Theory EdmondsKarp_Impl

theory EdmondsKarp_Impl
imports EdmondsKarp_Refine Augmenting_Path_BFS_Impl IICF_Array_Matrix
theory EdmondsKarp_Impl
  imports EdmondsKarp_Refine                    
  subsection ‹Imperative Implementation›  
  text ‹In this section we provide an efficient imperative implementation,
    using the Sepref tool. It is mostly technical, setting up the mappings
    from abstract to concrete data structures, and then refining the algorithm,
    function by function.  

  text ‹
    This is also the point where we have to choose the implementation of 
    capacities. Up to here, they have been a polymorphic type with a
    typeclass constraint of being a linearly ordered integral domain.
    Here, we switch to @{typ [source] capacity_impl} (@{typ capacity_impl}).
  locale Network_Impl = Network c s t for c :: "capacity_impl graph" and s t

  text ‹Moreover, we assume that the nodes are natural numbers less 
    than some number @{term N}, which will become an additional parameter 
    of our algorithm. ›
  locale Edka_Impl = Network_Impl +
    fixes N :: nat
    assumes V_ss: "V⊆{0..<N}" and stinbounds: "s < N" "t<N"
    lemma this_loc: "Edka_Impl c s t N" by unfold_locales

    lemma E_ss: "E ⊆ {0..<N}×{0..<N}" using E_ss_VxV V_ss by auto

    lemma mtx_nonzero_iff[simp]: "mtx_nonzero c = E" unfolding E_def by (auto simp: mtx_nonzero_def)

    lemma mtx_nonzeroN: "mtx_nonzero c ⊆ {0..<N}×{0..<N}" using E_ss by simp

    lemma [simp]: "v∈V ⟹ v<N" using V_ss by auto

    text ‹Declare some variables to Sepref. ›
    lemmas [id_rules] = 
      itypeI[Pure.of N "TYPE(nat)"]  
      itypeI[Pure.of s "TYPE(node)"]  
      itypeI[Pure.of t "TYPE(node)"]  
      itypeI[Pure.of c "TYPE(capacity_impl graph)"]  
    text ‹Instruct Sepref to not refine these parameters. This is expressed
      by using identity as refinement relation.›
    lemmas [sepref_import_param] = 
      IdI[of N]
      IdI[of s]
      IdI[of t]
      IdI[of c]

    lemma [sepref_fr_rules]: "(uncurry0 (ureturn c),uncurry0 (RETURNT c))∈unit_assnka pure (nat_rel×rnat_rel → int_rel)"
      apply sepref_to_hoare
      by sep_auto 

    subsubsection ‹Implementation of Adjacency Map by Array›  
    definition "is_am am psi 
      ≡ ∃Al. psi ↦a l 
          * ↑(length l = N ∧ (∀i<N. l!i = am i) 
              ∧ (∀i≥N. am i = []))"
(*    lemma is_am_precise[safe_constraint_rules]: "precise (is_am)"
      apply rule
      unfolding is_am_def
      apply clarsimp
      apply (rename_tac l l')
      apply prec_extract_eqs
      apply (rule ext)                                                                                        
      apply (rename_tac i)
      apply (case_tac "i<length l'")
      apply fastforce+
      sorry *)

    sepref_decl_intf i_ps is "nat ⇒ nat list" 

    definition (in -) "ps_get_imp psi u ≡ Array.nth psi u"

    sepref_register "ps_get_op" :: "i_ps ⇒ node ⇒ node list nrest"

    lemma ps_get_op_refine[sepref_fr_rules]:       
      "(uncurry ps_get_imp, uncurry (PR_CONST ps_get_op)) 
        ∈ is_amk *a (pure Id)ka list_assn (pure Id)"
      unfolding list_assn_pure_conv ps_get_op_def
      apply sepref_to_hoare
      unfolding autoref_tag_defs                   
      apply(rule hnr_ASSERT)   
      apply(rule hn_refineI) apply(simp add: one_enat_def del: One_nat_def)
      using V_ss by (sep_auto simp: ps_get_imp_def is_am_def simp del: One_nat_def) 

