Theory Word_Lib.Bits_Int

 * Copyright Brian Huffman, PSU; Jeremy Dawson and Gerwin Klein, NICTA
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

section Bitwise Operations on integers

theory Bits_Int

subsection Implicit bit representation of typint

lemma bin_last_def:
  "(odd :: int  bool) w  w mod 2 = 1"
  by (fact odd_iff_mod_2_eq_one)

lemma bin_last_numeral_simps [simp]:
  "¬ odd (0 :: int)"
  "odd (1 :: int)"
  "odd (- 1 :: int)"
  "odd (Numeral1 :: int)"
  "¬ odd (numeral (Num.Bit0 w) :: int)"
  "odd (numeral (Num.Bit1 w) :: int)"
  "¬ odd (- numeral (Num.Bit0 w) :: int)"
  "odd (- numeral (Num.Bit1 w) :: int)"
  by simp_all

lemma bin_rest_numeral_simps [simp]:
  "(λk::int. k div 2) 0 = 0"
  "(λk::int. k div 2) 1 = 0"
  "(λk::int. k div 2) (- 1) = - 1"
  "(λk::int. k div 2) Numeral1 = 0"
  "(λk::int. k div 2) (numeral (Num.Bit0 w)) = numeral w"
  "(λk::int. k div 2) (numeral (Num.Bit1 w)) = numeral w"
  "(λk::int. k div 2) (- numeral (Num.Bit0 w)) = - numeral w"
  "(λk::int. k div 2) (- numeral (Num.Bit1 w)) = - numeral (w + Num.One)"
  by simp_all

lemma bin_rl_eqI: "(λk::int. k div 2) x = (λk::int. k div 2) y; odd x = odd y  x = y"
  by (auto elim: oddE)

lemma [simp]:
  shows bin_rest_lt0: "(λk::int. k div 2) i < 0  i < 0"
  and  bin_rest_ge_0: "(λk::int. k div 2) i  0  i  0"
  by auto

lemma bin_rest_gt_0 [simp]: "(λk::int. k div 2) x > 0  x > 1"
  by auto

subsection Bit projection

lemma bin_nth_eq_iff: "(bit :: int  nat  bool) x = (bit :: int  nat  bool) y  x = y"
  by (simp add: bit_eq_iff fun_eq_iff)

lemma bin_eqI:
  "x = y" if "n. (bit :: int  nat  bool) x n  (bit :: int  nat  bool) y n"
  using that by (rule bit_eqI)

lemma bin_eq_iff: "x = y  (n. (bit :: int  nat  bool) x n = (bit :: int  nat  bool) y n)"
  by (metis bit_eq_iff)

lemma bin_nth_zero [simp]: "¬ (bit :: int  nat  bool) 0 n"
  by simp

lemma bin_nth_1 [simp]: "(bit :: int  nat  bool) 1 n  n = 0"
  by (cases n) (simp_all add: bit_Suc)

lemma bin_nth_minus1 [simp]: "(bit :: int  nat  bool) (- 1) n"
  by simp

lemma bin_nth_numeral: "(λk::int. k div 2) x = y  (bit :: int  nat  bool) x (numeral n) = (bit :: int  nat  bool) y (pred_numeral n)"
  by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc bit_Suc)

lemmas bin_nth_numeral_simps [simp] =
  bin_nth_numeral [OF bin_rest_numeral_simps(8)]

lemmas bin_nth_simps =
  bit_0 bit_Suc bin_nth_zero bin_nth_minus1

lemma nth_2p_bin: "(bit :: int  nat  bool) (2 ^ n) m = (m = n)" ― ‹for use when simplifying with bin_nth_Bit›
  by (auto simp add: bit_exp_iff)

lemma nth_rest_power_bin: "(bit :: int  nat  bool) (((λk::int. k div 2) ^^ k) w) n = (bit :: int  nat  bool) w (n + k)"
  apply (induct k arbitrary: n)
   apply clarsimp
  apply clarsimp
  apply (simp only: bit_Suc [symmetric] add_Suc)

lemma bin_nth_numeral_unfold:
  "(bit :: int  nat  bool) (numeral (num.Bit0 x)) n  n > 0  (bit :: int  nat  bool) (numeral x) (n - 1)"
  "(bit :: int  nat  bool) (numeral (num.Bit1 x)) n  (n > 0  (bit :: int  nat  bool) (numeral x) (n - 1))"
  by (cases n; simp)+

subsection Truncating

definition bin_sign :: "int  int"
  where "bin_sign k = (if k  0 then 0 else - 1)"

