Theory Sepref_Tool
section ‹Sepref Tool›
theory Sepref_Tool
imports Sepref_Translate Sepref_Definition Sepref_Combinator_Setup Sepref_Intf_Util
text ‹In this theory, we set up the sepref tool.›
subsection ‹Sepref Method›
lemma CONS_init:
assumes "hn_refine Γ c Γ' R CP a"
assumes "Γ' ⊢ Γc'"
assumes "⋀a c. hn_ctxt R a c ⊢ hn_ctxt Rc a c"
assumes "⋀r. CP_assm (CP r) ⟹ CP_cond (CP' r)"
shows "hn_refine Γ c Γc' Rc CP' a"
apply (rule hn_refine_cons_cp)
apply (rule entails_refl)
apply (rule assms[unfolded hn_ctxt_def])+
using assms(4) by (auto simp: CP_defs)
lemma ID_init: "⟦ID a a' TYPE('T); hn_refine Γ c Γ' R CP a'⟧
⟹ hn_refine Γ c Γ' R CP a" by simp
lemma TRANS_init: "⟦ hn_refine Γ c Γ' R CP a; CNV c c' ⟧
⟹ hn_refine Γ c' Γ' R CP a"
by simp
lemma infer_post_triv: "P ⊢ P" by (rule entails_refl)
ML ‹
structure Sepref = struct
structure sepref_preproc_simps = Named_Thms (
val name = @{binding sepref_preproc}
val description = "Sepref: Preprocessor simplifications"
structure sepref_opt_simps = Named_Thms (
val name = @{binding sepref_opt_simps}
val description = "Sepref: Post-Translation optimizations, phase 1"
structure sepref_opt_simps2 = Named_Thms (
val name = @{binding sepref_opt_simps2}
val description = "Sepref: Post-Translation optimizations, phase 2"
fun cons_init_tac ctxt = Sepref_Frame.weaken_post_tac ctxt THEN' resolve_tac ctxt @{thms CONS_init}
fun cons_solve_tac dbg ctxt = let
val dbgSOLVED' = if dbg then I else SOLVED'
dbgSOLVED' (
resolve_tac ctxt @{thms infer_post_triv}
ORELSE' Sepref_Translate.side_frame_tac ctxt
fun cons_solve_cp_tac dbg ctxt = let
val dbgSOLVED' = if dbg then I else SOLVED'
dbgSOLVED' (
apply_method_noargs @{method cp_solve_cond} ctxt
fun preproc_tac ctxt = let
val ctxt = put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt
val ctxt = ctxt addsimps (sepref_preproc_simps.get ctxt)
Sepref_Rules.prepare_hfref_synth_tac ctxt THEN'
Simplifier.simp_tac ctxt
fun id_tac determ ctxt =
resolve_tac ctxt @{thms ID_init}
THEN' CONVERSION Thm.eta_conversion
THEN' (if determ then DETERM else I) o Id_Op.id_tac Id_Op.Normal ctxt
fun id_init_tac ctxt =
resolve_tac ctxt @{thms ID_init}
THEN' CONVERSION Thm.eta_conversion
THEN' Id_Op.id_tac Id_Op.Init ctxt
fun id_step_tac ctxt =
Id_Op.id_tac Id_Op.Step ctxt
fun id_solve_tac ctxt =
Id_Op.id_tac Id_Op.Solve ctxt
fun monadify_tac ctxt = Sepref_Monadify.monadify_tac ctxt
fun trans_tac ctxt = Sepref_Translate.trans_tac ctxt
fun opt_tac ctxt = let
val opt1_ss = put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt
addsimps sepref_opt_simps.get ctxt
addsimprocs [@{simproc "HOL.let_simp"}]
|> Simplifier.add_cong @{thm SP_cong}
|> Simplifier.add_cong @{thm PR_CONST_cong}
val unsp_ss = put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps @{thms SP_def}
val opt2_ss = put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt
addsimps sepref_opt_simps2.get ctxt
addsimprocs [@{simproc "HOL.let_simp"}]
simp_tac opt1_ss THEN' simp_tac unsp_ss THEN'
simp_tac opt2_ss THEN' simp_tac unsp_ss THEN'
CONVERSION Thm.eta_conversion THEN'
resolve_tac ctxt @{thms CNV_I}
fun sepref_tac dbg ctxt =
(K Sepref_Constraints.ensure_slot_tac)
("id",id_tac true,0),
("monadify",monadify_tac false,0),
("opt_init",fn ctxt => resolve_tac ctxt @{thms TRANS_init},1),
("cons_solve1",cons_solve_tac false,~1),
("cons_solve2",cons_solve_tac false,~1),
("cons_solve3",cons_solve_cp_tac false,~1),
("constraints",fn ctxt => K (Sepref_Constraints.solve_constraint_slot ctxt THEN Sepref_Constraints.remove_slot_tac),~1)