    lemma is_pred_succ_no_node: "⟦is_adj_map a; u∉V⟧ ⟹ a u = []"
      unfolding is_adj_map_def V_def
      by auto

    abbreviation "am_init_time == (N+1::nat)"

    lemma [sepref_fr_rules]: "(Array.make N, PR_CONST (init_ps am_init_time)) 
      ∈ (pure Id)ka is_am" 
      unfolding init_ps_def  
      apply sepref_to_hoare       
      unfolding autoref_tag_defs            
      apply(rule hnr_ASSERT)      
      apply(rule hn_refineI) apply (simp del: One_nat_def)
      using V_ss
      by (sep_auto simp: init_ps_def refine_pw_simps is_am_def pure_def
        intro: is_pred_succ_no_node simp del: One_nat_def)  

    sepref_register "init_ps am_init_time" :: "(node ⇒ node list) ⇒ i_ps nrest"

    abbreviation "matrix_lookup_time == 1::nat" 
    abbreviation "matrix_set_time == 1::nat" 
    definition cf_get' where "cf_get' cff e = cf_get cff e matrix_lookup_time"
    definition cf_set' where "cf_set' cff e cap= cf_set cff e cap matrix_set_time"

      "cf_get'" :: "capacity_impl i_mtx ⇒ edge ⇒ capacity_impl nrest"

      "cf_set'" :: "capacity_impl i_mtx ⇒ edge ⇒ capacity_impl 
        ⇒ capacity_impl i_mtx nrest"

    text ‹We have to link the matrix implementation, which encodes the bound, 
      to the abstract assertion of the bound›

    sepref_definition cf_get_impl is "uncurry (PR_CONST cf_get')" :: "(asmtx_assn N id_assn)k *a (prod_assn id_assn id_assn)ka id_assn"
      unfolding PR_CONST_def  cf_get'_def
      unfolding cf_get_def[abs_def]  
      apply sepref_dbg_preproc
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_init 
      apply sepref_dbg_id_keep apply simp apply simp (* TODO: ! *)
     apply sepref_dbg_monadify

     apply sepref_dbg_opt_init
  apply sepref_dbg_trans_step           
  apply sepref_dbg_trans_step   

  apply sepref_dbg_opt
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_solve ― ‹Frame rule, recovering the invalidated list 
    or pure elements, propagating recovery over the list structure›
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_solve ― ‹Trivial frame rule›
  apply sepref_dbg_constraints

    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = cf_get_impl.refine
    lemmas [sepref_opt_simps] = cf_get_impl_def

    sepref_definition cf_set_impl is "uncurry2 (PR_CONST cf_set')" :: "(asmtx_assn N id_assn)d *a (prod_assn id_assn id_assn)k *a id_assnka asmtx_assn N id_assn"
      unfolding PR_CONST_def cf_set'_def cf_set_def[abs_def] 
       apply sepref_dbg_preproc
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_init
         apply sepref_dbg_id_keep apply simp apply simp apply simp (* TODO: ! *)
     apply sepref_dbg_monadify

     apply sepref_dbg_opt_init
  apply sepref_dbg_trans_step           
  apply sepref_dbg_trans_step

  apply sepref_dbg_opt
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_solve ― ‹Frame rule, recovering the invalidated list 
    or pure elements, propagating recovery over the list structure›
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_solve ― ‹Trivial frame rule›
  apply sepref_dbg_constraints

