section {* Infrastructure for Multi-Phase Methods *} theory Autoref_Phases imports "../Lib/Refine_Lib" begin ML {* signature AUTOREF_PHASES = sig type phase = { init: Proof.context -> Proof.context, tac: Proof.context -> int -> int -> tactic, analyze: Proof.context -> int -> int -> thm -> bool, pretty_failure: Proof.context -> int -> int -> thm -> Pretty.T } val register_phase: string -> int -> phase -> morphism -> Context.generic -> Context.generic val delete_phase: string -> morphism -> Context.generic -> Context.generic val get_phases: Proof.context -> (string * int * phase) list val get_phase: string -> Proof.context -> (string * int * phase) option val init_phase: (string * int * phase) -> Proof.context -> Proof.context val init_phases: (string * int * phase) list -> Proof.context -> Proof.context val init_data: Proof.context -> Proof.context val declare_solver: thm list -> binding -> string -> (Proof.context -> tactic') -> morphism -> Context.generic -> Context.generic val phase_tac: (string * int * phase) -> Proof.context -> tactic' val phases_tac: (string * int * phase) list -> Proof.context -> tactic' val all_phases_tac: Proof.context -> tactic' val phases_tacN: string list -> Proof.context -> tactic' val phase_tacN: string -> Proof.context -> tactic' val cfg_debug: bool Config.T val cfg_trace: bool Config.T val cfg_keep_goal: bool Config.T end structure Autoref_Phases :AUTOREF_PHASES = struct type phase = { init: Proof.context -> Proof.context, tac: Proof.context -> int -> int -> tactic, analyze: Proof.context -> int -> int -> thm -> bool, pretty_failure: Proof.context -> int -> int -> thm -> Pretty.T } fun phase_order ((_,i1,_), (_,i2,_)) = (int_ord (i1,i2)) structure phase_data = Generic_Data ( type T = (string * int * phase) list val empty = [] val merge = Ord_List.merge phase_order val extend = I ) val cfg_debug = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding autoref_dbg} (K false) val cfg_trace = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding autoref_trace} (K false) val cfg_keep_goal = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding autoref_keep_goal} (K false) fun register_phase n i p _ = (Ord_List.insert phase_order (n,i,p)) fun delete_phase n _ = (filter (curry (op =) n o #1)) val get_phases = phase_data.get o Context.Proof fun get_phase name ctxt = phase_data.get (Context.Proof ctxt) |> find_first (curry (op =) name o #1) fun init_phase (_,_,p) ctxt = #init p ctxt val init_phases = fold init_phase structure autoref_state = Proof_Data ( type T = bool fun init _ = false ) (* TODO: Workaround to have enough data for solvers in context *) fun init_data ctxt = if autoref_state.get ctxt then ctxt else let val ctxt = init_phases (get_phases ctxt) ctxt val ctxt = autoref_state.put true ctxt in ctxt end fun declare_solver triggers name desc tac phi context = let val name_s = Morphism.binding phi name |> Context.cases Sign.full_name Proof_Context.full_name context fun tac' ctxt = if autoref_state.get ctxt then tac ctxt else let val _ = warning ("Autoref-Solver " ^ name_s ^ " invoked outside autoref context." ^ " Initializing new context (slow)") in tac (init_data ctxt) end in Tagged_Solver.declare_solver triggers name desc tac' phi context end local fun handle_fail_tac pname p ctxt i j st = let val dbg_info = Config.get ctxt cfg_debug val keep_goal = Config.get ctxt cfg_keep_goal val prt_term = Syntax.pretty_term ctxt; fun pretty_subgoal (n, A) = Pretty.markup (Markup.subgoal "") [Pretty.str (" " ^ string_of_int n ^ ". "), prt_term A]; fun pretty_subgoals () = let val (As,_) = Logic.strip_horn (Thm.prop_of st) val As = drop (i - 1) As |> take (j - i + 1) in map pretty_subgoal (1 upto length As ~~ As) |> Pretty.fbreaks |> Pretty.block end; in if dbg_info then let val pt = #pretty_failure p ctxt i j st val _ = tracing ("Phase \"" ^ pname ^ "\" failed" ) val _ = tracing (Pretty.string_of pt) val _ = tracing "Remaining goals:" val _ = tracing (Pretty.string_of (pretty_subgoals ())) in () end else (); if keep_goal then Seq.single st else Seq.empty end fun ite_succeed_tac p tac1 tac2 ctxt i j st = if #analyze p ctxt i j st then tac1 ctxt i j st else tac2 ctxt i j st fun do_phase (pname,_,p) tac1 ctxt = let val do_trace = Config.get ctxt cfg_trace fun tr msg tac ctxt i j st = (if do_trace then tracing msg else (); tac ctxt i j st) fun ptac ctxt i j = DETERM (#tac p ctxt i j) THEN ((PRIMITIVE (Drule.zero_var_indexes))) fun timed_ptac ctxt i j = let val tac = ptac ctxt i j in fn st => let val start = Timing.start () val res = tac st val timing = Timing.result start val _ = if do_trace then Timing.message timing |> tracing else () in res end end in ( tr ("Phase \"" ^ pname ^ "\"") timed_ptac ctxt) THEN_INTERVAL ite_succeed_tac p ( tr ("Success (Phase \"" ^ pname ^ "\")") tac1) ( tr ("Fail (Phase \"" ^ pname ^ "\")") (handle_fail_tac pname p)) ctxt end fun do_phases [] _ = (fn _ => fn _ => Seq.single) | do_phases (p::ps) ctxt = do_phase p (do_phases ps) ctxt fun is_sorted _ [] = true | is_sorted _ [_] = true | is_sorted ord (a::b::l) = ord (a,b) <> GREATER andalso is_sorted ord (b::l) in fun phase_tac p ctxt = let val ctxt = init_phase p ctxt in SINGLE_INTERVAL (do_phase p (fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => all_tac) ctxt) end fun phases_tac ps ctxt = let val ctxt = init_phases ps ctxt in SINGLE_INTERVAL (do_phases ps ctxt) end fun all_phases_tac ctxt = phases_tac (get_phases ctxt) ctxt fun get_phase_err ctxt name = case get_phase name ctxt of NONE => error ("Unknown phase: " ^ name) | SOME p => p fun phase_tacN name ctxt = phase_tac (get_phase_err ctxt name) ctxt fun phases_tacN names ctxt = let val ps = map (get_phase_err ctxt) names val _ = if is_sorted phase_order ps then () else warning "Non-standard phase order" in phases_tac ps ctxt end end end *} end