Theory Augmenting_Path_BFS_Impl

theory Augmenting_Path_BFS_Impl
imports IICF_List_Set IICF_ArrayMap_Map Augmenting_Path_BFS
theory Augmenting_Path_BFS_Impl

definition  "oappend x' xs' = return (x'#xs')" 

lemma mop_lookup_list_as_array_rule[sepref_fr_rules]:
  "⋀R. 1 ≤ t xs ⟹  
    hn_refine (hn_ctxt (list_assn R) xs xs' * hn_ctxt R x x')
     (oappend x' xs')
     (hn_invalid (list_assn R) xs xs' * hn_invalid R x x') (list_assn R) ( PR_CONST (mop_append t) $  x $ xs)"
  unfolding autoref_tag_defs mop_append_def oappend_def
  unfolding hn_refine_def
  apply (auto simp: execute_return pure_def hn_ctxt_def invalid_assn_def relH_def top_assn_rule)
  apply(rule exI[where x=1] ) apply auto
    by (metis mod_star_trueI pf) 
  subgoal using mod_starD by auto 
  subgoal using mod_starD by blast

subsection ‹Imperative Implementation›

term Augmenting_Path_BFS.bfs2
context Impl_Succ begin

    abbreviation "init_state_time == 13 + N"

    definition "set_pick_time vcf = (2::nat)"

    lemma [simp]: "set_pick_time cf > (0::nat)" unfolding set_pick_time_def by auto

definition "map_lookup_time vcf = (2::nat) " 
lemma [simp]: "map_lookup_time cf > 0" unfolding map_lookup_time_def by simp

definition init_state :: "nat ⇒ (bool × (nat ⇒ nat option) × nat set × nat set × nat) nrest" where
  "init_state  src  = do {
        m ← mop_map_empty (N+3);
        m ← mop_map_update (λM. 6) m src src;
        C ← mop_set_empty (1::nat);
        ASSERT (C={});
        C ← mop_set_insert (λ_. 2) src C;
        N ← mop_set_empty (1::nat);
        RETURNT (False, m, C, N, 0::nat)
    term mop_set_insert
    definition "set_insert_time vcf = 2"
    definition "map_dom_member_time vcf = (2::nat)"
    definition "map_update_time vcf = (6::nat)" 
    definition "set_isempty_time = (10::nat)"
    definition "set_empty_time = (10::nat)"
    definition "list_append_time = (1::nat)"

    abbreviation "bfs2 cf SS IS s t == Augmenting_Path_BFS.bfs2 cf
                       (set_insert_time (card (Graph.V cf))) (map_dom_member_time (card (Graph.V cf))) (map_update_time (card (Graph.V cf)))
                      (set_pick_time (card (Graph.V cf))) list_append_time (map_lookup_time (card (Graph.V cf))) set_empty_time set_isempty_time SS IS s t"

    definition op_bfs :: "'ga ⇒ node ⇒ node ⇒ path option nrest"
      where [simp]: "op_bfs c s t ≡ bfs2 (absG c) (succ c) (init_state) s t"
   (* lemma pat_op_dfs[pat_rules]: 
      "bfs2$(absG$c)$(succ$c)$s$t ≡ UNPROTECT op_bfs$c$s$t" by simp 
    sepref_register "PR_CONST op_bfs" 
      :: "'ig ⇒ node ⇒ node ⇒ path option nrest"  

    type_synonym ibfs_state 
      = "bool × (node ⇀ node) × node set × node set × nat"


  lemma init_state_correct: "init_state src ≤ SPECT [ (False,[src↦src],{src},{},0::nat) ↦ init_state_time  ]"
    unfolding init_state_def   
    apply(rule T_specifies_I) unfolding mop_map_empty_def mop_map_update_def mop_set_empty_def
    by(vcg' ‹clarsimp›  )  

    schematic_goal init_state_impl:
      fixes src :: nat
      assumes src_inbounds: "src < N" 
      notes [id_rules] = 
        itypeI[Pure.of src "TYPE(nat)"] 
      shows "hn_refine (hn_val nat_rel src srci) 
        (?c::?'c Heap) ?Γ' ?R (PR_CONST (init_state) src)"
      using [[id_debug, goals_limit = 3]]
      unfolding init_state_def PR_CONST_def   using src_inbounds
      unfolding mop_map_empty_add_mn[where s="N"]  (*
  apply sepref_dbg_preproc 
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_init
  apply sepref_dbg_id 
     apply sepref_dbg_monadify

