Theory Graph

section Directed Graphs
theory Graph
imports "../lib/Base_MEC" 

subsection Basic Definitions
type_synonym 'q digraph = "('q × 'q) set"

text Finite-reachable graph: Graph with finitely many nodes that are reachable from a set fo start nodes.
locale fr_graph_defs =
  fixes E :: "'v digraph" and V0 :: "'v set"

locale fr_graph = fr_graph_defs E V0 for E :: "'v digraph" and V0 :: "'v set" +
  assumes finite_reachableE_V0[simp, intro!]: "finite (E* `` V0)"

  definition "successors V = SPEC (λ xs. set xs = (E `` V))"

  lemma finite_V0[simp, intro!]: "finite V0"
    by (meson Image_iff finite_reachableE_V0 rev_finite_subset rtrancl.rtrancl_refl subset_eq)

  lemma finite_succ:
    assumes "v  (E* `` V0)" 
    shows "finite (E `` {v})"
  proof -
    obtain v0 where "v0  V0" and A: "(v0,v)  E*" using assms by blast
    hence "E* `` {v0}  E* `` V0" by blast
    hence "finite (E* `` {v0})" using finite_subset by blast
    thus ?thesis using finite_reachable_advance A 
      by (metis finite_Image_subset r_le_rtrancl)

  lemma finite_out_edges:
    assumes "v  (E* `` V0)" 
    shows "finite (E  {v} × UNIV)"
  proof -
      fix w
      assume "(v,w)  E  {v} × UNIV"
      hence "w  E `` {v}" by blast
    hence A: "E  {v} × UNIV  {(v,w) | w. w  E `` {v}}" by blast
    note finite_succ[OF assms]
    hence "finite {(v,w) | w. w  E `` {v}}" 
      using finite_image_set[of "λw. w  E `` {v}" "λw. (v,w)"] 
      by (metis Collect_mem_eq)
    then show ?thesis using finite_subset[OF A] by blast


subsection List of Successors

definition mop_graph_succ :: "'v digraph   'v  'v list nres" where
  "mop_graph_succ E v  SPEC (λxs. set xs = (E``{v}))" 

lemma (in fr_graph) mop_graph_succ_conv[simp]: "mop_graph_succ E v = successors {v}"
  unfolding mop_graph_succ_def successors_def by simp

sepref_register mop_graph_succ

subsection Paths
text Path are modeled as list of nodes, the last node of a path is not included
  into the list. This formalization allows for nice concatenation and splitting
  of paths.
inductive path :: "'v digraph  'v  'v list  'v  bool" for E where
  path0: "path E u [] u"
| path_prepend: " (u,v)E; path E v l w   path E u (u#l) w"

lemma path1: "(u,v)E  path E u [u] v"
  by (auto intro: path.intros)

lemma path_empty_conv[simp]:
  "path E u [] v  u=v"
  by (auto intro: path0 elim: path.cases)

inductive_cases path_uncons: "path E u (u'#l) w"
inductive_simps path_cons_conv: "path E u (u'#l) w"

lemma path_no_edges[simp]: "path {} u p v  (u=v  p=[])"
  by (cases p) (auto simp: path_cons_conv)

lemma path_conc: 
  assumes P1: "path E u la v" 
  assumes P2: "path E v lb w"
  shows "path E u (la@lb) w"
  using P1 P2 apply induct 
  by (auto intro: path.intros)
lemma path_append:
  " path E u l v; (v,w)E   path E u (l@[v]) w"
  using path_conc[OF _ path1] .

lemma path_unconc:
  assumes "path E u (la@lb) w"
  obtains v where "path E u la v" and "path E v lb w"
  using assms 
  apply (induct u "la@lb" w arbitrary: la lb rule: path.induct)
  apply (auto intro: path.intros elim!: list_Cons_eq_append_cases)

lemma path_conc_conv: 
  "path E u (la@lb) w  (v. path E u la v  path E v lb w)"
  by (auto intro: path_conc elim: path_unconc)

lemma (in -) path_append_conv: "path E u (p@[v]) w  (path E u p v  (v,w)E)"
  by (simp add: path_cons_conv path_conc_conv)

lemmas path_simps = path_empty_conv path_cons_conv path_conc_conv

lemmas path_trans[trans] = path_prepend path_conc path_append
lemma path_from_edges: "(u,v)E; (v,w)E  path E u [u] v" 
  by (auto simp: path_simps)