    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = cf_set_impl.refine
    lemmas [sepref_opt_simps] = cf_set_impl_def

    abbreviation "graph_init_time == (λn. 3*N*N +3)"

  lemma uu: "SPECT [op_mtx_new c ↦ enat (3 * N * N + 3)]
            = mop_amtx_new N N (λN M. 3*N*M +3) c"
    unfolding mop_amtx_new_def by simp    

  lemma "card V≤N"  
    using V_ss subset_eq_atLeast0_lessThan_card by blast  

    sepref_thm init_cf_impl is "uncurry0 (PR_CONST (init_cf graph_init_time))" :: "unit_assnka asmtx_assn N id_assn"
      unfolding PR_CONST_def init_cf_def              
      using E_ss thm op_mtx_new_def[of c, symmetric]
      apply (subst op_mtx_new_def[of c, symmetric])
      unfolding uu 
      by sepref  

    concrete_definition (in -) init_cf_impl uses Edka_Impl.init_cf_impl.refine_raw is "(uncurry0 ?f,_)∈_" 
    prepare_code_thms (in -) init_cf_impl_def
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = init_cf_impl.refine[OF this_loc]  

    (* TODO: Use sepref to synthesize the get-operations! *)
    lemma amtx_cnv: "amtx_assn N M id_assn = IICF_Array_Matrix.is_amtx N M" 
      by (simp add: amtx_assn_def)
    sepref_register "init_cf graph_init_time" :: "capacity_impl i_mtx nrest"

    subsubsection ‹Representing Result Flow as Residual Graph›
    definition (in Network_Impl) "is_rflow N f cfi 
      ≡ ∃Acf. asmtx_assn N id_assn cf cfi * ↑(RGraph c s t cf ∧ f = flow_of_cf cf)"

  (*  lemma is_rflow_precise[safe_constraint_rules]: "precise (is_rflow N)"
      apply rule
      unfolding is_rflow_def
      apply (clarsimp simp: amtx_assn_def)
      apply prec_extract_eqs
      apply simp
      sorry *)

    sepref_decl_intf i_rflow is "nat×nat ⇒ int"

    lemma [sepref_fr_rules]: 
      "(λcfi. ureturn cfi, PR_CONST compute_rflow) ∈ (asmtx_assn N id_assn)da is_rflow N"
      unfolding amtx_cnv compute_rflow_def
      apply sepref_to_hoare 
      unfolding autoref_tag_defs 
      apply(rule hnr_ASSERT)      unfolding RETURNT_SPECT_conv
      apply(rule hn_refineI) apply (simp add: zero_enat_def del: Zero_nat_def)
      by (sep_auto simp: amtx_cnv compute_rflow_def is_rflow_def refine_pw_simps hn_ctxt_def)

      "compute_rflow" :: "capacity_impl i_mtx ⇒ i_rflow nrest"

    subsubsection ‹Implementation of Functions›  
    abbreviation "list_append_time == 1::nat" 
    definition "rg_succ2 am cf u = Succ_Impl.rg_succ2 c list_append_time matrix_lookup_time am cf u "

    schematic_goal rg_succ2_impl:
      fixes am :: "node ⇒ node list" and cf :: "capacity_impl graph"
      notes [id_rules] = 
        itypeI[Pure.of u "TYPE(node)"]
        itypeI[Pure.of am "TYPE(i_ps)"]
        itypeI[Pure.of cf "TYPE(capacity_impl i_mtx)"]
      notes [sepref_import_param] = IdI[of N]
      (*notes [sepref_fr_rules] = HOL_list_empty_hnr *)
      shows "hn_refine (hn_ctxt is_am am psi * hn_ctxt (asmtx_assn N id_assn) cf cfi * hn_val nat_rel u ui)
                 (?c::?'c Heap) ?Γ ?R (rg_succ2 am cf u)"
      unfolding rg_succ2_def Succ_Impl.rg_succ2_def APP_def Succ_Impl.monadic_filter_rev_def Succ_Impl.monadic_filter_rev_aux_def
      (* TODO: Make setting up combinators for sepref simpler, then we do not need to unfold! *)
      using [[id_debug, goals_limit = 3]]
      unfolding cf_get'_def[symmetric]
      by sepref 