lemma bin_sign_simps [simp]:
  "bin_sign 0 = 0"
  "bin_sign 1 = 0"
  "bin_sign (- 1) = - 1"
  "bin_sign (numeral k) = 0"
  "bin_sign (- numeral k) = -1"
  by (simp_all add: bin_sign_def)

lemma bin_sign_rest [simp]: "bin_sign ((λk::int. k div 2) w) = bin_sign w"
  by (simp add: bin_sign_def)

lemma bintrunc_mod2p: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w = w mod 2 ^ n"
  by (fact take_bit_eq_mod)

lemma sbintrunc_mod2p: "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w = (w + 2 ^ n) mod 2 ^ Suc n - 2 ^ n"
  by (simp add: bintrunc_mod2p signed_take_bit_eq_take_bit_shift)

lemma sbintrunc_eq_take_bit:
  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n k = take_bit (Suc n) (k + 2 ^ n) - 2 ^ n
  by (fact signed_take_bit_eq_take_bit_shift)

lemma sign_bintr: "bin_sign ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w) = 0"
  by (simp add: bin_sign_def)

lemma bintrunc_n_0: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n 0 = 0"
  by (fact take_bit_of_0)

lemma sbintrunc_n_0: "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n 0 = 0"
  by (fact signed_take_bit_of_0)

lemma sbintrunc_n_minus1: "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (- 1) = -1"
  by (fact signed_take_bit_of_minus_1)

lemma bintrunc_Suc_numeral:
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) 1 = 1"
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) (- 1) = 1 + 2 * (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (- 1)"
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) (numeral (Num.Bit0 w)) = 2 * (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (numeral w)"
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) (numeral (Num.Bit1 w)) = 1 + 2 * (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (numeral w)"
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) (- numeral (Num.Bit0 w)) = 2 * (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (- numeral w)"
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) (- numeral (Num.Bit1 w)) = 1 + 2 * (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (- numeral (w + Num.One))"
  by (simp_all add: take_bit_Suc del: take_bit_minus_one_eq_mask)

lemma sbintrunc_0_numeral [simp]:
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) 0 1 = -1"
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) 0 (numeral (Num.Bit0 w)) = 0"
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) 0 (numeral (Num.Bit1 w)) = -1"
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) 0 (- numeral (Num.Bit0 w)) = 0"
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) 0 (- numeral (Num.Bit1 w)) = -1"
  by simp_all

lemma sbintrunc_Suc_numeral:
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) 1 = 1"
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) (numeral (Num.Bit0 w)) = 2 * (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (numeral w)"
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) (numeral (Num.Bit1 w)) = 1 + 2 * (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (numeral w)"
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) (- numeral (Num.Bit0 w)) = 2 * (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (- numeral w)"
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) (- numeral (Num.Bit1 w)) = 1 + 2 * (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (- numeral (w + Num.One))"
  by (simp_all add: signed_take_bit_Suc)

lemma bin_sign_lem: "(bin_sign ((signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n bin) = -1) = bit bin n"
  by (simp add: bin_sign_def)

lemma nth_bintr: "(bit :: int  nat  bool) ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) m w) n  n < m  (bit :: int  nat  bool) w n"
  by (fact bit_take_bit_iff)

lemma nth_sbintr: "(bit :: int  nat  bool) ((signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) m w) n = (if n < m then (bit :: int  nat  bool) w n else (bit :: int  nat  bool) w m)"
  by (simp add: bit_signed_take_bit_iff min_def)

lemma bin_nth_Bit0:
  "(bit :: int  nat  bool) (numeral (Num.Bit0 w)) n 
    (m. n = Suc m  (bit :: int  nat  bool) (numeral w) m)"
  using bit_double_iff [of numeral w :: int n]
  by (auto intro: exI [of _ n - 1])

lemma bin_nth_Bit1:
  "(bit :: int  nat  bool) (numeral (Num.Bit1 w)) n 
    n = 0  (m. n = Suc m  (bit :: int  nat  bool) (numeral w) m)"
  using even_bit_succ_iff [of 2 * numeral w :: int n]
    bit_double_iff [of numeral w :: int n]
  by auto

lemma bintrunc_bintrunc_l: "n  m  (take_bit :: nat  int  int) m ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w) = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w"
  by simp

lemma sbintrunc_sbintrunc_l: "n  m  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) m ((signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w) = (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w"
  by simp

lemma bintrunc_bintrunc_ge: "n  m  (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) m w) = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w"
  by (rule bin_eqI) (auto simp: nth_bintr)

lemma bintrunc_bintrunc_min [simp]: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) m ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w) = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) (min m n) w"
  by (rule take_bit_take_bit)

lemma sbintrunc_sbintrunc_min [simp]: "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) m ((signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w) = (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (min m n) w"
  by (rule signed_take_bit_signed_take_bit)