     apply sepref_dbg_opt_init
  apply sepref_dbg_trans_keep    

  apply sepref_dbg_opt
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_solve ― ‹Frame rule, recovering the invalidated list 
    or pure elements, propagating recovery over the list structure›
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_solve ― ‹Trivial frame rule›
  apply sepref_dbg_constraints *)
      apply sepref
concrete_definition (in -) init_state_impl uses Impl_Succ.init_state_impl

    sepref_register "init_state " :: " node ⇒ ibfs_state nrest"

      thm init_state_impl_def

      lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = init_state_impl.refine[OF this_loc,to_hfref]

      thm Pre_BFS_Impl.pre_bfs2_def 
lemma PP: "⋀c. Pre_BFS_Impl (set_pick_time c)" by(simp add: Pre_BFS_Impl_def)

lemma (in -) hn_refine_Some[sepref_fr_rules]: " hn_refine (hn_val Id s' s)
           (ureturn (Some s))
       (hn_val Id s' s)
       (pure Id) (RETURNT $ (Some $ s'))"
  unfolding hn_refine_def apply (auto simp:   mult.assoc  execute_ureturn pure_def hn_ctxt_def)
  by (auto simp: top_assn_rule zero_enat_def relH_def  elim: pureD )


declare rbt_search_time_logN_mono [intro]
declare rbt_insert_logN_mono [intro]
declare rbt_delete_time_logN_mono [intro]

    schematic_goal bfs_impl:
      (*notes [sepref_opt_simps del] = imp_nfoldli_def 
          -- ‹Prevent the foreach-loop to be unfolded to a fixed-point, 
              to produce more readable code for presentation purposes.›*)
      notes [sepref_opt_simps] = heap_WHILET_def
      fixes s t :: nat  
      notes [id_rules] = 
        itypeI[Pure.of s "TYPE(nat)"]
        itypeI[Pure.of t "TYPE(nat)"]
        itypeI[Pure.of c "TYPE('ig)"]  
        ― ‹Declare parameters to operation identification›
      assumes inbounds: "s < N" and
         inboundsAll: "∀x∈Graph.V (absG c). x < N" 
  "hn_refine (
        hn_ctxt (isG) c ci 
      * hn_val nat_rel s si 
      * hn_val nat_rel t ti) (?c::?'c Heap) ?Γ' ?R (PR_CONST op_bfs c s t)"
      unfolding op_bfs_def PR_CONST_def      
      apply(subst Augmenting_Path_BFS.bfs2_def) apply(simp add: Augmenting_Path_BFS_def)
      unfolding Pre_BFS_Impl.pre_bfs2_def[OF PP[of "(card (Graph.V (absG c)))"]]  
      unfolding Pre_BFS_Impl.inner_loop_def[OF PP[of "(card (Graph.V (absG c)))"]]  unfolding  extract_rpath_def nfoldliIE_def nfoldli_def 
      using [[id_debug, goals_limit = 3]]
      unfolding monadic_WHILE_aux unfolding Pre_BFS_Impl.loopguard_def[OF PP[of "(card (Graph.V (absG c)))"]] 
      unfolding set_pick_time_def set_isempty_time_def map_dom_member_time_def
          map_update_time_def set_insert_time_def set_empty_time_def map_lookup_time_def list_append_time_def
      using inbounds  inboundsAll 
  apply sepref_dbg_preproc
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_init
  apply sepref_dbg_id 
     apply sepref_dbg_monadify

     apply sepref_dbg_opt_init
  apply sepref_dbg_trans_keep            

  apply sepref_dbg_opt
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_solve ― ‹Frame rule, recovering the invalidated list 
    or pure elements, propagating recovery over the list structure›
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_solve ― ‹Trivial frame rule›
  apply sepref_dbg_constraints
    concrete_definition (in -) bfs_impl uses Impl_Succ.bfs_impl
      ― ‹Extract generated implementation into constant›
    prepare_code_thms (in -) bfs_impl_def

  lemmas bfs_impl_fr_rule = bfs_impl.refine[OF this_loc, to_hfref]

(*  export_code bfs_impl checking SML_imp *)
