name "Groups.times_class.times"}
fun list_star [] = @{term "emp::assn"}
| list_star [a] = a
| list_star (a::l) = mk_star (list_star l,a)
fun strip_star @{mpat "?a*?b"} = strip_star a @ strip_star b
| strip_star @{mpat "emp"} = []
| strip_star t = [t]
fun is_true @{mpat "true"} = true | is_true _ = false
fun is_hn_ctxt @{mpat "hn_ctxt _ _ _"} = true | is_hn_ctxt _ = false
fun dest_hn_ctxt @{mpat "hn_ctxt ?R ?a ?p"} = (R,a,p)
| dest_hn_ctxt t = raise TERM("dest_hn_ctxt",[t])
fun dest_hn_ctxt_opt @{mpat "hn_ctxt ?R ?a ?p"} = SOME (R,a,p)
| dest_hn_ctxt_opt _ = NONE
fun strip_abs_args (t as @{mpat "PR_CONST _"}) = (t,[])
| strip_abs_args @{mpat "?f$?a"} = (case strip_abs_args f of (f,args) => (f,args@[a]))
| strip_abs_args t = (t,[])
fun dest_hnr_absfun @{mpat "RETURNT$?a"} = (true, strip_abs_args a)
| dest_hnr_absfun f = (false, strip_abs_args f)
fun mk_hnr_absfun (true,fa) = Autoref_Tagging.list_APP fa |> (fn a => @{mk_term "RETURNT$?a"})
| mk_hnr_absfun (false,fa) = Autoref_Tagging.list_APP fa
fun mk_hnr_absfun' fa = let
val t = Autoref_Tagging.list_APP fa
val T = fastype_of t
case T of
Type (@{type_name nrest},_) => t
| _ => @{mk_term "RETURNT$?t"}
fun dest_hn_refine @{mpat "hn_refine ?P ?c ?Q ?R ?a"} = (P,c,Q,R,a)
| dest_hn_refine t = raise TERM("dest_hn_refine",[t])
fun mk_hn_refine (P,c,Q,R,a) = @{mk_term "hn_refine ?P ?c ?Q ?R ?a"}
val is_hn_refine_concl = can (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop #> dest_hn_refine)
fun star_permute_tac ctxt = ALLGOALS (simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps @{thms star_aci}))
type phases_ctrl = {
trace: bool,
int_res: bool,
start: string option,
stop: string option
val dflt_phases_ctrl = {trace=false,int_res=false,start=NONE,stop=NONE}
val dbg_phases_ctrl = {trace=true,int_res=true,start=NONE,stop=NONE}
fun flag_phases_ctrl dbg = if dbg then dbg_phases_ctrl else dflt_phases_ctrl
type phase = string * (Proof.context -> tactic') * int
fun ph_range phases start stop = let
fun find_phase name = let
val i = find_index (fn (n,_,_) => n=name) phases
val _ = if i<0 then error ("No such phase: " ^ name) else ()
val i = case start of NONE => 0 | SOME n => find_phase n
val j = case stop of NONE => length phases - 1 | SOME n => find_phase n
val phases = take (j+1) phases |> drop i
val _ = case phases of [] => error "No phases selected, range is empty" | _ => ()
fun PHASES' phases ctrl ctxt = let
val phases = ph_range phases (#start ctrl) (#stop ctrl)
val phases = map (fn (n,tac,d) => (n,tac ctxt,d)) phases
fun r [] _ st = Seq.single st
| r ((name,tac,d)::tacs) i st = let
val n = Thm.nprems_of st
val bailout_tac = if #int_res ctrl then all_tac else no_tac
fun trace_tac msg st = (if #trace ctrl then tracing msg else (); Seq.single st)
val trace_start_tac = trace_tac ("Phase " ^ name)
K trace_start_tac THEN' IF_EXGOAL (tac)
fn i => fn st =>
(* Bail out if a phase does not solve/create exactly the expected subgoals *)
if Thm.nprems_of st = n+d then
((trace_tac " Done" THEN r tacs i) st)
(trace_tac "*** Wrong number of produced goals" THEN bailout_tac) st
K (trace_tac "*** Phase tactic failed" THEN bailout_tac))
end i st
r phases
(* (* Perform sequence of tactics (tac,n), each expected to create n new goals,
or solve goals if n is negative.