lemma path_edge_cases[case_names no_use split]: 
  assumes "path (insert (u,v) E) w p x"
    "path E w p x" 
  | p1 p2 where "path E w p1 u" "path (insert (u,v) E) v p2 x"
  using assms
  apply induction
  apply simp
  apply (clarsimp)
  apply (metis path_simps path_cons_conv)

lemma path_edge_rev_cases[case_names no_use split]: 
  assumes "path (insert (u,v) E) w p x"
    "path E w p x" 
  | p1 p2 where "path (insert (u,v) E) w p1 u" "path E v p2 x"
  using assms
  apply (induction p arbitrary: x rule: rev_induct)
  apply simp
  apply (clarsimp simp: path_cons_conv path_conc_conv)
  apply (metis path_simps path_append_conv)

lemma path_mono: 
  assumes S: "EE'" 
  assumes P: "path E u p v" 
  shows "path E' u p v"
  using P
  apply induction
  apply simp
  using S
  apply (auto simp: path_cons_conv)

lemma path_is_rtrancl: 
  assumes "path E u l v"
  shows "(u,v)E*"
  using assms 
  by induct auto

lemma rtrancl_is_path:
  assumes "(u,v)E*"
  obtains l where "path E u l v"
  using assms 
  by induct (auto intro: path0 path_append)

lemma path_is_trancl: 
  assumes "path E u l v"
  and "l[]"
  shows "(u,v)E+"
  using assms 
  apply induct
  apply auto []
  apply (case_tac l)
  apply auto

lemma trancl_is_path:
  assumes "(u,v)E+"
  obtains l where "l[]" and "path E u l v"
  using assms 
  by induct (auto intro: path0 path_append)

lemma path_nth_conv: "path E u p v  (let p'=p@[v] in
  (i<length p' - 1. (p'!i,p'!Suc i)E))"
  apply (induct p arbitrary: v rule: rev_induct)
  apply (auto simp: path_conc_conv path_cons_conv nth_append)

lemma path_mapI:
  assumes "path E u p v"
  shows "path (pairself f ` E) (f u) (map f p) (f v)"
  using assms
  apply induction
  apply (simp)
  apply (force simp: path_cons_conv)

lemma path_restrict: 
  assumes "path E u p v" 
  shows "path (E  set p × insert v (set (tl p))) u p v"
  using assms
proof induction
  case (path_prepend u v p w)
  from path_prepend.IH have "path (E  set (u#p) × insert w (set p)) v p w"
    apply (rule path_mono[rotated])
    by (cases p) auto
  thus ?case using (u,v)E
    by (cases p) (auto simp add: path_cons_conv)
qed auto

lemma path_restrict_closed:
  assumes CLOSED: "E``D  D"
  assumes I: "vD" and P: "path E v p v'"
  shows "path (ED×D) v p v'"
  using P CLOSED I
  by induction (auto simp: path_cons_conv)

lemma path_set_induct:
  assumes "path E u p v" and "uI" and "E``I  I"
  shows "set p  I"
  using assms
  by (induction rule: path.induct) auto

lemma path_nodes_reachable: "path E u p v  insert v (set p)  E*``{u}"
  apply (auto simp: in_set_conv_decomp path_cons_conv path_conc_conv)
  apply (auto dest!: path_is_rtrancl)

lemma path_nodes_edges: "path E u p v  set p  fst`E"
  by (induction rule: path.induct) auto

lemma path_tl_nodes_edges: 
  assumes "path E u p v"
  shows "set (tl p)  fst`E  snd`E"
proof -
  from path_nodes_edges[OF assms] have "set (tl p)  fst`E"
    by (cases p) auto

  moreover have "set (tl p)  snd`E"
    using assms
    apply (cases)
    apply simp
    apply simp
    apply (erule path_set_induct[where I = "snd`E"])
    apply auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by auto

lemma path_loop_shift: 
  assumes P: "path E u p u"
  assumes S: "vset p"
  obtains p' where "set p' = set p" "path E v p' v"
proof -
  from S obtain p1 p2 where [simp]: "p = p1@v#p2" by (auto simp: in_set_conv_decomp)
  from P obtain v' where A: "path E u p1 v" "(v, v')  E" "path E v' p2 u" 
    by (auto simp: path_simps)
  hence "path E v (v#p2@p1) v" by (auto simp: path_simps)
  thus ?thesis using that[of "v#p2@p1"] by auto

lemma path_hd:
  assumes "p  []" "path E v p w"
  shows "hd p = v"
  using assms
  by (auto simp: path_cons_conv neq_Nil_conv)