lemmas sbintrunc_Suc_Pls =
  signed_take_bit_Suc [where a="0::int", simplified bin_last_numeral_simps bin_rest_numeral_simps]

lemmas sbintrunc_Suc_Min =
  signed_take_bit_Suc [where a="-1::int", simplified bin_last_numeral_simps bin_rest_numeral_simps]

lemmas sbintrunc_Sucs = sbintrunc_Suc_Pls sbintrunc_Suc_Min

lemmas sbintrunc_Pls =
  signed_take_bit_0 [where a="0::int", simplified bin_last_numeral_simps bin_rest_numeral_simps]

lemmas sbintrunc_Min =
  signed_take_bit_0 [where a="-1::int", simplified bin_last_numeral_simps bin_rest_numeral_simps]

lemmas sbintrunc_0_simps =
  sbintrunc_Pls sbintrunc_Min

lemmas sbintrunc_simps = sbintrunc_0_simps sbintrunc_Sucs

lemma bintrunc_minus: "0 < n  (take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc (n - 1)) w = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w"
  by auto

lemma sbintrunc_minus: "0 < n  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc (n - 1)) w = (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w"
  by auto

lemmas sbintrunc_minus_simps =
  sbintrunc_Sucs [THEN [2] sbintrunc_minus [symmetric, THEN trans]]

lemma sbintrunc_BIT_I:
  0 < n 
  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (n - 1) 0 = y 
  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n 0 = 2 * y
  by simp

lemma sbintrunc_Suc_Is:
  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (- 1) = y 
  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) (- 1) = 1 + 2 * y
  by auto

lemma sbintrunc_Suc_lem: "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) x = y  m = Suc n  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) m x = y"
  by (rule ssubst)

lemmas sbintrunc_Suc_Ialts =
  sbintrunc_Suc_Is [THEN sbintrunc_Suc_lem]

lemma sbintrunc_bintrunc_lt: "m > n  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) m w) = (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w"
  by (rule bin_eqI) (auto simp: nth_sbintr nth_bintr)

lemma bintrunc_sbintrunc_le: "m  Suc n  (take_bit :: nat  int  int) m ((signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w) = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) m w"
  by (rule take_bit_signed_take_bit)

lemmas bintrunc_sbintrunc [simp] = order_refl [THEN bintrunc_sbintrunc_le]
lemmas sbintrunc_bintrunc [simp] = lessI [THEN sbintrunc_bintrunc_lt]
lemmas bintrunc_bintrunc [simp] = order_refl [THEN bintrunc_bintrunc_l]
lemmas sbintrunc_sbintrunc [simp] = order_refl [THEN sbintrunc_sbintrunc_l]

lemma bintrunc_sbintrunc' [simp]: "0 < n  (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n ((signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (n - 1) w) = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w"
  by (cases n) simp_all

lemma sbintrunc_bintrunc' [simp]: "0 < n  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (n - 1) ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w) = (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (n - 1) w"
  by (cases n) simp_all

lemma bin_sbin_eq_iff: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) x = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) y  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n x = (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n y"
  apply (rule iffI)
   apply (rule box_equals [OF _ sbintrunc_bintrunc sbintrunc_bintrunc])
   apply simp
  apply (rule box_equals [OF _ bintrunc_sbintrunc bintrunc_sbintrunc])
  apply simp

lemma bin_sbin_eq_iff':
  "0 < n  (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n x = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n y  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (n - 1) x = (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (n - 1) y"
  by (cases n) (simp_all add: bin_sbin_eq_iff)

lemmas bintrunc_sbintruncS0 [simp] = bintrunc_sbintrunc' [unfolded One_nat_def]
lemmas sbintrunc_bintruncS0 [simp] = sbintrunc_bintrunc' [unfolded One_nat_def]

lemmas bintrunc_bintrunc_l' = le_add1 [THEN bintrunc_bintrunc_l]
lemmas sbintrunc_sbintrunc_l' = le_add1 [THEN sbintrunc_sbintrunc_l]