    concrete_definition (in -) succ_imp uses Edka_Impl.rg_succ2_impl
    prepare_code_thms (in -) succ_imp_def

    lemma succ_imp_refine[sepref_fr_rules]: 
      "(uncurry2 (succ_imp N), uncurry2 (PR_CONST rg_succ2)) 
        ∈ is_amk *a (asmtx_assn N id_assn)k *a (pure Id)ka list_assn (pure Id)"
      apply rule
      using succ_imp.refine[OF this_loc]            
      by (auto simp: hn_ctxt_def mult_ac split: prod.split)
      "rg_succ2" :: "i_ps ⇒ capacity_impl i_mtx ⇒ node ⇒ node list nrest"

    lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(min,min)∈Id→Id→Id" by simp

    abbreviation "is_path ≡ list_assn (prod_assn (pure Id) (pure Id))"

    definition "resCap_cf_impl cf p = Network.resCap_cf_impl_aux c matrix_lookup_time cf p"

    schematic_goal resCap_imp_impl:
      fixes am :: "node ⇒ node list" and cf :: "capacity_impl graph" and p pi
      notes [id_rules] = 
        itypeI[Pure.of p "TYPE(edge list)"]
        itypeI[Pure.of cf "TYPE(capacity_impl i_mtx)"]
      notes [sepref_import_param] = IdI[of N]
      shows "hn_refine 
        (hn_ctxt (asmtx_assn N id_assn) cf cfi * hn_ctxt is_path p pi) 
        (?c::?'c Heap) ?Γ ?R 
        (resCap_cf_impl cf p)"
      unfolding resCap_cf_impl_def  APP_def
      unfolding resCap_cf_impl_aux_def nfoldli_def
      unfolding cf_get'_def[symmetric]
      using [[id_debug, goals_limit = 3]] 
      by sepref

    concrete_definition (in -) resCap_imp uses Edka_Impl.resCap_imp_impl
    prepare_code_thms (in -) resCap_imp_def

    lemma resCap_impl_refine[sepref_fr_rules]: 
      "(uncurry (resCap_imp N), uncurry (PR_CONST resCap_cf_impl)) 
        ∈ (asmtx_assn N id_assn)k *a (is_path)ka (pure Id)"
      apply sepref_to_hnr
      apply (rule hn_refine_preI)
      apply (clarsimp 
        simp: uncurry_def list_assn_pure_conv hn_ctxt_def 
        split: prod.split)
      apply (clarsimp simp: pure_def)
      apply (rule hn_refine_cons[OF _ resCap_imp.refine[OF this_loc] _])
      apply (simp add: list_assn_pure_conv hn_ctxt_def)
      apply (simp add: pure_def)
      apply (sep_auto simp add: hn_ctxt_def pure_def intro!: enttI)
      apply (simp add: pure_def)

    sepref_register "resCap_cf_impl" 
      :: "capacity_impl i_mtx ⇒ path ⇒ capacity_impl nrest"

    definition "augment_cf_impl cf p = Network.augment_cf_impl_aux c matrix_lookup_time matrix_set_time cf p"

    sepref_thm augment_imp is "uncurry2 (PR_CONST augment_cf_impl)" :: "((asmtx_assn N id_assn)d *a (is_path)k *a (pure Id)ka asmtx_assn N id_assn)"
      unfolding augment_cf_impl_def[abs_def] augment_cf_impl_aux_def augment_edge_impl_aux_def PR_CONST_def
      unfolding cf_get'_def[symmetric] cf_set'_def[symmetric]
      using [[id_debug, goals_limit = 1]] 
      by sepref 

