Theory Sepref_Additional

theory Sepref_Additional
imports Sepref_Basic
theory Sepref_Additional
imports Sepref_Basic

lemma hoare_alt: 
  "<P> c <λr. Q r > = (∀h as n.
        pHeap h as n ⊨ P ⟶ (∃h' t r. execute c h = Some (r, h', t) ∧
        (pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n - t) ⊨ Q r ∧
        t ≤ n ∧ relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h' ∧ heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h')))" (is "?L = (∀h as n. ?H h as n ⟶ (∃h' t r. _ ∧ ?P h as h' n t r))")
proof -
  have "?L = (∀h as n. pHeap h as n ⊨ P ⟶ 
                  (∀ σ t r. run c (Some h) σ r t ⟶ σ ≠ None ∧ (?P h as (the σ) n t r)))"
    unfolding hoare_triple_def by auto  
  also have "… =  (∀h as n. pHeap h as n ⊨ P ⟶
              (∃h' t r. execute c h = Some (r, h', t) ∧
                         ?P h as h' n t r))" apply(subst run_and_execute) by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma extract_cost_otherway:
    "Γ * timeCredit_assn Cost_lb ⟹A G * F"
    "<G> c <λr. Q r >"
    "⋀r. Q r * F ⟹A Γ' * (∃Ara. R ra r * ↑(ra ∈ dom M)) * true"
    "(⋀c. c∈ran M ⟹ Cost_lb ≤ c)"
  shows "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R (REST M)" 
proof - 
  note pre_rule[OF assms(1) frame_rule[OF assms(2)]]
  then have TR: "⋀h as n. pHeap h as n ⊨ Γ * timeCredit_assn Cost_lb ⟹
           (∃h' t r. execute c h = Some (r, h', t) ∧
                     pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n - t) ⊨ Q r * F ∧ t ≤ n ∧ relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h' ∧ heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h')" 
    unfolding hoare_alt by simp

  show ?thesis
    unfolding hn_refine_def apply auto
  proof -
    fix h as n
    assume "pHeap h as n ⊨ Γ"
    then have "pHeap h as (n+Cost_lb) ⊨ Γ * timeCredit_assn Cost_lb"  
      by (simp add: mod_timeCredit_dest)
    from TR[OF this] obtain h' t r where "execute c h = Some (r, h', t)"
           and h: "pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Cost_lb - t) ⊨ Q r * F" 
           and 3: "t ≤ n + Cost_lb" "relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h'" "heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h'"
      by blast

    from h assms(3) have h': "pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Cost_lb - t) ⊨   Γ' * (∃Ara. R ra r * ↑ (ra ∈ dom M)) * true"
      by (simp add: entails_def)
    then have "∃ra. pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Cost_lb - t) ⊨   Γ' *  R ra r * ↑ (ra ∈ dom M) * true"
      by simp
    then obtain ra where h'': "pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Cost_lb - t) ⊨   Γ' *  R ra r * ↑ (ra ∈ dom M) * true"
        by blast
    have "pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Cost_lb - t) ⊨   (Γ' *  R ra r * true) * ↑ (ra ∈ dom M)"
      apply(rule entailsD[OF _ h''])  by (simp add: entails_triv move_back_pure') 
    then have h'': "pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Cost_lb - t) ⊨   Γ' *  R ra r * true" and radom: "ra ∈ dom M"
      using mod_pure_star_dist  by auto   

    show "∃h' t r. execute c h = Some (r, h', t) ∧
                       (∃ra Ca. Some (enat Ca) ≤ M ra ∧ t ≤ n + Ca ∧ pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n + Ca - t) ⊨ Γ' * R ra r * true) ∧
                       relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h' ∧ heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h'"
      apply(rule exI[where x=h']) apply(rule exI[where x=t]) apply(rule exI[where x=r])
      apply safe apply fact
          apply(rule exI[where x=ra])
        apply(rule exI[where x=Cost_lb])
        apply safe 
      subgoal using assms(4) radom using ranI by force
      subgoal by fact
      subgoal using h'' mod_star_trueI by blast 
       apply fact apply fact done

lemma extract_cost_otherway':
  fixes R
    "Γ * timeCredit_assn Cost_lb ⟹A G * F"
    "⋀h. h⊨Γ ⟹ <G> c <λr. Q r >"
    "⋀r h. h⊨Γ ⟹ Q r * F ⟹A Γ' * (∃Ara. R ra r * ↑(ra ∈ dom M)) * true"
    "(⋀c h. h⊨Γ ⟹ c∈ran M ⟹ Cost_lb ≤ c)"
  shows "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R (REST M)" 
  apply(rule hn_refine_preI)
  apply(rule extract_cost_otherway)
  using assms by auto

