theory RefineMonadicVCG
imports "Sepreftime" "DataRefinement"
method repeat_all_new methods m = (m;repeat_all_new ‹m›)?
lemma R_intro: "A ≤ ⇓Id B ⟹ A ≤ B" by simp
subsection "ASSERT"
lemma le_R_ASSERTI: "(Φ ⟹ M ≤ ⇓ R M') ⟹ M ≤ ⇓ R (ASSERT Φ ⤜ (λ_. M'))"
by(auto simp: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps)
lemma T_ASSERT[vcg_simp_rules]: "Some t ≤ lst (ASSERT Φ) Q ⟷ Some t ≤ Q () ∧ Φ"
apply (cases Φ)
apply vcg'
lemma T_ASSERT_I: "Some t ≤ Q () ⟹ Φ ⟹ Some t ≤ lst (ASSERT Φ) Q"
by(simp add: T_ASSERT T_RETURNT)
lemma T_RESTemb_iff: "Some t'
≤ lst (REST (emb' P t)) Q ⟷ (∀x. P x ⟶ Some (t' + t x) ≤ Q x ) "
by(auto simp: emb'_def T_pw mii_alt aux1)
lemma T_RESTemb: "(⋀x. P x ⟹ Some (t' + t x) ≤ Q x)
⟹ Some t' ≤ lst (REST (emb' P t)) Q"
by (auto simp: T_RESTemb_iff)
lemma T_SPEC: "(⋀x. P x ⟹ Some (t' + t x) ≤ Q x)
⟹ Some t' ≤ lst (SPEC P t) Q"
unfolding SPEC_REST_emb'_conv
by (auto simp: T_RESTemb_iff)
lemma T_SPECT_I: "(Some (t' + t ) ≤ Q x)
⟹ Some t' ≤ lst (SPECT [ x ↦ t]) Q"
by(auto simp: T_pw mii_alt aux1)
lemma mm2_map_option: "Some (t'+t) ≤ mm2 (Q x) (x2 x)
⟹ Some t' ≤ mm2 (Q x) (map_option ((+) t) (x2 x)) "
apply(cases "Q x")
apply (auto simp: mm2_def split: option.splits if_splits)
subgoal by (metis enat_plus_minus_aux2 leD le_iff_add less_le_trans linordered_field_class.sign_simps(2) linordered_field_class.sign_simps(3))
subgoal by (smt add.commute add.left_commute enat_plus_minus_aux1 enat_plus_minus_aux2)
lemma T_consume: "(Some (t' + t) ≤ lst M Q)
⟹ Some t' ≤ lst (consume M t) Q"
unfolding consume_def T_pw apply (auto split: nrest.splits simp: miiFailt)
by (auto intro!: mm2_map_option simp: mii_alt split: option.splits if_splits)
definition "valid t Q M = (Some t ≤ lst M Q)"
subsection ‹VCG splitter›
ML ‹
structure VCG_Case_Splitter = struct
fun dest_case ctxt t =
case strip_comb t of
(Const (case_comb, _), args) =>
(case Ctr_Sugar.ctr_sugar_of_case ctxt case_comb of
| SOME {case_thms, ...} =>
val lhs = Thm.prop_of (hd (case_thms))
|> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> HOLogic.dest_eq |> fst;
val arity = length (snd (strip_comb lhs));
(*val conv = funpow (length args - arity) Conv.fun_conv
(Conv.rewrs_conv (map mk_meta_eq case_thms));*)
SOME (nth args (arity - 1), case_thms)
| _ => NONE;
fun rewrite_with_asm_tac ctxt k =
Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {context = ctxt', prems, ...} =>
Local_Defs.unfold0_tac ctxt' [nth prems k]) ctxt;
fun split_term_tac ctxt case_term = (
case dest_case ctxt case_term of
NONE => no_tac
| SOME (arg,case_thms) => let
val stac = asm_full_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps case_thms)
(*CHANGED o stac
Induct.cases_tac ctxt false [[SOME arg]] NONE []
end 1
fun split_tac ctxt = Subgoal.FOCUS_PARAMS (fn {context = ctxt, ...} => ALLGOALS (
SUBGOAL (fn (t, _) => case Logic.strip_imp_concl t of
@{mpat "Trueprop (Some _ ≤ lst ?prog _)"} => split_term_tac ctxt prog
| @{mpat "Trueprop (progress ?prog)"} => split_term_tac ctxt prog
| @{mpat "Trueprop (Case_Labeling.CTXT _ _ _ (valid _ _ ?prog))"} => split_term_tac ctxt prog
| _ => no_tac
) ctxt
THEN_ALL_NEW TRY o Hypsubst.hyp_subst_tac ctxt
method_setup vcg_split_case = ‹Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' (CHANGED o (VCG_Case_Splitter.split_tac ctxt)))›
subsection ‹mm3 and emb›
lemma Some_eq_mm3_Some_conv[vcg_simp_rules]: "Some t = mm3 t' (Some t'') ⟷ (t'' ≤ t' ∧ t = enat (t' - t''))"
by (simp add: mm3_def)
lemma Some_eq_mm3_Some_conv': "mm3 t' (Some t'') = Some t ⟷ (t'' ≤ t' ∧ t = enat (t' - t''))"
using Some_eq_mm3_Some_conv by metis
lemma Some_le_emb'_conv[vcg_simp_rules]: "Some t ≤ emb' Q ft x ⟷ Q x ∧ t ≤ ft x"
by (auto simp: emb'_def)
lemma Some_eq_emb'_conv[vcg_simp_rules]: "emb' Q tf s = Some t ⟷ (Q s ∧ t = tf s)"
unfolding emb'_def by(auto split: if_splits)
subsection ‹Setup Labeled VCG›
interpretation Labeling_Syntax .
