Theory NEMonad

section Nondeterminism Error Monad

  The NE monad used as basis for the state-error monad in our LLVM semantics.
  Note: for abstract programs, we use an (equivalent) monad (nres), defined in
  the original Monadic Refinement Framework. 
  That's for legacy reasons, and needs to be unified at some point!

theory NEMonad
imports "../Basic_Imports" Flat_CCPO

  subsection Additions to Partial Function
  context partial_function_definitions
    lemma monotoneI:
      "(x. mono_body (λf. F f x))  monotone le_fun le_fun F"
      by (auto simp: monotone_def fun_ord_def)

    lemma fp_unfold:
      assumes "f  fixp_fun F"
      assumes "(x. mono_body (λf. F f x))"
      shows "f x = F f x"
      using assms mono_body_fixp[of F] by auto


  lemma fun_ordD: "fun_ord le f g  le (f x) (g x)"
    by (auto simp: fun_ord_def)

  lemma fun_ord_mono_alt: "monotone le (fun_ord le') f  (x. monotone le le' (λy. f y x))"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) fun_ord_def monotone_def)

  method_setup pf_mono_prover = Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o Subgoal.FOCUS_PREMS (fn {context=ctxt,...} => CHANGED (ALLGOALS (Partial_Function.mono_tac ctxt))))

    fun discharge_monos ctxt thm = let
      fun aux ctxt thm = let
        val prems = Thm.prems_of thm

        fun prove_simple tac t ctxt = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] t (fn {context=ctxt, ...} => ALLGOALS (tac ctxt))

        (*val mono_tac = Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {context=ctxt,...} => CHANGED (ALLGOALS (Partial_Function.mono_tac ctxt)))*)
        fun mono_tac ctxt = CHANGED o (Partial_Function.mono_tac ctxt)

        fun cinst (t as @{mpat "_. monotone (fun_ord _) _ _"}) = the_default asm_rl (try (prove_simple mono_tac t) ctxt)
          | cinst _ = asm_rl

        val insts = map cinst prems

        val thm = thm OF insts
      (* Avoid surprises with schematic variables being instantiated *)
      singleton ( (map o aux) ctxt) thm


  attribute_setup discharge_monos
    = Scan.succeed (Thm.rule_attribute [] (discharge_monos o Context.proof_of))
    Try to discharge monotonicity premises

  subsection Type Definition
    The result of a nondeterministic computation
  datatype 'a neM = 
    SPEC (the_spec: "'a  bool") ― ‹May return any value that satisfies a predicate
  | FAIL ("failne")  ― ‹May fail

  fun map_neM where
    "map_neM f (SPEC P) = SPEC (λy. x. P x  y=f x)"
  | "map_neM _ FAIL = FAIL"  
  subsection Pointwise Reasoning
  text Many theorems about the result monad can easily be 
    solved by transforming them to pointwise proposition over
    possible results.
  definition "is_fail m  m=FAIL"
  definition "is_res m x  (mFAIL  the_spec m x)"
  lemma pw_basic:
    "is_res (SPEC P) x  P x"
    "¬is_res FAIL x"
    "is_fail m  m=FAIL"
    unfolding is_res_def is_fail_def by auto
  lemma pw_eq_iff: "m=m'  ((is_fail m  is_fail m')  (x. is_res m x  is_res m' x))"
    by (cases m; cases m'; auto simp add: pw_basic)

  subsubsection Automation
  text We first rewrite with initialization rules, that convert
    a property to a pointwise property, and then with 
    simplification rules, which syntactically decompose pointwise 

  named_theorems pw_init Pointwise reasoning: initialization
  named_theorems pw_simp Pointwise reasoning: simplification

