Theory LLVM_Codegen_Preproc
section ‹Preprocessor and Code-Generator User Interface›
theory LLVM_Codegen_Preproc
keywords "export_llvm" "llvm_deps" :: thy_decl
subsection ‹Fixed-Point Unfolding Setup›
declaration ‹fn _ => Definition_Utils.declare_extraction_group @{binding LLVM} #> snd›
declaration ‹fn _ => Definition_Utils.declare_extraction_group @{binding LLVM_while} #> snd›
declaration ‹ fn _ =>
Definition_Utils.add_extraction (@{extraction_group LLVM_while},⌂) {
pattern = Logic.varify_global @{term "llc_while b body"},
gen_thm = @{thm gen_code_thm_llc_while},
gen_tac = K (K no_tac)
lemma REC_unfold_extr:
assumes DEF: "f ≡ REC F"
assumes MONO: "⋀x. M_mono' (λfa. F fa x)"
shows "f = F f"
using DEF MONO REC_unfold by blast
declaration ‹fn _ =>
Definition_Utils.add_extraction (@{extraction_group LLVM},⌂) {
pattern = Logic.varify_global @{term "REC (B::('a ⇒ 'b llM) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b llM)"},
gen_thm = @{thm REC_unfold_extr},
gen_tac = Partial_Function.mono_tac
subsection ‹Preprocessor›
text ‹
The actual code generator expects a set of monomorphic, well-shaped equations.
The preprocessor processes user specified equations, monomorphizes them and
brings them into the right shape.
named_simpset llvm_pre_simp = HOL_ss
lemmas [named_ss llvm_pre_simp cong] = refl[of "M_CONST c" for c]
attribute_setup llvm_pre_simp = ‹
(Named_Simpsets.add_attr @{named_simpset llvm_pre_simp})
(Named_Simpsets.del_attr @{named_simpset llvm_pre_simp})
lemma llvm_inline_bind_laws[llvm_pre_simp]:
"Mbind m Mreturn = m"
"Mbind (Mbind m (λx. f x)) g = Mbind m (λx. Mbind (f x) g)"
by auto
lemma unit_meta_eq: "x ≡ ()" by simp
lemma pull_lambda_case: "(case x of (a,b) ⇒ λy. t a b y) = (λy. case x of (a,b) ⇒ t a b y)"
apply (rule ext) apply (cases x) by auto
text ‹First part of setup, for processing of code and inline theorems›
named_theorems llvm_code_raw ‹Isabelle-LLVM code theorems›
ML ‹ structure LLC_Preprocessor = struct
open LLC_Lib
val cfg_llvm_preproc_timing = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding llvm_preproc_timing} (K false)
structure Monadify = struct
structure BT = Gen_Monadify_Cong_Basis ()
open BT
fun mk_return x = @{mk_term "Mreturn ?x ::_ llM"}
fun mk_bind m f = @{mk_term "Mbind ?m ?f ::_ llM"}
fun dest_return @{mpat "Mreturn ?x ::_ llM"} = SOME x | dest_return _ = NONE
fun dest_bind @{mpat "Mbind ?m ?f ::_ llM"} = SOME (m,f) | dest_bind _ = NONE
val dest_monadT = try dest_llM
fun strip_op _ @{mpat ‹llc_par ?fa ?fb ?a ?b›} = (@{mk_term "llc_par ?fa ?fb"},[a,b])
| strip_op ctxt t = BT.strip_op ctxt t
val bind_return_thm = @{lemma "Mbind m Mreturn = m" by simp}
val return_bind_thm = @{lemma "Mbind (Mreturn x) f = f x" by simp}
val bind_bind_thm = @{lemma "Mbind (Mbind m (λx. f x)) g = Mbind m (λx. Mbind (f x) g)" by simp}
structure T = Gen_Monadify (
val mk_return = mk_return
val mk_bind = mk_bind
val dest_return = dest_return
val dest_bind = dest_bind
val dest_monadT = dest_monadT
val strip_op = strip_op
val bind_return_thm = bind_return_thm
val return_bind_thm = return_bind_thm
val bind_bind_thm = bind_bind_thm
open T
fun get_eqn_head inline t = let
open Conv
