Theory Remdups

theory Remdups
imports IICF_Rbt_Set IICF_DArray_List Refine_Foreach
theory Remdups
  imports "../Refine_Imperative_HOL/Sepref" "SepLogicTime_RBTreeBasic.RBTree_Impl"
 "../RefineMonadicVCG" "../Refine_Foreach"

definition "rd_inv as ≡ (λ(xs,ys,S). (∃zs. as = zs@xs ∧ S = set ys ∧ distinct ys ∧ set zs = set ys))"

definition body_time :: "nat ⇒ nat" where 
  "body_time n = 60 + rbt_search_time_logN (n+1) + rbt_insert_logN (n+1)"

definition "rd_ta as = (λ(xs,ys,S). length xs * body_time (length as))"

definition rd_impl1 :: "('a::{heap,linorder}) list ⇒ ('a list) nrest" where
"rd_impl1 as = do {
  ys ← mop_empty_list 12;
  S ← mop_set_empty 1;
  zs ← RETURNT as;
  (zs,ys,S) ← whileIET (rd_inv as) (rd_ta as) (λ(xs,ys,S). length xs > 0) (λ(xs,ys,S). do {                          
    ASSERT (length xs > 0);
    ASSERT (length xs + length ys ≤ length as);
    ASSERT (card S ≤ length ys);
    x ← RETURNT (hd xs);
    xs ← RETURNT (tl xs);
    b ← mop_set_member (λS. rbt_search_time_logN (length as + 1) + 1) x S;
    if b then
      RETURNT (xs,ys,S)
    else do {
      S ← mop_set_insert (λS. rbt_insert_logN (length as + 1)) x S;
      ys ← mop_push_list (λ_. 23) x ys;  
      RETURNT (xs,ys,S)
  }) (zs,ys,S);
definition "remdups_time (n::nat) = n * body_time n + 20"

definition "remdups_spec as = REST (emb (λys. set as = set ys ∧ distinct ys)
                   ( remdups_time (length as) ))"

lemma enat_neq_Z_iff[simp]: "enat x ≠ 0 ⟷ x≠0"
  by (auto simp: zero_enat_def)

lemma rd_impl1_correct: "rd_impl1 as ≤ remdups_spec as"
  unfolding remdups_spec_def
  unfolding rd_impl1_def mop_empty_list_def mop_set_empty_def mop_set_member_def mop_set_insert_def mop_push_list_def
      rd_ta_def rd_inv_def
  apply(rule T_specifies_I)
  apply (vcg' ‹simp› )  
    unfolding Some_le_emb'_conv Some_eq_emb'_conv 
  supply [simp] = neq_Nil_conv distinct_length_le card_length
        apply (auto simp:
          body_time_def remdups_time_def)
definition rd_impl2 :: "('a::{heap,linorder}) list ⇒ ('a list) nrest" where
"rd_impl2 as = do {
  ys ← mop_empty_list 12;
  S ← mop_set_empty 1;
  zs ← RETURNT as;
  nfoldli as (λ_. True) (λx (ys,S). do {    
    ASSERT (length ys ≤ length as);
    ASSERT (card S ≤ length ys);
    b ← mop_set_member (λS. rbt_search_time_logN (length as + 1) + 1) x S;
    if b then
      RETURNT (ys,S)
    else do {
      S ← mop_set_insert (λS. rbt_insert_logN (length as + 1)) x S;
      ys ← mop_push_list (λ_. 23) x ys;  
      RETURNT (ys,S)
  }) (ys,S);

lemma rd_impl2_correct: "rd_impl2 as ≤ remdups_spec as"
  unfolding remdups_spec_def
  unfolding rd_impl2_def mop_empty_list_def mop_set_empty_def mop_set_member_def mop_set_insert_def mop_push_list_def
      rd_ta_def rd_inv_def
  apply(rule T_specifies_I)
  apply (vcg' ‹simp› )
  unfolding nfoldliIE_def[where E="2*rbt_search_time_logN (length as + 1) + 24"
                            and I="λl1 l2 (bs,S). set l1 = S ∧ set bs = S ∧ distinct bs", symmetric] 
  apply(rule nfoldliIE_rule[  THEN T_specifies_rev, THEN T_conseq4]) 
  apply (vcg' ‹simp› rules: nfoldliIE_rule[  THEN T_specifies_rev, THEN T_conseq4])
  apply(rule T_specifies_I)
      apply (vcg' ‹simp›) 
    unfolding Some_le_emb'_conv Some_eq_emb'_conv 
  supply [simp] = neq_Nil_conv distinct_length_le card_length
        apply (a uto simp:
          body_time_def remdups_time_def)
lemma remdups_time_nln[asym_bound]: "remdups_time ∈ Θ(λn. n * ln n)"
  unfolding remdups_time_def body_time_def
  by auto2 

