Theory NEMonad
section ‹Nondeterminism Error Monad›
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The NE monad used as basis for the state-error monad in our LLVM semantics.
Note: for abstract programs, we use an (equivalent) monad (nres), defined in
the original Monadic Refinement Framework.
That's for legacy reasons, and needs to be unified at some point!
theory NEMonad
imports "../Basic_Imports" Flat_CCPO
subsection ‹Additions to Partial Function›
context partial_function_definitions
lemma monotoneI:
"(⋀x. mono_body (λf. F f x)) ⟹ monotone le_fun le_fun F"
by (auto simp: monotone_def fun_ord_def)
lemma fp_unfold:
assumes "f ≡ fixp_fun F"
assumes "(⋀x. mono_body (λf. F f x))"
shows "f x = F f x"
using assms mono_body_fixp[of F] by auto
lemma fun_ordD: "fun_ord le f g ⟹ le (f x) (g x)"
by (auto simp: fun_ord_def)
lemma fun_ord_mono_alt: "monotone le (fun_ord le') f ⟷ (∀x. monotone le le' (λy. f y x))"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) fun_ord_def monotone_def)
method_setup pf_mono_prover = ‹Scan.succeed (SIMPLE_METHOD' o Subgoal.FOCUS_PREMS (fn {context=ctxt,...} => CHANGED (ALLGOALS (Partial_Function.mono_tac ctxt))))›
ML ‹
fun discharge_monos ctxt thm = let
fun aux ctxt thm = let
val prems = Thm.prems_of thm
fun prove_simple tac t ctxt = Goal.prove ctxt [] [] t (fn {context=ctxt, ...} => ALLGOALS (tac ctxt))
fun mono_tac ctxt = CHANGED o (Partial_Function.mono_tac ctxt)
fun cinst (t as @{mpat "⋀_. monotone (fun_ord _) _ _"}) = the_default asm_rl (try (prove_simple mono_tac t) ctxt)
| cinst _ = asm_rl
val insts = map cinst prems
val thm = thm OF insts
singleton ( (map o aux) ctxt) thm
attribute_setup discharge_monos
= ‹Scan.succeed (Thm.rule_attribute [] (discharge_monos o Context.proof_of))›
‹Try to discharge monotonicity premises›
subsection ‹Type Definition›
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The result of a nondeterministic computation