fun app c (h,cnv) = (h, fn cc => c (cnv cc))
fun is_typarg @{mpat ‹TYPE(_)›} = true
| is_typarg _ = false
fun is_fo_argument x =
(is_Var x orelse is_Free x orelse (inline andalso is_typarg x))
andalso (inline orelse not (Monadify.is_ho_operand x))
fun aux @{mpat ‹Trueprop ?t›} = app arg_conv (aux t)
| aux @{mpat ‹?lhs = _›} = app arg1_conv (aux lhs)
| aux @{mpat ‹?lhs ≡ _›} = app arg1_conv (aux lhs)
| aux (t as f$x) = (
if is_fo_argument x then app fun_conv (aux f)
else (t,I)
| aux t = (t,I)
aux t
fun gen_prep_code_eq h_reg t_reg inline thm context = let
val t = Thm.prop_of thm
val _ = is_eqn t orelse raise THM ("prep_code_eq: not an equation",~1,[thm])
val (h,cnv) = get_eqn_head inline t
fun prep (thm,context) = let
open Conv
val thm = Conv.fconv_rule (cnv (rewr_conv @{thm M_CONST_def[symmetric]})) thm
val context = h_reg h context
fun need_prep (Const _) = false
| need_prep (Free _) = false
| need_prep @{mpat ‹M_CONST _›} = false
| need_prep _ = true
val (thm,context) = (thm,context) |> need_prep h ? prep
val context = t_reg thm context
val gen_prep_code_eq_add = gen_prep_code_eq (Monadify.prepare_add_const_decl true)
val gen_prep_code_eq_del = gen_prep_code_eq (Monadify.prepare_remove_const_decl true)
val add_inline_eq = gen_prep_code_eq_add (Named_Simpsets.add_simp @{named_simpset llvm_pre_simp}) true
val del_inline_eq = gen_prep_code_eq_del (Named_Simpsets.del_simp @{named_simpset llvm_pre_simp}) true
val add_code_eq = gen_prep_code_eq_add (Named_Theorems.add_thm @{named_theorems llvm_code_raw}) false
val del_code_eq = gen_prep_code_eq_del (Named_Theorems.del_thm @{named_theorems llvm_code_raw}) false
val to_attr = Thm.declaration_attribute
val add_inline_eq_attr = to_attr add_inline_eq
val del_inline_eq_attr = to_attr del_inline_eq
val add_code_eq_attr = to_attr add_code_eq
val del_code_eq_attr = to_attr del_code_eq
attribute_setup llvm_inline = ‹
attribute_setup llvm_code = ‹
ML ‹ structure LLC_Preprocessor = struct
open LLC_Preprocessor
fun cthm_inline ctxt thm = let
val ctxt = Named_Simpsets.put @{named_simpset llvm_pre_simp} ctxt
Conv.fconv_rule (rhs_conv (Simplifier.rewrite ctxt) then_conv Thm.beta_conversion true) thm
val cthm_monadify = Conv.fconv_rule o (rhs_conv o Monadify.monadify_conv)
val inline_iteration_limit = Attrib.setup_config_int @{binding inline_iteration_limit} (K ~1)
fun monadify_inline_cthm ctxt thm = let
fun rpt 0 thm' = raise THM ("inline_iteration_limit exceeded",~1,[thm,thm'])
| rpt n thm = let
val thm' = thm |> cthm_monadify ctxt |> cthm_inline ctxt
if Thm.eq_thm_prop (thm,thm') then thm
else rpt (n-1) thm'
val it_limit = Config.get ctxt inline_iteration_limit
|> cthm_inline ctxt
|> rpt it_limit
fun is_valid_fname t = is_ground_term t andalso not (LLC_Compiler.is_llvm_instr_t t)
fun check_valid_fname t = is_valid_fname t orelse raise TYPE("Expected (ground) function name",[fastype_of t],[t])
fun cthm_format ctxt thm = let
fun check_valid_op t = assert_ground_term t
fun check_valid_op' (t as @{mpat "llc_par ?f ?g"}) = (
is_valid_fname f andalso is_valid_fname g orelse
raise TERM("cthm_format: llc_par expects function names",[t]);
| check_valid_op' t = (check_valid_op t; t)