lemma LCondRule:
fixes IC CT defines "CT' ≡ (''cond'', IC, []) # CT "
assumes "b ⟹ C⟨Suc IC,(''the'', IC, []) # (''cond'', IC, []) # CT,OC1: valid t Q c1 ⟩"
and "~b ⟹ C⟨Suc OC1,(''els'', Suc OC1, []) # (''cond'', IC, []) # CT,OC: valid t Q c2 ⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (if b then c1 else c2)⟩"
using assms(2-) unfolding LABEL_simps by (simp add: valid_def)
lemma LouterCondRule:
fixes IC CT defines "CT' ≡ (''cond2'', IC, []) # CT "
assumes "b ⟹ C⟨Suc IC,(''the'', IC, []) # (''cond2'', IC, []) # CT,OC1: t ≤ A ⟩"
and "~b ⟹ C⟨Suc OC1,(''els'', Suc OC1, []) # (''cond2'', IC, []) # CT,OC: t ≤ B ⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: t ≤ (if b then A else B)⟩"
using assms(2-) unfolding LABEL_simps by (simp add: valid_def)
lemma "mm3 (E s) (if I s' then Some (E s') else None) = (if I s' ∧ (E s' ≤ E s) then Some (E s - E s') else None)"
unfolding mm3_def apply (cases "I s'") apply simp
by simp
lemma While:
assumes "I s0" "(⋀s. I s ⟹ b s ⟹ Some 0 ≤ lst (C s) (λs'. mm3 (E s) (if I s' then Some (E s') else None)))"
"(⋀s. progress (C s))"
"(⋀x. ¬ b x ⟹ I x ⟹ (E x) ≤ (E s0) ⟹ Some (t + enat ((E s0) - E x)) ≤ Q x)"
shows "Some t ≤ lst (whileIET I E b C s0) Q"
apply(rule whileIET_rule'[THEN T_conseq4])
subgoal using assms(2) by simp
subgoal using assms(3) by simp
subgoal using assms(1) by simp
subgoal for x using assms(4) apply(cases "I x") by(auto simp: Some_eq_mm3_Some_conv' split: if_splits)
term whileT
definition "monadic_WHILE b f s ≡ do {
RECT (λD s. do {
bv ← b s;
if bv then do {
s ← f s;
D s
} else do {RETURNT s}
}) s
lemma monadic_WHILE_mono:
"⋀x. bm x ≤ bm' x"
and "⋀x t. nofailT (bm' x) ⟹ inresT (bm x) True t ⟹ c x ≤ c' x"
shows " (monadic_WHILE bm c x) ≤ (monadic_WHILE bm' c' x)"
unfolding monadic_WHILE_def apply(rule RECT_mono)
subgoal by(refine_mono)
apply(rule bindT_mono) apply fact
apply auto apply(rule bindT_mono) using assms by auto
lemma z: "inresT A x t ⟹ A ≤ B ⟹ inresT B x t"
by (meson fail_inresT pw_le_iff)
lemma monadic_WHILE_mono':
"⋀x. bm x ≤ bm' x"
and "⋀x t. nofailT (bm' x) ⟹ inresT (bm' x) True t ⟹ c x ≤ c' x"
shows " (monadic_WHILE bm c x) ≤ (monadic_WHILE bm' c' x)"
unfolding monadic_WHILE_def apply(rule RECT_mono)
subgoal by(refine_mono)
apply(rule bindT_mono) apply fact
apply auto apply(rule bindT_mono) using assms(2) by (auto dest: z[OF _ assms(1)])
lemma monadic_WHILE_refine:
"(x, x') ∈ R"
"⋀x x'. (x, x') ∈ R ⟹ bm x ≤ ⇓Id (bm' x')"
and "⋀x x' t. (x, x') ∈ R ⟹ nofailT (bm' x') ⟹ inresT (bm' x') True t ⟹ c x ≤ ⇓R (c' x')"
shows "(monadic_WHILE bm c x) ≤ ⇓R (monadic_WHILE bm' c' x')"
unfolding monadic_WHILE_def apply(rule RECT_refine)
subgoal by(refine_mono)
apply fact
apply(rule bindT_refine') apply (rule assms(2)) apply simp
apply auto
subgoal by (auto intro: assms(3) bindT_refine)
subgoal apply(rule RETURNT_refine) by simp
lemma monadic_WHILE_aux: "monadic_WHILE b f s = monadic_WHILEIT (λ_. True) b f s"
unfolding monadic_WHILEIT_def monadic_WHILE_def
by simp
lemma "lst (c x) Q = Some t ⟹ Some t ≤ lst (c x) Q'"
