Theory Generic_Memory

section Memory Model
theory Generic_Memory
imports NEMonad
  subsection Miscellaneous
  definition "i_nth xs i  if i{0..<int (length xs)} then xs!nat i else undefined"  
  definition "i_upd xs i x  if i{0..<int (length xs)} then xs[nat i:=x] else xs"
  lemma i_nth_simp[simp]: 
    "0i  nat i < length xs  i_nth xs i = xs!nat i"
    "i<0  i_nth xs i = undefined"
    "length xs  nat i  i_nth xs i = undefined"
    by (auto simp: i_nth_def)
  lemma i_upd_simp[simp]: 
    "0i  nat i < length xs  i_upd xs i v = xs[nat i:=v]"
    "i<0  i_upd xs i v = xs"
    "length xs  nat i  i_upd xs i v = xs"
    "length (i_upd xs i v) = length xs"
    by (auto simp: i_upd_def)
  lemma i_get_upd_lens_laws[simp]:  
    "0i  nat i<length xs  i_nth (i_upd xs i x) i= x"
    "i_upd xs i (i_nth xs i) = xs"
    "i_upd (i_upd xs i y) i x = i_upd xs i x"
    "ij  i_nth (i_upd xs i x) j = i_nth xs j"
    by (auto simp: i_upd_def i_nth_def)

  definition list_combine where
    "list_combine xs1 I xs2  map (λi. if iI then xs2!i else xs1!i) [0..<length xs1 ]"
  lemma nth_undefined: "¬i<length xs  xs!i = undefined (i-length xs)"
    apply (induction xs arbitrary: i)
    apply (simp add: nth_def)
    by auto
  lemma list_combine_nth: "length xs1 = length xs2  list_combine xs1 I xs2 ! i = (if iI then xs2!i else xs1!i)"  
    unfolding list_combine_def
    apply (cases "i<length xs2")
    subgoal by (auto simp: )
    subgoal by (simp add: nth_undefined)

  lemma list_combine_length[simp]: "length (list_combine xs1 I xs2) = length xs1"  
    by (auto simp: list_combine_def)
  lemma list_combine_inth: "length xs1 = length xs2  i_nth (list_combine xs1 I xs2) i = (if nat iI then i_nth xs2 i else i_nth xs1 i)"  
    apply (cases "0i"; simp)
    apply (cases "nat i < length xs1"; auto simp: list_combine_nth)

  subsection Memory Type Definition
  text We define the memory model abstracted over the value type first.
    Only later, we instantiate the value type with LLVM specific values
  datatype 'v block = FRESH | FREED | is_alloc: ALLOC (vals: "'v list")
  hide_const (open) is_alloc vals

  text For technical reasons, we use integers as indexes. These are, however, always positive.
  datatype addr = ADDR (block: nat) (index: int) 
  hide_const (open) block index
  class infinite =
    assumes infinite_UNIV[simp,intro!]: "¬ finite (UNIV :: 'a set)"

  instance nat :: infinite  
    apply standard
    by simp
  type_synonym block_idx = nat  
  typedef 'v memory = "{ f :: block_idx  'v block . finite {a. f a  FRESH} }" 
    by (auto intro: exI[where x="λ_. FRESH"])

  setup_lifting type_definition_memory  

  text We define a get (mapp) and map (mmap) function for blocks of memory. 
    These will be used as the only interface to the memory type from now on.
  lift_definition mapp :: "'v memory  block_idx  'v block" is "λm a. m a" .
  lift_definition mmap :: "'v memory  block_idx  ('v block  'v block)  'v memory" is "λm a f. m(a := f (m a))"
  proof goal_cases
    case (1 f a fx)
    thm 1
    have "{aa. (f(a := block)) aa  FRESH}  insert a {a. f a  FRESH}" for block
      by auto
    moreover from 1 have "finite " by auto
    ultimately show ?case by (meson finite_subset)
  lemma mapp_mmap[simp]: "mapp (mmap f a g) = (mapp f)(a:=g (mapp f a))"
    apply transfer
    by auto

  lemma mext: "f=f'  (a. mapp f a = mapp f' a)"
    apply transfer
    by auto

  subsection Block State  
  definition "block_size m b  case mapp m b of 
    ALLOC vs  length vs
  | _  0"

  abbreviation "is_FRESH m b  mapp m b = FRESH"  
  abbreviation "is_ALLOC m b  block.is_alloc (mapp m b)"  
  abbreviation "is_FREED m b  mapp m b = FREED"  

  lemma block_size_noblock[simp]:
    "is_FRESH m b  block_size m b = 0"
    "is_FREED m b  block_size m b = 0"
    "¬is_ALLOC m b  block_size m b = 0"
    by (auto simp: block_size_def split: block.splits)
  lemma is_ALLOC_conv: "is_ALLOC s b  ¬is_FREED s b  ¬is_FRESH s b"  
    apply auto
    using block.exhaust_disc by blast
  lemma is_block_state_simps: 
    "is_FREED s b  ¬is_ALLOC s b  ¬is_FRESH s b"
    "is_FRESH s b  ¬is_ALLOC s b  ¬is_FREED s b"
    by (auto)
  subsection Accessing Memory via Addresses  
  definition "get_addr m a  
    case a of ADDR b i  i_nth (block.vals (mapp m b)) i
  text The put› function is closed to do nothing on invalid addresses. 
    This removes a lot of side-conditions from the lens laws below, 
    making them simpler to reason with.
  definition "put_addr m a x  
    case a of ADDR b i  mmap m b (λALLOC vs  ALLOC (i_upd vs i x) | c  c )

  lemma block_size_put[simp]:
    "block_size (put_addr m a x) b = block_size m b"
    unfolding block_size_def put_addr_def 
    by (auto split: addr.splits block.splits simp: mext)
  lemma addr_put_get[simp]: "put_addr m a (get_addr m a) = m"
    and addr_put_put[simp]: "put_addr (put_addr m a y) a x = put_addr m a x"
    unfolding get_addr_def put_addr_def 
    by (auto split: addr.splits block.splits simp: mext)
  definition "is_valid_addr m a  
    case a of ADDR b i  0i  nat i < block_size m b"  
  lemma is_valid_addr_alt: "is_valid_addr m a = (case a of ADDR b i  is_ALLOC m b  0i  nat i < block_size m b)"  
    by (auto simp: is_valid_addr_def block_size_def split: addr.splits block.split)