    concrete_definition (in -) augment_imp uses Edka_Impl.augment_imp.refine_raw is "(uncurry2 ?f,_)∈_"
    prepare_code_thms (in -) augment_imp_def
    lemma augment_impl_refine[sepref_fr_rules]: 
      "(uncurry2 (augment_imp N), uncurry2 (PR_CONST augment_cf_impl)) 
        ∈ (asmtx_assn N id_assn)d *a (is_path)k *a (pure Id)ka asmtx_assn N id_assn"
      using augment_imp.refine[OF this_loc] .
    sepref_register "augment_cf_impl" 
      :: "capacity_impl i_mtx ⇒ path ⇒ capacity_impl ⇒ capacity_impl i_mtx nrest"

    sublocale bfs: Impl_Succ 
      "TYPE(i_ps × capacity_impl i_mtx)" 
      "PR_CONST (λ(am,cf). rg_succ2 am cf)" 
      "prod_assn is_am (asmtx_assn N id_assn)" 
      "λ(am,cf). succ_imp N am cf"
      unfolding APP_def
      apply unfold_locales
      apply (simp add: fold_partial_uncurry)
      apply (rule hfref_cons[OF succ_imp_refine[unfolded PR_CONST_def]])
      by auto
    definition (in -) "bfsi' N s t psi cfi 
      ≡ bfs_impl (λ(am, cf). succ_imp N am cf) N (psi,cfi) s t"
    abbreviation "set_empty_time == 10"
    abbreviation "set_isempty_time == 10" 
    definition "bfs2_op am cf = EdKa_Tab.bfs2_op c s t
       (bfs.set_insert_time) (bfs.map_dom_member_time )    bfs.set_pick_time 
       (bfs.map_update_time )  bfs.list_append_time 
       (bfs.map_lookup_time ) bfs.set_empty_time bfs.set_isempty_time
       matrix_lookup_time am cf bfs.init_state"

declare [[show_abbrevs = false]]
    thm bfs.op_bfs_def[abs_def]  bfs.bfs_impl_fr_rule
    lemmas n = bfs.bfs_impl_fr_rule[of "N", unfolded hfref_def,  unfolded bfs.op_bfs_def, simplified, rule_format,  simplified all_to_meta]
    lemma "x ∈ V ⟹ x < N" using V_ss by simp

    lemma [sepref_fr_rules]: 
      "(uncurry (bfsi' N s t),uncurry (PR_CONST bfs2_op)) 
        ∈ [λ(adjm,c). Graph.V c ⊆ V]a is_amk *a (asmtx_assn N id_assn)k → option_assn is_path"
      unfolding bfsi'_def[abs_def]
      unfolding bfs2_op_def[abs_def]
      unfolding bfs2_op_aux_def

      using n[of s  _ _ _ _ s t t] unfolding rg_succ2_def bfs.list_append_time_def
      apply (clarsimp simp: hfref_def all_to_meta)
      apply (rule hn_refine_cons[rotated])
         apply rprems 
      using V_ss apply auto[]
      apply (sep_auto simp: pure_def intro!: enttI)
      apply (sep_auto simp: pure_def)
      apply (sep_auto simp: pure_def)

    sepref_register "bfs2_op" 
      :: "i_ps ⇒ capacity_impl i_mtx ⇒ path option nrest"  
    schematic_goal edka_imp_tabulate_impl:
      notes [sepref_opt_simps] = heap_WHILET_def
      fixes am :: "node ⇒ node list" and cf :: "capacity_impl graph"
      notes [id_rules] = 
        itypeI[Pure.of am "TYPE(node ⇒ node list)"]
      notes [sepref_import_param] = IdI[of am]
      shows "hn_refine (emp) (?c::?'c Heap) ?Γ ?R (edka5_tabulate graph_init_time am_init_time am )"
      unfolding edka5_tabulate_def 
      using [[id_debug, goals_limit = 1]]
      by sepref

    concrete_definition (in -) edka_imp_tabulate 
      uses Edka_Impl.edka_imp_tabulate_impl
    prepare_code_thms (in -) edka_imp_tabulate_def

    lemma models_id_assnD: "h ⊨ id_assn a ca ⟹ a = ca" by (auto simp: pure_def)

    lemma edka_imp_tabulate_refine[sepref_fr_rules]: 
      "(edka_imp_tabulate c N, PR_CONST (edka5_tabulate graph_init_time am_init_time) ) 
      ∈ (pure Id)ka prod_assn (asmtx_assn N id_assn) is_am"
      apply (rule)
      apply (rule hn_refine_preI)
      apply (clarsimp 
        simp: uncurry_def list_assn_pure_conv hn_ctxt_def 
        split: prod.split simp del: One_nat_def)