fun normalize_bind1 t = let
val (f,args) = Monadify.strip_op ctxt t
val _ = check_valid_op' f
val args_is_M = fastype_of f |> binder_types |> map (is_llM o body_type)
val _ = length args_is_M = length args orelse raise TYPE ("cthm_format: All arguments must be explicit", [fastype_of f], [t])
val args = map2 (fn isM => isM?(normalize o expand_eta_all)) args_is_M args
list_comb (f, args)
and normalize @{mpat "Mbind ?m ?f"} = let
val m = normalize_bind1 m
val f = expand_eta_all f |> normalize
in @{mk_term "Mbind ?m ?f"} end
| normalize (Abs (x,T,t)) = Abs (x,T,normalize t)
| normalize (t as @{mpat "Mreturn _"}) = t
| normalize t = let val t = normalize_bind1 t in @{mk_term "Mbind ?t (λx. Mreturn x)"} end
fun normalize_eq @{mpat "Trueprop (?a = ?b)"} = let val b = normalize b in @{mk_term "Trueprop (?a = ?b)"} end
| normalize_eq @{mpat "?a ≡ ?b"} = let val b = normalize b in @{mk_term "?a ≡ ?b"} end
| normalize_eq t = raise TERM ("format_code_thm: normalize_eq", [t])
fun norm_tac ctxt = ALLGOALS (simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt addsimps @{thms M_monad_laws M_CONST_def}))
fun cthm_norm_lambda ctxt thm = let
val thm = Local_Defs.unfold ctxt @{thms pull_lambda_case} thm
fun r thm = case try (fn () => (thm RS @{thm fun_cong})) () of
NONE => thm
| SOME thm => r thm
r thm
|> (simplify (put_simpset HOL_ss ctxt addsimps @{thms M_monad_laws atomize_eq}))
|> cthm_norm_lambda ctxt
|> (Conv.fconv_rule (Refine_Util.f_tac_conv ctxt normalize_eq (norm_tac)))
|> (Conv.fconv_rule (Conv.top_sweep_conv (K (Conv.rewr_conv @{thm unit_meta_eq})) ctxt))
fun dep_prep_code_thm thm = let
val ((_,(c,_)),_) = LLC_Compiler.analyze_eqn_thm thm
fun dep_try_instantiate_code_thm ctxt c (l,thm) = let
val c = Thm.cterm_of ctxt c
val incr = Thm.maxidx_of_cterm c + 1
val thm = Thm.incr_indexes incr thm
val l = Thm.cterm_of ctxt l |> Thm.incr_indexes_cterm incr
case try Thm.match (l,c) of
| SOME inst => SOME (Thm.instantiate inst thm)
fun dep_find_code_thm ctxt pthms c =
case get_first (dep_try_instantiate_code_thm ctxt c) pthms of
SOME eqn => eqn
| NONE => raise TERM ("No code equation",[c])
val cmd_name_prefix = Long_Name.qualify (Long_Name.qualifier @{const_name ll_add}) "ll_"
val comb_name_prefix = Long_Name.qualify (Long_Name.qualifier @{const_name llc_while}) "llc_"
fun dep_is_ll_comb_name name =
name = @{const_name Mbind}
orelse name = @{const_name Mreturn}
orelse String.isPrefix cmd_name_prefix name
orelse String.isPrefix comb_name_prefix name
fun dep_is_ll_comb_t (Const (name,_)) = dep_is_ll_comb_name name
| dep_is_ll_comb_t _ = false
fun fold_aterms_mc f (t as @{mpat ‹M_CONST _›}) = f t
| fold_aterms_mc f (t $ u) = fold_aterms_mc f t #> fold_aterms_mc f u
| fold_aterms_mc f (Abs (_, _, t)) = fold_aterms_mc f t
| fold_aterms_mc f a = f a;
fun dep_is_call_const (Bound _) = false
| dep_is_call_const t = let
val T = fastype_of t
not (dep_is_ll_comb_t t)
andalso is_llM (body_type T)
fun calls_of_cthm thm = fold_aterms_mc
(fn t => dep_is_call_const t?cons t)
(rhs_of_eqn (Thm.prop_of thm))
fun default_extractions ctxt =
Definition_Utils.get_extraction_group ctxt @{extraction_group LLVM}
|> (not (Config.get ctxt llc_compile_while) ?