(* although bintrunc_minus_simps, if added to default simpset,
  tends to get applied where it's not wanted in developing the theories,
  we get a version for when the word length is given literally *)

lemmas nat_non0_gr =
  trans [OF iszero_def [THEN Not_eq_iff [THEN iffD2]] refl]

lemma bintrunc_numeral:
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) (numeral k) x = of_bool (odd x) + 2 * (take_bit :: nat  int  int) (pred_numeral k) (x div 2)"
  by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc take_bit_Suc mod_2_eq_odd)

lemma sbintrunc_numeral:
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (numeral k) x = of_bool (odd x) + 2 * (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (pred_numeral k) (x div 2)"
  by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc signed_take_bit_Suc mod2_eq_if)

lemma bintrunc_numeral_simps [simp]:
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) (numeral k) (numeral (Num.Bit0 w)) =
    2 * (take_bit :: nat  int  int) (pred_numeral k) (numeral w)"
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) (numeral k) (numeral (Num.Bit1 w)) =
    1 + 2 * (take_bit :: nat  int  int) (pred_numeral k) (numeral w)"
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) (numeral k) (- numeral (Num.Bit0 w)) =
    2 * (take_bit :: nat  int  int) (pred_numeral k) (- numeral w)"
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) (numeral k) (- numeral (Num.Bit1 w)) =
    1 + 2 * (take_bit :: nat  int  int) (pred_numeral k) (- numeral (w + Num.One))"
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) (numeral k) 1 = 1"
  by (simp_all add: bintrunc_numeral)

lemma sbintrunc_numeral_simps [simp]:
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (numeral k) (numeral (Num.Bit0 w)) =
    2 * (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (pred_numeral k) (numeral w)"
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (numeral k) (numeral (Num.Bit1 w)) =
    1 + 2 * (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (pred_numeral k) (numeral w)"
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (numeral k) (- numeral (Num.Bit0 w)) =
    2 * (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (pred_numeral k) (- numeral w)"
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (numeral k) (- numeral (Num.Bit1 w)) =
    1 + 2 * (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (pred_numeral k) (- numeral (w + Num.One))"
  "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (numeral k) 1 = 1"
  by (simp_all add: sbintrunc_numeral)

lemma no_bintr_alt1: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n = (λw. w mod 2 ^ n :: int)"
  by (rule ext) (rule bintrunc_mod2p)

lemma range_bintrunc: "range ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) n) = {i. 0  i  i < 2 ^ n}"
  by (auto simp add: take_bit_eq_mod image_iff) (metis mod_pos_pos_trivial)

lemma no_sbintr_alt2: "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n = (λw. (w + 2 ^ n) mod 2 ^ Suc n - 2 ^ n :: int)"
  by (rule ext) (simp add : sbintrunc_mod2p)

lemma range_sbintrunc: "range ((signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n) = {i. - (2 ^ n)  i  i < 2 ^ n}"
proof -
  have surj (λk::int. k + 2 ^ n)
    by (rule surjI [of _ (λk. k - 2 ^ n)]) simp
  moreover have (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n = ((λk. k - 2 ^ n)  take_bit (Suc n)  (λk. k + 2 ^ n))
    by (simp add: sbintrunc_eq_take_bit fun_eq_iff)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    apply (simp only: fun.set_map range_bintrunc)
    apply (auto simp add: image_iff)
    apply presburger

lemma sbintrunc_inc:
  k + 2 ^ Suc n  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n k if k < - (2 ^ n)
  using that by (fact signed_take_bit_int_greater_eq)

lemma sbintrunc_dec:
  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n k  k - 2 ^ (Suc n) if k  2 ^ n
  using that by (fact signed_take_bit_int_less_eq)

lemma bintr_ge0: "0  (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w"
  by (simp add: bintrunc_mod2p)

lemma bintr_lt2p: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w < 2 ^ n"
  by (simp add: bintrunc_mod2p)

lemma bintr_Min: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (- 1) = 2 ^ n - 1"
  by (simp add: stable_imp_take_bit_eq mask_eq_exp_minus_1)

lemma sbintr_ge: "- (2 ^ n)  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w"
  by (fact signed_take_bit_int_greater_eq_minus_exp)

lemma sbintr_lt: "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w < 2 ^ n"
  by (fact signed_take_bit_int_less_exp)

lemma sign_Pls_ge_0: "bin_sign bin = 0  bin  0"
  for bin :: int
  by (simp add: bin_sign_def)

lemma sign_Min_lt_0: "bin_sign bin = -1  bin < 0"
  for bin :: int
  by (simp add: bin_sign_def)

lemma bin_rest_trunc: "(λk::int. k div 2) ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) n bin) = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) (n - 1) ((λk::int. k div 2) bin)"
  by (simp add: take_bit_rec [of n bin])

lemma bin_rest_power_trunc:
  "((λk::int. k div 2) ^^ k) ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) n bin) = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) (n - k) (((λk::int. k div 2) ^^ k) bin)"
  by (induct k) (auto simp: bin_rest_trunc)

lemma bin_rest_trunc_i: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n ((λk::int. k div 2) bin) = (λk::int. k div 2) ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) bin)"
  by (auto simp add: take_bit_Suc)

