Theory Modest_MDP

section Isabelel Model of the Modest MDP Data Structure
theory Modest_MDP
  imports Graph_Impl SharedNat "../lib/More_B_Assn"

  subsection Miscellaneous 

    lemma Id_list_set_rel: "Idlist_set_rel = {(xs, set xs) | xs. distinct xs}"
      unfolding list_set_rel_def
      apply(auto simp: br_def )

    lemma Id_list_set_relI: "distinct xs  X = set xs  (xs, X)  Idlist_set_rel"
      unfolding list_set_rel_def
      apply(auto simp: br_def )

    lemma nth_to_list_all: "(i. i < length xs  P (xs!i))  list_all P xs" 
      apply(induction xs rule: rev_induct)
      apply auto 
      apply (metis less_SucI nth_append_first)
      by (metis lessI nth_append_length)

    lemma list_all_to_nth: "list_all P xs  i < length xs  P (xs!i)" 
      apply(induction xs rule: rev_induct)
      apply auto 
      by (metis less_Suc_eq nth_append_first nth_append_length)

  subsection Intermediate Level Model
  text We start by defining a graph model based on lists and (tuples) of natural numbers

  type_synonym modest_graph = "(nat × nat) list × (nat × nat) list × nat list"

  text The modest data structure contains three lists respresenting States, Transitions and 
    Branches. The list of states is a triple (tuple in this representation) which respectively 
      contains the number of transitions, first index in the list of transitions and the exitrate 
      (NaN for MDP's, so it is not modelled). 
    The list of transitions similarly is a tuple which contains respectively the number of branches 
      that the transition has as well as the first index in the branch list.
    The list of branches contains a tuple (single value in this representation) with the transition 
      probability and the index of the successor state in the state list

  abbreviation(input) "ind  shared_right"
  abbreviation(input) "cnt  shared_left"
  (*Lowest list index, inclusive*)
  abbreviation(input) "lid  shared_right"
  (*Highest list index, exclusive*)
  abbreviation(input) "uid  shared_sum"

  definition "in_intv sn i = (lid sn  i  i < uid sn)"
  definition "sn_intv sn = Collect (in_intv sn)"
  definition "ls_intv sn = [lid sn..<uid sn]"

  lemma sn_intv_alt: "sn_intv sn = {lid sn..<uid sn}"
    unfolding sn_intv_def in_intv_def
    by auto

  lemma in_intv_lbD: "in_intv sn i  lid sn  i"
    unfolding in_intv_def
    by blast

  lemma in_intv_ubD: "in_intv sn i  i < uid sn"
    unfolding in_intv_def
    by blast

  lemma sn_intv_member[simp]: "i  sn_intv sn  in_intv sn i"
    by (auto simp: in_intv_def sn_intv_def)

  lemma in_intvI: "lid sn  i  i < uid sn  in_intv sn i" 
    apply(fold sn_intv_member) 
    unfolding sn_intv_alt
    by simp

  lemma finite_sn_intv[simp]: "finite (sn_intv sn)"
    unfolding sn_intv_alt
    by simp

  lemma set_ls_intv[simp]: "set (ls_intv sn) = sn_intv sn"
    unfolding ls_intv_def sn_intv_alt by simp

  lemma distinct_ls_intv[simp]: "distinct (ls_intv sn)"
    unfolding ls_intv_def
    by simp

  locale modest_graph_def =
    fixes SS :: "modest_graph"
    definition "S = (λ (S,T,B). S) SS"
    definition "T = (λ (S,T,B). T) SS"
    definition "B = (λ (S,T,B). B) SS"

    definition "α = {(u,v)| u v. ( i j. in_intv (S!u) i  in_intv (T!i) j  v = B!j  u < length S)}"

    definition "graph_structure_branches i = {(u,v)| u v. ( j. in_intv (S!u) i  in_intv (T!i) j  v = B!j  u < length S)}" 

    definition "graph_structure_edges = {(u,v)| u v. ( i j. in_intv (S!u) i  in_intv (T!i) j  v = B!j  u < length S)}"

    definition "graph_structure_branch_index_list t = ls_intv (T!t)"