  definition "is_valid_ptr_addr m a  
    case a of ADDR b i  is_ALLOC m b  0i  nat i  block_size m b"  
  text Lens laws  
  lemma addr_get_put[simp]: "is_valid_addr m a  get_addr (put_addr m a x) a = x"
    and addr_put_valid[simp]: "is_valid_addr (put_addr m a x) a'  is_valid_addr m a'"
    and addr_put_ptr_valid[simp]: "is_valid_ptr_addr (put_addr m a x) a'  is_valid_ptr_addr m a'"
    unfolding is_valid_addr_def is_valid_ptr_addr_def block_size_def get_addr_def put_addr_def
    by (auto split: addr.splits block.splits)
  lemma addr_indep[simp]: " is_valid_addr m a1; is_valid_addr m a2; a1a2  get_addr (put_addr m a1 x) a2 = get_addr m a2"    
    unfolding is_valid_addr_def get_addr_def put_addr_def 
    by (auto split: addr.splits block.splits simp: mext nth_list_update')
  subsection Allocating and Freeing  
  definition "addr_alloc vs b m  mmap m b (λ_. ALLOC vs)"  
  definition "addr_free b m  mmap m b (λ_. FREED)"  

  lemma addr_alloc_state[simp]:
    "is_FRESH (addr_alloc vs b m) b'  b'b  is_FRESH m b'"  
    "is_ALLOC (addr_alloc vs b m) b'  b'=b  is_ALLOC m b'"  
    "is_FREED (addr_alloc vs b m) b'  b'b  is_FREED m b'"
    by (auto simp: addr_alloc_def)
  lemma addr_free_state[simp]:
    "is_FRESH (addr_free b m) b'  b'b  is_FRESH m b'"  
    "is_ALLOC (addr_free b m) b'  b'b  is_ALLOC m b'"  
    "is_FREED (addr_free b m) b'  b'=b  is_FREED m b'"
    by (auto simp: addr_free_def)
  lemma put_addr_state[simp]:
    "is_FRESH (put_addr m a x) b'  is_FRESH m b'"  
    "is_ALLOC (put_addr m a x) b'  is_ALLOC m b'"  
    "is_FREED (put_addr m a x) b'  is_FREED m b'"
    by (auto simp: put_addr_def split: addr.splits block.splits)
  lemma bs_alloc[simp]: "block_size (addr_alloc vs b m) b' = (if b=b' then length vs else block_size m b')"
    by (auto simp: block_size_def addr_alloc_def)
  lemma bs_free[simp]: "block_size (addr_free b m) b' = (if b=b' then 0 else block_size m b')"
    by (auto simp: block_size_def addr_free_def)
  lemma get_addr_alloc[simp]: "get_addr (addr_alloc vs b m) a = (if addr.block a = b then i_nth vs (addr.index a) else get_addr m a)"
    by (cases a; auto simp: get_addr_def addr_alloc_def)
  lemma valid_addr_alloc[simp]: "is_valid_addr (addr_alloc vs b m) a = (if addr.block a = b then 0addr.index a  nat (addr.index a) < length vs else is_valid_addr m a)"
    by (cases a; auto simp: is_valid_addr_def)

  lemma valid_ptr_addr_alloc[simp]: "is_valid_ptr_addr (addr_alloc vs b m) a = (if addr.block a = b then 0addr.index a  nat (addr.index a)  length vs else is_valid_ptr_addr m a)"
    by (cases a; auto simp: is_valid_ptr_addr_def)
  lemma get_addr_free[simp]: "addr.block a  b  get_addr (addr_free b m) a = get_addr m a"
    by (cases a; auto simp: get_addr_def addr_free_def)
  lemma valid_addr_free[simp]: 
    "is_valid_addr (addr_free b m) a = (addr.block a  b  is_valid_addr m a)"
    "is_valid_ptr_addr (addr_free b m) a = (addr.block a  b  is_valid_ptr_addr m a)"
    by (cases a; auto simp: is_valid_addr_def is_valid_ptr_addr_def)+
  subsection Combining Memories  
  text The definition of the raw combine operator is asymmetric,
    using the first memory by default, except for some specified blocks and addresses.
    Symmetry is only proved later, when we know that the combined memories have actually evolved by
    consistent, race-free executions.
  fun block_combine where
    "block_combine FRESH I c = c"
  | "block_combine c I FRESH = c"
  | "block_combine FREED I c = FREED"
  | "block_combine c I FREED = FREED"
  | "block_combine (ALLOC vs1) I (ALLOC vs2) = ALLOC (list_combine vs1 I vs2)"
  lemma block_combine_add_simps[simp]:
    "block_combine c I FRESH = c"
    "block_combine FREED I c = FREED"
    "block_combine c I FREED = FREED"
    by (cases c; simp)+
  lift_definition mcombine :: "('v) memory  (addr set)  ('v) memory  ('v) memory" is
    "λm1 A m2 b. block_combine (m1 b) { nat i | i. 0i  ADDR b i  A} (m2 b)"
    subgoal for f1 A f2
    proof goal_cases
      case 1
      have "{b. block_combine (f1 b) {nat i | i. 0i  ADDR b i  A} (f2 b)  FRESH}  {a. f1 a  FRESH}  {a. f2 a  FRESH}"
        by auto
      from finite_subset[OF this] 1 show ?case by auto
  lemma mapp_combine[simp]: "mapp (mcombine m1 A m2) b = block_combine (mapp m1 b) { nat i | i. 0i  ADDR b i  A} (mapp m2 b)"
    apply transfer
    by auto  

  lemma finite_non_fresh: "finite {a. mapp f a  FRESH}"  
    apply transfer
  lemma ex_fresh: "finite A  a-A. mapp m a = FRESH"
    apply transfer
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) finite_compl infinite_UNIV rev_finite_subset subset_Collect_conv)

  subsection Valid State Transitions of Memory Blocks  
  text Blocks can only transition from fresh to allocated to freed, and 
    allocated blocks cannot change their size.
  definition "block_state_trans c c'  
    (block.is_alloc c  (block.is_alloc c'  length (block.vals c') = length (block.vals c))  c'=FREED)
   (c=FREED  c'=FREED)"