lemma bin_rest_strunc: "(λk::int. k div 2) ((signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (Suc n) bin) = (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n ((λk::int. k div 2) bin)"
  by (simp add: signed_take_bit_Suc)

lemma bintrunc_rest [simp]: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n ((λk::int. k div 2) ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) n bin)) = (λk::int. k div 2) ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) n bin)"
  by (induct n arbitrary: bin) (simp_all add: take_bit_Suc)

lemma sbintrunc_rest [simp]: "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n ((λk::int. k div 2) ((signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n bin)) = (λk::int. k div 2) ((signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n bin)"
  by (induct n arbitrary: bin) (simp_all add: signed_take_bit_Suc mod2_eq_if)

lemma bintrunc_rest': "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n  (λk::int. k div 2)  (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n = (λk::int. k div 2)  (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n"
  by (rule ext) auto

lemma sbintrunc_rest': "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n  (λk::int. k div 2)  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n = (λk::int. k div 2)  (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n"
  by (rule ext) auto

lemma rco_lem: "f  g  f = g  f  f  (g  f) ^^ n = g ^^ n  f"
  apply (rule ext)
  apply (induct_tac n)
   apply (simp_all (no_asm))
  apply (drule fun_cong)
  apply (unfold o_def)
  apply (erule trans)
  apply simp

lemmas rco_bintr = bintrunc_rest'
  [THEN rco_lem [THEN fun_cong], unfolded o_def]
lemmas rco_sbintr = sbintrunc_rest'
  [THEN rco_lem [THEN fun_cong], unfolded o_def]

subsection Splitting and concatenation

definition bin_split :: nat  int  int × int
  where [simp]: bin_split n k = (drop_bit n k, take_bit n k)

lemma [code]:
  "bin_split (Suc n) w = (let (w1, w2) = bin_split n (w div 2) in (w1, of_bool (odd w) + 2 * w2))"
  "bin_split 0 w = (w, 0)"
  by (simp_all add: drop_bit_Suc take_bit_Suc mod_2_eq_odd)

lemma bin_cat_eq_push_bit_add_take_bit:
  concat_bit n l k = push_bit n k + take_bit n l
  by (simp add: concat_bit_eq)

lemma bin_sign_cat: "bin_sign ((λk n l. concat_bit n l k) x n y) = bin_sign x"
proof -
  have 0  x if 0  x * 2 ^ n + y mod 2 ^ n
  proof -
    have y mod 2 ^ n < 2 ^ n
      using pos_mod_bound [of 2 ^ n y] by simp
    then have ¬ y mod 2 ^ n  2 ^ n
      by (simp add: less_le)
    with that have x  - 1
      by auto
    have *: - 1  (- (y mod 2 ^ n)) div 2 ^ n
      by (simp add: zdiv_zminus1_eq_if)
    from that have - (y mod 2 ^ n)  x * 2 ^ n
      by simp
    then have (- (y mod 2 ^ n)) div 2 ^ n  (x * 2 ^ n) div 2 ^ n
      using zdiv_mono1 zero_less_numeral zero_less_power by blast
    with * have - 1  x * 2 ^ n div 2 ^ n by simp
    with x  - 1 show ?thesis
      by simp
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: bin_sign_def not_le not_less bin_cat_eq_push_bit_add_take_bit push_bit_eq_mult take_bit_eq_mod)

lemma bin_cat_assoc: "(λk n l. concat_bit n l k) ((λk n l. concat_bit n l k) x m y) n z = (λk n l. concat_bit n l k) x (m + n) ((λk n l. concat_bit n l k) y n z)"
  by (fact concat_bit_assoc)

lemma bin_cat_assoc_sym: "(λk n l. concat_bit n l k) x m ((λk n l. concat_bit n l k) y n z) = (λk n l. concat_bit n l k) ((λk n l. concat_bit n l k) x (m - n) y) (min m n) z"
  by (fact concat_bit_assoc_sym)

definition bin_rcat :: nat  int list  int
  where bin_rcat n = horner_sum (take_bit n) (2 ^ n)  rev

lemma bin_rcat_eq_foldl:
  bin_rcat n = foldl (λu v. (λk n l. concat_bit n l k) u n v) 0
  fix ks :: int list
  show bin_rcat n ks = foldl (λu v. (λk n l. concat_bit n l k) u n v) 0 ks
    by (induction ks rule: rev_induct)
      (simp_all add: bin_rcat_def concat_bit_eq push_bit_eq_mult)

fun bin_rsplit_aux :: "nat  nat  int  int list  int list"
  where "bin_rsplit_aux n m c bs =
    (if m = 0  n = 0 then bs
      let (a, b) = bin_split n c
      in bin_rsplit_aux n (m - n) a (b # bs))"

