Theory Sorting_Final_insertion_Sort
theory Sorting_Final_insertion_Sort
imports Sorting_Quicksort_Scheme Sorting_Unguarded_Insertion_Sort
context weak_ordering begin
definition "final_insertion_sort xs ≡ doN {
ASSERT (1 < length xs);
if length xs ≤ is_threshold then
gen_insertion_sort True 1 (length xs) xs
else doN {
xs ← gen_insertion_sort True 1 is_threshold xs;
gen_insertion_sort False is_threshold (length xs) xs
lemma transfer_guard_over_initial_sorting:
assumes PS: "part_sorted_wrt (le_by_lt (❙<)) n xs"
assumes B: "length xs' = length xs" "0<n" "n ≤ i" "i < length xs"
assumes DEQ: "drop n xs' = drop n xs"
assumes SORTED: "sort_spec (❙<) (slice 0 n xs) (slice 0 n xs')"
assumes LT: "xs' ! i ❙< xs' ! 0"
shows False
proof -
from part_sorted_guardedI[OF PS ‹n≤i› ‹i < length xs›] have GUARD: "xs!0 ❙≤ xs!i"
by (auto simp: le_by_lt)
have [simp]: "xs!i = xs'!i" using B DEQ by (metis atLeastLessThan_iff conv_idxs_to_drop_eq)
have "xs!0 ∈# mset (slice 0 n xs)" using B
apply (auto simp: Misc.slice_def)
by (metis atLeast0LessThan image_eqI le_less_trans lessThan_iff less_imp_le_nat nth_image)
hence "xs!0 ∈# mset (slice 0 n xs')" using SORTED unfolding sort_spec_def by auto
then obtain j where "j<n" and [simp]: "xs!0=xs'!j" using B by (auto simp: in_set_conv_nth slice_nth)
have "xs'!0 ❙≤ xs'!j" using SORTED B ‹j<n›
apply (cases "j=0")
apply simp
unfolding sort_spec_def by (auto simp: le_by_lt sorted_wrt_iff_nth_less slice_nth)
then show False using LT GUARD
apply simp
using local.trans wo_leD by blast
lemma final_insertion_sort_correct:
"⟦part_sorted_wrt (le_by_lt (❙<)) is_threshold xs; 1 < length xs⟧ ⟹ final_insertion_sort xs ≤ SPEC (sort_spec (❙<) xs)"
unfolding final_insertion_sort_def
apply (refine_vcg gen_insertion_sort_correct[THEN order_trans])
apply simp_all
subgoal apply (rule sorted_wrt01) by auto
unfolding slice_sort_spec_def apply refine_vcg
apply (auto simp: ) using slice_complete by metis
subgoal apply (rule sorted_wrt01) by auto
unfolding slice_sort_spec_def
apply (refine_vcg gen_insertion_sort_correct[THEN order_trans])
apply (simp_all)
subgoal by (simp add: Misc.slice_def sort_spec_def)
subgoal for xs'
apply (clarsimp)
by (auto intro!: transfer_guard_over_initial_sorting)
subgoal unfolding slice_sort_spec_def apply refine_vcg
apply (auto simp: sort_spec_def)
apply (metis Misc.slice_def append_take_drop_id drop0 drop_take slice_complete union_code)
by (metis slice_complete)
definition "final_insertion_sort2 xs l h ≡ doN {
ASSERT (l<h);
if h-l ≤ is_threshold then
gen_insertion_sort2 True l (l+1) h xs
else doN {
xs ← gen_insertion_sort2 True l (l+1) (l+is_threshold) xs;
gen_insertion_sort2 False l (l+is_threshold) h xs
lemma final_insertion_sort2_refine: "⟦(xsi,xs) ∈ slicep_rel l h⟧
⟹ final_insertion_sort2 xsi l h ≤ ⇓(slice_rel xsi l h) (final_insertion_sort xs)"
unfolding final_insertion_sort2_def final_insertion_sort_def
apply (refine_rcg gen_insertion_sort2_refine)
apply clarsimp_all
apply (auto simp: slicep_rel_def idx_shift_rel_def) [7]
apply (subst slice_rel_rebase, assumption)
apply (refine_rcg gen_insertion_sort2_refine)
apply (auto simp: slice_rel_alt idx_shift_rel_def slicep_rel_def)
lemma final_insertion_sort2_correct:
assumes [simplified, simp]: "(xs',xs)∈Id" "(l',l)∈Id" "(h',h)∈Id"
shows "final_insertion_sort2 xs' l' h' ≤ final_sort_spec xs l h"
proof (simp,rule le_nofailI)
assume "nofail (final_sort_spec xs l h)"
hence PS: "part_sorted_wrt (le_by_lt (❙<)) is_threshold (slice l h xs)"
and LB: "h-l>1" "h ≤ length xs"
unfolding final_sort_spec_def slice_sort_spec_def by (auto simp add: refine_pw_simps)
from LB have LENGT1: "1 < length (slice l h xs)" by auto
have SLR: "(xs, slice l h xs) ∈ slicep_rel l h" using LB
by (auto simp: slicep_rel_def)
note final_insertion_sort2_refine[OF SLR]
also note final_insertion_sort_correct[OF PS LENGT1]
also note slice_sort_spec_refine_sort'_sym[OF SLR refl refl refl]
also have "slice_sort_spec (❙<) xs l h ≤ final_sort_spec xs l h"
unfolding final_sort_spec_def using PS LB by simp
finally show "final_insertion_sort2 xs l h ≤ final_sort_spec xs l h" .
context sort_impl_context begin
sepref_register final_insertion_sort2
sepref_def final_insertion_sort_impl is "uncurry2 (PR_CONST final_insertion_sort2)"
:: "[λ_. True]⇩c (woarray_slice_assn elem_assn)⇧d *⇩a size_assn⇧k *⇩a size_assn⇧k
→ woarray_slice_assn elem_assn [λ((ai,_),_) r. r=ai]⇩c"
unfolding final_insertion_sort2_def PR_CONST_def
apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE(size_t)")
by sepref
context parameterized_weak_ordering begin
definition "final_insertion_sort_param cparam xs l h ≡ doN {
ASSERT (l<h);
if h-l ≤ is_threshold then
gen_insertion_sort_param True cparam l (l+1) h xs
else doN {
xs ← gen_insertion_sort_param True cparam l (l+1) (l+is_threshold) xs;
gen_insertion_sort_param False cparam l (l+is_threshold) h xs
lemma final_insertion_sort_param_refine[refine]: "⟦
(l',l)∈Id; (h',h)∈Id; (xs',xs)∈cdom_list_rel cparam
⟧ ⟹ final_insertion_sort_param cparam xs' l' h'
≤ ⇓(cdom_list_rel cparam) (WO.final_insertion_sort2 cparam xs l h)"
unfolding final_insertion_sort_param_def WO.final_insertion_sort2_def
apply refine_rcg
apply auto
context parameterized_sort_impl_context begin
sepref_register final_insertion_sort_param
sepref_def final_insertion_sort_param_impl is "uncurry3 (PR_CONST final_insertion_sort_param)"
:: "[λ_. True]⇩c cparam_assn⇧k *⇩a wo_assn⇧d *⇩a size_assn⇧k *⇩a size_assn⇧k
→ wo_assn [λ(((_,ai),_),_) r. r=ai]⇩c"
unfolding final_insertion_sort_param_def PR_CONST_def
apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE(size_t)")
by sepref