append (Definition_Utils.get_extraction_group ctxt @{extraction_group LLVM_while}))
fun gather_code_thms roots lthy = let
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy
val pthms = Named_Theorems.get lthy @{named_theorems llvm_code_raw}
|> map dep_prep_code_thm
|> Refine_Util.subsume_sort fst thy
val tim = Config.get lthy cfg_llvm_preproc_timing
fun trace msg = if tim then msg () |> tracing else ()
fun process_root c (ctab, lthy) = let
val _ = check_valid_fname c
val basename = name_of_head c |> Long_Name.base_name
case Termtab.lookup ctab c of
SOME _ => (ctab, lthy)
| NONE => let
val _ = trace (fn () => "Processing " ^ basename)
val startt = ()
val teqn = dep_find_code_thm lthy pthms c |> monadify_inline_cthm lthy
val exs = default_extractions lthy
val ((teqn,add_eqns,_),lthy) = Definition_Utils.extract_recursion_eqs exs basename teqn lthy
val teqns = teqn::add_eqns
val teqns = map (monadify_inline_cthm lthy #> cthm_format lthy) teqns
val ctab = fold Termtab.update_new (map dep_prep_code_thm teqns) ctab
val calls = map calls_of_cthm teqns |> flat
val stopt =
val _ = trace (fn () => "Done " ^ basename ^ ": " ^ Time.toString (stopt - startt))
fun msg () = let
val p_msg = Pretty.block[ Pretty.str "from ", Syntax.pretty_term lthy c ]
val p_eqns = map (Thm.pretty_thm lthy) teqns |> Pretty.fbreaks |> Pretty.block
val p = Pretty.block [p_msg, Pretty.fbrk, p_eqns]
Pretty.string_of p
val (ctab,lthy) = trace_exn msg (fold process_root calls) (ctab,lthy)
(ctab, lthy)
val (ctab,lthy) = fold process_root roots (Termtab.empty,lthy)
val thms = Termtab.dest ctab |> map snd
declaration ‹K (LLC_Preprocessor.Monadify.prepare_add_const_decl false @{term "numeral a"})›
declaration ‹K (LLC_Preprocessor.Monadify.prepare_add_const_decl false @{term "double_of_word (numeral a)"})›
attribute_setup llvm_dbg_pre_monadified = ‹Scan.succeed (
Thm.rule_attribute [] (LLC_Preprocessor.cthm_monadify o Context.proof_of)
attribute_setup llvm_dbg_pre_inlined = ‹Scan.succeed (
Thm.rule_attribute [] (LLC_Preprocessor.cthm_inline o Context.proof_of)
attribute_setup llvm_dbg_pre_monadify_inlined = ‹Scan.succeed (
Thm.rule_attribute [] (LLC_Preprocessor.monadify_inline_cthm o Context.proof_of)
attribute_setup llvm_dbg_pre_formatted = ‹Scan.succeed (
Thm.rule_attribute [] (LLC_Preprocessor.cthm_format o Context.proof_of)
attribute_setup llvm_dbg_preprocessed = ‹Scan.succeed (
Thm.rule_attribute [] (fn context => (
let val ctxt = Context.proof_of context
in LLC_Preprocessor.monadify_inline_cthm ctxt #> LLC_Preprocessor.cthm_format ctxt
attribute_setup llvm_dbg_instantiated = ‹Args.term >> (fn c =>
Thm.rule_attribute [] (fn context => fn thm =>
open LLC_Preprocessor
val ctxt = Context.proof_of context
val pthm = dep_prep_code_thm thm
val thm = the (dep_try_instantiate_code_thm ctxt c pthm)
declare [[Pure.of]]
subsection ‹Code Generator Driver›
text ‹
The driver combines preeprocessing and code generation,
and defines the user interface of the code generator, namely the commands
@{command export_llvm} and @{command llvm_deps}.
ML ‹ structure LLC_Driver
= struct
val cfg_llvm_debug = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding llvm_debug} (K false)
val cfg_llvm_timing = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding llvm_timing} (K false)
val cfg_llvm_gen_header = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding } (K true)
fun pretty_cthms ctxt cthms = let
val ctxt = Config.put Syntax_Trans.eta_contract false ctxt