lemma path_last_is_edge:
  assumes "path E x p y"
  and "p  []"
  shows "(last p, y)  E"
  using assms
  by (auto simp: neq_Nil_rev_conv path_simps)

lemma path_member_reach_end:
  assumes P: "path E x p y"
  and v: "v  set p"
  shows "(v,y)  E+"
  using assms 
  by (auto intro!: path_is_trancl simp: in_set_conv_decomp path_simps)

lemma path_tl_induct[consumes 2, case_names single step]:
  assumes P: "path E x p y"
  and NE: "x  y"
  and S: "u. (x,u)  E  P x u"
  and ST: "u v. (x,u)  E+; (u,v)  E; P x u  P x v"
  shows "P x y  ( v  set (tl p). P x v)"
proof -
  from P NE have "p  []" by auto
  thus ?thesis using P
  proof (induction p arbitrary: y rule: rev_nonempty_induct)
    case (single u) hence "(x,y)  E" by (simp add: path_cons_conv)
    with S show ?case by simp
    case (snoc u us) hence "path E x us u" by (simp add: path_append_conv)
    with snoc path_is_trancl have 
      "P x u" "(x,u)  E+" "v  set (tl us). P x v" 
      by simp_all
    moreover with snoc have "v  set (tl (us@[u])). P x v" by simp
    moreover from snoc have "(u,y)  E" by (simp add: path_append_conv)
    ultimately show ?case by (auto intro: ST)

lemma path_restrict_tl: 
  " uR; path (E  UNIV × -R) u p v   path (rel_restrict E R) u p v"
  apply (induction p arbitrary: u)
  apply (auto simp: path_simps rel_restrict_def)

lemma path1_restr_conv: "path (EUNIV × -R) u (x#xs) v 
   (w. wR  x=u  (u,w)E  path (rel_restrict E R) w xs v)"
proof -
  have 1: "rel_restrict E R  E  UNIV × - R" by (auto simp: rel_restrict_def)

  show ?thesis
    by (auto simp: path_simps intro: path_restrict_tl path_mono[OF 1])

lemma dropWhileNot_path:
  assumes "p  []"
  and "path E w p x"
  and "v  set p"
  and "dropWhile ((≠) v) p = c"
  shows "path E v c x"
  using assms
proof (induction arbitrary: w c rule: list_nonempty_induct)
  case (single p) thus ?case by (auto simp add: path_simps)
  case (cons p ps) hence [simp]: "w = p" by (simp add: path_cons_conv)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "p=v")
    case True with cons show ?thesis by simp
    case False with cons have "c = dropWhile ((≠) v) ps" by simp
    moreover from cons.prems obtain y where "path E y ps x" 
      using path_uncons by metis
    moreover from cons.prems False have "v  set ps" by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis using cons.IH by metis

lemma takeWhileNot_path:
  assumes "p  []"
  and "path E w p x"
  and "v  set p"
  and "takeWhile ((≠) v) p = c"
  shows "path E w c v"
  using assms
proof (induction arbitrary: w c rule: list_nonempty_induct)
  case (single p) thus ?case by (auto simp add: path_simps)
  case (cons p ps) hence [simp]: "w = p" by (simp add: path_cons_conv)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "p=v")
    case True with cons show ?thesis by simp
    case False with cons obtain c' where 
      "c' = takeWhile ((≠) v) ps" and 
      [simp]: "c = p#c'"
      by simp_all
    moreover from cons.prems obtain y where 
      "path E y ps x" and "(w,y)  E" 
      using path_uncons by metis+
    moreover from cons.prems False have "v  set ps" by simp
    ultimately have "path E y c' v" using cons.IH by metis
    with (w,y)  E show ?thesis by (auto simp add: path_cons_conv)

subsection Infinite Paths
definition ipath :: "'q digraph  'q Omega_Words_Fun.word  bool"
  ― ‹Predicate for an infinite path in a digraph
  where "ipath E r  i. (r i, r (Suc i))E"

lemma ipath_conc_conv: 
  "ipath E (u  v)  (a. path E a u (v 0)  ipath E v)"
  apply (auto simp: conc_def ipath_def path_nth_conv nth_append)
  apply (metis add_Suc_right diff_add_inverse not_add_less1)
  by (metis Suc_diff_Suc diff_Suc_Suc not_less_eq)

