Theory Proto_Sepref_Borrow

theory Proto_Sepref_Borrow
imports Sepref

  (* Simple-Minded borrowing for sepref.
    Idea: When we can prove that we have not changed an object abstractly, 
      and its concrete value is still the same, we can reinstantiate it 
      after it has been invalidated.

  text Operation to reinstantiate dst, by moving source. 
    Implementations will also require a proof that the concrete objects are equal!
  definition "unborrow src dst  doN {ASSERT (src=dst); RETURN ()}"
  sepref_register unborrow

  lemma unborrow_correct[refine_vcg]: "s=d  unborrow s d  SPEC (λr. r=())"
    unfolding unborrow_def by auto
  lemma unborrow_rule[sepref_comb_rules]:
    assumes FRAME: "Γ  hn_ctxt R src srci ** hn_invalid R dst dsti ** F"
    assumes EQI: "vassn_tag Γ  CP_cond (srci = dsti)"
    shows "hn_refine Γ (Mreturn ()) (hn_invalid R src srci ** hn_ctxt R dst dsti ** F) unit_assn (λ_. True) (unborrow$src$dst)"
    apply (rule hn_refine_vassn_tagI)
    apply (rule hn_refine_cons_pre[OF FRAME])
    apply (rule hn_refineI)
    using EQI
    unfolding unborrow_def CP_defs
    apply (simp add: refine_pw_simps)
    unfolding hn_ctxt_def invalid_assn_def pure_def
    apply vcg'
  lemma unborrow_nofail[refine_pw_simps]: "nofail (unborrow a b)  a=b" by (auto simp: unborrow_def refine_pw_simps)  
  text ‹Assertion that adds constraint on concrete value. Used to carry through concrete equalities.›
  definition "cnc_assn φ A a c ≡ ↑(φ c) ** A a c"
  lemma norm_ceq_assn[named_ss sepref_frame_normrel]: "hn_ctxt (cnc_assn φ A) a c = (↑(φ c) ** hn_ctxt A a c)"
    unfolding hn_ctxt_def cnc_assn_def by simp
  lemma cnc_assn_prod_conv[named_ss sepref_frame_normrel]:
    shows "⋀A B φ. A ×a cnc_assn φ B = cnc_assn (φ o snd) (A×aB)"
      and "⋀A B φ. cnc_assn φ A ×a B = cnc_assn (φ o fst) (A×aB)"
    unfolding cnc_assn_def
    by (auto simp: sep_algebra_simps fun_eq_iff)
  (* TODO: Move *)
  lemma wpa_comm_conjI: "wpa A c Q s; wpa A c Q' s  wpa A c (λr s. Q r s  Q' r s) s"
    unfolding wpa_def 
    apply (drule (1) wp_comm_conjI)
    by (erule wp_monoI; auto) 
  (* TODO: Move *)
  lemma htriple_conj_pure:
    assumes "htriple P c Q"
    assumes "htriple P c (λr. Φ r ** sep_true)"
    shows "htriple P c (λr. Φ r ** Q r)"
  proof (rule htripleI)  
    fix asf s
    assume "STATE asf P s"
    from wpa_comm_conjI[OF assms[THEN htripleD,OF this]]
    show "wpa (asf) c (λr. STATE asf (Φ r ∧* Q r)) s"
      apply (rule wpa_monoI)
      apply (simp add: STATE_extract(2))
      by auto
  text Rule to prove a-posteriori constraint (Only useful for simple programs.
    TODO: More partial Hoare-triples would make this more useful, e.g., 
      we could assume assertions, preconditions, and even termination!
  lemma hnr_ceq_assnI:
    assumes HNR: "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R CP1 a"
    assumes HT: "llvm_htriple Γ c (λx'. (CP2 x') ** sep_true)"
    assumes IMP: "x'. CP1 x'  CP2 x'  CP x'"
    shows "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R CP a"
  proof (rule hn_refine_nofailI)
    assume NF: "nofail a"
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule hn_refineI)
      apply (rule cons_post_rule)
      apply (rule htriple_conj_pure[OF HNR[THEN hn_refineD[OF _ NF]] HT])
      apply (auto simp: sep_algebra_simps IMP)