in Pretty.big_list "Code Theorems" (map (Thm.pretty_thm ctxt) cthms) end
fun pretty_ftab_entry ctxt (t,n) = Pretty.block [
Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t, Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str ":: ", Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt (fastype_of t),
Pretty.brk 1,Pretty.str "→",Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str n
fun pretty_ftab ctxt ftab = Pretty.big_list "Symbol table:"
(map (pretty_ftab_entry ctxt) (Termtab.dest ftab))
fun consts_to_llvm hfname cns tydefs nt_ovr lthy = let
val dbg = Config.get lthy cfg_llvm_debug
val tim = Config.get lthy cfg_llvm_timing
val gen_header = Config.get lthy cfg_llvm_gen_header
fun trace s = if dbg then Pretty.string_of (s ()) |> tracing else ()
fun trtimed msg f x = case (dbg,tim) of
(_,true) => timeap_msg msg f x
| (true,_) => (trace (fn () => Pretty.str msg); f x)
| _ => f x
val (cthms,lthy) = trtimed "Gathering code theorems" (LLC_Preprocessor.gather_code_thms (map fst cns)) lthy
val _ = trace (fn () => pretty_cthms lthy cthms)
fun cmp_fixes () = let
fun fx (_,NONE) = NONE
| fx (cn, SOME csig) = SOME (cn,C_Interface.name_of_sig csig)
val fixes = map_filter fx cns
in fixes end
val fixes = trtimed "Computing fixes table" cmp_fixes ()
val (tys,eqns) = trtimed "Translating code theorems to IL" (LLC_Compiler.parse_cthms fixes nt_ovr cthms) lthy
val _ = trace (fn () => LLC_Intermediate.pretty_llc (tys,eqns))
val _ = trace (fn () => Pretty.str "Writing LLVM")
val res = trtimed "Writing LLVM" (LLC_Backend.compile_to_llvm lthy) (tys,eqns)
val hdres = if gen_header then let
fun mk_hd eqns = let
val sigspecs = map_filter snd cns
fun dest_sig sg = (C_Interface.name_of_sig sg, sg)
val sigtab = Symtab.make (map dest_sig sigspecs)
fun match_eqn (eqn as LLC_Intermediate.EQN (_,name,_,_)) = case Symtab.lookup sigtab name of
| SOME sg => SOME (eqn,sg)
val eqnsxsigs = map_filter match_eqn eqns
val hdres = LLC_HeaderGen.make_header hfname tydefs tys eqnsxsigs
in hdres end
val hdres = trtimed "Preparing Header" mk_hd eqns
in hdres end
else NONE
((cthms,res,hdres), lthy)
val using_master_directory =
File.full_path o Resources.master_directory o Proof_Context.theory_of;
fun prepare_path ctxt (s,pos) = let
val _ = pos (Markup.language_path false);
val path = Path.explode s;
val _ = pos (Markup.path (Path.implode_symbolic path));
val path = using_master_directory ctxt path
in path end
fun remove_ext ext p = let val (p',ext') = Path.split_ext p in if ext=ext' then p' else p end
fun remove_all_ext p = case Path.split_ext p of (p,"") => p | (p,_) => remove_all_ext p
fun prepare_hpath _ NONE = ("HEADER_NAME",NONE)
| prepare_hpath ctxt (SOME spos) = let
val path = prepare_path ctxt spos
|> remove_ext "ll"
|> Path.ext "h"
val hfname = remove_all_ext (Path.base path) |> Path.implode
(hfname,SOME path)
fun write_out NONE s = writeln s
| write_out (SOME path) s = File.write path s
fun export_llvm cns tydefs nt_ovr path (hfname,hfpath) lthy = let
val lthy = Config.put Syntax_Trans.eta_contract false lthy
val ((cthms,llvm_code,hcode),lthy) = consts_to_llvm hfname cns tydefs nt_ovr lthy
val _ = write_out path llvm_code
val _ = case hcode of SOME c => write_out hfpath c | NONE => ()
val parse_ty_overrides = Scan.repeat1 (Parse.typ --| @{keyword "="} --
val export_llvm_cmd = (
(Args.mode "debug"
-- Args.mode "timing"
-- Args.mode "no_while"
-- Args.mode "no_header"
-- Parse_Spec.opt_thm_name ":"
-- Scan.repeat1 (Parse.term -- Scan.option (@{keyword "is"} |-- LLC_HeaderGen.parse_raw_sig ))