apply(rule T_conseq6) oops
lemma TbindT_I2: "tt ≤ lst M (λy. lst (f y) Q) ⟹ tt ≤ lst (M ⤜ f) Q"
by (simp add: T_bindT)
thm RECT_wf_induct
thm whileT_rule''
lemma T_conseq7:
"lst f Q' ≥ tt"
"⋀x t'' M. f = SPECT M ⟹ M x ≠ None ⟹ Q' x = Some t'' ⟹ (Q x) ≥ Some ( t'')"
shows "lst f Q ≥ tt"
apply(cases tt) apply simp
apply simp
apply(rule T_conseq6) using assms by auto
assumes "monadic_WHILE bm c s = r"
assumes IS[vcg_rules]: "⋀s.
lst (bm s) (λb. if b then lst (c s) (λs'. if (s',s)∈R then I s' else None) else Q s) ≥ I s"
assumes wf: "wf R"
shows monadic_WHILE_ruleaaa'': "lst r Q ≥ I s"
using assms(1)
unfolding monadic_WHILE_def
proof (induction rule: RECT_wf_induct[where R="R"])
case 1
show ?case by fact
case 2
then show ?case by refine_mono
case step: (3 x D r )
note IH[vcg_rules] = step.IH[OF _ refl]
note step.hyps[symmetric, simp]
from step.prems
show ?case
apply clarsimp
apply (rule TbindT_I2)
apply(rule T_conseq7)
apply (rule IS) apply simp
apply(auto split: if_splits)
apply (rule TbindT_I)
apply(rule T_conseq6[where Q'="(λs'. if (s', x) ∈ R then I s' else None)"])
subgoal by simp
apply(auto split: if_splits)
apply(frule IH) by simp_all
subgoal apply(simp add: T_RETURNT) done
thm RECT_wf_induct
thm whileT_rule''
assumes "monadic_WHILE bm c s = r"
assumes IS[vcg_rules]: "⋀s t'. I s = Some t'
⟹ lst (bm s) (λb. if b then lst (c s) (λs'. if (s',s)∈R then I s' else None)else Q s) ≥ Some t'"
assumes "I s = Some t"
assumes wf: "wf R"
shows monadic_WHILE_rule'': "lst r Q ≥ Some t"
using assms(1,3)
unfolding monadic_WHILE_def
proof (induction arbitrary: t rule: RECT_wf_induct[where R="R"])
case 1
show ?case by fact
case 2
then show ?case by refine_mono
case step: (3 x D r t')
note IH[vcg_rules] = step.IH[OF _ refl]
note step.hyps[symmetric, simp]
from step.prems
show ?case
apply clarsimp
apply (rule TbindT_I)
apply(rule T_conseq6)
apply (rule IS) apply simp
apply(auto split: if_splits)
apply (rule TbindT_I)
apply(rule T_conseq6[where Q'="(λs'. if (s', x) ∈ R then I s' else None)"])
subgoal by simp
apply(auto split: if_splits)
apply(rule IH) by simp_all
subgoal apply(vcg') done
thm whileT_rule'''
fixes I :: "'a ⇒ nat option"
assumes "whileT b c s0 = r"
assumes progress: "⋀s. progress (c s)"
assumes IS[vcg_rules]: "⋀s t t'. I s = Some t ⟹ b s ⟹
lst (c s) (λs'. mm3 t (I s') ) ≥ Some 0"
assumes [simp]: "I s0 = Some t0"
shows whileT_rule''': "lst r (λx. if b x then None else mm3 t0 (I x)) ≥ Some 0"
apply(rule T_conseq4)
apply(rule whileT_rule''[where I="λs. mm3 t0 (I s)"
and R="measure (the_enat o the o I)", OF assms(1)])
apply auto
subgoal for s t'
apply(cases "I s"; simp)
subgoal for ti
using IS[of s ti]
apply (cases "c s"; simp)
subgoal for M
using progress[of s, THEN progressD, of M]
apply(auto simp: T_pw)
apply(auto simp: mm3_Some_conv mii_alt mm2_def mm3_def split: option.splits if_splits)
apply fastforce
by (metis enat_ord_simps(1) le_diff_iff le_less_trans option.distinct(1))
by (metis diff_is_0_eq' leI less_option_Some option.simps(3) zero_enat_def)
