Theory Proto_Sepref_Borrow
theory Proto_Sepref_Borrow
imports Sepref
text ‹Operation to reinstantiate dst, by moving source.
Implementations will also require a proof that the concrete objects are equal!
definition "unborrow src dst ≡ doN {ASSERT (src=dst); RETURN ()}"
sepref_register unborrow
lemma unborrow_correct[refine_vcg]: "s=d ⟹ unborrow s d ≤ SPEC (λr. r=())"
unfolding unborrow_def by auto
lemma unborrow_rule[sepref_comb_rules]:
assumes FRAME: "Γ ⊢ hn_ctxt R src srci ** hn_invalid R dst dsti ** F"
assumes EQI: "vassn_tag Γ ⟹ CP_cond (srci = dsti)"
shows "hn_refine Γ (Mreturn ()) (hn_invalid R src srci ** hn_ctxt R dst dsti ** F) unit_assn (λ_. True) (unborrow$src$dst)"
apply (rule hn_refine_vassn_tagI)
apply (rule hn_refine_cons_pre[OF FRAME])
apply (rule hn_refineI)
using EQI
unfolding unborrow_def CP_defs
apply (simp add: refine_pw_simps)
unfolding hn_ctxt_def invalid_assn_def pure_def
apply vcg'
lemma unborrow_nofail[refine_pw_simps]: "nofail (unborrow a b) ⟷ a=b" by (auto simp: unborrow_def refine_pw_simps)
lemma wpa_comm_conjI: "⟦wpa A c Q s; wpa A c Q' s⟧ ⟹ wpa A c (λr s. Q r s ∧ Q' r s) s"
unfolding wpa_def
apply (drule (1) wp_comm_conjI)
by (erule wp_monoI; auto)
lemma htriple_conj_pure:
assumes "htriple P c Q"
assumes "htriple P c (λr. ↑Φ r ** sep_true)"
shows "htriple P c (λr. ↑Φ r ** Q r)"
proof (rule htripleI)
fix asf s
assume "STATE asf P s"
from wpa_comm_conjI[OF assms[THEN htripleD,OF this]]
show "wpa (asf) c (λr. STATE asf (↑Φ r ∧* Q r)) s"
apply (rule wpa_monoI)
apply (simp add: STATE_extract(2))
by auto
text ‹Rule to prove a-posteriori constraint (Only useful for simple programs.
TODO: More partial Hoare-triples would make this more useful, e.g.,
we could assume assertions, preconditions, and even termination!
lemma hnr_ceq_assnI:
assumes HNR: "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R CP⇩1 a"
assumes HT: "llvm_htriple Γ c (λx'. ↑(CP⇩2 x') ** sep_true)"
assumes IMP: "⋀x'. CP⇩1 x' ∧ CP⇩2 x' ⟹ CP x'"
shows "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R CP a"
proof (rule hn_refine_nofailI)
assume NF: "nofail a"
show ?thesis
apply (rule hn_refineI)
apply (rule cons_post_rule)
apply (rule htriple_conj_pure[OF HNR[THEN hn_refineD[OF _ NF]] HT])
apply (auto simp: sep_algebra_simps IMP)