] (Sepref_Basic.flag_phases_ctrl ctxt dbg) ctxt
val setup = I
#> sepref_preproc_simps.setup
#> sepref_opt_simps.setup
#> sepref_opt_simps2.setup
setup Sepref.setup
method_setup sepref = ‹Scan.succeed (fn ctxt =>
Sepref.sepref_tac false ctxt
)) 1)))›
‹Automatic refinement to Imperative/HOL›
method_setup sepref_dbg_keep = ‹Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => let
SIMPLE_METHOD (IF_EXGOAL (Sepref.sepref_tac true ctxt) 1)
‹Automatic refinement to Imperative/HOL, debug mode›
subsubsection ‹Default Optimizer Setup›
lemmas [sepref_opt_simps] = M_monad_laws
text ‹We allow the synthesized function to contain tagged function applications.
This is important to avoid higher-order unification problems when synthesizing
generic algorithms, for example the to-list algorithm for foreach-loops.›
lemmas [sepref_opt_simps] = Autoref_Tagging.APP_def
text ‹ Revert case-pulling done by monadify ›
lemma case_prod_return_opt[sepref_opt_simps]:
"case_prod (λa b. Mreturn (f a b)) p = Mreturn (case_prod f p)"
by (simp split: prod.split)
lemma case_option_return_opt[sepref_opt_simps]:
"case_option (Mreturn fn) (λs. Mreturn (fs s)) v = Mreturn (case_option fn fs v)"
by (simp split: option.split)
lemma case_list_return[sepref_opt_simps]:
"case_list (Mreturn fn) (λx xs. Mreturn (fc x xs)) l = Mreturn (case_list fn fc l)"
by (simp split: list.split)
lemma if_return[sepref_opt_simps]:
"If b (Mreturn t) (Mreturn e) = Mreturn (If b t e)" by simp
text ‹ In some cases, pushing in the returns is more convenient ›
lemma case_prod_opt2[sepref_opt_simps2]:
"(λx. Mreturn (case x of (a,b) ⇒ f a b))
= (λ(a,b). Mreturn (f a b))"
by auto
subsection ‹Debugging Methods›
method_setup sepref_dbg_preproc = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (fn ctxt => K (Sepref_Constraints.ensure_slot_tac) THEN' Sepref.preproc_tac ctxt)›
‹Sepref debug: Preprocessing phase›
method_setup sepref_dbg_cons_init = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' Sepref.cons_init_tac›
‹Sepref debug: Initialize consequence reasoning›
method_setup sepref_dbg_id = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref.id_tac true)›
‹Sepref debug: Identify operations phase›
method_setup sepref_dbg_id_keep = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Config.put Id_Op.cfg_id_debug true #> Sepref.id_tac false)›
‹Sepref debug: Identify operations phase. Debug mode, keep intermediate subgoals on failure.›
method_setup sepref_dbg_monadify = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref.monadify_tac false)›
‹Sepref debug: Monadify phase›
method_setup sepref_dbg_monadify_keep = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref.monadify_tac true)›
‹Sepref debug: Monadify phase›
method_setup sepref_dbg_monadify_arity = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref_Monadify.arity_tac)›
‹Sepref debug: Monadify phase: Arity phase›
method_setup sepref_dbg_monadify_comb = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref_Monadify.comb_tac)›
‹Sepref debug: Monadify phase: Comb phase›
method_setup sepref_dbg_monadify_check_EVAL = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (K (CONCL_COND' (not o Sepref_Monadify.contains_eval)))›
‹Sepref debug: Monadify phase: check_EVAL phase›
method_setup sepref_dbg_monadify_mark_params = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref_Monadify.mark_params_tac)›
‹Sepref debug: Monadify phase: mark_params phase›