-- Scan.option (@{keyword "defines"} |-- LLC_HeaderGen.parse_raw_tydefs)
-- Scan.optional (@{keyword "rewrites"} |-- parse_ty_overrides) []
-- Scan.option ((@{keyword "file"} |-- Parse.position Parse.path))
>> (fn (((((((((dbg,timing),nowhile),no_header),bnd),cns),tydefs),nt_ovr),path_spos)) => fn lthy => let
val lthy = (timing?Config.put cfg_llvm_timing true) lthy
val lthy = (dbg?Config.put cfg_llvm_debug true) lthy
val lthy = (nowhile?Config.put LLC_Lib.llc_compile_while false) lthy
val lthy = (no_header?Config.put cfg_llvm_gen_header false) lthy
val cns = map (apfst (Syntax.read_term lthy)) cns
val cns = map (apsnd (map_option (LLC_HeaderGen.check_raw_sig lthy))) cns
val tydefs = the_default [] (map_option (LLC_HeaderGen.check_raw_tydefs lthy) tydefs)
val nt_ovr = map (apfst (Syntax.read_typ lthy)) nt_ovr
val path = (prepare_path lthy) path_spos
val hfnpath = prepare_hpath lthy path_spos
val (cthms,lthy) = export_llvm cns tydefs nt_ovr path hfnpath lthy
val (_,lthy) = Local_Theory.note (bnd,cthms) lthy
in lthy end))
val llvm_deps_cmd = Parse_Spec.opt_thm_name ":" -- Scan.repeat1 Parse.term
>> (fn (bnd,cns) => fn lthy => let
val cns = map (Syntax.read_term lthy) cns
val _ = writeln "Gathering code theorems"
val (cthms,lthy) = LLC_Preprocessor.gather_code_thms cns lthy
val (_,lthy) = Local_Theory.note (bnd,cthms) lthy
val _ = writeln "Done"
val _ = pretty_cthms lthy cthms |> Pretty.string_of |> writeln
in lthy end
val _ = Outer_Syntax.local_theory @{command_keyword export_llvm} "generate LLVM code for constants" export_llvm_cmd
val _ = Outer_Syntax.local_theory @{command_keyword llvm_deps} "Print LLVM code theorems for constants" llvm_deps_cmd
subsection ‹Setup for Product Type›
text ‹We prepare a setup to compile product types to anonymous 2-element structures›
lemma struct_of_prod[ll_struct_of]:
"struct_of TYPE('a::llvm_rep×'b::llvm_rep) = VS_STRUCT [struct_of TYPE('a), struct_of TYPE('b)]" by simp
definition prod_insert_fst :: "('a::llvm_rep × 'b::llvm_rep) ⇒ 'a ⇒ _"
where [llvm_inline]: "prod_insert_fst p x ≡ ll_insert_value p x 0"
definition prod_insert_snd :: "('a::llvm_rep × 'b::llvm_rep) ⇒ 'b ⇒ _"
where [llvm_inline]: "prod_insert_snd p x ≡ ll_insert_value p x 1"
:: "('a::llvm_rep × 'b::llvm_rep) ⇒ 'a llM"
where [llvm_inline]: "prod_extract_fst p ≡ ll_extract_value p 0"
:: "('a::llvm_rep × 'b::llvm_rep) ⇒ 'b llM"
where [llvm_inline]: "prod_extract_snd p ≡ ll_extract_value p 1"
lemma prod_ops_simp:
"prod_insert_fst = (λ(_,b) a. Mreturn (a,b))"
"prod_insert_snd = (λ(a,_) b. Mreturn (a,b))"
"prod_extract_fst = (λ(a,b). Mreturn a)"
"prod_extract_snd = (λ(a,b). Mreturn b)"
prod_insert_fst_def prod_insert_snd_def ll_insert_value_def
prod_extract_fst_def prod_extract_snd_def ll_extract_value_def
unfolding llvm_insert_value_def llvm_extract_value_def
apply (all ‹intro ext› )
apply (auto
simp: to_val_prod_def from_val_prod_def checked_from_val_def
split: prod.splits
subsection ‹Ad-Hoc Regression Tests›
experiment begin
definition exp :: "64 word ⇒ 64 word llM" where [llvm_code]: "exp i ≡ doM {
s ← prod_insert_fst init 1;
s ← prod_insert_snd s i;
s ← llc_while
(λs. doM {
i ← prod_extract_snd s;
ll_icmp_ne i 0
(λs. doM {
c ← prod_extract_fst s;
i ← prod_extract_snd s;
c ← ll_mul c 2;
i ← ll_sub i 1;
s ← prod_insert_fst init c;
s ← prod_insert_snd s i;
Mreturn s
prod_extract_fst s
definition streq :: "8 word ptr ⇒ 8 word ptr ⇒ 1 word llM" where [llvm_code]: "streq s⇩1 s⇩2 = doM {
x ← ll_load s⇩1;
y ← ll_load s⇩2;
ll_icmp_eq x y
export_llvm streq