Debug-flag: Stop with intermediate state after tactic
fails or produces less/more goals as expected. *)
val PHASES': phase list -> phases_ctrl -> Proof.context -> tactic'
fun xPHASES' dbg tacs ctxt = let
val tacs = map (fn (tac,d) => (tac ctxt,d)) tacs
fun r [] _ st = Seq.single st
| r ((tac,d)::tacs) i st = let
val n = Thm.nprems_of st
val bailout_tac = if dbg then all_tac else no_tac
fn i => fn st =>
(* Bail out if a phase does not solve/create exactly the expected subgoals *)
if Thm.nprems_of st = n+d then
(r tacs i st)
bailout_tac st
K bailout_tac)
end i st
r tacs
signature SEPREF_DEBUGGING = sig
(* Debugging *)
(* Centralized debugging mode flag *)
val cfg_debug_all: bool Config.T
val is_debug: bool Config.T -> Proof.context -> bool
val is_debug': Proof.context -> bool
(* Conversion, trace errors if custom or central debugging flag is activated *)
val DBG_CONVERSION: bool Config.T -> Proof.context -> conv -> tactic'
(* Conversion, trace errors if central debugging flag is activated *)
val DBG_CONVERSION': Proof.context -> conv -> tactic'
(* Tracing message and current subgoal *)
val tracing_tac': string -> Proof.context -> tactic'
(* Warning message and current subgoal *)
val warning_tac': string -> Proof.context -> tactic'
(* Error message and current subgoal *)
val error_tac': string -> Proof.context -> tactic'
(* Trace debug message *)
val dbg_trace_msg: bool Config.T -> Proof.context -> string -> unit
val dbg_trace_msg': Proof.context -> string -> unit
val dbg_msg_tac: bool Config.T -> (Proof.context -> int -> thm -> string) -> Proof.context -> tactic'
val dbg_msg_tac': (Proof.context -> int -> thm -> string) -> Proof.context -> tactic'
val msg_text: string -> Proof.context -> int -> thm -> string
val msg_subgoal: string -> Proof.context -> int -> thm -> string
val msg_from_subgoal: string -> (term -> Proof.context -> string) -> Proof.context -> int -> thm -> string
val msg_allgoals: string -> Proof.context -> int -> thm -> string
structure Sepref_Debugging: SEPREF_DEBUGGING = struct
val cfg_debug_all =
Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding sepref_debug_all} (K false)
fun is_debug cfg ctxt = Config.get ctxt cfg orelse Config.get ctxt cfg_debug_all
fun is_debug' ctxt = Config.get ctxt cfg_debug_all
fun dbg_trace cfg ctxt obj =
if is_debug cfg ctxt then
tracing (@{make_string} obj)
else ()
fun dbg_trace' ctxt obj =
if is_debug' ctxt then
tracing (@{make_string} obj)
else ()
fun dbg_trace_msg cfg ctxt msg =
if is_debug cfg ctxt then
tracing msg
else ()
fun dbg_trace_msg' ctxt msg =
if is_debug' ctxt then
tracing msg
else ()
fun DBG_CONVERSION cfg ctxt cv i st =
Seq.single (Conv.gconv_rule cv i st)
handle e as THM _ => (dbg_trace cfg ctxt e; Seq.empty)
| e as CTERM _ => (dbg_trace cfg ctxt e; Seq.empty)
| e as TERM _ => (dbg_trace cfg ctxt e; Seq.empty)
| e as TYPE _ => (dbg_trace cfg ctxt e; Seq.empty);