by (smt Nat.add_diff_assoc enat_ile enat_ord_code(1) idiff_enat_enat leI le_add_diff_inverse2 nat_le_iff_add option.simps(3))
using dual_order.trans by blast
thm monadic_WHILE_rule''[where I="λs. mm3 t0 (I s)"
and R="measure (the_enat o the o I)", simplified]
fun Someplus where
"Someplus None _ = None"
| "Someplus _ None = None"
| "Someplus (Some a) (Some b) = Some (a+b)"
lemma l: "~ (a::enat) < b ⟷ a ≥ b" by auto
lemma kk: "a≥b ⟹ (b::enat) + (a -b) = a" apply(cases a) apply auto
apply(cases b) by auto
lemma Tea: "Someplus A B = Some t ⟷ (∃a b. A = Some a ∧ B = Some b ∧ t = a + b)"
apply(cases A) apply (cases B) apply (auto)
apply (cases B) by (auto)
lemma TTT_Some_nofailT: "lst c Q = Some l ⟹ c ≠ FAILT"
unfolding lst_def mii_alt by auto
lemma GRR: assumes "lst (SPECT Mf) Q = Some l"
shows "Mf x = None ∨ (Q x≠ None ∧ (Q x) ≥ Mf x) "
proof -
from assms have "None ∉ {mii Q (SPECT Mf) x |x. True}"
unfolding lst_def
unfolding Inf_option_def by (auto split: if_splits)
then have "None ≠ (case Mf x of None ⇒ Some ∞ | Some mt ⇒ case Q x of None ⇒ None | Some rt ⇒ if rt < mt then None else Some (rt - mt))"
unfolding mii_alt mm2_def
by (auto)
then show ?thesis by (auto split: option.splits if_splits)
lemma Someplus_None: "Someplus A B = None ⟷ (A = None ∨ B = None)" apply(cases A; cases B) by auto
lemma Somemm3: "A ≥ B ⟹ mm3 A (Some B) = Some (A - B)" unfolding mm3_def by auto
lemma assumes "monadic_WHILE bm c s0 = r"
and step: "⋀s. I s ⟹
Some 0 ≤ lst (bm s) (λb. if b
then lst (c s) (λs'. (if I s' ∧ (E s' ≤ E s) then Some (enat (E s - E s')) else None))
else mm2 (Q s) (Someplus (Some t) (mm3 (E s0) (Some (E s)))) )
and progress: "⋀s. progress (c s)"
and I0: "I s0"
shows neueWhile_rule: "Some t ≤ lst r Q"
proof -
show "Some t ≤ lst r Q"
apply (rule monadic_WHILE_rule''[where I="λs. Someplus (Some t) (mm3 (E s0) ((λe. if I e
then Some (E e) else None) s))" and R="measure (the_enat o the o (λe. if I e
then Some (E e) else None))", simplified])
apply fact
subgoal for s t'
apply(auto split: if_splits)
apply(rule T_conseq4)
apply(rule step)
apply simp
apply auto
proof (goal_cases)
case (1 b t'')
from 1(3) TTT_Some_nofailT obtain M where cs: "c s = SPECT M" by force
{ assume A: "⋀x. M x = None"
with A have "?case" apply auto unfolding cs lst_def mii_alt using A by simp
{ assume "∃x. M x ≠ None"
then obtain x where i: "M x ≠ None" by blast
let ?T = "lst (c s) (λs'. if I s' ∧ E s' ≤ E s then Some (enat (E s - E s')) else None)"
from GRR[OF 1(3)[unfolded cs], where x=x]
i have "(if I x ∧ E x ≤ E s then Some (enat (E s - E x)) else None) ≠ None ∧ M x ≤ (if I x ∧ E x ≤ E s then Some (enat (E s - E x)) else None)"
by simp
then have pf: " I x" "E x ≤ E s" "M x ≤ Some (enat (E s - E x)) " by (auto split: if_splits)
then have "M x < Some ∞"
using enat_ord_code(4) le_less_trans less_option_Some by blast
have "Some t'' = ?T" using 1(3) by simp
also have oo: "?T ≤ mm2 (Some (enat (E s - E x))) (M x)"
unfolding lst_def apply(rule Inf_lower) apply (simp add: mii_alt cs) apply(rule exI[where x=x])