subsection "how to extract a hoare triple from hn_refine"

lemma extract_cost_ub:
  assumes "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R (REST M)" "(⋀c. c∈ran M ⟹ c ≤ Cost_ub)"
  shows "<Γ * timeCredit_assn Cost_ub> c <λr. Γ' * (∃Ara. R ra r * ↑(ra ∈ dom M)) >t"
  using assms(1)  unfolding hn_refine_def
  unfolding hoare_triple_def 
  apply clarify
proof (goal_cases)
  case (1 h as σ r n t)
  from 1(2) have 2: "pHeap h as (n-Cost_ub) ⊨ Γ" and  nf: "n≥Cost_ub"
    using mod_timeCredit_dest by auto

  from 1(1) have 3: "⋀h as n Ma.
       pHeap h as n ⊨ Γ ⟹ 
      SPECT M = SPECT Ma ⟹ (∃h' t r. execute c h = Some (r, h', t) ∧      
       (∃ra Ca. Ma ra ≥ Some (enat Ca) ∧ t ≤ n + Ca ∧ pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') ((n + Ca) - t) ⊨ Γ' * R ra r * true) ∧
      relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h' ∧ heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h')" 
    by auto

  thm effect_deterministic

  from 3[OF 2 ] obtain h' t' r' where E: "execute c h = Some (r', h', t') " and
    R:  "(∃ra Ca. M ra ≥ Some (enat Ca) ∧
                    pHeap h' (new_addrs h as h') (n - Cost_ub + Ca - t') ⊨ Γ' * R ra r' * true ∧ t' ≤ n - Cost_ub + Ca) ∧
           relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h h' ∧ heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim h'" by blast

  have F: "σ = Some h'" and prime: "r' = r" "t' = t"  
    using E 1(3) run.cases apply force
    using E 1(3) run.cases apply force
    using E 1(3) run.cases by force 
  then have sig: "the σ = h'" by auto
  from R  have
    B: "(∃ra Ca. M ra ≥ Some (enat Ca) ∧
     pHeap (the σ) (new_addrs h as (the σ)) (n - Cost_ub + Ca - t) ⊨ Γ' * R ra r * true ∧
        t ≤ n - Cost_ub + Ca )" and C:
    "relH {a. a < heap.lim h ∧ a ∉ as} h (the σ)" "heap.lim h ≤ heap.lim (the σ) " 
    unfolding prime sig by auto

  from B obtain ra Ca where i: "pHeap (the σ) (new_addrs h as (the σ)) (n - Cost_ub + Ca - t) ⊨ Γ' * R ra r * true"
    and ii:  "t ≤ n - Cost_ub + Ca"  and ineq: "M ra ≥ Some (enat Ca)"
    using B by auto

  from ineq have radom: "ra ∈ dom M" using domIff by fastforce  
  then obtain Mra where Mra: "M ra = Some Mra" by blast
  with assms(2) have "Mra ≤ enat Cost_ub" by (meson ranI)
  with Mra ineq have "Some (enat Ca) ≤ Some (enat Cost_ub)" 
    using dual_order.trans by fastforce 
  then have ie: "Ca ≤ Cost_ub" by auto

  have pr: "(n - Cost_ub + Ca - t) = (n - t) - (Cost_ub - Ca)" using ie ii nf by auto
  have pl: "(n - (t + (Cost_ub - Ca)) + (Cost_ub - Ca)) = n-t" using ii nf by auto

  have "pHeap (the σ) (new_addrs h as (the σ) ∪ {}) ((n - t) - (Cost_ub - Ca) + (Cost_ub - Ca)) ⊨ Γ' * R ra r * true * true"
    apply(rule mod_star_convI)  apply simp
     apply(rule i[unfolded pr])  by (simp add: top_assn_rule)

  then have H: "pHeap (the σ) (new_addrs h as (the σ)) (n - t) ⊨ Γ' * R ra r * true * true"
    by (simp add: pl)   