definition bin_rsplit :: "nat  nat × int  int list"
  where "bin_rsplit n w = bin_rsplit_aux n (fst w) (snd w) []"

fun bin_rsplitl_aux :: "nat  nat  int  int list  int list"
  where "bin_rsplitl_aux n m c bs =
    (if m = 0  n = 0 then bs
      let (a, b) = bin_split (min m n) c
      in bin_rsplitl_aux n (m - n) a (b # bs))"

definition bin_rsplitl :: "nat  nat × int  int list"
  where "bin_rsplitl n w = bin_rsplitl_aux n (fst w) (snd w) []"

declare bin_rsplit_aux.simps [simp del]
declare bin_rsplitl_aux.simps [simp del]

lemma bin_nth_cat:
  "(bit :: int  nat  bool) ((λk n l. concat_bit n l k) x k y) n =
    (if n < k then (bit :: int  nat  bool) y n else (bit :: int  nat  bool) x (n - k))"
  by (simp add: bit_concat_bit_iff)

lemma bin_nth_drop_bit_iff:
  (bit :: int  nat  bool) (drop_bit n c) k  (bit :: int  nat  bool) c (n + k)
  by (simp add: bit_drop_bit_eq)

lemma bin_nth_take_bit_iff:
  (bit :: int  nat  bool) (take_bit n c) k  k < n  (bit :: int  nat  bool) c k
  by (fact bit_take_bit_iff)

lemma bin_nth_split:
  "bin_split n c = (a, b) 
    (k. (bit :: int  nat  bool) a k = (bit :: int  nat  bool) c (n + k)) 
    (k. (bit :: int  nat  bool) b k = (k < n  (bit :: int  nat  bool) c k))"
  by (auto simp add: bin_nth_drop_bit_iff bin_nth_take_bit_iff)

lemma bin_cat_zero [simp]: "(λk n l. concat_bit n l k) 0 n w = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w"
  by (simp add: bin_cat_eq_push_bit_add_take_bit)

lemma bintr_cat1: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) (k + n) ((λk n l. concat_bit n l k) a n b) = (λk n l. concat_bit n l k) ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) k a) n b"
  by (metis bin_cat_assoc bin_cat_zero)

lemma bintr_cat: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) m ((λk n l. concat_bit n l k) a n b) =
    (λk n l. concat_bit n l k) ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) (m - n) a) n ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) (min m n) b)"
  by (rule bin_eqI) (auto simp: bin_nth_cat nth_bintr)

lemma bintr_cat_same [simp]: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n ((λk n l. concat_bit n l k) a n b) = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n b"
  by (auto simp add : bintr_cat)

lemma cat_bintr [simp]: "(λk n l. concat_bit n l k) a n ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) n b) = (λk n l. concat_bit n l k) a n b"
  by (simp add: bin_cat_eq_push_bit_add_take_bit)

lemma split_bintrunc: "bin_split n c = (a, b)  b = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n c"
  by simp

lemma bin_cat_split: "bin_split n w = (u, v)  w = (λk n l. concat_bit n l k) u n v"
  by (auto simp add: bin_cat_eq_push_bit_add_take_bit bits_ident)

lemma drop_bit_bin_cat_eq:
  drop_bit n ((λk n l. concat_bit n l k) v n w) = v
  by (rule bit_eqI) (simp add: bit_drop_bit_eq bit_concat_bit_iff)

lemma take_bit_bin_cat_eq:
  take_bit n ((λk n l. concat_bit n l k) v n w) = take_bit n w
  by (rule bit_eqI) (simp add: bit_concat_bit_iff)

lemma bin_split_cat: "bin_split n ((λk n l. concat_bit n l k) v n w) = (v, (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w)"
  by (simp add: drop_bit_bin_cat_eq take_bit_bin_cat_eq)

lemma bin_split_zero [simp]: "bin_split n 0 = (0, 0)"
  by simp

lemma bin_split_minus1 [simp]:
  "bin_split n (- 1) = (- 1, (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (- 1))"
  by simp

lemma bin_split_trunc:
  "bin_split (min m n) c = (a, b) 
    bin_split n ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) m c) = ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) (m - n) a, b)"
  apply (induct n arbitrary: m b c, clarsimp)
  apply (simp add: bin_rest_trunc Let_def split: prod.split_asm)
  apply (case_tac m)
   apply (auto simp: Let_def drop_bit_Suc take_bit_Suc mod_2_eq_odd split: prod.split_asm)