  lemmas [pw_simp] = pw_basic
  lemmas [pw_init] = pw_eq_iff
  method pw = ((simp only: pw_init)?; auto simp: pw_simp)
  method pw' = ((simp only: pw_init)?; simp add: pw_simp)
  lemma pw_map_neM[pw_simp]:
    "map_neM f m = FAIL  is_fail m"
    "is_res (map_neM f m) y  (x. is_res m x  y=f x)"
    apply (cases m; auto simp: is_fail_def is_res_def)
    apply (cases m; auto simp: is_fail_def is_res_def)
  lemma pw_Let[pw_simp]:
    "Let x f = FAIL  is_fail (f x)"  
    "is_res (Let x f) r  is_res (f x) r"  
    by pw+
  subsection Basic Combinators

  subsubsection Return and Bind
  text Deterministically return a result
  definition "RETURN x  SPEC (λr. r=x)"
  text Sequential composition: apply f› to every possible result of m›.
  definition "BIND m f  case m of 
    SPEC P  (if x. P x  f x = FAIL then FAIL
              else SPEC (λr. x Q. P x  f x = SPEC Q  Q r))

  text Parallel composition: pair of results. 
    Note, this is subtly different from sequential composition and returning the pair,
    in case that the first result is empty, and the second one fails!
  definition "PAR m1 m2  case (m1,m2) of
    (SPEC P1, SPEC P2)  SPEC (pred_prod P1 P2)
  | _  FAIL  
  lemma BIND_simps:
    "BIND FAIL f = FAIL"
    "BIND (SPEC P) f = (
      if x. P x  f x = FAIL then FAIL
      else SPEC (λr. x Q. P x  f x = SPEC Q  Q r)
    unfolding BIND_def by auto
  lemma pw_RETURN[pw_simp]:
    "RETURN x  FAIL"
    "is_res (RETURN x) y  x=y"
    unfolding RETURN_def by pw+

  lemma pw_BIND[pw_simp]:
    "BIND m f = FAIL  is_fail m  (y. is_res m y  is_fail (f y))"
    "is_res (BIND m f) x  (y. is_res m y  ¬is_fail (f y))  (y. is_res m y  is_res (f y) x)"
    unfolding BIND_def
    apply (auto simp: pw_simp is_fail_def split: neM.split)
    by (meson is_res_def neM.exhaust_sel)

  lemma pw_PAR[pw_simp]:
    "PAR m1 m2 = FAIL  is_fail m1  is_fail m2"
    "is_res (PAR m1 m2) rr  (case rr of (r1,r2)  is_res m1 r1  is_res m2 r2)"
    unfolding PAR_def is_fail_def is_res_def
    apply (cases m1; cases m2; auto)
    apply (cases m1; cases m2; auto)

  text constRETURN and constBIND satisfy the monad laws:  
  lemma return_bind[simp]: "BIND (RETURN x) f = f x"
    by pw
  lemma bind_return[simp]: "BIND m RETURN = m"  
    by pw

  lemma bind_bind[simp]: "BIND (BIND m f) g = BIND m (λx. BIND (f x) g)"
    by pw

  text There are also laws for the interaction of constBIND and constFAIL
  lemma fail_bind[simp]: "BIND FAIL f = FAIL" by pw
  text Note that termSPEC (λ_. False) is special, in that it specifies a program
    with no possible results. It's the dual to constFAIL. We call it EMPTY›: 
  abbreviation "EMPTY  SPEC (λ_. False)"  
  text constEMPTY can be an un-intuitive corner-case for some rules, 
    like the following, that only holds for termmEMPTY:  
  lemma bind_fail: "BIND m (λ_. FAIL) = FAIL  mEMPTY" by pw

  lemma bind_empty[simp]: "BIND EMPTY f = EMPTY" by pw

  text Parallel can be expressed by sequential composition, except for the extreme case where
    the first component is empty, and the second one fails. 
    In this case, due to the sequential nature of BIND, the failing component will never be executed,
    and the result will be empty. For parallel composition, though, both components will be executed,
    and the failure will propagate.
  lemma PAR_as_BIND_iff: "PAR m1 m2 = BIND m1 (λr1. BIND m2 (λr2. RETURN (r1,r2)))  (m1EMPTY  m2FAIL)"
    by pw
  lemma PAR_as_BIND: "m1EMPTY  m2FAIL  PAR m1 m2 = BIND m1 (λr1. BIND m2 (λr2. RETURN (r1,r2)))"
    by pw