(* library *)  
lemma hn_refine_Zero[sepref_fr_rules]: " hn_refine emp
           (ureturn (0::nat)) emp
       (pure Id) (RETURNT $ (0::nat))"
  unfolding hn_refine_def apply (auto simp:   mult.assoc  execute_ureturn pure_def hn_ctxt_def)
   apply(rule exI[where x=0]) apply (auto simp: zero_enat_def relH_def )      
    using models_in_range top_assn_rule  
    by (metis (full_types) mod_false  )  

lemma hn_refine_length[sepref_fr_rules]: " hn_refine (hn_val Id xs' xs)
           (ureturn (length xs))
       (hn_val Id xs' xs)
       (pure Id) (RETURNT $ (length $ xs'))"
  unfolding hn_refine_def apply (auto simp:   mult.assoc  execute_ureturn pure_def hn_ctxt_def)
   apply(rule exI[where x=0]) by (auto simp: top_assn_rule zero_enat_def relH_def elim: pureD  )      

lemma hn_refine_hd[sepref_fr_rules]: " hn_refine (hn_val Id s' s)
           (ureturn (hd s))
       (hn_val Id s' s)
       (pure Id) (RETURNT $ (hd $ s'))"
  unfolding hn_refine_def apply (auto simp:   mult.assoc  execute_ureturn pure_def hn_ctxt_def)
     by (auto simp: top_assn_rule zero_enat_def relH_def  elim: pureD )      

lemma hn_refine_tl[sepref_fr_rules]: " hn_refine (hn_val Id s' s)
           (ureturn (tl s))
       (hn_val Id s' s)
       (pure Id) (RETURNT $ (tl $ s'))"
  unfolding hn_refine_def apply (auto simp:   mult.assoc  execute_ureturn pure_def hn_ctxt_def)
     by (auto simp: top_assn_rule zero_enat_def relH_def  elim: pureD )      

(* synthesize *) 

  fixes as::"('a::{heap,linorder}) list"
  notes [[sepref_register_adhoc as]]
  notes [sepref_import_param] = IdI[of as] 

declare rbt_search_time_logN_mono [intro]
declare rbt_insert_logN_mono [intro]

sepref_definition remdups_impl is "uncurry0 (rd_impl1 as)" :: "unit_assnka da_assn id_assn"
  unfolding rd_impl1_def whileIET_def    
  apply sepref_dbg_keep 
term remdups_impl
thm remdups_impl_def 
thm remdups_impl.refine[to_hnr]
thm  hnr_refine[OF rd_impl1_correct  remdups_impl.refine[to_hnr],to_hfref] 
thm extract_cost_ub[OF hnr_refine[OF rd_impl1_correct[unfolded remdups_spec_def]  remdups_impl.refine[to_hnr]], where Cost_ub="remdups_time (length as)", simplified in_ran_emb_special_case,   simplified ]

lemma remdups_rule: "<$ (remdups_time (length as))> 
        <λr. ∃Ara. da_assn id_assn ra r * ↑ (set as = set ra ∧ distinct ra)>t"
  using  extract_cost_ub[OF hnr_refine[OF rd_impl1_correct[unfolded remdups_spec_def]  remdups_impl.refine[to_hnr]], where Cost_ub="remdups_time (length as)", simplified in_ran_emb_special_case,   simplified ]
  by auto

schematic_goal synth_rd: "hn_refine emp (?C::?'a Heap) ?Γ' ?R (rd_impl1 as)" using [[goals_limit = 3]]
  unfolding rd_impl1_def

  apply sepref_dbg_preproc
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_init
  apply sepref_dbg_id 
     apply sepref_dbg_monadify

     apply sepref_dbg_opt_init
  apply sepref_dbg_trans_step+ 

  apply sepref_dbg_opt
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_solve ― ‹Frame rule, recovering the invalidated list 
    or pure elements, propagating recovery over the list structure›
  apply sepref_dbg_cons_solve ― ‹Trivial frame rule›
  apply sepref_dbg_constraints

thm synth_rd[to_hfref]

concrete_definition rd_impl uses synth_rd is "hn_refine _ (?c ) _ _ _"

thm rd_impl_def
term rd_impl