  (* Alternative characterization: *)  
  inductive block_state_trans1 where
    "block_state_trans1 FRESH (ALLOC vs)" 
  | "length vs' = length vs  block_state_trans1 (ALLOC vs) (ALLOC vs')" 
  | "block_state_trans1 (ALLOC vs) FREED"
  (* TODO: Move *)  
  lemma r2_into_rtranclp: "P a b  P b c  P** a c" by auto
  lemma block_state_trans_alt: "block_state_trans c c' = block_state_trans1** c c'"
    show "block_state_trans1** c c'  block_state_trans c c'"
      apply (induction rule: rtranclp.induct)
      unfolding block_state_trans_def
      by (auto elim: block_state_trans1.cases)
    show "block_state_trans c c'  block_state_trans1** c c'"  
      unfolding block_state_trans_def
      apply (cases c; cases c'; simp)
      apply (auto intro: r2_into_rtranclp block_state_trans1.intros)
  lemma block_state_trans_simps[simp]:
    "block_state_trans c c"
    "block_state_trans FRESH c"
    "block_state_trans c FREED"
    "block_state_trans (ALLOC vs) (ALLOC vs')  length vs' = length vs"
    "block_state_trans FREED c'  c'=FREED"
    by (auto simp: block_state_trans_def)
  lemma block_state_trans_trans[trans]: "block_state_trans c c'  block_state_trans c' c''  block_state_trans c c''"  
    by (auto simp: block_state_trans_def)
  definition "valid_block_trans m m' b  
      (is_ALLOC m b  (is_ALLOC m' b  block_size m' b = block_size m b)  is_FREED m' b)
     (is_FREED m b  is_FREED m' b)"  
  lemma valid_block_trans_alt: "valid_block_trans m m' b  block_state_trans (mapp m b) (mapp m' b)"  
    unfolding valid_block_trans_def block_state_trans_def block_size_def
    by (auto split: block.split)

  lemma valid_block_trans_refl[simp]:
    "valid_block_trans m m b"
    by (auto simp: valid_block_trans_def)
  lemma valid_block_trans_trans[trans]: "valid_block_trans c c' b  valid_block_trans c' c'' b  valid_block_trans c c'' b"  
    unfolding valid_block_trans_def
    by (auto simp: valid_block_trans_def)
  lemma valid_block_trans_alloc[simp]: "is_FRESH m b  valid_block_trans m (addr_alloc vs b m) b'"  
    by (auto simp: valid_block_trans_def)
  lemma valid_block_trans_free[simp]: "is_ALLOC m b  valid_block_trans m (addr_free b m) b'"  
    by (auto simp: valid_block_trans_def)
  lemma valid_block_trans_put[simp]: "valid_block_trans m (put_addr m a x) b'"  
    by (auto simp: valid_block_trans_def)
  text Blocks allocated (and potentially freed again) in execution from m› to m'› 
  definition "alloc_blocks m m'  {b . is_FRESH m b  ¬is_FRESH m' b}"

  text Blocks freed in execution from m› to m'› 
  definition "freed_blocks m m'  {b . ¬is_FREED m b  is_FREED m' b}"
  lemma alloc_blocks_refl[simp]: "alloc_blocks m m = {}"
    by (auto simp: alloc_blocks_def)

  lemma freed_blocks_refl[simp]: "freed_blocks m m = {}"
    by (auto simp: freed_blocks_def)

  subsection Access Reports
  datatype acc = ACC_REPORT 
    (r: "addr set")   ― ‹Read addresses
    (w: "addr set")   ― ‹Written addresses
    (a: "block_idx set")  ― ‹Allocated blocks
    (f: "block_idx set")  ― ‹Freed blocks
  hide_const (open) r w a f
  abbreviation "acc_r r  ACC_REPORT {r} {} {} {}" 
  abbreviation "acc_w w  ACC_REPORT {} {w} {} {}" 
  abbreviation "acc_a a  ACC_REPORT {} {}  {a} {}" 
  abbreviation "acc_f f  ACC_REPORT {} {}  {} {f}" 
  instantiation acc :: comm_monoid_add
    definition "0 = ACC_REPORT {} {} {} {}"
    definition "a+b  case (a,b) of (ACC_REPORT ra wa aa fa, ACC_REPORT rb wb ab fb) 
      ACC_REPORT (rarb) (wawb) (aaab) (fafb)"

       apply standard     
       unfolding zero_acc_def plus_acc_def
       by (auto split: acc.split)
  lemma acc_zero_simps[simp]:  
    "acc.r 0 = {}"  
    "acc.w 0 = {}"  
    "acc.a 0 = {}"  
    "acc.f 0 = {}"  
    by (auto split: acc.split simp: zero_acc_def)
  lemma acc_plus_simps[simp]:
    "acc.r (a+b) = acc.r a  acc.r b"  
    "acc.w (a+b) = acc.w a  acc.w b"  
    "acc.a (a+b) = acc.a a  acc.a b"  
    "acc.f (a+b) = acc.f a  acc.f b"  
    by (auto split: acc.split simp: plus_acc_def)
  abbreviation "split_acc i  (
    acc.r i, 
    acc.w i, 
    acc.a i, 
    acc.f i

  subsubsection Consistency with Memory Change
  text Reported ACC_REPORT is consistent with observable state change. 
    Also includes that state change itself is consistent.
  definition "acc_consistent s i s'  
    let (r,w,a,f) = split_acc i in
      ― ‹Referred to blocks must exist or have existed in final state, and cannot be freed in initial state
      (b  addr.block`(rw)  a  f. ¬is_FRESH s' b  ¬is_FREED s b) 
      ― ‹Read and written addresses must be valid
     (addrrw. is_ALLOC s (addr.block addr)  is_valid_addr s addr)  
     (addrrw. is_ALLOC s' (addr.block addr)  is_valid_addr s' addr)  
      ― ‹Cell state makes valid transitions only
     (b. valid_block_trans s s' b)
      ― ‹Allocated and freed blocks consistent with state transition
     a = alloc_blocks s s' 
     f = freed_blocks s s'
      ― ‹Addresses not freed nor written must be unchanged
     (a. is_valid_addr s a  is_valid_addr s' a  aw  get_addr s a = get_addr s' a)