      (* TODO, models_id_assnD is too specific, should be solved by clarsimp → simp set?! *)
      apply (drule models_id_assnD)  apply (clarsimp simp del: One_nat_def)

      apply (rule hn_refine_cons[OF _ edka_imp_tabulate.refine[OF this_loc]])
      apply (sep_auto simp: hn_ctxt_def pure_def)+
    sepref_register "edka5_tabulate graph_init_time am_init_time"
      :: "(node ⇒ node list) ⇒ (capacity_impl i_mtx × i_ps) nrest"

    sublocale edkatab: EdKa_Tab  c s t
     " bfs.set_pick_time "
      apply unfold_locales unfolding bfs.set_pick_time_def by auto

    definition "edka5_run cf am = edkatab.edka5_run cf am bfs.init_state"

  lemma edkatab_bfs2_op_conv: "edkatab.bfs2_op am cf bfs.init_state = bfs2_op am cf"
    by (simp add: bfs2_op_def bfs.list_append_time_def bfs.set_empty_time_def bfs.set_isempty_time_def )
  schematic_goal edka_imp_run_impl:
      notes [sepref_opt_simps] = heap_WHILET_def
      fixes am :: "node ⇒ node list" and cf :: "capacity_impl graph"
      notes [id_rules] = 
        itypeI[Pure.of cf "TYPE(capacity_impl i_mtx)"]
        itypeI[Pure.of am "TYPE(i_ps)"]
      shows "hn_refine 
        (hn_ctxt (asmtx_assn N id_assn) cf cfi * hn_ctxt is_am am psi) 
        (?c::?'c Heap) ?Γ ?R  
        (edka5_run cf am)"
    unfolding edka5_run_def edkatab.edka5_run_def 
    unfolding resCap_cf_impl_def[symmetric]
    unfolding augment_cf_impl_def[symmetric]      
    unfolding edkatab_bfs2_op_conv
      using [[id_debug, goals_limit = 3]]      
      by sepref

    concrete_definition (in -) edka_imp_run uses Edka_Impl.edka_imp_run_impl
    prepare_code_thms (in -) edka_imp_run_def

    lemma edka_imp_run_refine[sepref_fr_rules]: 
      "(uncurry (edka_imp_run s t N), uncurry (PR_CONST edka5_run)) 
        ∈ (asmtx_assn N id_assn)d *a (is_am)ka is_rflow N"
      apply rule
      apply (clarsimp 
        simp: uncurry_def list_assn_pure_conv hn_ctxt_def 
        split: prod.split)
      apply (rule hn_refine_cons[OF _ edka_imp_run.refine[OF this_loc] _])
      apply (sep_auto simp: hn_ctxt_def)+

    sepref_register "edka5_run" 
      :: "capacity_impl i_mtx ⇒ i_ps ⇒ i_rflow nrest"


    definition "edka5 am = edkatab.edka5 am bfs.init_state"
    abbreviation "prepare_time == (λn. graph_init_time n + am_init_time)"

