Verified Textbook Algorithms. A Biased Survey

Tobias Nipkow and Manuel Eberl and Maximilian P. L. Haslbeck

This article surveys the state of the art of verifying standard textbook algorithms. We focus largely on the classic text by Cormen et al. Both correctness and running time complexity are considered.

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author = {Tobias Nipkow and Manuel Eberl and Maximilian P. L. Haslbeck},
title = {Verified Textbook Algorithms. {A} Biased Survey},
booktitle = {ATVA 2020, Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis},
editor = {Dang Van Hung and Oleg Sokolsky},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {LNCS},
volume = {12302},
pages = {25-53},
year =2020,
note = {Invited paper}