lemma ipath_iter_conv:
  assumes "p[]"
  shows "ipath E (pω)  (path E (hd p) p (hd p))"
proof (cases p)
  case Nil thus ?thesis using assms by simp
  case (Cons u p') hence PLEN: "length p > 0" by simp
  show ?thesis proof 
    assume "ipath E (iter (p))"
    hence "i. (iter (p) i, iter (p) (Suc i))  E"
      unfolding ipath_def by simp
    hence "(i<length p. (p!i,(p@[hd p])!Suc i)E)" 
      apply (simp add: assms)
      apply safe
      apply (drule_tac x=i in spec)
      apply simp
      apply (case_tac "Suc i = length p")
      apply (simp add: Cons)
      apply (simp add: nth_append)
    thus "path E (hd p) p (hd p)"
      by (auto simp: path_nth_conv Cons nth_append nth_Cons')
    assume "path E (hd p) p (hd p)"
    thus "ipath E (iter p)"
      apply (auto simp: path_nth_conv ipath_def assms Let_def)
      apply (drule_tac x="i mod length p" in spec)
      apply (auto simp: nth_append assms split: if_split_asm)
      apply (metis less_not_refl mod_Suc)
      by (metis PLEN diff_self_eq_0 mod_Suc nth_Cons_0 mod_less_divisor)

lemma ipath_to_rtrancl:
  assumes R: "ipath E r"
  assumes I: "i1i2"
  shows "(r i1,r i2)E*"
  using I
proof (induction i2)
  case (Suc i2)
  show ?case proof (cases "i1=Suc i2")
    assume "i1Suc i2"
    with Suc have "(r i1,r i2)E*" by auto
    also from R have "(r i2,r (Suc i2))E" unfolding ipath_def by auto
    finally show ?thesis .
  qed simp
qed simp
lemma ipath_to_trancl:
  assumes R: "ipath E r"
  assumes I: "i1<i2"
  shows "(r i1,r i2)E+"
proof -
  from R have "(r i1,r (Suc i1))E"
    by (auto simp: ipath_def)
  also have "(r (Suc i1),r i2)E*"
    using ipath_to_rtrancl[OF R,of "Suc i1" i2] I by auto
  finally (rtrancl_into_trancl2) show ?thesis .

lemma run_limit_two_connectedI:
  assumes A: "ipath E r" 
  assumes B: "a  limit r" "blimit r"
  shows "(a,b)E+"
proof -
  from B have "{a,b}  limit r" by simp
  with A show ?thesis
    by (metis ipath_to_trancl two_in_limit_iff)

lemma ipath_subpath:
  assumes P: "ipath E r"
  assumes LE: "lu"
  shows "path E (r l) (map r [l..<u]) (r u)"
  using LE
proof (induction "u-l" arbitrary: u l)
  case (Suc n)
  note IH=Suc.hyps(1)
  from Suc n = u-l lu obtain u' where [simp]: "u=Suc u'" 
    and A: "n=u'-l" "l  u'" 
    by (cases u) auto
  note IH[OF A]
  also from P have "(r u',r u)E"
    by (auto simp: ipath_def)
  finally show ?case using l  u' by (simp add: upt_Suc_append)
qed auto  

lemma ipath_restrict_eq: "ipath (E  (E*``{r 0} × E*``{r 0})) r  ipath E r"
  unfolding ipath_def
  by (auto simp: relpow_fun_conv rtrancl_power)
lemma ipath_restrict: "ipath E r  ipath (E  (E*``{r 0} × E*``{r 0})) r"
  by (simp add: ipath_restrict_eq)

lemma ipathI[intro?]: "i. (r i, r (Suc i))  E  ipath E r"
  unfolding ipath_def by auto

lemma ipathD: "ipath E r  (r i, r (Suc i))  E"
  unfolding ipath_def by auto

lemma ipath_in_Domain: "ipath E r  r i  Domain E"
  unfolding ipath_def by auto

lemma ipath_in_Range: "ipath E r; i0  r i  Range E"
  unfolding ipath_def by (cases i) auto

lemma ipath_suffix: "ipath E r  ipath E (Omega_Words_Fun.suffix i r)"
  unfolding suffix_def ipath_def by auto

subsection Strongly Connected Components

text A strongly connected component is a maximal mutually connected set of nodes
definition is_scc :: "'q digraph  'q set  bool"
  where "is_scc E U  U×UE*  (V. VU  ¬ (V×VE*))"