  text For convenience, we define locales for consistent executions
  locale acc_consistent_loc =
    fixes s i s'
    assumes consistent: "acc_consistent s i s'"
    abbreviation "r  acc.r i"
    abbreviation "w  acc.w i"
    abbreviation "a  acc.a i"
    abbreviation "f  acc.f i"
    abbreviation "m  acc.w i  {addr. addr.block addr  f}"

    abbreviation "allocated_addrs_approx  {addr. addr.block addr  a}"
    abbreviation "freed_addrs_approx  {addr. addr.block addr  f}"
    lemma valid_block_trans: 
      "valid_block_trans s s' b"
      using consistent unfolding acc_consistent_def by auto
    lemma acc_a_alloc: 
      "a = alloc_blocks s s'"  
      using consistent unfolding acc_consistent_def by auto
    lemma acc_f_freed: 
      "f = freed_blocks s s'"  
      using consistent unfolding acc_consistent_def by auto
    lemma acc_ref_not_fresh:  
      "baddr.block ` (r  w)  a  f  mapp s' b  FRESH"
      using consistent unfolding acc_consistent_def by auto

    lemma acc_ref_not_freed:  
      "baddr.block ` (r  w)  a  f  mapp s b  FREED"
      using consistent unfolding acc_consistent_def by auto
    lemma acc_nw_untouched:  
      "is_valid_addr s addr  is_valid_addr s' addr  addr  w  get_addr s' addr = get_addr s addr"
      using consistent unfolding acc_consistent_def by auto

    lemma valid_if_not_freed: "is_valid_addr s addr  addr.block addr  f  is_valid_addr s' addr"
      apply (cases addr; clarsimp)
      subgoal for b i
        using valid_block_trans[of b]
        unfolding is_valid_addr_def valid_block_trans_def
        by (auto simp: acc_f_freed freed_blocks_def)

    lemma rw_valid_s:  
      "addrrw  is_ALLOC s (addr.block addr)  is_valid_addr s addr"
      using consistent unfolding acc_consistent_def by auto
    lemma rw_valid_s':  
      "addrrw  is_ALLOC s' (addr.block addr)  is_valid_addr s' addr"
      using consistent unfolding acc_consistent_def by auto
    lemma addr_orig_val: "is_valid_addr s addr  addr.block addr  f  addrw 
       is_valid_addr s' addr  get_addr s' addr = get_addr s addr"
      using acc_nw_untouched valid_if_not_freed by blast
    lemma valid_trans_imps:
      "is_FREED s b  is_FREED s' b"  
      "is_ALLOC s b  is_ALLOC s' b  is_FREED s' b"  
      "is_FRESH s' b  is_FRESH s b"  
      using valid_block_trans[of b]
      apply (auto simp: valid_block_trans_def)
      using block.exhaust_disc by blast

    lemma is_ALLOC'_eq: "is_ALLOC s' b  bf  (is_ALLOC s b  b  a)"  
      unfolding acc_a_alloc acc_f_freed alloc_blocks_def freed_blocks_def
      apply simp
      by (metis block.disc(2) block.exhaust_disc valid_trans_imps(1) valid_trans_imps(2))
    lemma is_FRESH'_eq: "is_FRESH s' b  ba  is_FRESH s b"  
      unfolding acc_a_alloc acc_f_freed alloc_blocks_def freed_blocks_def
      apply simp
      using valid_trans_imps(3) by blast
    lemma is_FREED'_eq: "is_FREED s' b  is_FREED s b  bf"  
      unfolding acc_a_alloc acc_f_freed alloc_blocks_def freed_blocks_def
      apply simp
      using valid_trans_imps(1) by blast

    lemma rw_valid_or_alloc: "rw  Collect (is_valid_addr s)  {addr. addr.block addr  a}" 
      apply rule
      subgoal for addr
    proof (cases addr)
      case [simp]: (ADDR b i)
      assume A: "addr  r  w"
      with acc_ref_not_freed[of b] acc_ref_not_fresh[of b] 
      have "¬is_FREED s b" "¬is_FRESH s' b" by force+
      hence "ba  is_ALLOC s b" 
        by (auto simp: is_FRESH'_eq is_ALLOC_conv)
      then show ?thesis using rw_valid_s[OF A] by auto
    qed done

    lemma f_valid_or_alloc: "f  Collect (is_ALLOC s)  a"
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) Collect_mono_iff UnI2 freed_blocks_def acc_f_freed is_ALLOC_conv is_FRESH'_eq mem_Collect_eq sup_ge1 sup_set_def)
    lemma a_dj_alloc: "Collect (is_ALLOC s)  a = {}"  
      unfolding acc_a_alloc alloc_blocks_def
      by (auto)
    lemma a_dj_valid: "Collect (is_valid_addr s)  {addr. addr.block addr  a} = {}"  
      using a_dj_alloc unfolding is_valid_addr_alt
      by (auto split: addr.splits)
    lemma valid_addrs'_subset: "Collect (is_valid_addr s')  Collect (is_valid_addr s)  allocated_addrs_approx"
      apply (auto simp: acc_a_alloc)
      by (smt addr.case_eq_if block.disc(2) acc_a_alloc is_ALLOC'_eq 
              valid_block_trans  is_valid_addr_alt valid_block_trans_def)
    definition "allocated_addrs  Collect (is_valid_addr s') - Collect (is_valid_addr s)"      
    definition "freed_addrs  Collect (is_valid_addr s) - Collect (is_valid_addr s')"      
    lemma valid_s_not_alloc: "Collect (is_valid_addr s)  allocated_addrs = {}" 
      unfolding allocated_addrs_def by blast

    lemma valid_s'_not_freed: "Collect (is_valid_addr s')  freed_addrs = {}" 
      unfolding freed_addrs_def by blast
    lemma alloc_valid_s': "allocated_addrs  Collect (is_valid_addr s')" 
      unfolding allocated_addrs_def by blast