lemma bin_split_trunc1:
  "bin_split n c = (a, b) 
    bin_split n ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) m c) = ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) (m - n) a, (take_bit :: nat  int  int) m b)"
  apply (induct n arbitrary: m b c, clarsimp)
  apply (simp add: bin_rest_trunc Let_def split: prod.split_asm)
  apply (case_tac m)
   apply (auto simp: Let_def drop_bit_Suc take_bit_Suc mod_2_eq_odd split: prod.split_asm)

lemma bin_cat_num: "(λk n l. concat_bit n l k) a n b = a * 2 ^ n + (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n b"
  by (simp add: bin_cat_eq_push_bit_add_take_bit push_bit_eq_mult)

lemma bin_split_num: "bin_split n b = (b div 2 ^ n, b mod 2 ^ n)"
  by (simp add: drop_bit_eq_div take_bit_eq_mod)

lemmas bin_rsplit_aux_simps = bin_rsplit_aux.simps bin_rsplitl_aux.simps
lemmas rsplit_aux_simps = bin_rsplit_aux_simps

lemmas th_if_simp1 = if_split [where P = "(=) l", THEN iffD1, THEN conjunct1, THEN mp] for l
lemmas th_if_simp2 = if_split [where P = "(=) l", THEN iffD1, THEN conjunct2, THEN mp] for l

lemmas rsplit_aux_simp1s = rsplit_aux_simps [THEN th_if_simp1]

lemmas rsplit_aux_simp2ls = rsplit_aux_simps [THEN th_if_simp2]
― ‹these safe to [simp add]› as require calculating m - n›
lemmas bin_rsplit_aux_simp2s [simp] = rsplit_aux_simp2ls [unfolded Let_def]
lemmas rbscl = bin_rsplit_aux_simp2s (2)

lemmas rsplit_aux_0_simps [simp] =
  rsplit_aux_simp1s [OF disjI1] rsplit_aux_simp1s [OF disjI2]

lemma bin_rsplit_aux_append: "bin_rsplit_aux n m c (bs @ cs) = bin_rsplit_aux n m c bs @ cs"
  apply (induct n m c bs rule: bin_rsplit_aux.induct)
  apply (subst bin_rsplit_aux.simps)
  apply (subst bin_rsplit_aux.simps)
  apply (clarsimp split: prod.split)

lemma bin_rsplitl_aux_append: "bin_rsplitl_aux n m c (bs @ cs) = bin_rsplitl_aux n m c bs @ cs"
  apply (induct n m c bs rule: bin_rsplitl_aux.induct)
  apply (subst bin_rsplitl_aux.simps)
  apply (subst bin_rsplitl_aux.simps)
  apply (clarsimp split: prod.split)

lemmas rsplit_aux_apps [where bs = "[]"] =
  bin_rsplit_aux_append bin_rsplitl_aux_append

lemmas rsplit_def_auxs = bin_rsplit_def bin_rsplitl_def

lemmas rsplit_aux_alts = rsplit_aux_apps
  [unfolded append_Nil rsplit_def_auxs [symmetric]]

lemma bin_split_minus: "0 < n  bin_split (Suc (n - 1)) w = bin_split n w"
  by auto

lemma bin_split_pred_simp [simp]:
  "(0::nat) < numeral bin 
    bin_split (numeral bin) w =
      (let (w1, w2) = bin_split (numeral bin - 1) ((λk::int. k div 2) w)
       in (w1, of_bool (odd w) + 2 * w2))"
  by (simp add: take_bit_rec drop_bit_rec mod_2_eq_odd)

lemma bin_rsplit_aux_simp_alt:
  "bin_rsplit_aux n m c bs =
    (if m = 0  n = 0 then bs
     else let (a, b) = bin_split n c in bin_rsplit n (m - n, a) @ b # bs)"
  apply (simp add: bin_rsplit_aux.simps [of n m c bs])
  apply (subst rsplit_aux_alts)
  apply (simp add: bin_rsplit_def)

lemmas bin_rsplit_simp_alt =
  trans [OF bin_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_aux_simp_alt]

lemmas bthrs = bin_rsplit_simp_alt [THEN [2] trans]

lemma bin_rsplit_size_sign' [rule_format]:
  "n > 0  rev sw = bin_rsplit n (nw, w)  vset sw. (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n v = v"
  apply (induct sw arbitrary: nw w)
   apply clarsimp
  apply clarsimp
  apply (drule bthrs)
  apply (simp (no_asm_use) add: Let_def split: prod.split_asm if_split_asm)
  apply clarify
  apply simp

lemmas bin_rsplit_size_sign = bin_rsplit_size_sign' [OF asm_rl
  rev_rev_ident [THEN trans] set_rev [THEN equalityD2 [THEN subsetD]]]