method_setup sepref_dbg_monadify_dup = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref_Monadify.dup_tac)›
‹Sepref debug: Monadify phase: dup phase›
method_setup sepref_dbg_monadify_remove_pass = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref_Monadify.remove_pass_tac)›
‹Sepref debug: Monadify phase: remove_pass phase›
method_setup sepref_dbg_opt_init = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (fn ctxt => resolve_tac ctxt @{thms TRANS_init})›
‹Sepref debug: Translation phase initialization›
method_setup sepref_dbg_trans = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' Sepref.trans_tac›
‹Sepref debug: Translation phase›
method_setup sepref_dbg_opt = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (fn ctxt =>
Sepref.opt_tac ctxt
THEN' CONVERSION Thm.eta_conversion
THEN' TRY o resolve_tac ctxt @{thms CNV_I}
‹Sepref debug: Optimization phase›
method_setup sepref_dbg_cons_solve = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref.cons_solve_tac false)›
‹Sepref debug: Solve post-consequences›
method_setup sepref_dbg_cons_solve_keep = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref.cons_solve_tac true)›
‹Sepref debug: Solve post-consequences, keep intermediate results›
method_setup sepref_dbg_cons_solve_cp = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref.cons_solve_cp_tac false)›
‹Sepref debug: Solve post-consequences concrete postcond›
method_setup sepref_dbg_cons_solve_cp_keep = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref.cons_solve_cp_tac true)›
‹Sepref debug: Solve post-consequences concrete postcond, keep intermediate results›
method_setup sepref_dbg_constraints = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (fn ctxt => IF_EXGOAL (K (
Sepref_Constraints.solve_constraint_slot ctxt
THEN Sepref_Constraints.remove_slot_tac
‹Sepref debug: Solve accumulated constraints›
method_setup sepref_dbg_id_init = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' Sepref.id_init_tac›
‹Sepref debug: Initialize operation identification phase›
method_setup sepref_dbg_id_step = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' Sepref.id_step_tac›
‹Sepref debug: Single step operation identification phase›
method_setup sepref_dbg_id_solve = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' Sepref.id_solve_tac›
‹Sepref debug: Complete current operation identification goal›
method_setup sepref_dbg_trans_keep = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' Sepref_Translate.trans_keep_tac›
‹Sepref debug: Translation phase, stop at failed subgoal›
method_setup sepref_dbg_trans_step = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' Sepref_Translate.trans_step_tac›
‹Sepref debug: Translation step›
method_setup sepref_dbg_trans_step_keep = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' Sepref_Translate.trans_step_keep_tac›
‹Sepref debug: Translation step, keep unsolved subgoals›
method_setup sepref_dbg_side = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (fn ctxt => REPEAT_ALL_NEW_FWD (Sepref_Translate.side_cond_dispatch_tac false (K no_tac) ctxt))›
method_setup sepref_dbg_side_unfold = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref_Translate.side_unfold_tac)›
method_setup sepref_dbg_side_keep = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (fn ctxt => REPEAT_ALL_NEW_FWD (Sepref_Translate.side_cond_dispatch_tac true (K no_tac) ctxt))›