lemma scc_non_empty[simp]: "¬is_scc E {}" unfolding is_scc_def by auto

lemma scc_non_empty'[simp]: "is_scc E U  U{}" unfolding is_scc_def by auto

lemma is_scc_closed:
  assumes SCC: "is_scc E U"
  assumes MEM: "xU"
  assumes P: "(x,y)E*" "(y,x)E*"
  shows "yU"
proof -
  from SCC MEM P have "insert y U × insert y U  E*"
    unfolding is_scc_def
    apply clarsimp
    apply (rule; clarsimp)
    apply (meson SigmaI rtrancl_trans subset_iff)
    by (meson SigmaI rtrancl_trans subset_eq)
  with SCC show ?thesis unfolding is_scc_def by blast

lemma is_scc_connected:
  assumes SCC: "is_scc E U"
  assumes MEM: "xU" "yU"
  shows "(x,y)E*"
  using assms unfolding is_scc_def by auto

text In the following, we play around with alternative
characterizations, and
  prove them all equivalent .

text A common characterization is to define an equivalence relation
  ,,mutually connected'' on nodes, and characterize the SCCs as its
  equivalence classes:

definition mconn :: "('a×'a) set  ('a × 'a) set"
  ― ‹Mutually connected relation on nodes
  where "mconn E = E*  (E¯)*"

lemma mconn_pointwise:
   "mconn E = {(u,v). (u,v)E*  (v,u)E*}"
  by (auto simp add: mconn_def rtrancl_converse)

text mconn› is an equivalence relation:
lemma mconn_refl[simp]: "Idmconn E"
  by (auto simp add: mconn_def)

lemma mconn_sym: "mconn E = (mconn E)¯"
  by (auto simp add: mconn_pointwise)

lemma mconn_trans: "mconn E O mconn E = mconn E"
  by (auto simp add: mconn_def)

lemma mconn_refl': "refl (mconn E)"
  by (auto intro: refl_onI simp: mconn_pointwise)

lemma mconn_sym': "sym (mconn E)"
  by (auto intro: symI simp: mconn_pointwise)

lemma mconn_trans': "trans (mconn E)"
  by (metis mconn_def trans_Int trans_rtrancl)

lemma mconn_equiv: "equiv UNIV (mconn E)"
  using mconn_refl' mconn_sym' mconn_trans'
  by (rule equivI)

lemma is_scc_mconn_eqclasses: "is_scc E U  U  UNIV // mconn E"
  ― ‹The strongly connected components are the equivalence classes of
    mutually-connected relation on nodes
  assume A: "is_scc E U"
  then obtain x where "xU" unfolding is_scc_def by auto
  hence "U = mconn E `` {x}" using A
    unfolding mconn_pointwise is_scc_def
    apply clarsimp
    apply rule
    apply auto []
    apply clarsimp
    by (metis A is_scc_closed)
  thus "U  UNIV // mconn E"
    by (auto simp: quotient_def)
  assume "U  UNIV // mconn E"
  thus "is_scc E U"
    by (auto simp: is_scc_def mconn_pointwise quotient_def)

text We can also restrict the notion of "reachability" to nodes
  inside the SCC

lemma find_outside_node:
  assumes "(u,v)E*"
  assumes "(u,v)(EU×U)*"
  assumes "uU" "vU"
  shows "u'. u'U  (u,u')E*  (u',v)E*"
  using assms
  apply (induction)
  apply auto []
  apply clarsimp
  by (metis IntI mem_Sigma_iff rtrancl.simps)

lemma is_scc_restrict1:
  assumes SCC: "is_scc E U"
  shows "U×U(EU×U)*"
  using assms
  unfolding is_scc_def
  apply clarsimp
  apply (rule ccontr)
  apply (drule (2) find_outside_node[rotated])
  apply auto []
  by (metis is_scc_closed[OF SCC] mem_Sigma_iff rtrancl_trans subsetD)

lemma is_scc_restrict2:
  assumes SCC: "is_scc E U"
  assumes "VU"
  shows "¬ (V×V(EV×V)*)"
  using assms
  unfolding is_scc_def
  apply clarsimp
  using rtrancl_mono[of "E  V × V" "E"]
  apply clarsimp
  apply blast

lemma is_scc_restrict3:
  assumes SCC: "is_scc E U"
  shows "((E*``((E*``U) - U))  U = {})"
  apply auto
  by (metis assms is_scc_closed is_scc_connected rtrancl_trans)
lemma is_scc_alt_restrict_path:
  "is_scc E U  U{} 
    (U×U  (EU×U)*)  ((E*``((E*``U) - U))  U = {})"
  apply rule
  apply (intro conjI)
  apply simp
  apply (blast dest: is_scc_restrict1)
  apply (blast dest: is_scc_restrict3)
  unfolding is_scc_def
  apply rule
  apply clarsimp
  apply (meson Int_lower1 SigmaI in_mono rtrancl_mono)
  apply blast