fun DBG_CONVERSION' ctxt cv i st =
Seq.single (Conv.gconv_rule cv i st)
handle e as THM _ => (dbg_trace' ctxt e; Seq.empty)
| e as CTERM _ => (dbg_trace' ctxt e; Seq.empty)
| e as TERM _ => (dbg_trace' ctxt e; Seq.empty)
| e as TYPE _ => (dbg_trace' ctxt e; Seq.empty);
fun gen_subgoal_msg_tac do_msg msg ctxt = IF_EXGOAL (fn i => fn st => let
val t = nth (Thm.prems_of st) (i-1)
val _ = Pretty.block [Pretty.str msg, Pretty.fbrk, Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t]
|> Pretty.string_of |> do_msg
Seq.single st
val tracing_tac' = gen_subgoal_msg_tac tracing
val warning_tac' = gen_subgoal_msg_tac warning
val error_tac' = gen_subgoal_msg_tac error
fun dbg_msg_tac cfg msg ctxt =
if is_debug cfg ctxt then (fn i => fn st => (tracing (msg ctxt i st); Seq.single st))
else K all_tac
fun dbg_msg_tac' msg ctxt =
if is_debug' ctxt then (fn i => fn st => (tracing (msg ctxt i st); Seq.single st))
else K all_tac
fun msg_text msg _ _ _ = msg
fun msg_from_subgoal msg sgmsg ctxt i st =
case try (nth (Thm.prems_of st)) (i-1) of
NONE => msg ^ "\n" ^ "Subgoal out of range"
| SOME t => msg ^ "\n" ^ sgmsg t ctxt
fun msg_subgoal msg = msg_from_subgoal msg (fn t => fn ctxt =>
Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t |> Pretty.string_of
fun msg_allgoals msg ctxt _ st =
msg ^ "\n" ^ Pretty.string_of (Pretty.chunks (Goal_Display.pretty_goals ctxt st))
ML ‹
(* Tactics for produced subgoals *)
signature STACTICAL = sig
(* Apply first tactic on this subgoal, and then second tactic on next subgoal *)
val THEN_NEXT: tactic' * tactic' -> tactic'
(* Apply tactics to the current and following subgoals *)
val APPLY_LIST: tactic' list -> tactic'
(* Apply list of tactics on subgoals emerging from tactic.
Requires exactly one tactic per emerging subgoal.*)
val THEN_ALL_NEW_LIST: tactic' * tactic' list -> tactic'
(* Apply list of tactics to subgoals emerging from tactic, use fallback for additional subgoals. *)
val THEN_ALL_NEW_LIST': tactic' * (tactic' list * tactic') -> tactic'
structure STactical : STACTICAL = struct
fun (tac1 THEN_WITH_GOALDIFF tac2) st = let
val n1 = Thm.nprems_of st
st |> (tac1 THEN (fn st => tac2 (Thm.nprems_of st - n1) st ))
fun (tac1 THEN_NEXT tac2) i =
tac1 i THEN_WITH_GOALDIFF (fn d => (
if d < ~1 then
(error "THEN_NEXT: Tactic solved more than one goal"; no_tac)
tac2 (i+1+d)
fun APPLY_LIST [] = K all_tac
| APPLY_LIST (tac::tacs) = tac THEN_NEXT APPLY_LIST tacs
fun (tac1 THEN_ALL_NEW_LIST tacs) i =
tac1 i
if d+1 <> length tacs then (
error "THEN_ALL_NEW_LIST: Tactic produced wrong number of goals"; no_tac
) else APPLY_LIST tacs i
fun (tac1 THEN_ALL_NEW_LIST' (tacs,rtac)) i =
tac1 i
val _ = if d+1 < length tacs then error "THEN_ALL_NEW_LIST': Tactic produced too few goals" else ();
val tacs' = tacs @ replicate (d + 1 - length tacs) rtac
APPLY_LIST tacs' i
open STactical