    lemma distinct_graph_structure_branch_index_list[simp]: "distinct (graph_structure_branch_index_list t)"
      unfolding graph_structure_branch_index_list_def by simp

    definition "graph_structure_edge_index_list s = fold (λ t a. a @ (ls_intv (T ! t))) (ls_intv (S ! s)) []"

    lemma "graph_structure_edge_index_list s = fold (λ t a. a @ graph_structure_branch_index_list t) (ls_intv (S ! s)) []"
      unfolding graph_structure_edge_index_list_def graph_structure_branch_index_list_def
      by simp      

    lemma indep_succs: "u < length S  (u,v)  α  (u,v)  graph_structure_edges"
      unfolding α_def graph_structure_edges_def
      by blast

    lemma indep_succs_branchesD: "u < length S  in_intv (S ! u) i  (u,v)  graph_structure_branches i  (u,v)  α"
      unfolding α_def graph_structure_branches_def apply auto done

    lemma indep_succs_branches: "u < length S  (u,v)  (graph_structure_branches ` sn_intv (S ! u))  (u,v)  α"
      unfolding α_def graph_structure_branches_def sn_intv_def apply auto done

    lemma graph_structure_branches_to_edges: "(i  sn_intv (S!u). (graph_structure_branches i) `` {u}) = graph_structure_edges `` {u}"
      unfolding graph_structure_branches_def graph_structure_edges_def sn_intv_def
      apply auto

    lemma indep_graph_structure_edges: "u < length S  α `` {u} = graph_structure_edges `` {u}"
      using indep_succs
      by auto


  lemma SS_sel_simps[simp]:
    "modest_graph_def.S (S,T,B) = S"
    "modest_graph_def.T (S,T,B) = T"
    "modest_graph_def.B (S,T,B) = B"
    unfolding modest_graph_def.S_def modest_graph_def.T_def modest_graph_def.B_def
    by auto

  lemmas unfolded_indep_succs = modest_graph_def.indep_succs[of _ "(_,_,_)", simplified]
  subsubsection Invariant
  locale modest_graph_invar = modest_graph_def SS for Ns SS +
    assumes NS_DEF: "Ns = length S"
    assumes S_in_bound: "i < length S. uid (S!i) < length T"
    assumes T_in_bound: "i < length T. uid (T!i) < length B"
    assumes B_in_bound: "i < length B. B!i < length S"
    assumes T_nonempty: "i < length S. cnt (S!i) > 0"
    assumes B_nonempty: "i < length T. cnt (T!i) > 0"
    assumes T_is_succ: "i < length T. j < length S. lid (S!j)  i  i < uid (S!j)"
    assumes B_is_succ: "i < length B. j < length T. lid (T!j)  i  i < uid (T!j)"

    assumes S_intv_disj: " i < length S. ( j < i. sn_intv (S ! i)  sn_intv (S ! j) = {})"
    assumes T_intv_disj: " i < length T. ( j < i. sn_intv (T ! i)  sn_intv (T ! j) = {})"

    lemma succ_in_bound: 
      assumes "(u,v)  α" 
      shows "v < length S"
    proof -
      obtain i j where "lid (S!u)  i" and IU:"i < uid (S!u)" and "lid (T!i)  j" and JU:"j < uid (T!i)" and V_DEF: "v = B!j" and UU: "u < length S"
        using assms 
        unfolding α_def in_intv_def
        by blast
      hence "j < length B"
        using  S_in_bound T_in_bound order.strict_trans 
        by blast
      then show ?thesis 
        using B_in_bound
        unfolding NS_DEF  V_DEF 
        by fast

    lemma edge_from_transistionD:
      assumes IB: "i < length S"
      assumes JB: "in_intv (S ! i) j"
      assumes KB: "in_intv (T ! j) k"
      shows "(i, B ! k)  α"
      using S_in_bound T_in_bound B_in_bound
      unfolding α_def
      using assms 
      by blast

    lemma graph_structure_edgesD:
      assumes IB: "i < length S"
      assumes JB: "in_intv (S ! i) j"
      assumes KB: "in_intv (T ! j) k"
      shows "(i, B ! k)  graph_structure_edges"
      unfolding graph_structure_edges_def
      using assms
      by blast