  text The parallel composition operator is commutative    
  lemma PAR_commute: "PAR m1 m2 = map_neM prod.swap (PAR m2 m1)"
    by pw

  subsubsection Syntax  

  text We establish some syntax
  (*abbreviation (input) bind_doI where "bind_doI m (λx. f x) ≡ BIND m (λx. f x)"*)
  abbreviation then_doI where "then_doI m f  BIND m (λ_. f)"

  nonterminal doI_binds and doI_bind
    "_doI_block" :: "doI_binds  'a" ("done {//(2  _)//}" [12] 62)
    "_doI_bind"  :: "[pttrn, 'a]  doI_bind" ("(2_ / _)" 13)
    "_doI_let" :: "[pttrn, 'a]  doI_bind" ("(2let _ =/ _)" [1000, 13] 13)
    "_doI_then" :: "'a  doI_bind" ("_" [14] 13)
    "_doI_final" :: "'a  doI_binds" ("_")
    "_doI_cons" :: "[doI_bind, doI_binds]  doI_binds" ("_;//_" [13, 12] 12)
    (*"_thenM" :: "['a, 'b] ⇒ 'c" (infixr "⪢" 54)*)

  syntax (ASCII)
    "_doI_bind" :: "[pttrn, 'a]  doI_bind" ("(2_ <-/ _)" 13)
    (*"_thenM" :: "['a, 'b] ⇒ 'c" (infixr ">>" 54)*)

    "_doI_block (_doI_cons (_doI_then t) (_doI_final e))"
       "CONST then_doI t e"

    "_doI_block (_doI_cons (_doI_bind p t) (_doI_final e))"
       "CONST BIND t (λp. e)"

    "_doI_block (_doI_cons (_doI_let p t) bs)"
       "let p = t in _doI_block bs"

    "_doI_block (_doI_cons b (_doI_cons c cs))"
       "_doI_block (_doI_cons b (_doI_final (_doI_block (_doI_cons c cs))))"

    "_doI_cons (_doI_let p t) (_doI_final s)"
       "_doI_final (let p = t in s)"

    "_doI_block (_doI_final e)"  "e"
    "(CONST then_doI m n)"  "(CONST BIND m (λ_. n))"
  notation RETURN ("returnne _" 20)
  notation SPEC (binder "specne " 10)
  notation PAR (infixr "ne" 50)
  subsubsection Assert    
  text An assertion returns unit if the predicate holds, and fails otherwise.
    Note that returning unit is the functional way of having a function with no return value (e.g. void in C/C++).
  definition "ASSERT P  if P then returnne () else FAIL"
  lemma pw_ASSERT[pw_simp]: 
    "ASSERT P = FAIL  ¬P"  
    "is_res (ASSERT P) x  P"
    unfolding ASSERT_def
    apply pw+
  notation ASSERT ("assertne _" 20)

  definition "ASSUME P  if P then returnne () else EMPTY"
  lemma pw_ASSUME[pw_simp]: 
    "ASSUME P  FAIL"  
    "is_res (ASSUME P) x  P"
    unfolding ASSUME_def
    apply pw+
  notation ASSUME ("assumene _" 20)

  subsubsection Recursion  
  text For recursion, we define a fixed-point combinator 
    utilizing a chain-complete partial order (CCPO).
    While CCPO's are advanced material, we try to capture the intuition

    interpretation FR: flat_rec FAIL .
    text ‹The recursion combinator models recursive functions. 
      The recursive call is the first parameter to the function body, and
      the argument is the second parameter.
    definition REC :: "(('a ⇒ 'b neM) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b neM) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b neM" where "REC ≡ FR.REC"
    text The function body must be monotone. Intuitively, this means that 
      it terminates at less arguments if the recursive call terminates at less arguments.
    abbreviation "nres_mono'  gen_is_mono' FR.le FR.le"
    definition nres_mono :: "(('a ⇒ 'b neM) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b neM) ⇒ bool" where "nres_mono = FR.mono"
    text ‹A recursive function can be unfolded, i.e., the body is inlined once.›
    lemma REC_unfold: "nres_mono F ⟹ REC F = F (REC F)"
      unfolding REC_def nres_mono_def using FR.REC_unfold .