method_setup sepref_dbg_side_bounds = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref_Translate.bounds_tac)›
method_setup sepref_dbg_prepare_frame = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' Sepref_Frame.prepare_frame_tac›
‹Sepref debug: Prepare frame inference›
method_setup sepref_dbg_frame = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref_Frame.frame_tac (Sepref_Translate.side_fallback_tac))›
‹Sepref debug: Frame inference›
method_setup sepref_dbg_merge = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref_Frame.merge_tac (Sepref_Translate.side_fallback_tac))›
‹Sepref debug: Frame inference, merge›
method_setup sepref_dbg_frame_step = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref_Frame.frame_step_tac (Sepref_Translate.side_fallback_tac) false)›
‹Sepref debug: Frame inference, single-step›
method_setup sepref_dbg_frame_step_keep = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (Sepref_Frame.frame_step_tac (Sepref_Translate.side_fallback_tac) true)›
‹Sepref debug: Frame inference, single-step, keep partially solved side conditions›
subsection ‹Utilities›
subsubsection ‹Manual hfref-proofs›
method_setup sepref_to_hnr = ‹SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' (fn ctxt =>
Sepref.preproc_tac ctxt THEN' Sepref_Frame.weaken_post_tac ctxt)›
‹Sepref: Convert to hnr-goal and weaken postcondition›
method_setup sepref_to_hoare = ‹
fun sepref_to_hoare_tac ctxt = let
val ss = put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt
addsimps @{thms hn_ctxt_def pure_def}
Sepref.preproc_tac ctxt
THEN' Sepref_Frame.weaken_post_tac ctxt
THEN' resolve_tac ctxt @{thms hn_refineI}
THEN' asm_full_simp_tac ss
SIMPLE_METHOD_NOPARAM' sepref_to_hoare_tac
› ‹Sepref: Convert to hoare-triple›
subsubsection ‹Copying of Parameters›
lemma fold_COPY: "x = COPY x" by simp
sepref_register COPY
text ‹Copy is treated as normal operator, and one can just declare rules for it! ›
lemma hnr_pure_COPY[sepref_fr_rules]:
"CONSTRAINT is_pure R ⟹ (Mreturn, RETURN o COPY) ∈ R⇧k →⇩a⇩d (λ_. R)"
apply (intro hfrefI hn_refineI) unfolding is_pure_conv pure_def
by vcg
lemma hn_id[sepref_fr_rules]: "(λx. Mreturn x,RETURN o id) ∈ [λ_. True]⇩c A⇧d → A [λx r. r=x]⇩c"
apply sepref_to_hoare
by vcg
subsubsection ‹Destructors›
lemma hn_MK_FREEI:
assumes "(free,RETURN o freea) ∈ A⇧d →⇩a⇩d (λ_. unit_assn)"
shows "MK_FREE A free"
proof -
note [vcg_rules] = assms[to_hnr, THEN hn_refineD, unfolded hn_ctxt_def invalid_assn_def pure_def, simplified]
show ?thesis
by rule vcg
lemma MK_FREE_hrcompI[sepref_frame_free_rules]:
assumes "MK_FREE A f"
shows "MK_FREE (hr_comp A R) f"
proof -
note [vcg_rules] = assms[THEN MK_FREED]
show ?thesis
apply rule
unfolding hr_comp_def
by vcg
lemma MK_FREE_hrrcompI[sepref_frame_free_rules]:
assumes "⋀x. MK_FREE (A x) f"
shows "MK_FREE (hrr_comp S A R x) f"
proof -
note [vcg_rules] = assms[THEN MK_FREED]
show ?thesis
apply rule
unfolding hrr_comp_def hr_comp_def
apply (simp; safe)
apply vcg
subsubsection ‹Short-Circuit Boolean Evaluation›
text ‹Convert boolean operators to short-circuiting.
When applied before monadify, this will generate a short-circuit execution.›
lemma short_circuit_conv:
"(a ∧ b) ⟷ (if a then b else False)"
"(a ∨ b) ⟷ (if a then True else b)"
"(a⟶b) ⟷ (if a then b else True)"
by auto
subsubsection ‹Eliminating higher-order›
lemma ho_prod_move[sepref_preproc]: "case_prod (λa b x. f x a b) = (λp x. case_prod (f x) p)"
by (auto intro!: ext)
declare o_apply[sepref_preproc]