    lemma graph_structure_branchesD:
      assumes IB: "i < length S"
      assumes JB: "in_intv (S ! i) j"
      assumes KB: "in_intv (T ! j) k"
      shows "(i, B ! k)  graph_structure_branches j"
      unfolding graph_structure_branches_def
      using assms
      by blast

    lemma T_in_boundD: "v < length S  t < uid (S ! v)  t < length T"
      using S_in_bound
      by auto

    lemma B_in_boundD: "t < length T  b < uid (T ! t)  b < length B"
      using T_in_bound
      by auto

    lemma S_in_boundI: "b < length B  B ! b < length S"
      using B_in_bound
      by auto

    lemma T_in_bound_intvD: "v < length S  in_intv (S ! v) t  t < length T"
      by(auto elim!: T_in_boundD dest: in_intv_ubD)

    lemma B_in_bound_intvD: "t < length T  in_intv (T ! t) b  b < length B"
      by(auto elim!: B_in_boundD dest: in_intv_ubD)

    lemma graph_structure_branches_to_B:
      assumes IB: "v < length S"
      assumes JB: "in_intv (S ! v) t"
      assumes "b = T ! t" 
      shows "(graph_structure_branches t)  `` {v} = (!) B ` sn_intv b"
      unfolding graph_structure_branches_def
      apply (auto simp: assms)

    lemma "distinct (graph_structure_edge_index_list s)"
      unfolding graph_structure_edge_index_list_def oops

  subsubsection Refinement to Graph
  definition "modest_graph_rel N = br modest_graph_def.α (modest_graph_invar N)"

  subsubsection Finding Successor Nodes
  context modest_graph_def

    definition "get_transitions_of_state v =
        ASSERT(v < length S);
        let r = S ! v;
        ASSERT(shared_sum r  length T);
        RETURN r

    definition "get_branches_of_transition t = 
        ASSERT(t < length T);
        let r = T ! t;
        ASSERT(shared_sum r  length B);
        RETURN r

    definition "get_successor_of_branch b =
        ASSERT(b < length B);
        let r = B ! b;
        ASSERT (r < length S);
        RETURN r

    definition modest_graph_structure_inner_succs :: "nat  nat list  nat list nres" where "modest_graph_structure_inner_succs it succs =
        t  get_branches_of_transition it;
        FOREACH (sn_intv t) (λ it2 succs.
          ASSERT(it2  sn_intv t);
          b  get_successor_of_branch it2;
          ASSERT(Suc (length succs)  length B);
          RETURN (op_list_append succs b) 
        }) succs

    definition modest_graph_succ :: "nat  nat list nres" where "modest_graph_succ v = 
        s  get_transitions_of_state v;
        FOREACH (sn_intv s) (λit succs. do {
          ASSERT(it  sn_intv s); 
          modest_graph_structure_inner_succs it succs
        }) []

  context modest_graph_invar

    lemma get_transitions_of_state_refine:
      assumes "v < length S"
      shows "get_transitions_of_state v  SPEC (λ r. r = S ! v  shared_sum r  length T)"
      unfolding get_transitions_of_state_def
      using S_in_bound assms 
      apply auto

    lemma get_branches_of_transition_refine:
      assumes "t < length T"
      shows "get_branches_of_transition t  SPEC (λ r. r = T ! t)"
      unfolding get_branches_of_transition_def
      using T_in_bound assms 
      apply auto

    lemma get_successor_of_branch_refine:
      assumes "b < length B"
      shows "get_successor_of_branch b  SPEC (λ r. r = B ! b)"
      unfolding get_successor_of_branch_def
      using B_in_bound assms 
      apply auto