using pf by simp
also from i have o: "… < Some ∞" unfolding mm2_def
apply auto
using fl by blast
finally have tni: "t'' < ∞" by auto
then have tt: "t' + t'' - t'' = t'" apply(cases t''; cases t') by auto
have ka: "⋀x. mii (λs'. if I s' ∧ E s' ≤ E s then Some (enat (E s - E s')) else None) (c s) x ≥ Some t''" unfolding lst_def
using "1"(3) T_pw by fastforce
{ fix x assume nN: "M x ≠ None"
with progress[of s, unfolded cs progress_def] have strict: "Some 0 < M x" by auto
from ka[of x] nN have "E x < E s" unfolding mii_alt cs progress_def mm2_def
apply (auto split: if_splits) using strict apply(simp add: l)
using less_le zero_enat_def by force
} note strict = this
have ?case
apply(rule T_conseq5[where Q'="(λs'. if I s' ∧ E s' ≤ E s then Some (enat (E s - E s')) else None)"])
using 1(3) apply(auto) [] using 1(2)
apply (auto simp add: tt Tea split: if_splits)
subgoal apply(auto simp add: Some_eq_mm3_Some_conv')
apply(rule strict) using cs by simp
subgoal by(simp add: Some_eq_mm3_Some_conv' Somemm3)
ultimately show ?case by blast
case (2 x t'')
then show ?case unfolding mm3_def mm2_def apply (auto split: if_splits) apply(cases "Q s")
apply (auto split: if_splits) by(simp add: l kk)
using I0 by simp
thm neueWhile_rule[no_vars]
definition monadic_WHILEIE where
"monadic_WHILEIE I E bm c s = monadic_WHILE bm c s"
definition "G b d = (if b then Some d else None)"
definition "H Qs t Es0 Es = mm2 Qs (Someplus (Some t) (mm3 (Es0) (Some (Es))))"
fixes s0 :: 'a and I :: "'a ⇒ bool" and E :: "'a ⇒ nat"
step: "(⋀s. I s ⟹ Some 0 ≤ lst (bm s) (λb. if b then lst (c s) (λs'. if I s' ∧ E s' ≤ E s then Some (enat (E s - E s')) else None) else mm2 (Q s) (Someplus (Some t) (mm3 (E s0) (Some (E s))))))"
and progress: "⋀s. progress (c s)"
and i: "I s0"
shows neueWhile_rule': "Some t ≤ lst (monadic_WHILEIE I E bm c s0) Q"
unfolding monadic_WHILEIE_def
apply(rule neueWhile_rule[OF refl]) by fact+
fixes s0 :: 'a and I :: "'a ⇒ bool" and E :: "'a ⇒ nat"
step: "(⋀s. I s ⟹ Some 0 ≤ lst (bm s) (λb. if b then lst (c s) (λs'. G (I s' ∧ E s' ≤ E s) (enat (E s - E s'))) else H (Q s) t (E s0) (E s)))"
and progress: "⋀s. progress (c s)"
and i: "I s0"
shows neueWhile_rule'': "Some t ≤ lst (monadic_WHILEIE I E bm c s0) Q"
unfolding monadic_WHILEIE_def apply(rule neueWhile_rule[OF refl, where I=I and E=E ])
using assms unfolding G_def H_def by auto
thm neueWhile_rule'[no_vars]
lemma LmonWhileRule:
fixes IC CT
assumes "V⟨(''precondition'', IC, []),(''monwhile'', IC, []) # CT: I s0⟩"
and "⋀s. I s ⟹ C⟨Suc IC,(''invariant'', Suc IC, []) # (''monwhile'', IC, []) # CT,OC: valid 0 (λb. if b then lst (C s) (λs'. if I s' ∧ E s' ≤ E s then Some (enat (E s - E s')) else None) else mm2 (Q s) (Someplus (Some t) (mm3 (E s0) (Some (E s))))) (bm s)⟩"
and "⋀s. V⟨(''progress'', IC, []),(''monwhile'', IC, []) # CT: progress (C s)⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (monadic_WHILEIE I E bm C s0)⟩"
using assms(2,3,1) unfolding valid_def unfolding LABEL_simps
apply(rule neueWhile_rule') .