    lemma freed_valid_s: "freed_addrs  Collect (is_valid_addr s)" 
      unfolding freed_addrs_def by blast
    lemma alloc_dj_freed: "allocated_addrs  freed_addrs = {}"  
      unfolding freed_addrs_def allocated_addrs_def by blast
    lemma valid_s'_alt: "Collect (is_valid_addr s') = Collect (is_valid_addr s) - freed_addrs  allocated_addrs"
      unfolding allocated_addrs_def freed_addrs_def by auto
    lemma valid_s'_alt': "Collect (is_valid_addr s') = (Collect (is_valid_addr s)  allocated_addrs) - freed_addrs "
      unfolding allocated_addrs_def freed_addrs_def by auto
    (* Interference related to alloc/valid *)  
    lemma allocated_addrs_approx: "allocated_addrs  allocated_addrs_approx"
      by (simp add: Diff_subset_conv allocated_addrs_def valid_addrs'_subset)
    lemma freed_addrs_approx: "freed_addrs  freed_addrs_approx"
      using freed_addrs_def valid_if_not_freed by fastforce

    lemma f_dj_valid: "Collect (is_valid_addr s')  freed_addrs_approx = {}"  
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) addr.case_eq_if disjoint_iff is_ALLOC'_eq is_valid_addr_alt mem_Collect_eq)

  text Consistency is transitive    
  lemma acc_consistent_trans:  
    assumes "acc_consistent s i1 s1" 
    assumes "acc_consistent s1 i2 s2"  
    shows "acc_consistent s (i1 + i2) s2"
  proof -
    interpret c1: acc_consistent_loc s i1 s1 by unfold_locales fact
    interpret c2: acc_consistent_loc s1 i2 s2 by unfold_locales fact
    show ?thesis
      unfolding acc_consistent_def Let_def split
      apply (intro conjI allI ballI)
      subgoal for b
        using c1.acc_ref_not_fresh[of b] c2.acc_ref_not_fresh[of b]
        by (auto simp: c1.is_FRESH'_eq c2.is_FRESH'_eq)
      subgoal for b
        using c1.acc_ref_not_freed[of b] c2.acc_ref_not_freed[of b]
        by (auto simp: c1.is_FREED'_eq)
      subgoal for a
        using c1.rw_valid_s[of a] c1.rw_valid_s'[of a] c2.rw_valid_s[of a]
        apply clarsimp
        apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) Un_iff addr.case_eq_if c1.valid_block_trans c2.acc_ref_not_freed image_eqI is_valid_addr_def valid_block_trans_def)
      subgoal for a
        using c1.rw_valid_s'[of a] c2.rw_valid_s'[of a] c2.rw_valid_s[of a]
        apply clarsimp
        by (metis Un_iff c1.acc_ref_not_fresh c2.is_ALLOC'_eq c2.is_FREED'_eq c2.valid_if_not_freed block.exhaust_disc image_subset_iff sup_ge1)
        using c1.valid_block_trans c2.valid_block_trans valid_block_trans_trans by blast
        apply (simp add: c1.acc_a_alloc c2.acc_a_alloc alloc_blocks_def)
        by (auto simp: c1.is_FRESH'_eq c2.is_FRESH'_eq)
        apply (simp add: c1.acc_f_freed c2.acc_f_freed freed_blocks_def)
        by (auto simp: c1.is_FREED'_eq c2.is_FREED'_eq)
        by (smt (verit, del_insts) Un_iff addr.case_eq_if block_size_noblock(2) c1.acc_nw_untouched c1.is_FREED'_eq c1.valid_if_not_freed c2.acc_nw_untouched c2.is_FREED'_eq acc_plus_simps(2) is_valid_addr_def)

  subsection Parallel Execution
  subsubsection Feasibility and Data Race
  text Parallel state changes are feasible: the memory manager did not allocate the same blocks    
  definition "spar_feasible i1 i2  acc.a i1  acc.a i2 = {}"
  text Parallel executions have no race.
    Note, that this assumes that the ACC_REPORT report is consistent.
    See lemma acc_norace_strong› below for alternative definition 
    including allocated blocks.
  definition "acc_norace i1 i2  
    let (r1, w1, a1, f1) = split_acc i1 in
    let (r2, w2, a2, f2) = split_acc i2 in
    let m1 = w1  {a. addr.block a  f1} in
    let m2 = w2  {a. addr.block a  f2} in
      ― ‹Addresses read or modified by thread1 not modified by thread2
      (r1m1)  (m2) = {}
      ― ‹Addresses modified by thread1 not read or modified by thread2
     (m1)  (r2m2) = {}
  lemma spar_feasible_sym: "spar_feasible i1 i2 = spar_feasible i2 i1"  
    by (auto simp: spar_feasible_def)

  lemma acc_norace_sym: "acc_norace i1 i2 = acc_norace i2 i1"  
    by (simp add: acc_norace_def Let_def; fast)
  definition "combine_states s1 i2 s2  mcombine s1 (acc.w i2) s2"

  text Locale that assumes consistent, feasible parallel executions
  locale feasible_parallel_execution =
    fixes s s1 i1 s2 i2
    assumes c1[simp]: "acc_consistent s i1 s1"
    assumes c2[simp]: "acc_consistent s i2 s2"
    assumes feasible: "spar_feasible i1 i2"
    sublocale c1: acc_consistent_loc s i1 s1
      by unfold_locales (rule c1)
    sublocale c2: acc_consistent_loc s i2 s2
      by unfold_locales (rule c2)

    abbreviation "r1  c1.r"
    abbreviation "w1  c1.w"
    abbreviation "a1  c1.a"
    abbreviation "f1  c1.f"
    abbreviation "r2  c2.r"
    abbreviation "w2  c2.w"
    abbreviation "a2  c2.a"
    abbreviation "f2  c2.f"

