Theory Word_Lib.Most_significant_bit

 * Copyright Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

(* Author: Jeremy Dawson, NICTA *)

section Dedicated operation for the most significant bit

theory Most_significant_bit

class msb =
  fixes msb :: 'a  bool

instantiation int :: msb

definition msb x  x < 0 for x :: int

instance ..


lemma msb_bin_rest [simp]: "msb (x div 2) = msb x"
  for x :: int
  by (simp add: msb_int_def)

  includes bit_operations_syntax

lemma int_msb_and [simp]: "msb ((x :: int) AND y)  msb x  msb y"
by(simp add: msb_int_def)

lemma int_msb_or [simp]: "msb ((x :: int) OR y)  msb x  msb y"
by(simp add: msb_int_def)

lemma int_msb_xor [simp]: "msb ((x :: int) XOR y)  msb x  msb y"
by(simp add: msb_int_def)

lemma int_msb_not [simp]: "msb (NOT (x :: int))  ¬ msb x"
by(simp add: msb_int_def not_less)


lemma msb_shiftl [simp]: "msb ((x :: int) << n)  msb x"
  by (simp add: msb_int_def shiftl_def)

lemma msb_shiftr [simp]: "msb ((x :: int) >> r)  msb x"
  by (simp add: msb_int_def shiftr_def)

lemma msb_0 [simp]: "msb (0 :: int) = False"
by(simp add: msb_int_def)

lemma msb_1 [simp]: "msb (1 :: int) = False"
by(simp add: msb_int_def)

lemma msb_numeral [simp]:
  "msb (numeral n :: int) = False"
  "msb (- numeral n :: int) = True"
by(simp_all add: msb_int_def)

instantiation word :: (len) msb

definition msb_word :: 'a word  bool
  where msb_word_iff_bit: msb w  bit w (LENGTH('a) - Suc 0) for w :: 'a::len word

instance ..


lemma msb_word_eq:
  msb w  bit w (LENGTH('a) - 1) for w :: 'a::len word
  by (simp add: msb_word_iff_bit)

lemma word_msb_sint: "msb w  sint w < 0"
  by (simp add: msb_word_eq bit_last_iff)

lemma msb_word_iff_sless_0:
  msb w  w <s 0
  by (simp add: word_msb_sint word_sless_alt)

lemma msb_word_of_int:
  "msb (word_of_int x::'a::len word) = bit x (LENGTH('a) - 1)"
  by (simp add: msb_word_iff_bit bit_simps)

lemma word_msb_numeral [simp]:
  "msb (numeral w::'a::len word) = bit (numeral w :: int) (LENGTH('a) - 1)"
  unfolding word_numeral_alt by (rule msb_word_of_int)

lemma word_msb_neg_numeral [simp]:
  "msb (- numeral w::'a::len word) = bit (- numeral w :: int) (LENGTH('a) - 1)"
  unfolding word_neg_numeral_alt by (rule msb_word_of_int)

lemma word_msb_0 [simp]: "¬ msb (0::'a::len word)"
  by (simp add: msb_word_iff_bit)

lemma word_msb_1 [simp]: "msb (1::'a::len word)  LENGTH('a) = 1"
  by (simp add: msb_word_iff_bit le_Suc_eq)

lemma word_msb_nth: "msb w = bit (uint w) (LENGTH('a) - 1)"
  for w :: "'a::len word"
  by (simp add: msb_word_iff_bit bit_simps)

lemma msb_nth: "msb w = bit w (LENGTH('a) - 1)"
  for w :: "'a::len word"
  by (fact msb_word_eq)

lemma word_msb_n1 [simp]: "msb (-1::'a::len word)"
  by (simp add: msb_word_eq not_le)

lemma msb_shift: "msb w  w >> LENGTH('a) - 1  0"
  for w :: "'a::len word"
  by (simp add: drop_bit_eq_zero_iff_not_bit_last msb_word_eq shiftr_def)

lemmas word_ops_msb = msb1 [unfolded msb_nth [symmetric, unfolded One_nat_def]]

lemma word_sint_msb_eq: "sint x = uint x - (if msb x then 2 ^ size x else 0)"
  apply (cases LENGTH('a))
  apply (simp_all add: msb_word_iff_bit word_size)
  apply transfer
  apply (simp add: signed_take_bit_eq_take_bit_minus)

lemma word_sle_msb_le: "x <=s y  (msb y  msb x)  ((msb x  ¬ msb y)  x  y)"
  apply (simp add: word_sle_eq word_sint_msb_eq word_size word_le_def)
  apply safe
   apply (rule order_trans[OF _ uint_ge_0])
   apply (simp add: order_less_imp_le)
  apply (erule notE[OF leD])
  apply (rule order_less_le_trans[OF _ uint_ge_0])
  apply simp

lemma word_sless_msb_less: "x <s y  (msb y  msb x)  ((msb x  ¬ msb y)  x < y)"
  by (auto simp add: word_sless_eq word_sle_msb_le)

lemma not_msb_from_less:
  "(v :: 'a word) < 2 ^ (LENGTH('a :: len) - 1)  ¬ msb v"
  apply (clarsimp simp add: msb_nth)
  apply (drule less_mask_eq)
  apply (drule word_eqD, drule(1) iffD2)
  apply (simp add: bit_simps)

lemma sint_eq_uint:
  "¬ msb x  sint x = uint x"
  apply (cases LENGTH('a))
  apply (simp_all add: msb_word_iff_bit)
  apply transfer
  apply (simp add: signed_take_bit_eq_take_bit_minus)

lemma scast_eq_ucast:
  "¬ msb x  scast x = ucast x"
  apply (cases LENGTH('a))
  apply simp
  apply (rule bit_word_eqI)
  apply (auto simp add: bit_signed_iff bit_unsigned_iff min_def msb_word_eq)
  apply (erule notE)
  apply (metis le_less_Suc_eq test_bit_bin)

lemma msb_ucast_eq:
    "LENGTH('a) = LENGTH('b) 
         msb (ucast x :: ('a::len) word) = msb (x :: ('b::len) word)"
  by (simp add: msb_word_eq bit_simps)

lemma msb_big:
  msb a  2 ^ (LENGTH('a) - Suc 0)  a
  for a :: 'a::len word
  using bang_is_le [of a LENGTH('a) - Suc 0]
  apply (auto simp add: msb_nth word_le_not_less)
  apply (rule ccontr)
  apply (erule notE)
  apply (rule ccontr)
  apply (clarsimp simp: not_less)
  apply (subgoal_tac "a = take_bit (LENGTH('a) - Suc 0) a")
   apply (cut_tac and_mask_less' [where w=a and n="LENGTH('a) - Suc 0"])
    apply auto
  apply (simp flip: take_bit_eq_mask)
  apply (rule sym)
  apply (simp add: take_bit_eq_self_iff_drop_bit_eq_0 drop_bit_eq_zero_iff_not_bit_last)

instantiation integer :: msb

  includes integer.lifting

lift_definition msb_integer :: integer  bool is msb .

instance ..


