a complete paper draft two weeks before your presentation to both Mohammad Abdulaziz and your advisor; this will be reviewed by other students and the advisor
a draft version of your presentation slides one week before your presentation to your advisor
the final versions of paper and slides on the day of the presentation to both Mohammad Abdulaziz and your advisor; these should, as far as possible, incorporate the suggestions made by the advisor and the student reviewers.
reviews of the two papers that were assigned to you one week before the respective presentation to Mohammad Abdulaziz
Formal requirements
The length of the paper should be roughly 10 pages.
The duration of the talk should be 30–35 minutes and must not exceed 40 minutes.
Reviews, presentations, and papers must be in English.
There are no strict requirements on the form of the paper or slides. No template will be provided.
Peer Reviews
Reviewers receive the drafts of their assigned topics as soon as they are handed in.
The main focus of the reviews should be the content and the presentation of the papers. Does it make sense? Is it well-structured? Is it understandable to someone who has not read the source material?
Reviewers are not expected to read the cited source material.
Spelling and grammar may be mentioned, but are less important.
A summary of the reviewed topic is not required.
Reviews should be roughly one page long.
Reviewers may freely decide whether to use full sentences or bullet points.