    abbreviation "valid_addrs_s  Collect (is_valid_addr s)"
    abbreviation "valid_blocks_s  Collect (is_ALLOC s)"
    lemma par_blocks_exist_before:
      assumes [simp]: "is_ALLOC s1 b" 
      assumes [simp]: "is_ALLOC s2 b"  
      shows "is_ALLOC s b"
    proof (cases "mapp s b")
      case [simp]: FRESH
      have "b  alloc_blocks s s1  alloc_blocks s s2"
        unfolding alloc_blocks_def by auto
      with feasible have False
        unfolding spar_feasible_def c1.acc_a_alloc c2.acc_a_alloc by auto
      then show ?thesis ..
      case FREED
      with c1.valid_block_trans[of b] have False unfolding valid_block_trans_def by auto
      then show ?thesis ..
      case (ALLOC vs)
      then show ?thesis by simp
    lemma par_blocks_same_length:
      assumes "is_ALLOC s1 b" 
      assumes "is_ALLOC s2 b"  
      shows "block_size s1 b = block_size s2 b"  
      by (metis assms(1) assms(2) c1.valid_block_trans c2.valid_block_trans block.disc(2) par_blocks_exist_before valid_block_trans_def)
    lemma block_size_combine[simp]: "block_size (mcombine s1 A s2) b = (
      if is_ALLOC s1 b  ¬is_FREED s2 b then block_size s1 b
      else if ¬is_FREED s1 b  is_ALLOC s2 b then block_size s2 b
      else 0
      apply (cases "mapp s1 b"; cases "mapp s2 b")
      apply (auto simp: block_size_def)
    lemma valid_mcombine[simp]: "is_valid_addr (mcombine s1 A s2) a  
        (is_valid_addr s1 a  ¬is_FREED s2 (addr.block a)) 
       (is_valid_addr s2 a  ¬is_FREED s1 (addr.block a))"
      apply (cases a)
      subgoal for b i
        apply (cases "mapp s1 b"; cases "mapp s2 b"; simp)
        unfolding is_valid_addr_def
        by (auto simp: par_blocks_same_length)

    subsection Consistency  
    abbreviation "s'  combine_states s1 i2 s2"                                              

    (* TODO: Move *)
    lemma block_combine_FRESH_iff[simp]: "block_combine c1 A c2 = FRESH  c1=FRESH  c2=FRESH"
      by (cases c1; cases c2; simp)

    lemma is_FRESH'_eq: "is_FRESH s' b  is_FRESH s1 b  is_FRESH s2 b  ba1a2"  
      by (auto simp: combine_states_def c1.is_FRESH'_eq c2.is_FRESH'_eq)
    lemma is_ALLOC'_eq: "is_ALLOC s' b  (bf1f2)  (ba1a2  is_ALLOC s b)"  
      apply (auto simp: combine_states_def)
      subgoal by (smt (verit, best) c1.is_FREED'_eq block.disc(2) block_combine_add_simps(2))
      subgoal by (metis (no_types, lifting) c2.is_FREED'_eq block.disc(2) block_combine_add_simps(3))
      subgoal by (smt (z3) c1.is_ALLOC'_eq c2.is_ALLOC'_eq block_combine.simps(1) block_combine_add_simps(2) is_ALLOC_conv)

      subgoal by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) alloc_blocks_def c1.acc_a_alloc c1.is_ALLOC'_eq c2.is_FREED'_eq block.distinct_disc(4) block.exhaust_disc block_combine_add_simps(1) mem_Collect_eq par_blocks_exist_before)
      subgoal by (smt (z3) c1.is_FREED'_eq c2.is_ALLOC'_eq c2.is_FREED'_eq block.exhaust_disc block_combine.simps(1) block_combine.simps(7) is_alloc_def) 
      subgoal by (metis (no_types, lifting) c1.is_ALLOC'_eq c2.is_ALLOC'_eq block_combine.simps(7) is_alloc_def)
    lemma is_FREED'_eq: "is_FREED s' b  bf1f2  is_FREED s b"  
      apply (auto simp: combine_states_def)
      subgoal using c1.is_FREED'_eq c2.is_FREED'_eq block_combine.elims by blast
      subgoal by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) c1.is_FREED'_eq block_combine_add_simps(2))
      subgoal by (smt (verit) c2.is_FREED'_eq block_combine_add_simps(3))
      subgoal by (simp add: c2.valid_trans_imps(1))
    lemma valid_addr': "is_valid_addr s' a  
        (is_valid_addr s1 a  addr.block a  f2) 
       (is_valid_addr s2 a  addr.block a  f1)"
      unfolding combine_states_def 
      apply clarsimp
      by (smt (verit, del_insts) addr.case_eq_if block_size_noblock(3) c1.acc_consistent_loc_axioms c1.acc_f_freed c2.acc_consistent_loc_axioms c2.acc_f_freed block.distinct(5) freed_blocks_def acc_consistent_loc.valid_block_trans is_alloc_def is_valid_addr_def mem_Collect_eq valid_block_trans_def zero_order(3))
    lemma get_addr_combine: 
      assumes "is_valid_addr s' a" 
      shows "get_addr s' a = (if aw2  addr.block a  a2 then get_addr s2 a else get_addr s1 a)"  
    proof (cases a)
      case [simp]: (ADDR b i)
      from assms have [simp]: "0i" unfolding is_valid_addr_def by auto
      show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "b  a2")
        case True
        hence "is_FRESH s1 b"
          by (smt (verit) alloc_blocks_def c1.acc_a_alloc c2.acc_a_alloc disjoint_iff feasible mem_Collect_eq spar_feasible_def)
        then show ?thesis
          using True
          by (auto simp add: combine_states_def get_addr_def)
        case [simp]: False
        show ?thesis proof (cases "ADDR b iw2")
          case [simp]: True

          have A2: "is_ALLOC s2 b"
            using assms ba2
            apply (simp add: valid_addr')
            apply (simp add: is_valid_addr_alt)
            apply auto
            by (metis True UnI1 Un_upper2 addr.sel(1) c1.valid_trans_imps(1) c2.acc_ref_not_fresh c2.is_FREED'_eq block.exhaust_disc image_eqI subsetD)
          have "is_ALLOC s b"
            by (smt (verit, best) False is_ALLOC s2 b alloc_blocks_def c2.acc_a_alloc c2.valid_block_trans block.exhaust_disc mem_Collect_eq valid_block_trans_def)