    text ‹Pointwise properties of recursive functions can be proved by well-founded induction 
      on the arguments.›
    lemma REC_wf_induct: 
      assumes WF: "wf V"
      assumes MONO: "nres_mono F"
      assumes STEP: "⋀x D. ⟦⋀y. ⟦(y,x)∈V⟧ ⟹ P y (D y) ⟧ ⟹ P x (F D x)"
      shows "P x (REC F x)"
      using assms unfolding nres_mono_def REC_def 
      using FR.REC_wf_induct by metis

    text ‹For pointwise properties, which hold at non-terminating arguments, we
      can use the following induction scheme, which does not require a well-founded ordering.›
    lemma REC_pointwise_induct:  
      assumes BOT: "⋀x. P x FAIL"
      assumes STEP: "⋀D x. (⋀y. P y (D y)) ⟹ P x (F D x)"
      shows "P x (REC F x)"
      using assms REC_def
      using FR.REC_pointwise_induct by metis
    subsubsection Monotonicity  
    text Function bodies have to be monotone, i.e., when invoked with a recursive call 
      that terminates at less arguments, it must terminate at less arguments.
      This property can be established syntactically for the standard combinators
      programs are build from.
    named_theorems mono ‹Monotonicity theorems for nres› 
    ML ‹
      structure NE_Mono_Prover = struct
        fun mono_tac ctxt = let
          val rules = Named_Theorems.get ctxt @{named_theorems mono}
          REPEAT_ALL_NEW (match_tac ctxt rules ORELSE' assume_tac ctxt)
    method_setup ne_mono = ‹Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o NE_Mono_Prover.mono_tac)›
    definition "flat_le  FR.le"
    lemma pw_flat_le[pw_init]: "flat_le m m'  is_fail m  (¬is_fail m'  (x. is_res m x  is_res m' x))"  
      apply (cases m; cases m'; auto simp: pw_simp)
      apply (auto simp: flat_le_def FR.le_def)
    lemma mono_alt: "nres_mono F = (∀x y. fun_ord flat_le x y ⟶ fun_ord flat_le (F x) (F y))"
      unfolding nres_mono_def monotone_def FR.le_def flat_le_def ..
    definition nres_mono' :: "(('a ⇒ 'b neM) ⇒ 'c neM) ⇒ bool"
      where "nres_mono' F ≡ ∀D D'. fun_ord flat_le D D' ⟶ flat_le (F D) (F D')"
    lemma nres_monoI[mono]: 
      assumes "⋀x. nres_mono' (λD. F D x)"
      shows "nres_mono F"
      using assms unfolding mono_alt nres_mono'_def fun_ord_def
      by simp
    lemma nres_monoD: "nres_mono F ⟹ nres_mono' (λD. F D x)"
      unfolding mono_alt nres_mono'_def fun_ord_def
      by simp
    lemma mono_If[mono]: "
      nres_mono' (λD. F D) ⟹ nres_mono' (λD. G D) ⟹
      nres_mono' (λD. if b then F D else G D)"  
      unfolding nres_mono'_def fun_ord_def
      apply pw