definition [llvm_code]: "test2 (n::32 word) ≡ doM {
n ← ll_add n 42;
p ← ll_malloc TYPE(16 word) n;
p ← ll_ofs_ptr p (5::32 word);
ll_store 42 p;
r ← ll_load p;
Mreturn r
definition [llvm_code]: "add_add (a::_ word) ≡ doM {
x ← ll_add a a;
x ← ll_add x x;
Mreturn x
definition [llvm_code]: "add_add_driver (a::32 word) (b::64 word) ≡ doM {
a ← add_add a;
b ← add_add b;
a ← ll_zext a TYPE(64 word);
b ← ll_add a b;
Mreturn b
export_llvm (debug) add_add_driver
definition [llvm_code]: "main (argc::32 word) (argv::8 word ptr ptr) ≡ doM {
r ← test2 argc;
r ← ll_zext r TYPE(32 word);
Mreturn r
definition [llvm_code]: "main_exp (argc::32 word) (argv::8 word ptr ptr) ≡ doM {
argc ← ll_zext argc TYPE(64 word);
r ← exp argc;
r ← ll_trunc r TYPE(32 word);
Mreturn r
definition [llvm_code]: "testx (a::64 word) ≡ llc_while (λa. ll_icmp_ult 0 a) (λa. ll_sub a 1) a"
export_llvm (debug) testx
export_llvm (debug) exp_thms1: exp
export_llvm (debug) (no_while) exp_thms2: exp
export_llvm (debug) (no_while) exp_thms3: exp
thm exp_thms1
thm exp_thms2
thm exp_thms3
export_llvm (debug) foobar: main_exp is main
export_llvm (debug) main is main
definition [llvm_code]:
"test_if_names (n::32 word) ≡ doM {
tmp ← ll_icmp_eq n 0;
a ← llc_if tmp (Mreturn null) (doM {
x ← ll_malloc TYPE(8 word) n;
Mreturn x
p ← ll_ofs_ptr a (1::32 word);
ll_store 0x2A p;
ll_free a;
Mreturn ()
export_llvm test_if_names
definition fib :: "64 word ⇒ 64 word llM"
where [llvm_code]: "fib n ≡ REC (λfib n. doM {
t←ll_icmp_ule n 1;
llc_if t
(Mreturn n)
(doM {
n⇩1 ← ll_sub n 1;
a←fib n⇩1;
n⇩2 ← ll_sub n 2;
b←fib n⇩2;
c←ll_add a b;
Mreturn c })} ) n"
export_llvm fib is fib
definition triple_sum :: "(64 word × 64 word × 64 word) ptr ⇒ 64 word llM" where [llvm_code]:
"triple_sum abc ≡ doM {
abc ← ll_load abc;
a ← ll_extract_value abc 0;
bc::64 word × 64 word ← ll_extract_value abc 1;
b ← ll_extract_value bc 0;
c ← ll_extract_value bc 1;
r ← ll_add a b;
r ← ll_add r c;
Mreturn r
export_llvm triple_sum is ‹_ triple_sum(triple*)›
defines ‹typedef struct {int64_t a; struct {int64_t b; int64_t c;};} triple;›
definition [llvm_code]: "test_ppar ≡ llc_par fib test2 3 3"
declare [[llc_compile_par_call=true]]
export_llvm test_ppar file "test_par.ll"
definition repeat2 :: "(_ word ⇒ _ word llM) ⇒ _" where [llvm_code]:
"repeat2 f x ≡ doM {
x ← f x;
f x
definition [llvm_code]: "fibfib ≡ repeat2 fib"
export_llvm fibfib
definition times3_f :: "single ⇒ single llM" where [llvm_code]:
"times3_f x ≡ doM {
x'←ll_fadd_f x x;
x'←ll_fadd_f x' x;
x'←ll_fadd_f x' (single_of_word 0x3FD55555);
Mreturn x'
export_llvm times3_f is "float times3_f (float)"
definition times3_pf :: "(single*single) ptr ⇒ single llM" where [llvm_code]:
"times3_pf x ≡ doM {
x ← ll_load x;
a ← ll_extract_value x 0;
b ← ll_extract_value x 1;
x'←ll_fadd_f a a;
x'←ll_fadd_f x' b;
Mreturn x'
export_llvm times3_pf is "float times3_f (dpair*)"
defines ‹typedef struct {float a; float b;} dpair;›
value "real_of_single (single_of_word 0x3F000000)"
definition test_float :: "single ⇒ single ⇒ single llM" where [llvm_code]:
"test_float a b ≡ doM {
aa ← ll_fmul_f a a;
bb ← ll_fmul_f b b;
t⇩1 ← ll_fadd_f aa bb;
t⇩1 ← ll_sqrt_f32 t⇩1;
t⇩2 ← ll_fdiv_f a b;
t⇩1 ← ll_fsub_f t⇩1 t⇩2;
t⇩2 ← ll_fadd_f a b;
t⇩1 ← ll_frem_f t⇩1 t⇩2;
t⇩1 ← ll_fadd_f t⇩1 (single_of_word 0x3F000000);
Mreturn t⇩1
test_float is "float test_float(float,float)"
file "../../../regression/gencode/test_float.ll"
definition times3_d :: "double ⇒ double llM" where [llvm_code]:
"times3_d x ≡ doM {
x'←ll_fadd_d x x;