          have A1: "is_ALLOC s1 b"
            by (smt (verit, best) ADDR is_ALLOC s b assms block_size_combine c1.valid_block_trans combine_states_def is_valid_addr_alt not_less_zero valid_block_trans_def)
          show ?thesis using A1 A2
            apply (cases "mapp s1 b"; cases "mapp s2 b"; simp)
            apply (auto simp add: combine_states_def get_addr_def split: if_splits)
            by (smt (verit, best) A1 A2 ADDR True assms block_size_def block.simps(10) is_valid_addr_alt list_combine_inth mem_Collect_eq par_blocks_same_length)
          case [simp]: False
          show ?thesis proof (cases "is_FRESH s2 b")
            case True
            then show ?thesis 
              apply simp
              by (simp add: combine_states_def get_addr_def)
            case False
            have A2: "is_ALLOC s2 b"
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) ADDR False addr.case_eq_if addr.sel(1) assms block.exhaust_disc combine_states_def is_valid_addr_alt valid_mcombine)

            hence "is_ALLOC s b"
              by (simp add: c2.is_ALLOC'_eq)
            hence A1: "is_ALLOC s1 b"
              by (metis (no_types, lifting) ADDR addr.sel(1) assms c1.valid_trans_imps(2) combine_states_def is_valid_addr_alt valid_mcombine)
            have [simp]: "0i'  nat i = nat i'  i=i'" for i' using 0i
              by presburger
            show ?thesis using A1 A2
              apply (cases "mapp s1 b"; cases "mapp s2 b"; simp)
              apply (auto simp add: combine_states_def get_addr_def split: if_splits)
              apply (subst list_combine_inth)
              subgoal by (metis block_size_def block.disc(3) block.simps(10) par_blocks_same_length)
              apply auto
    lemma get_addr1_orig: "is_valid_addr s a; is_valid_addr s' a; a  w1  get_addr s1 a = get_addr s a"
      using c1.acc_nw_untouched c1.valid_if_not_freed valid_addr' by blast
    lemma get_addr2_orig: "is_valid_addr s a; is_valid_addr s' a; a  w2  get_addr s2 a = get_addr s a"
      using c2.addr_orig_val c2.acc_nw_untouched valid_addr' by blast
    lemmas get_addr_orig = get_addr1_orig get_addr2_orig
    lemma consistent': "acc_consistent s (i1+i2) s'"
      unfolding acc_consistent_def Let_def split
      apply (intro conjI allI ballI)
      subgoal for b
        using c1.acc_ref_not_fresh[of b] c2.acc_ref_not_fresh[of b]
        by (auto simp: is_FRESH'_eq)
      subgoal for b
        using c1.acc_ref_not_freed[of b] c2.acc_ref_not_freed[of b]
        by (auto simp: )
      subgoal for a
        using c1.rw_valid_s c2.rw_valid_s by auto
      subgoal for a
        using c1.rw_valid_s' c2.rw_valid_s' apply (clarsimp simp: is_ALLOC'_eq)
        by (metis Un_iff c1.acc_ref_not_fresh c1.is_ALLOC'_eq c1.is_FREED'_eq c2.acc_ref_not_fresh c2.is_ALLOC'_eq c2.is_FREED'_eq block.disc(2) block.exhaust_disc image_eqI valid_addr')
      subgoal for b ― ‹Valid block trans
        using c1.valid_block_trans[of b] c2.valid_block_trans[of b]
        by (cases "mapp s1 b"; cases "mapp s2 b"; cases "mapp s b"; simp add: valid_block_trans_def combine_states_def)
        by (auto simp: c1.acc_a_alloc c2.acc_a_alloc alloc_blocks_def is_FRESH'_eq)
        by (auto simp: c1.acc_f_freed c2.acc_f_freed freed_blocks_def is_FREED'_eq)
      subgoal for a ― ‹Non-written addresses untouched
        by (auto simp: get_addr_combine get_addr_orig)
    lemma alloc_block'_eq: "alloc_blocks s s' = alloc_blocks s s1  alloc_blocks s s2"
      using c1.acc_a_alloc c2.acc_a_alloc consistent' acc_consistent_loc.acc_a_alloc acc_consistent_loc.intro acc_plus_simps(3) by blast
    lemma alloc_disj: "a1  a2 = {}"
      using feasible spar_feasible_def by auto

    lemma alloc_free_dj: "a1f2 = {}"
        using alloc_disj c1.a_dj_alloc c2.f_valid_or_alloc by auto
    lemma free_alloc_dj: "f1a2 = {}"
        using alloc_disj c2.a_dj_alloc c1.f_valid_or_alloc by auto
    lemma alloc_addrs_approx_disj: "c1.allocated_addrs_approx  c2.allocated_addrs_approx = {}"
      using feasible spar_feasible_def by auto

    lemma alloc_addrs_disj: "c1.allocated_addrs  c2.allocated_addrs = {}"
      using alloc_addrs_approx_disj c1.allocated_addrs_approx c2.allocated_addrs_approx by blast

    lemma alloc_freed_addrs_approx_disj: 
      "c1.allocated_addrs_approx  c2.freed_addrs_approx = {}"
      "c2.allocated_addrs_approx  c1.freed_addrs_approx = {}"
      using alloc_free_dj free_alloc_dj by auto
    lemma alloc_freed_addrs_disj: 
      "c1.allocated_addrs  c2.freed_addrs = {}"
      "c2.allocated_addrs  c1.freed_addrs = {}"
      using c1.valid_s_not_alloc c2.freed_valid_s
      using c1.freed_valid_s c2.valid_s_not_alloc
       by auto