    lemma edka5_correct': "is_adj_map am ⟹
        edka5 am ≤ ⇓ Id (SPECT (emb isMaxFlow (enat (EdKa.edka_time c edkatab.edka.shortest_path_time edkatab.edka.edru.augment_with_path_time prepare_time))))"
      unfolding edka5_def apply(rule edkatab.edka5_correct)
       apply simp using bfs.init_state_correct by simp
    schematic_goal edka_imp_impl:
      notes [sepref_opt_simps] = heap_WHILET_def
      fixes am :: "node ⇒ node list" and cf :: "capacity_impl graph"
      notes [id_rules] = 
        itypeI[Pure.of am "TYPE(node ⇒ node list)"]
      notes [sepref_import_param] = IdI[of am]
      shows "hn_refine (emp) (?c::?'c Heap) ?Γ ?R (edka5 am)"
      unfolding edka5_def edkatab.edka5_def
      unfolding edka5_run_def[symmetric]
      using [[id_debug, goals_limit = 1]]
      by sepref

    concrete_definition (in -) edka_imp uses Edka_Impl.edka_imp_impl
    prepare_code_thms (in -) edka_imp_def
    lemmas edka_imp_refine = edka_imp.refine[OF this_loc]
  export_code edka_imp checking SML_imp *)

subsection ‹Correctness Theorem for Implementation›

text ‹We combine all refinement steps to derive a correctness 
  theorem for the implementation›


definition edka_cost :: "nat × nat ⇒ nat" 
  where "edka_cost = (λ(cV,cE). 3 * cV * cV + 3 + (cV + 1) +
    (13 + cV + 10 + (2 * cE * (2 + (2 + 6 + 1) + (1 + 1) + (2 + 2 + 2 * 10 + 10) + (1 + 1)) + (2 + 2 + 2 * 10 + 10)) + cV * (2 + 1) +
     (1 + (1 + 10) * cV + (1 + cV * (2 * 1 + 2 * 1 + 3)))) *
    (2 * cV *cE + cV + 1) )"

lemma edka_cost_simp: "edka_cost (cV,cE) = 63 + 
          (3 * cV * cV + (23 * cV + (98 * cE + (59 + (22 * cV + 98 * cE)) * (2 * cV * cE + cV))))"
    by (simp add: edka_cost_def)

context Network_Impl begin

    theorem edka_imp_correct: 
      assumes VN: "Graph.V c = {0..<N}" and "s < N" and "t < N"
      assumes ABS_PS: "is_adj_map am"
      shows "<$( edka_cost (card V, card E))> 
          edka_imp c s t N am 
        <λfi. ∃Af. is_rflow N f fi * ↑(isMaxFlow f)>t"
    proof -
      from VN have "Graph.V c ⊆ {0..<N}" by simp
      from VN have NN: "N = card (Graph.V c)" by simp
      interpret Edka_Impl apply unfold_locales by fact+

      let ?t = "((edka_time_aux edkatab.edka.shortest_path_time edkatab.edka.edru.augment_with_path_time prepare_time (card E) (card V) ))"

      note edka5_correct'[OF ABS_PS] 
      then have t: "edka5 am ≤ SPECT (emb isMaxFlow (enat ?t))" by simp
      thm hn_refine_ref[OF this edka_imp_refine]
      have 1: " <$ ?t > 
          edka_imp c s t N am 
        <λfi. ∃Af. is_rflow N f fi * ↑(isMaxFlow f)>t" 
        using extract_cost_ub[OF hn_refine_ref[OF t edka_imp_refine], where Cost_ub="?t", simplified in_ran_emb_special_case]
        by simp
      have t: "?t = edka_cost (card V,card E)"
  unfolding edka_time_aux_def  shortest_path_time_aux_def
  unfolding NN
  unfolding get_succs_list_time_aux_def
  unfolding  augment_with_path_time_aux_def resCap_cf_impl_time_aux_def 
    unfolding augment_edge_impl_time_aux_def
    unfolding   add_succs_spec_time_aux_def
    unfolding augment_cf_impl_time_aux_def extract_rpath_time_aux_def

    unfolding bfs.set_pick_time_def  bfs.map_dom_member_time_def bfs.set_insert_time_def
        bfs.map_update_time_def bfs.map_lookup_time_def   hh_def
    unfolding edka_cost_def  by auto

      from 1 show ?thesis unfolding  t .