    thm partial_function_mono
    lemma mono_BIND[partial_function_mono]: "
      nres_mono' (λD. F D)  
      (y. nres_mono' (λD. G y D))  
      nres_mono' (λD. BIND (F D) (λy. G y D))"  
      unfolding monotone_def fun_ord_def flat_le_def[symmetric]
      apply pw
      apply blast
      apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold))
      apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold))
      apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold))
    lemma mono_PAR[partial_function_mono]: "
      nres_mono' (λD. F D)  
      nres_mono' (λD. G D)  
      nres_mono' (λD. PAR (F D) (G D))"
      unfolding monotone_def fun_ord_def flat_le_def[symmetric]
      by (pw; blast)
    lemma mono_REC[mono]: 
      assumes "⋀D. nres_mono (F D)"
      assumes "⋀DD x. nres_mono' (λD. F D DD x)"
      shows "nres_mono' (λD. REC (F D) x)"  
      using assms
      unfolding nres_mono'_def flat_le_def REC_def
      apply clarsimp
      subgoal for D D'
        apply (rule FR.REC_mono[of F D D', unfolded fun_ord_def, rule_format])
        subgoal by (simp add: fun_ord_def nres_mono_def monotone_def)
        subgoal by blast

    lemma mono_case_prod[mono]:
      assumes "⋀a b. nres_mono' (λD. F D a b)"
      shows "nres_mono' (λD. case p of (a,b) ⇒ F D a b)"
      using assms
      apply (cases p) by simp
    lemma mono_Let[mono]:
      assumes "⋀x. nres_mono' (λD. F D x)"
      shows "nres_mono' (λD. let x=v in F D x)"
      using assms
      by simp
  subsection Weakest Precondition
  text Weakest precondition: m› does not fail, and all possible results satisfy postcondition Q›
  definition [pw_init]: "wp m Q  ¬is_fail m  (x. is_res m x  Q x)"

  text Weakest liberal precondition: if m› does not fail, all possible results satisfy postcondition Q›
  definition [pw_init]: "wlp m Q  (¬is_fail m  (x. is_res m x  Q x))"
  text Consequence rule: weaken postcondition   
  lemma wp_cons: "wp m Q  (x. Q x  Q' x)  wp m Q'"
    by pw

  lemma wlp_cons: "wlp m Q  (x. Q x  Q' x)  wlp m Q'"
    by pw
  lemma wp_imp_wlp: "wp m Q  wlp m Q" by pw  
  subsection Wp-Calculus  
  text Syntactic rules for weakest precondition      
  named_theorems wp_rule Syntactic rules for wp
  lemma wp_RETURN_iff: "wp (RETURN x) Q  Q x"
    by pw
  lemma wp_BIND_iff: "wp (BIND m f) Q  wp m (λx. wp (f x) Q)"  
    by pw

  lemma wp_PAR_iff: "wp (PAR m1 m2) Q  (Q1 Q2. wp m1 Q1  wp m2 Q2  (r1 r2. Q1 r1  Q2 r2  Q (r1,r2)))"  
    by pw
  lemma wlp_PAR_iff: "wlp (PAR m1 m2) Q  (Q1 Q2. wlp m1 Q1  wlp m2 Q2  (r1 r2. Q1 r1  Q2 r2  Q (r1,r2)))"  
    by pw
  lemmas [wp_rule] = 
    wp_RETURN_iff[THEN iffD2]  
    wp_BIND_iff[THEN iffD2]  

  text We do not include these in wp-rules by default,
    as they will create schematic postconditions  
  lemma wp_PAR:  
    assumes "wp m1 Q1" 
    assumes "wp m2 Q2" 
    assumes "r1 r2. Q1 r1  Q2 r2  Q (r1,r2)"
    shows "wp (PAR m1 m2) Q"
    using assms by pw
  lemma wlp_PAR:  
    assumes "wlp m1 Q1" 
    assumes "wlp m2 Q2" 
    assumes "r1 r2. Q1 r1  Q2 r2  Q (r1,r2)"
    shows "wlp (PAR m1 m2) Q"
    using assms by pw
  lemma wp_ASSERT[wp_rule]: "P  Q ()  wp (ASSERT P) Q"  
    by pw