lemma LWhileRule:
fixes IC CT
assumes "V⟨(''precondition'', IC, []),(''while'', IC, []) # CT: I s0⟩"
and "⋀s. I s ⟹ b s ⟹ C⟨Suc IC,(''invariant'', Suc IC, []) # (''while'', IC, []) # CT,OC1: valid 0 (λs'. mm3 (E s) (if I s' then Some (E s') else None)) (C s)⟩"
and "⋀s. V⟨(''progress'', IC, []),(''while'', IC, []) # CT: progress (C s)⟩"
and "⋀x. ¬ b x ⟹ I x ⟹ (E x) ≤ (E s0) ⟹ C⟨Suc OC1,(''postcondition'', IC, [])#(''while'', IC, []) # CT,OC: Some (t + enat ((E s0) - E x)) ≤ Q x⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (whileIET I E b C s0)⟩"
using assms unfolding valid_def unfolding LABEL_simps
apply(rule While) .
thm whileIET_rule'[THEN T_conseq4, no_vars] T_conseq4
lemma validD: "valid t Q M ⟹ Some t ≤ lst M Q" by(simp add: valid_def)
lemma LABELs_to_concl:
"C⟨IC, CT, OC: True⟩ ⟹ C⟨IC, CT, OC: P⟩ ⟹ P"
"V⟨x, ct: True⟩ ⟹ V⟨x, ct: P⟩ ⟹ P"
unfolding LABEL_simps .
lemma LASSERTRule:
assumes "V⟨(''ASSERT'', IC, []),CT: Φ⟩"
"C⟨Suc IC, CT,OC: valid t Q (RETURNT ())⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (ASSERT Φ)⟩"
using assms unfolding LABEL_simps
by (simp add: valid_def )
lemma LbindTRule:
assumes "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t (λy. lst (f y) Q) m⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (bindT m f)⟩"
using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by(simp add: T_bindT valid_def )
lemma LRETURNTRule:
assumes "C⟨IC,CT,OC: Some t ≤ Q x⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (RETURNT x)⟩"
using assms unfolding LABEL_simps
by (simp add: valid_def T_RETURNT)
lemma LSELECTRule:
fixes IC CT defines "CT' ≡ (''cond'', IC, []) # CT "
assumes "⋀x. P x ⟹ C⟨Suc IC,(''Some'', IC, []) # (''SELECT'', IC, []) # CT,OC1: valid (t+T) Q (RETURNT (Some x)) ⟩"
and "∀x. ¬ P x ⟹ C⟨Suc OC1,(''None'', Suc OC1, []) # (''SELECT'', IC, []) # CT,OC: valid (t+T) Q (RETURNT None) ⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (SELECT P T)⟩"
using assms(2-) unfolding LABEL_simps apply (simp add: valid_def) apply(rule T_SELECT)
by(auto intro: T_SPECT_I simp add: T_RETURNT)
lemma LRESTembRule:
assumes "⋀x. P x ⟹ C⟨IC,CT,OC: Some (t + T x) ≤ Q x⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (REST (emb' P T))⟩"
using assms unfolding LABEL_simps
by (simp add: valid_def T_RESTemb)
lemma LRESTsingleRule:
assumes "C⟨IC,CT,OC: Some (t + t') ≤ Q x⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (REST [x↦t'])⟩"
using assms unfolding LABEL_simps
by (simp add: valid_def T_pw mii_alt aux1)
lemma LTTTinRule:
assumes "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q M⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: Some t ≤ lst M Q⟩"
using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by(simp add: valid_def )
lemma LfinaltimeRule:
assumes "V⟨(''time'', IC, []), CT: t ≤ t' ⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,IC: Some t ≤ Some t'⟩"
using assms unfolding LABEL_simps
by (simp )
lemma LfinalfuncRule:
assumes "V⟨(''func'', IC, []), CT: False ⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,IC: Some t ≤ None⟩"
using assms unfolding LABEL_simps
by (simp )
lemma LembRule:
assumes "V⟨(''time'', IC, []), CT: t ≤ T x ⟩"
and "V⟨(''func'', IC, []), CT: P x ⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,IC: Some t ≤ emb' P T x⟩"
using assms unfolding LABEL_simps
by (simp add: emb'_def )
lemma Lmm3Rule:
assumes "V⟨(''time'', IC, []), CT: Va' ≤ Va ∧ t ≤ enat (Va - Va') ⟩"
