Theory VC_Solve
theory VC_Solve
imports "Refine_Monadic.Refine_Misc"
text ‹
This theory provides a tool for extracting definitions from terms, and
for generating code equations for recursion combinators.
ML ‹
signature VC_SOLVE = sig
val add_vc_rec_thm: thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val del_vc_rec_thm: thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val get_vc_rec_thms: Proof.context -> thm list
val add_vc_solve_thm: thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val del_vc_solve_thm: thm -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val get_vc_solve_thms: Proof.context -> thm list
val vc_solve_tac: Proof.context -> bool -> int -> tactic
val vc_solve_modifiers: Method.modifier parser list
val setup: theory -> theory
structure VC_Solve :VC_SOLVE = struct
structure rec_thms = Named_Thms (
val name = @{binding vcs_rec}
val description = "VC-Solver: Recursive intro rules"
structure solve_thms = Named_Thms (
val name = @{binding vcs_solve}
val description = "VC-Solver: Solve rules"
val add_vc_rec_thm = rec_thms.add_thm
val del_vc_rec_thm = rec_thms.del_thm
val get_vc_rec_thms = rec_thms.get
val add_vc_solve_thm = solve_thms.add_thm
val del_vc_solve_thm = solve_thms.del_thm
val get_vc_solve_thms = solve_thms.get
val rec_modifiers = [
Args.$$$ "rec" -- Scan.option Args.add -- Args.colon
>> K (Method.modifier rec_thms.add ⌂),
Args.$$$ "rec" -- Scan.option Args.del -- Args.colon
>> K (Method.modifier rec_thms.del ⌂)
val solve_modifiers = [
Args.$$$ "solve" -- Scan.option Args.add -- Args.colon
>> K (Method.modifier solve_thms.add ⌂),
Args.$$$ "solve" -- Scan.option Args.del -- Args.colon
>> K (Method.modifier solve_thms.del ⌂)
val vc_solve_modifiers =
clasimp_modifiers @ rec_modifiers @ solve_modifiers;
fun vc_solve_tac ctxt no_pre = let
val rthms = rec_thms.get ctxt
val sthms = solve_thms.get ctxt
val pre_tac = if no_pre then K all_tac else clarsimp_tac ctxt
val tac = SELECT_GOAL (auto_tac ctxt)
TRY o pre_tac
THEN_ALL_NEW_FWD (TRY o REPEAT_ALL_NEW_FWD (resolve_tac ctxt rthms))
THEN_ALL_NEW_FWD (TRY o SOLVED' (resolve_tac ctxt sthms THEN_ALL_NEW_FWD tac))
val setup = I
#> rec_thms.setup
#> solve_thms.setup
setup VC_Solve.setup
text ‹
Method ‹vc_solve (no_pre) clasimp_modifiers
rec (add/del): ... solve (add/del): ...›
Named theorems ‹vcs_rec› and ‹vcs_solve›.
This method is specialized to
solve verification conditions. It first clarsimps all goals, then
it tries to apply a set of safe introduction rules (‹vcs_rec›, ‹rec add›).
Finally, it applies introduction rules (‹vcs_solve›, ‹solve add›) and tries
to discharge all emerging subgoals by auto. If this does not succeed, it
backtracks over the application of the solve-rule.
method_setup vc_solve =
‹Scan.lift (Args.mode "nopre")
--| Method.sections VC_Solve.vc_solve_modifiers >>
(fn (nopre) => fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD (
CHANGED (ALLGOALS (VC_Solve.vc_solve_tac ctxt nopre))
))› "Try to solve verification conditions"