  lemma wp_ASSUME[wp_rule]: "(P  Q ())  wp (ASSUME P) Q"  
    by pw
  lemma wp_SPEC[wp_rule]: "(x. P x  Q x)  wp (SPEC P) Q"  
    by pw
  lemma wp_Let[wp_rule]: "(x. x=v  wp (f x) Q)  wp (let x=v in f x) Q"  
    by pw
  lemma wp_if[wp_rule]: " b  wp m Q; ¬b  wp m' Q   wp (if b then m else m') Q" by simp 
  lemma wp_if_ext[wp_rule]: "b  P; ¬bQ  if b then P else Q"   by simp
  lemma wp_prod_case[wp_rule]: "a b. p=(a,b)  wp (f a b) Q  wp (case p of (a,b)  f a b) Q"
    by (cases p) auto
  lemma wp_REC: 
    fixes x :: 'a and V :: "'a rel"
    assumes WF: "wf V"
    assumes MONO: "nres_mono F"
    assumes INIT: "P x"
    assumes STEP: "⋀x D. (⋀y. (y, x) ∈ V ⟹ P y ⟹ wp (D y) (Q y)) ⟹ P x ⟹ wp (F D x) (Q x)"
    shows "wp (REC F x) (Q x)"  
  proof -
    have "P x ⟶ wp (REC F x) (Q x)"
      apply (rule REC_wf_induct[OF WF MONO])
      apply (blast intro: STEP)
    with INIT show ?thesis by blast
  lemma wlp_FAIL[wp_rule]: "wlp FAIL Q" 
    by pw
  lemma wlp_RETURN_iff: "wlp (RETURN x) Q  Q x"
    by pw

  lemma wlp_BIND_iff: "wlp (BIND m f) Q ⟷ wlp m (λx. wlp (f x) Q)"  
  lemma wlp_BIND[wp_rule]: "wlp m (λx. wlp (f x) Q)  wlp (BIND m f) Q"  
    by pw
  lemmas [wp_rule] = 
    wlp_RETURN_iff[THEN iffD2]  

  lemma wlp_ASSERT[wp_rule]: "P Q()  wlp (ASSERT P) Q"  
    by pw

  lemma wlp_ASSUME[wp_rule]: "(P  Q ())  wlp (ASSUME P) Q"  
    by pw
  lemma wlp_SPEC[wp_rule]: "(x. P x  Q x)  wlp (SPEC P) Q"  
    by pw
  lemma wlp_Let[wp_rule]: "(x. x=v  wlp (f x) Q)  wlp (let x=v in f x) Q"  
    by pw
  lemma wlp_if[wp_rule]: " b  wlp m Q; ¬b  wlp m' Q   wlp (if b then m else m') Q" by simp 
  lemma wlp_if_ext[wp_rule]: "b  P; ¬bQ  if b then P else Q"   by simp
  lemma wlp_prod_case[wp_rule]: "a b. p=(a,b)  wlp (f a b) Q  wlp (case p of (a,b)  f a b) Q"
    by (cases p) auto
  lemma wlp_REC: 
    fixes x :: 'a
    assumes INIT: "P x"
    assumes STEP: "⋀x D. (⋀y. P y ⟹ wlp (D y) (Q y)) ⟹ P x ⟹ wlp (F D x) (Q x)"
    shows "wlp (REC F x) (Q x)"  
  proof -
    thm REC_pointwise_induct
    note R = REC_pointwise_induct[where P="λx m. P x ⟶ wlp m (Q x)"]
    have "P x ⟶ wlp (REC F x) (Q x)"
      apply (rule R)
      apply pw
      using STEP by blast
    with INIT show ?thesis by blast
  subsection ‹Invariant Annotation›
  text ‹We annotate variants and invariants to WHILE-loops and recursions,
    such that we can automatically generate verification conditions.
  definition WHILEI :: "'a rel ⇒ ('a ⇒ bool) ⇒ ('a ⇒ bool neM) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'a neM) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a neM"
    "WHILEI V I b f s ≡ WHILE (λs. done { assertne I s; b s }) (λs. done { assertne I s; f s }) s"
  lemma wp_WHILEI[wp_rule]:
    assumes "wf V"
    assumes "I s"
    assumes STEP: "⋀s. ⟦ I s ⟧ ⟹ wp (b s) (λr. if r then wp (f s) (λs'. I s' ∧ (s',s)∈V) else Q s)"
    shows "wp (WHILEI V I b f s) Q"
    using assms(1,2)
    unfolding WHILEI_def
    apply (intro wp_rule wp_WHILE[where I=I] STEP[THEN wp_cons])
    apply assumption+
    apply simp_all
  lemma mono_WHILEI[mono]: 
    assumes "⋀DD x. nres_mono' (λD. b D x)"
    assumes "⋀DD x y. nres_mono' (λD. f D x)"
    shows "nres_mono' (λD. WHILEI V I (b D) (f D) s)"
    unfolding WHILEI_def
    by (intro mono assms)
  definition RECI :: "'a rel ⇒ ('a ⇒ bool) ⇒ 
    (('a ⇒ 'b nres) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b nres) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b nres" where 
    "RECI V P F ≡ REC (λD x. do {assert P x; F D x})"  
  lemma wp_RECI[wp_rule]: 
    fixes x :: 'a and V :: "'a rel"
    assumes WF: "wf V"
    assumes MONO: "nres_mono F"
    assumes INIT: "P x"
    assumes STEP: "⋀x D. (⋀y. (y, x) ∈ V ⟹ P y ⟹ wp (D y) (Q y)) ⟹ P x ⟹ wp (F D x) (Q x)"
    shows "wp (RECI V P F x) (Q x)"  
    unfolding RECI_def
    apply (rule wp_REC[of V _ P])
    apply fact
    apply (intro mono MONO[THEN nres_monoD])
    apply fact
    apply (intro wp_rule STEP)