  have "pHeap (the σ) (new_addrs h as (the σ)) (n - t) ⊨ Γ' * R ra r * ↑ (ra ∈ dom M) * true"
    apply(rule entailsD[OF _ H]) using radom by auto2  
  then have "∃ra. pHeap (the σ) (new_addrs h as (the σ)) (n - t) ⊨ Γ' * R ra r * ↑ (ra ∈ dom M) * true"
    by blast
  then have H': "pHeap (the σ) (new_addrs h as (the σ)) (n - t) ⊨ (∃Ara. Γ' *  R ra r * ↑ (ra ∈ dom M) * true)"
    using mod_ex_dist by blast
  have H: "pHeap (the σ) (new_addrs h as (the σ)) (n - t) ⊨ Γ' * (∃Ara. R ra r * ↑ (ra ∈ dom M)) * true" 
    apply(rule entailsD[OF _ H']) by auto2

  from ii ie nf have T: "t ≤ n " by auto

  show ?case
    apply safe
    subgoal using F by auto
    subgoal using H by simp  
    subgoal by fact
     apply fact apply fact done

lemma r: "ran (λv. if M v then Some (t v) else None) = {t v |v. M v}"
  by (auto simp: ran_is_image domIff split: if_splits)  

lemma d: "ra ∈ dom (λv. if M v then Some (t v) else None) ⟷ M ra" 
  unfolding domIff by (auto)  
lemma extract_cost_ub_SPEC: "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R (SPEC M t) ⟹ (⋀c. M c ⟹ t c ≤ enat Cost_ub) ⟹ <Γ * timeCredit_assn Cost_ub> c <λr. Γ' * (∃Ara. R ra r * ↑ (M ra))>t"
  unfolding SPEC_def
  apply(drule extract_cost_ub[where Cost_ub=Cost_ub])
  by (auto simp: r d)

lemma hnr_hoare_triple_SPEC_conv: "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R (SPEC P (λ_. t)) =  <Γ * timeCredit_assn t> c <λr. Γ' * (∃Ara. R ra r * ↑ (P ra))>t"
  subgoal apply(rule extract_cost_ub_SPEC) by auto 
  subgoal unfolding SPEC_def apply(rule extract_cost_otherway[where Cost_lb="t" and F="emp"])
       defer apply assumption apply (auto split:  if_splits simp: domIff)[]
    apply solve_entails
apply (auto split:  if_splits simp: domIff)[]
    by(auto split: if_splits simp: ran_def)    

lemma post_rulet:
  "<P> f <Q>t ⟹ ∀x. Q x ⟹A R x * true ⟹ <P> f <R>t"
  apply(rule post_rule[where Q="λx. Q x * true"])
  apply auto apply(rule ent_true_drop(1)) by simp

 lemma ht_cons_rule:
  assumes CPRE: "P ⟹A P'"
  assumes CPOST: "⋀x. Q x ⟹A Q' x"
  assumes R: "<P'> c <Q>"
  shows "<P> c <Q'>" apply(rule cons_post_rule[OF _ CPOST])
   by(rule pre_rule[OF CPRE R]) 

lemma extract_cost_ub':
  assumes "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R (REST M)" "(⋀c. c∈ran M ⟹ c ≤ Cost_ub)"
   and pre: "P ⟹A Γ * timeCredit_assn Cost_ub"
   and post: "∀r. Γ' * (∃Ara. R ra r * ↑(ra ∈ dom M)) ⟹A Q r * true"
 shows "<P> c <Q>t"
  apply(rule pre_rule[OF pre])
  apply(rule post_rulet[OF _ post]) 
  apply(rule extract_cost_ub) by fact+

lemma hn_refineI: 
  shows "tt = enat ttt ==> <Γ * timeCredit_assn ttt> C <λr. Γ' *  RR ra r>t ⟹ hn_refine Γ C Γ'  RR (SPECT [ra ↦ tt])"
    apply(rule extract_cost_otherway[where F=emp and Cost_lb=ttt and G=" Γ * timeCredit_assn ttt"]) 
     apply solve_entails apply simp  apply simp apply solve_entails by simp
lemma RETURNT_SPECT_conv: "RETURNT r = SPECT [r ↦ 0]" unfolding RETURNT_def by auto
lemma hn_refineI0: 
  shows "<Γ> C <λr. Γ' *  RR ra r>t ⟹ hn_refine Γ C Γ'  RR (RETURNT ra)"
  unfolding RETURNT_SPECT_conv
    apply(rule extract_cost_otherway[where F=emp and Cost_lb=0 and G=" Γ * timeCredit_assn 0"]) 
     apply solve_entails apply (simp add: zero_time)  apply simp apply solve_entails by (simp add: zero_enat_def)