    lemma modest_graph_structure_inner_succs_refine':
      fixes it
      defines "s0  sn_intv (T!it)"
      (*assumes NLOOP: "¬bitset_get v bA" "¬bitset_get v bT"*)
      (*assumes "∀ x ∈ set succs. x < length S"*)
      assumes XS_IN_B: " x  set xs. x < length B"
      assumes SUCC_EQ: "succs = map ((!) B) xs" "distinct xs" "set xs  s0 = {}"
      assumes ITB: "in_intv (S!v) it"
      assumes VB: "v < length S"
      shows "modest_graph_structure_inner_succs it succs  SPEC (λ succs2.
        xs2. succs2 = map ((!) B) (xs@xs2)  distinct xs2  set xs2 = s0)"
    proof -
      have aux1: "Suc (length xs + length xs2)  length B" 
        if "j  tbd" "tbd  sn_intv (T ! it)" "in_intv (T ! it) j" "distinct xs2" "set xs2 = s0 - tbd"
        for j tbd xs2
      proof -
        have 1: "distinct (xs@xs2)" using SUCC_EQ that(4) that(5) by fastforce
        have 2: "set (xs@xs2)  {0..<length B} - {j}" 
          using XS_IN_B SUCC_EQ that apply (auto simp: s0_def)
          by (meson B_in_bound_intvD ITB T_in_bound_intvD VB)
        have "j<length B" 
          using B_in_bound_intvD ITB T_in_bound_intvD VB that(3) by blast
        then have "length (xs@xs2) < length B"
          using distinct_card[OF 1] card_mono[OF _ 2]
          by auto
        thus ?thesis by simp
      show ?thesis
        unfolding modest_graph_structure_inner_succs_def
        apply(refine_vcg get_branches_of_transition_refine)
        using S_in_bound VB ITB[THEN in_intv_ubD] apply fastforce
        apply(refine_vcg get_successor_of_branch_refine FOREACH_rule[where I="(λ tbd succs2. 
          xs2. succs2 = map ((!) B) (xs@xs2)  distinct xs2  set xs2 = s0 - tbd)"])
        subgoal using ITB VB by (auto simp: assms)
        subgoal using ITB VB by (auto simp: assms)
        subgoal by blast
        subgoal using B_in_bound_intvD ITB T_in_bound_intvD VB sn_intv_member by blast
        subgoal by (clarsimp simp: aux1)
        apply clarsimp
        subgoal for a b j tbd xs2 
          apply (rule exI[where x="xs2@[j]"])
          by (auto simp: s0_def)
        subgoal by (auto simp: sn_intv_alt) 

    lemma T_intv_disj': "in_intv (T!i) x  in_intv (T!j) x  i<length T  j<length T  i=j"
      using T_intv_disj
      by (cases i j rule: linorder_cases; fastforce) 

    lemma modest_graph_structure_succs_refine:
      assumes VB: "v < length S"
      shows "modest_graph_succ v  SPEC (λ succs2. (x  set succs2. x < length S)  (set succs2) = graph_structure_edges `` {v})"
      unfolding modest_graph_succ_def
      apply(refine_vcg get_transitions_of_state_refine)
      apply(simp add: VB)

      apply(refine_vcg FOREACH_rule[where I="(λ tbd succs2. xs.
        succs2 = map ((!) B) xs  distinct xs  set xs = (itsn_intv (S!v) - tbd. sn_intv (T!it)))"])
      subgoal by simp
      subgoal by simp
      subgoal by auto
      apply clarsimp
      subgoal for i tbd xs2
        apply(refine_vcg modest_graph_structure_inner_succs_refine'[where xs=xs2 and v=v])
        subgoal by (auto simp: assms) (meson B_in_bound_intvD T_in_bound_intvD VB)
        subgoal by (auto simp: assms)
          apply auto
          by (metis T_in_bound_intvD VB T_intv_disj')
        subgoal by (auto simp: assms)
        apply clarsimp
        subgoal for ys2
          apply (rule exI[where x="xs2@ys2"])
          apply auto
          by (metis T_in_bound_intvD T_intv_disj' VB)
      apply clarsimp
      subgoal for xs j i
        by (meson B_in_bound B_in_bound_intvD T_in_bound_intvD VB)
      apply clarsimp
      subgoal for xs
        unfolding graph_structure_edges_def
        apply auto
        subgoal using VB by blast
        subgoal by (meson UN_I image_eqI sn_intv_member)
    lemma modest_graph_succ_refine_aux:
      assumes VB: "v < length S" 
      shows "modest_graph_succ v  SPEC(λ succs. (x  set succs. x < length S)  set succs = α `` {v})"
      apply(refine_vcg modest_graph_structure_succs_refine)
      using VB apply (auto simp: α_def )[2]
      using indep_graph_structure_edges[of v, simplified]
      apply (auto simp: assms)
  subsection Concrete Model
  text We use arrays for the lists, and bit-packed machine words for the elements
  text Small array, i.e., the length is bounded by size_T. While this is true for all practical arrays,
    it's not guaranteed by the Isabelle-LLVM model, which keeps integers and pointers separate.
  (* TODO: Move this to standard DS lib! *)
  abbreviation "small_array_assn A  b_assn (IICF_Array.array_assn A) (λxs. length xs < max_snat len_size_T)"

  abbreviation "edge_assn' N  b_assn shared_nat_assn (λ x. shared_sum x < N)"

