Seminar ‘Functional Pearls’

Chair for Logic and Verification


Module Bachelor-Seminar / Advanced Seminar Course (BSc), IN0014
Master-Seminar / Advanced Seminar Course (MSc), IN2107
Prerequisites Good knowledge of functional programming
e.g. through ‘Introduction to Functional Programming and Verification’, IN0003
Attending the kick-off meeting, submitting a letter of motivation
Language English
Organisation Manuel Eberl, Prof. Tobias Nipkow
Contact Manuel Eberl for all course matters, or your advisor (once you have been assigned one).


Functional pearls are elegant, instructive examples of functional programming.
They are supposed to be fun, and they teach important programming techniques and fundamental design principles.
Haskell Wiki

In this seminar, students will each present a functional pearl – a research article that demonstrates a particularly elegant functional approach to some problem. A suitable selection of such articles with their respective advisor are listed on the topics page. Additional topics can be considered upon request (no guarantees!).

Required Work and Grading

Participants will each be assigned one topic, about which they will write a short paper (~10 pages) and give a presentation (~30–40 minutes). Additionally, each student must write a review of the papers of two other students. Furthermore, students are required to be present during other students’ presentations.

The final grade is composed as follows: 20 % reviews written + 40 % presentation + 40 % paper