x'←ll_fadd_d x' x;
x'←ll_fadd_d x' (double_of_word 0x3FD5555555555555);
Mreturn x'
export_llvm times3_d is "double times3_d (double)"
definition times3_pd :: "(double*double) ptr ⇒ double llM" where [llvm_code]:
"times3_pd x ≡ doM {
x ← ll_load x;
a ← ll_extract_value x 0;
b ← ll_extract_value x 1;
x'←ll_fadd_d a a;
x'←ll_fadd_d x' b;
Mreturn x'
export_llvm times3_pd is "double times3_d (dpair*)"
defines ‹typedef struct {double a; double b;} dpair;›
value "real_of_double (double_of_word 0x3FE0000000000000)"
definition test_double :: "double ⇒ double ⇒ double llM" where [llvm_code]:
"test_double a b ≡ doM {
aa ← ll_fmul_d a a;
bb ← ll_fmul_d b b;
t⇩1 ← ll_fadd_d aa bb;
t⇩1 ← ll_sqrt_f64 t⇩1;
t⇩2 ← ll_fdiv_d a b;
t⇩1 ← ll_fsub_d t⇩1 t⇩2;
t⇩2 ← ll_fadd_d a b;
t⇩1 ← ll_frem_d t⇩1 t⇩2;
t⇩1 ← ll_fadd_d t⇩1 (double_of_word 0x3FE0000000000000);
Mreturn t⇩1
test_double is "double test_double(double,double)"
file "../../../regression/gencode/test_double.ll"
definition "rm_opposite rm ≡
else rm"
lemma rm_opposite_inlines[llvm_pre_simp]:
unfolding rm_opposite_def by auto
definition test_avx512f_ss_tmpl :: "nat ⇒ single ⇒ single ⇒ single llM" where [llvm_pre_simp]:
"test_avx512f_ss_tmpl rm ≡ λa b. doM {
aa ← ll_x86_avx512_mul_ss_round rm a a;
t⇩1 ← ll_x86_avx512_vfmadd_f32 rm b b aa;
t⇩1 ← ll_x86_avx512_sqrt_ss rm t⇩1;
t⇩2 ← ll_x86_avx512_div_ss_round (rm_opposite rm) a b;
t⇩1 ← ll_x86_avx512_sub_ss_round rm t⇩1 t⇩2;
t⇩1 ← ll_x86_avx512_add_ss_round rm t⇩1 a;
Mreturn t⇩1
definition [llvm_code]: "test_avx512f_ss_to_nearest ≡ test_avx512f_ss_tmpl AVX512_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_NO_EXC"
definition [llvm_code]: "test_avx512f_ss_to_pinf ≡ test_avx512f_ss_tmpl AVX512_FROUND_TO_POS_INF_NO_EXC"
definition [llvm_code]: "test_avx512f_ss_to_ninf ≡ test_avx512f_ss_tmpl AVX512_FROUND_TO_NEG_INF_NO_EXC"
definition [llvm_code]: "test_avx512f_ss_to_zero ≡ test_avx512f_ss_tmpl AVX512_FROUND_TO_ZERO_NO_EXC"
definition test_avx512f_sd_tmpl :: "nat ⇒ double ⇒ double ⇒ double llM" where [llvm_pre_simp]:
"test_avx512f_sd_tmpl rm ≡ λa b. doM {
aa ← ll_x86_avx512_mul_sd_round rm a a;
t⇩1 ← ll_x86_avx512_vfmadd_f64 rm b b aa;
t⇩1 ← ll_x86_avx512_sqrt_sd rm t⇩1;
t⇩2 ← ll_x86_avx512_div_sd_round (rm_opposite rm) a b;
t⇩1 ← ll_x86_avx512_sub_sd_round rm t⇩1 t⇩2;
t⇩1 ← ll_x86_avx512_add_sd_round rm t⇩1 a;
Mreturn t⇩1
definition [llvm_code]: "test_avx512f_sd_to_nearest ≡ test_avx512f_sd_tmpl AVX512_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_NO_EXC"
definition [llvm_code]: "test_avx512f_sd_to_pinf ≡ test_avx512f_sd_tmpl AVX512_FROUND_TO_POS_INF_NO_EXC"
definition [llvm_code]: "test_avx512f_sd_to_ninf ≡ test_avx512f_sd_tmpl AVX512_FROUND_TO_NEG_INF_NO_EXC"
definition [llvm_code]: "test_avx512f_sd_to_zero ≡ test_avx512f_sd_tmpl AVX512_FROUND_TO_ZERO_NO_EXC"
declare [[llc_compile_avx512f=true]]
test_avx512f_ss_to_nearest is "float test_avx512f_ss_to_nearest(float,float)"
test_avx512f_ss_to_pinf is "float test_avx512f_ss_to_pinf (float,float)"
test_avx512f_ss_to_ninf is "float test_avx512f_ss_to_ninf (float,float)"
test_avx512f_ss_to_zero is "float test_avx512f_ss_to_zero (float,float)"
test_avx512f_sd_to_nearest is "double test_avx512f_sd_to_nearest(double,double)"
test_avx512f_sd_to_pinf is "double test_avx512f_sd_to_pinf (double,double)"
test_avx512f_sd_to_ninf is "double test_avx512f_sd_to_ninf (double,double)"
test_avx512f_sd_to_zero is "double test_avx512f_sd_to_zero (double,double)"
file "../../../regression/gencode/test_avx512f.ll"