  lemma mono_RECI[mono]: 
    assumes "⋀D. nres_mono (F D)"
    assumes "⋀DD x. nres_mono' (λD. F D DD x)"
    shows "nres_mono' (λD. RECI V P (F D) x)"  
    unfolding RECI_def
    by (intro mono assms(1)[THEN nres_monoD] assms(2))
  subsection Automation  
  named_theorems wp_recursion_rule Rule to trigger resolution with premises
  method wp_basic_step = 
    rule wp_rule 
  | rule wp_recursion_rule,(assumption|rprems)
  | pf_mono_prover
  method wp_step = find_goal wp_basic_step
  method wp = wp_step+

  lemmas [wp_recursion_rule] = wp_cons

  subsection Syntax Bundle
  bundle monad_syntax_ne
      "_doI_block" :: "doI_binds  'a" ("do {//(2  _)//}" [12] 62)

    notation FAIL ("fail")  
    notation RETURN ("return _" 20)
    notation SPEC (binder "spec " 10)
    notation ASSERT ("assert _" 20)
    notation ASSUME ("assume _" 20)
    notation PAR (infixr "" 50)
  subsection Summary
    We shallowly embed a basic non-deterministic PL.
    The basic combinators are
     termSPEC P: Specify any result that satisfies predicate P›. 
      Special cases:
       termEMPTY = SPEC (λ_. False): specifies a program with no results.
       termRETURN x = SPEC (λr. r=x): specifies a program with the only result x›.
          Syntax for return, with low binding priority: termreturnne x+1.
     termFAIL: Specifies a failing program. Failure may be due 
      to non-termination or failed assertions.
     termBIND m f: Sequential composition. Syntax: termdone { xm; f x }
     termPAR m1 m2: Parallel composition. Syntax: termm1 ne m2
    Any combinator from HOL can be used. We provide support (automation, etc.)
    for the following:
     termif b then m1 else m2
     termlet x=v in f x
     termcase p of (a,b)  f a b
    Moreover, we support the following derived combinators:
     termASSERT P = (if P then returnne () else FAIL). 
      Syntax with lower binding priority: termassertne PQ
    For each combinator, we need to provide:
       mono-rule (if higher-order)
       pw-rule (if non-recursive)
       refinement rule (see later theory on refinement)