  (* Issue: when opening up this assertion, the bound is removed and forgotten.*)
  definition modest_graph_bound :: "nat  (nat × nat) list × (nat × nat) list × nat list  bool" where
    "modest_graph_bound N = (λ (S,T,B). 
      list_all (λx. shared_sum x < length T) S  
      list_all (λx. shared_sum x < length B) T  
      list_all (λx. x < length S) B 
      N = length S)"

  type_synonym modest_graphi = "
    shared_nat ptr 
  × shared_nat ptr
  × size_t ptr

  subsubsection Refinement Assertions  
  definition modest_graph_assn_aux :: "modest_graph  modest_graphi  assn"
  where "modest_graph_assn_aux = 
     small_array_assn shared_nat_assn ― ‹List of states
  ×a small_array_assn shared_nat_assn ― ‹List of transitions
  ×a small_array_assn size_assn ― ‹List of Branches"
  lemma modest_graph_assn_boundsD: 
    assumes "rdomp modest_graph_assn_aux (S, B, T)"
    shows "length S < max_snat 64" and "length B < max_snat 64" and "length T < max_snat 64"
    using assms unfolding modest_graph_assn_aux_def
    apply (auto dest: )
  subsubsection Primitive Operations  
  text Unfortunately, we need some boilerplate to convert the implicit state fixed in the locale to an explicit tuple.
  definition "modest_get_transitions_of_state = (λ (S, T, B) v.
    do {
      ASSERT (v < length S);
      r  b_assn_open_block S (λS. RETURN (S ! v));
      ASSERT (shared_sum r  length T);
      RETURN r

  lemma modest_get_transitions_of_state_alt: "modest_get_transitions_of_state = modest_graph_def.get_transitions_of_state"
    unfolding modest_get_transitions_of_state_def modest_graph_def.get_transitions_of_state_def b_assn_open_block_def
    by (auto simp: Let_def)

  definition "modest_get_branches_of_transition = (λ (S, T, B) v .
    do {
      ASSERT (v < length T);
      r  b_assn_open_block T (λT. RETURN (T ! v));
      ASSERT (shared_sum r  length B);
      RETURN r

  lemma modest_get_branches_of_transition_alt: "modest_get_branches_of_transition = modest_graph_def.get_branches_of_transition"
    unfolding modest_graph_def.get_branches_of_transition_def modest_get_branches_of_transition_def b_assn_open_block_def
    by (auto simp: Let_def)
  definition "modest_get_successor_of_branch = (λ(S, T, B) v. 
    do {
      ASSERT (v < length B);
      r  b_assn_open_block B (λB. RETURN (B ! v));
      ASSERT (r < length S);
      RETURN r

  lemma modest_get_successor_of_branch_alt: "modest_get_successor_of_branch = modest_graph_def.get_successor_of_branch"
    unfolding modest_graph_def.get_successor_of_branch_def modest_get_successor_of_branch_def b_assn_open_block_def
    by (auto simp: Let_def)

  text The actual refinement to LLVM is then straightforward, using Sepref
  sepref_def get_transitions_of_state_ll 
    is "uncurry modest_get_transitions_of_state" :: "modest_graph_assn_auxk *a size_assnk a shared_nat_assn"
    unfolding modest_get_transitions_of_state_def modest_graph_assn_aux_def 
    apply sepref

  sepref_def get_branches_of_transition_ll 
    is "uncurry modest_get_branches_of_transition" :: "modest_graph_assn_auxk *a size_assnk a shared_nat_assn"
    unfolding modest_get_branches_of_transition_def modest_graph_assn_aux_def  
    apply sepref