and "V⟨(''func'', IC, []), CT: b ⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,IC: Some t ≤ mm3 Va (if b then Some Va' else None) ⟩"
using assms unfolding LABEL_simps
by (simp add: mm3_def )
lemma LinjectRule:
assumes "Some t ≤ lst A Q ⟹ Some t ≤ lst B Q"
"C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q A⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q B⟩"
using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by(simp add: valid_def )
lemma Linject2Rule:
assumes "A = B"
"C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q A⟩"
shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q B⟩"
using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by(simp add: valid_def )
method labeled_VCG_init = ((rule T_specifies_I validD)+), rule Initial_Label
method labeled_VCG_step uses rules = (rule rules[symmetric, THEN Linject2Rule]
LTTTinRule LbindTRule
LembRule Lmm3Rule
LRESTsingleRule LRESTembRule
LfinaltimeRule LfinalfuncRule
LmonWhileRule LWhileRule ) | vcg_split_case
method labeled_VCG uses rules = labeled_VCG_init, repeat_all_new ‹labeled_VCG_step rules: rules›
method casified_VCG uses rules = labeled_VCG rules: rules, casify
lemma "do { x ← SELECT P T;
(case x of None ⇒ RETURNT (1::nat) | Some t ⇒ RETURNT (2::nat))
} ≤ SPECT (emb Q T')"
apply labeled_VCG oops
lemma assumes "b" "c"
shows "do { ASSERT b;
RETURNT 1 } ≤ SPECT (emb (λx. x>(0::nat)) 1)"
apply labeled_VCG
proof casify
case ASSERT then show ?case by fact
case ASSERTa then show ?case by fact
case func then show ?case by simp
case time then show ?case by simp
lemma "do {
(if b then RETURNT (1::nat) else RETURNT 2)
} ≤ SPECT (emb (λx. x>0) 1)"
apply labeled_VCG
proof casify
case cond {
case the {
case time
then show ?case by simp
case func
then show ?case by simp
case els {
case func
then show ?case by simp
qed simp
lemma assumes "b"
shows "do {
(if b then RETURNT (1::nat) else RETURNT 2)
} ≤ SPECT (emb (λx. x>0) 1)"
apply labeled_VCG
proof casify
case ASSERT then show ?case by fact
case cond {
case the {
case time
then show ?case by simp
case func
then show ?case by simp
case els {
case func
then show ?case by simp
qed simp
lemma RETURN_le_RETURN_iff[simp]: "RETURNT x ≤ RETURNT y ⟷ x=y"
apply auto
by (simp add: pw_le_iff)
lemma SPECT_ub: "T≤T' ⟹ SPECT (emb' M' T) ≤ SPECT (emb' M' T')"
unfolding emb'_def by (auto simp: pw_le_iff le_funD order_trans refine_pw_simps)
lemma SPECT_ub': "T≤T' ⟹ SPECT (emb' M' T) ≤ ⇓Id (SPECT (emb' M' T'))"
unfolding emb'_def by (auto simp: pw_le_iff le_funD order_trans refine_pw_simps)
lemma REST_single_rule[vcg_simp_rules]: "Some t ≤ lst (REST [x↦t']) Q ⟷ Some (t+t') ≤ (Q x)"
by (simp add: T_REST aux1)
thm T_pw refine_pw_simps
thm pw_le_iff
subsection "progress solver"
method progress methods solver =
(rule asm_rl[of "progress _"] , (simp split: prod.splits | intro allI impI conjI | determ ‹rule progress_rules› | rule disjI1; progress ‹solver›; fail | rule disjI2; progress ‹solver›; fail | solver)+) []
method progress' methods solver =
(rule asm_rl[of "progress _"] , (vcg_split_case | intro allI impI conjI | determ ‹rule progress_rules› | rule disjI1 disjI2; progress'‹solver› | (solver;fail))+) []
lemma assumes "(⋀s t. P s = Some t ⟹ ∃s'. Some t ≤ Q s' ∧ (s, s') ∈ R)"
shows SPECT_refine: "SPECT P ≤ ⇓ R (SPECT Q)"
unfolding conc_fun_def apply (simp add: le_fun_def) apply auto
subgoal for x apply(cases "P x = None") apply simp