    (* Stronger version of no-race as lemma, 
      assuming acc_consistent + feasible!
    lemma acc_norace_strong:
      shows "acc_norace i1 i2 = (
      let m1 = w1  {a. addr.block a  a1  f1} in
      let m2 = w2  {a. addr.block a  a2  f2} in
        (r1m1)  (m2) = {}
       (m1)  (r2m2) = {})
      apply (simp add: Let_def acc_norace_def set_eq_iff)
      using alloc_addrs_approx_disj 
      c1.a_dj_valid c2.rw_valid_or_alloc
      c1.rw_valid_or_alloc c2.a_dj_valid
      free_alloc_dj alloc_free_dj
      by blast


  text Consistent, feasible, and race free parallel executions  
  locale valid_parallel_execution =
    fixes s s1 i1 s2 i2
    assumes c1[simp]: "acc_consistent s i1 s1"
    assumes c2[simp]: "acc_consistent s i2 s2"
    assumes feasible: "spar_feasible i1 i2"
    assumes norace: "acc_norace i1 i2"

    sublocale feasible_parallel_execution by (unfold_locales) (auto simp: feasible)
    lemma write_disjoint: "w1  w2 = {}"
      using norace unfolding acc_norace_def Let_def by auto

    subsection Symmetry  
    lemma combine_states_sym: "combine_states s1 i2 s2 = combine_states s2 i1 s1"
      apply (clarsimp simp: mext)
      subgoal for b
        unfolding combine_states_def
        apply simp
        apply (cases "mapp s1 b"; cases "mapp s2 b"; simp)
        proof goal_cases
          case [simp]: (1 vs1 vs2)
          (* TODO: we break the abstraction barrier of get_addr twice! *)
          obtain vs where [simp]: "mapp s b = ALLOC vs" 
            using par_blocks_exist_before[of b] 
            by (cases "mapp s b"; simp)
          have [simp]: "length vs1 = length vs" 
            using c1.valid_block_trans[of b] unfolding valid_block_trans_def block_size_def by auto
          have [simp]: "length vs2 = length vs"
            using c2.valid_block_trans[of b] unfolding valid_block_trans_def block_size_def by auto
          have [simp]:
            "get_addr s1 (ADDR b i) = i_nth vs1 i" 
            "get_addr s2 (ADDR b i) = i_nth vs2 i" 
            for i by (simp_all add: get_addr_def)
          have [simp]:
            "is_valid_addr s (ADDR b i)  0i  nat i<length vs" 
            "is_valid_addr s1 (ADDR b i)  0i  nat i<length vs" 
            "is_valid_addr s2 (ADDR b i)  0i  nat i<length vs" 
            for i   
            by (simp_all add: is_valid_addr_def block_size_def)
          show ?case
            using write_disjoint c1.acc_nw_untouched[of "ADDR b _"]
            using write_disjoint c2.acc_nw_untouched[of "ADDR b _"]
            apply (auto simp: list_eq_iff_nth_eq list_combine_nth eq_nat_nat_iff)
            by (metis int_nat_eq nat_int order_refl)
    lemma symmetric: "valid_parallel_execution s s2 i2 s1 i1"  
      apply unfold_locales
      using feasible spar_feasible_sym acc_norace_sym norace
      by auto
    lemma freed_disj: "f1  f2 = {}"  
      using norace unfolding acc_norace_def Let_def
      apply auto
      by (metis IntI UnI2 addr.sel(1) emptyE mem_Collect_eq)
    lemma freed_addrs_approx_disj: "c1.freed_addrs_approx  c2.freed_addrs_approx = {}"
      using freed_disj by fastforce 

    lemma freed_addrs_disj: "c1.freed_addrs  c2.freed_addrs = {}"
      using freed_addrs_approx_disj c1.freed_addrs_approx c2.freed_addrs_approx by blast
    lemma valid_addr'': "Collect (is_valid_addr s') =
      (Collect (is_valid_addr s1) - c2.freed_addrs)  (Collect (is_valid_addr s2) - c1.freed_addrs)"
      apply (auto simp: valid_addr')
        using c2.freed_addrs_approx by blast
        using c1.freed_addrs_approx by blast
        by (simp add: c1.freed_addrs_def)
        by (simp add: c2.freed_addrs_def)
        by (smt Diff_iff UnE alloc_blocks_def c2.freed_addrs_def c2.is_FREED'_eq block.distinct(2) disjoint_iff c1.acc_a_alloc c2.acc_a_alloc c1.valid_addrs'_subset mem_Collect_eq spar_feasible_def subsetD feasible)
      subgoal by (simp add: addr.case_eq_if c1.is_ALLOC'_eq is_valid_addr_alt)
        by (smt Diff_iff UnE alloc_blocks_def c1.freed_addrs_def c1.is_FREED'_eq block.distinct(2) disjoint_iff c1.acc_a_alloc c2.acc_a_alloc c2.valid_addrs'_subset mem_Collect_eq spar_feasible_def subsetD feasible)
      subgoal using freed_disj by blast

    lemma valid_addr'_outside_wa_eq_orig:
      assumes "is_valid_addr s' a" "a  w1" "addr.block a  a1" "a  w2" "addr.block a  a2"
      shows "get_addr s1 a = get_addr s a" "get_addr s2 a = get_addr s a"
        apply (rule get_addr1_orig)
        using assms
        apply auto
        using c1.allocated_addrs_approx c1.valid_s'_alt c2.allocated_addrs_approx c2.valid_s'_alt valid_addr' by auto
        apply (rule get_addr2_orig)
        using assms
        apply auto
        using c1.allocated_addrs_approx c1.valid_s'_alt c2.allocated_addrs_approx c2.valid_s'_alt valid_addr' by auto

    (* Properties of combine, for presentation in paper *)    

    lemma "is_FRESH s' b  is_FRESH s b  ba1a2"  
      by (metis Un_iff c1.is_FRESH'_eq c2.is_FRESH'_eq is_FRESH'_eq)
    lemma "is_ALLOC s' b  (is_ALLOC s b  ba1a2)  bf1  f2"
      using is_ALLOC'_eq by auto
    lemma "is_FREED s' b  (is_FREED s b  bf1f2)"  
      using is_FREED'_eq by auto

      fixes b i
      defines "a  ADDR b i"
      assumes "is_valid_addr s' a" 
      shows "aw2  ba2  get_addr s' a = get_addr s2 a"
        and "aw1  ba1  get_addr s' a = get_addr s1 a"
        and "aw1w2  ba1a2  get_addr s' a = get_addr s a"
      subgoal using assms(2) get_addr_combine local.a_def by auto
      subgoal by (metis addr.sel(1) assms(2) combine_states_sym feasible_parallel_execution.get_addr_combine feasible_parallel_execution.intro local.a_def local.symmetric valid_parallel_execution_def)
      subgoal using assms(2) get_addr_combine local.a_def valid_addr'_outside_wa_eq_orig(1) by auto