lemma is_scc_pointwise:
  "is_scc E U 
   (uU. vU. (u,v)(EU×U)*)
   (uU. v. (vU  (u,v)E*)  (u'U. (v,u')E*))"
  ― ‹Alternative, pointwise characterization
  unfolding is_scc_alt_restrict_path
  by blast 

lemma scc_disj_or_eq: assumes SCC: "is_scc E scc" "is_scc E scc'" shows "scc = scc'  scc  scc' = {}"
  using SCC quotient_disj[OF mconn_equiv]
  by (simp add: is_scc_mconn_eqclasses)

lemma is_scc_unique:
  assumes SCC: "is_scc E scc" "is_scc E scc'"
  and v: "v  scc" "v  scc'"
  shows "scc = scc'"
  using scc_disj_or_eq[OF SCC] v 
  by blast

lemma is_scc_ex1:
  "∃!scc. is_scc E scc  v  scc"
proof (rule ex1I, rule conjI)
  let ?scc = "mconn E `` {v}"
  have "?scc  UNIV // mconn E" by (auto intro: quotientI)
  thus "is_scc E ?scc" by (simp add: is_scc_mconn_eqclasses)
  moreover show "v  ?scc" by (blast intro: refl_onD[OF mconn_refl'])
  ultimately show "scc. is_scc E scc  v  scc  scc = ?scc"
    by (metis is_scc_unique)

lemma is_scc_ex:
  "scc. is_scc E scc  v  scc"
  by (metis is_scc_ex1)

lemma is_scc_connected':
  "is_scc E scc; x  scc; y  scc  (x,y)(Restr E scc)*"
  unfolding is_scc_pointwise
  by blast

definition scc_of :: "('v×'v) set  'v  'v set"
  "scc_of E v = (THE scc. is_scc E scc  v  scc)"

lemma scc_of_is_scc[simp]:
  "is_scc E (scc_of E v)"
  using is_scc_ex1[of E v]
  by (auto dest!: theI' simp: scc_of_def)

lemma node_in_scc_of_node[simp]:
  "v  scc_of E v"
  using is_scc_ex1[of E v]
  by (auto dest!: theI' simp: scc_of_def)

lemma scc_of_unique:
  assumes "w  scc_of E v"
  shows "scc_of E v = scc_of E w"
proof -
  have "is_scc E (scc_of E v)" by simp
  moreover have "is_scc E (scc_of E w)" by simp
  moreover have "w  scc_of E w" by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis using is_scc_unique assms by metis

subsubsection SCC Additions

lemma scc_nodes_eq_reach:
  assumes SCC: "is_scc E U"
  assumes MEM: "xU" "yU"
  shows "E* `` {x} = E* `` {y}"
  apply safe
  apply(subgoal_tac "(y,x)  E*")
  apply simp
  using is_scc_connected assms apply metis 
  apply(subgoal_tac "(x,y)  E*") 
  apply simp
  using is_scc_connected assms by metis

lemma non_singleton_scc_node_succ_aux:
  assumes SCC: "is_scc E U"
  assumes NE:  "x  y"
  assumes MEM: "xU" "yU"
  shows "(E  U × U) `` {x}  {}"
  apply(subgoal_tac "(x, y)  (E  U × U)+")
  apply (metis Image_empty_trancl_Image_empty Image_singleton_iff empty_iff)
  using is_scc_restrict1[OF SCC] MEM NE 
  by (metis SCC is_scc_pointwise rtranclD)

lemma non_singleton_scc_node_succ:
  assumes SCC: "is_scc E U"
  assumes NE:  "¬ is_singleton U"
  assumes MEM: "xU"
  shows "(E  U × U) `` {x}  {}"
  using non_singleton_scc_node_succ_aux MEM NE SCC is_singletonI' memb_imp_not_empty
  by metis

subsection Bottom Strongly Connected Components

text A bottom SCC is an SCC without outgoing edges.

definition "is_bottom_scc E V  is_scc E V  ( (u,v)  E. u  V  v  V)"

lemma bscc_not_leaving: assumes "is_bottom_scc E U" and "u  U" shows "E `` {u}  U"
  ― ‹Any state in a BSCC can only reach states in that BSCC
  using assms
  unfolding is_bottom_scc_def is_scc_def Image_def
  by fastforce