apply auto subgoal for y
apply(frule assms[of x y]) apply auto
subgoal for s'
apply(rule dual_order.trans[where b="Q s'"])
apply(rule Sup_upper) by auto
subsection ‹moreStuff involving mm3 and emb›
lemma Some_le_mm3_Some_conv[vcg_simp_rules]: "Some t ≤ mm3 t' (Some t'') ⟷ (t'' ≤ t' ∧ t ≤ enat (t' - t''))"
by (simp add: mm3_def)
lemma embtimeI: "T ≤ T' ⟹ emb P T ≤ emb P T'" unfolding emb'_def by (auto simp: le_fun_def split: if_splits)
lemma not_cons_is_Nil_conv[simp]: "(∀y ys. l ≠ y # ys) ⟷ l=[]" by (cases l) auto
lemma mm3_Some0_eq[simp]: "mm3 t (Some 0) = Some t"
by (auto simp: mm3_def)
lemma ran_emb': "c ∈ ran (emb' Q t) ⟷ (∃s'. Q s' ∧ t s' = c)"
by(auto simp: emb'_def ran_def)
lemma ran_emb_conv: "Ex Q ⟹ ran (emb Q t) = {t}"
by (auto simp: ran_emb')
lemma in_ran_emb_special_case: "c∈ran (emb Q t) ⟹ c≤t"
apply (cases "Ex Q")
apply (auto simp: ran_emb_conv)
apply (auto simp: emb'_def)
lemma dom_emb'_eq[simp]: "dom (emb' Q f) = Collect Q"
by(auto simp: emb'_def split: if_splits)
lemma emb_le_emb: "emb' P T ≤ emb' P' T' ⟷ (∀x. P x ⟶ P' x ∧ T x ≤ T' x)"
unfolding emb'_def by (auto simp: le_fun_def split: if_splits)
thm vcg_rules
subsection ‹VCG for monadic programs›
subsubsection ‹old›
thm vcg_rules
thm vcg_simp_rules
declare mm3_Some_conv [vcg_simp_rules]
thm progress_rules
thm vcg_rules
lemma SS[vcg_simp_rules]: "Some t = Some t' ⟷ t = t'" by simp
lemma SS': "(if b then Some t else None) = Some t' ⟷ (b ∧ t = t')" by simp
term "(case s of (a,b) ⇒ M a b)"
lemma case_T[vcg_rules]: "(⋀a b. s = (a, b) ⟹ t ≤ lst Q (M a b)) ⟹ t ≤ lst Q (case s of (a,b) ⇒ M a b)"
by (simp add: split_def)
subsubsection ‹new setup›
named_theorems vcg_rules'
lemma if_T[vcg_rules']: "(b ⟹ t ≤ lst Ma Q) ⟹ (¬b ⟹ t ≤ lst Mb Q) ⟹ t ≤ lst (if b then Ma else Mb) Q"
by (simp add: split_def)
lemma RETURNT_T_I[vcg_rules']: "t ≤ Q x ⟹ t ≤ lst (RETURNT x) Q"
by (simp add: T_RETURNT)
declare T_SPECT_I [vcg_rules']
declare TbindT_I [vcg_rules']
declare T_RESTemb [vcg_rules']
declare T_ASSERT_I [vcg_rules']
declare While[ vcg_rules']
thm vcg_rules
named_theorems vcg_simps'
declare [vcg_simps']
declare neueWhile_rule'' [vcg_rules']
method vcg'_step methods solver uses rules = (intro rules vcg_rules' | vcg_split_case | (progress simp;fail) | (solver; fail))
method vcg' methods solver uses rules = repeat_all_new ‹vcg'_step solver rules: rules›
declare T_SELECT [vcg_rules']
lemma "⋀c. do { c ← RETURNT None;
(case_option (RETURNT (1::nat)) (λp. RETURNT (2::nat))) c
} ≤ SPECT (emb (λx. x>(0::nat)) 1)"
apply(rule T_specifies_I)
apply(vcg'‹-›) unfolding oops
subsection "setup for refine_vcg"
lemma If_refine[refine]: "b = b' ⟹
(b ⟹ b' ⟹ S1 ≤ ⇓ R S1') ⟹
(¬ b ⟹ ¬ b' ⟹ S2 ≤ ⇓ R S2') ⟹ (if b then S1 else S2) ≤ ⇓ R (if b' then S1' else S2')"
by auto
lemma Case_option_refine[refine]: "(x,x')∈ ⟨S⟩option_rel ⟹
(⋀y y'. (y,y')∈S ⟹ S2 y ≤ ⇓ R (S2' y')) ⟹ S1 ≤ ⇓ R S1'
⟹ (case x of None ⇒ S1 | Some y ⇒ S2 y) ≤ ⇓ R (case x' of None ⇒ S1' | Some y' ⇒ S2' y')"
by(auto split: option.split)
lemma [refine0]: "⋀S. S ≤ ⇓ Id S" by simp
lemma [refine0]: "Φ ⟹ (Φ ⟹ S ≤ ⇓ R S') ⟹ ASSERT Φ ⤜ (λ_. S) ≤ ⇓ R S'"
by auto
declare le_R_ASSERTI [refine0]
thm refine0
declare bindT_refine [refine]
declare WHILET_refine [refine]
thm refine
thm refine2
thm refine_vcg
lemma [refine_vcg_cons]: "m ≤ SPECT Φ ⟹ (⋀x. Φ x ≤ Ψ x) ⟹ m ≤ SPECT Ψ"
by (metis dual_order.trans le_funI nres_order_simps(2))
thm refine_vcg_cons