  sepref_def get_successor_of_branch_ll 
    is "uncurry modest_get_successor_of_branch" :: "modest_graph_assn_auxk *a size_assnk a size_assn"
    unfolding modest_get_successor_of_branch_def modest_graph_assn_aux_def 
    apply sepref
  subsubsection Successor Function  
  text We make one more refinement step to express the foreach-loops as for-loops (nfoldli [_..<_])

  definition "modest_graph_succ_nfoldli = (λ G v. 
    do {
      s  modest_get_transitions_of_state G v;
      nfoldli [shared_right s..<shared_sum s] (λ_. True) (λ it succs. do{
        ASSERT (it < shared_sum s);
        t  modest_get_branches_of_transition G it;
        nfoldli [shared_right t..<shared_sum t] (λ_. True) (λ it2 succs.
          ASSERT(it2 < shared_sum t);
          b  modest_get_successor_of_branch G it2;
          ASSERT(Suc (length succs)  length (modest_graph_def.B G));
          RETURN (op_list_append succs b)
        }) succs
      }) []

  lemma modest_graph_structure_succs_nfoldli_refine_aux:
    assumes INV: "modest_graph_invar N (S,T,B)"
    assumes VB: "v < length S"
    shows "modest_graph_succ_nfoldli (S,T,B) v  Id (modest_graph_def.modest_graph_succ (S,T,B) v)"
    unfolding modest_graph_succ_nfoldli_def modest_graph_def.modest_graph_succ_def modest_graph_def.modest_graph_structure_inner_succs_def
    apply (refine_vcg)
    apply(auto simp: modest_get_transitions_of_state_alt intro: Id_refine)[]
    apply (refine_rcg LFO_refine[where A=Id and R=Id])
    apply(auto simp: sn_intv_alt modest_get_branches_of_transition_alt modest_get_successor_of_branch_alt 
      intro: Id_list_set_relI Id_refine)

  lemma modest_graph_succ_refine: "(modest_graph_succ_nfoldli, mop_graph_succ)  modest_graph_rel N  node_rel' N  node_rel' Nlist_relnres_rel"
    unfolding mop_graph_succ_def modest_graph_rel_def
    apply (refine_vcg) 
    subgoal for gi g ui u
      apply (cases gi)
      apply clarsimp
      apply (rule order_trans[OF modest_graph_structure_succs_nfoldli_refine_aux])
      apply(auto simp: in_br_conv modest_graph_invar_def)[2]
      apply simp
      apply (rule order_trans[OF modest_graph_invar.modest_graph_succ_refine_aux])
      apply (auto simp: in_br_conv modest_graph_invar_def)[2]
        subgoal for S T B
        apply (clarsimp simp: in_br_conv b_rel_list_rel intro!: nth_to_list_all dest!: nth_mem) 
        using modest_graph_invar.succ_in_bound[of N "(S,T,B)", simplified ] 
          modest_graph_invar.NS_DEF[of N "(S,T,B)", simplified ] 
        by(auto simp: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps list_all_iff)
  text The actual refinement to LLVM is, again, straightforward  
  sepref_def modest_graph_succ_ll is "uncurry modest_graph_succ_nfoldli" :: "(modest_graph_assn_aux)k *a (snat_assn' TYPE(node_T))k a stack_assn' TYPE(size_T) (snat_assn' TYPE(node_T))"
    supply [[goals_limit = 3]]
    supply [sepref_bounds_dest] = modest_graph_assn_boundsD shared_nat_rel_snat_boundD
    unfolding modest_graph_succ_nfoldli_def singleton_list_append
    unfolding stack_fold_custom_empty[where 'l = size_T] nfoldli_upt_by_while list_all_length
    apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE(size_T)")
    apply sepref

  subsection Combining Concrete and Intermediate Level Refinements
  definition "modest_graph_assn N = hr_comp modest_graph_assn_aux (modest_graph_rel N)"

    notes [fcomp_norm_unfold] = modest_graph_assn_def[symmetric] stack_node_assn_shift_bound

    lemmas mop_Modest_graph_succ_hnr[sepref_fr_rules] = modest_graph_succ_ll.refine[FCOMP modest_graph_succ_refine]