lemma bin_nth_rsplit [rule_format] :
  "n > 0  m < n 
    w k nw.
      rev sw = bin_rsplit n (nw, w) 
      k < size sw  (bit :: int  nat  bool) (sw ! k) m = (bit :: int  nat  bool) w (k * n + m)"
  apply (induct sw)
   apply clarsimp
  apply clarsimp
  apply (drule bthrs)
  apply (simp (no_asm_use) add: Let_def split: prod.split_asm if_split_asm)
  apply (erule allE, erule impE, erule exI)
  apply (case_tac k)
   apply clarsimp
   prefer 2
   apply clarsimp
   apply (erule allE)
   apply (erule (1) impE)
   apply (simp add: bit_drop_bit_eq ac_simps)
  apply (simp add: bit_take_bit_iff ac_simps)

lemma bin_rsplit_all: "0 < nw  nw  n  bin_rsplit n (nw, w) = [(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w]"
  by (auto simp: bin_rsplit_def rsplit_aux_simp2ls split: prod.split dest!: split_bintrunc)

lemma bin_rsplit_l [rule_format]:
  "bin. bin_rsplitl n (m, bin) = bin_rsplit n (m, (take_bit :: nat  int  int) m bin)"
  apply (rule_tac a = "m" in wf_less_than [THEN wf_induct])
  apply (simp (no_asm) add: bin_rsplitl_def bin_rsplit_def)
  apply (rule allI)
  apply (subst bin_rsplitl_aux.simps)
  apply (subst bin_rsplit_aux.simps)
  apply (clarsimp simp: Let_def split: prod.split)
  apply (simp add: ac_simps)
  apply (subst rsplit_aux_alts(1))
  apply (subst rsplit_aux_alts(2))
  apply clarsimp
  unfolding bin_rsplit_def bin_rsplitl_def
  apply (simp add: drop_bit_take_bit)
  apply (case_tac x < n)
  apply (simp_all add: not_less min_def)

lemma bin_rsplit_rcat [rule_format]:
  "n > 0  bin_rsplit n (n * size ws, bin_rcat n ws) = map ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) n) ws"
  apply (unfold bin_rsplit_def bin_rcat_eq_foldl)
  apply (rule_tac xs = ws in rev_induct)
   apply clarsimp
  apply clarsimp
  apply (subst rsplit_aux_alts)
  apply (simp add: drop_bit_bin_cat_eq take_bit_bin_cat_eq)

lemma bin_rsplit_aux_len_le [rule_format] :
  "ws m. n  0  ws = bin_rsplit_aux n nw w bs 
    length ws  m  nw + length bs * n  m * n"
proof -
  have *: R
    if d: "i  j  m < j'"
    and R1: "i * k  j * k  R"
    and R2: "Suc m * k'  j' * k'  R"
    for i j j' k k' m :: nat and R
    using d
    apply safe
    apply (rule R1, erule mult_le_mono1)
    apply (rule R2, erule Suc_le_eq [THEN iffD2 [THEN mult_le_mono1]])
  have **: "0 < sc  sc - n + (n + lb * n)  m * n  sc + lb * n  m * n"
    for sc m n lb :: nat
    apply safe
     apply arith
    apply (case_tac "sc  n")
     apply arith
    apply (insert linorder_le_less_linear [of m lb])
    apply (erule_tac k=n and k'=n in *)
     apply arith
    apply simp
  show ?thesis
    apply (induct n nw w bs rule: bin_rsplit_aux.induct)
    apply (subst bin_rsplit_aux.simps)
    apply (simp add: ** Let_def split: prod.split)

lemma bin_rsplit_len_le: "n  0  ws = bin_rsplit n (nw, w)  length ws  m  nw  m * n"
  by (auto simp: bin_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_aux_len_le)

lemma bin_rsplit_aux_len:
  "n  0  length (bin_rsplit_aux n nw w cs) = (nw + n - 1) div n + length cs"
  apply (induct n nw w cs rule: bin_rsplit_aux.induct)
  apply (subst bin_rsplit_aux.simps)
  apply (clarsimp simp: Let_def split: prod.split)
  apply (erule thin_rl)
  apply (case_tac m)
   apply simp
  apply (case_tac "m  n")
   apply (auto simp add: div_add_self2)

lemma bin_rsplit_len: "n  0  length (bin_rsplit n (nw, w)) = (nw + n - 1) div n"
  by (auto simp: bin_rsplit_def bin_rsplit_aux_len)

lemma bin_rsplit_aux_len_indep:
  "n  0  length bs = length cs 
    length (bin_rsplit_aux n nw v bs) =
    length (bin_rsplit_aux n nw w cs)"
proof (induct n nw w cs arbitrary: v bs rule: bin_rsplit_aux.induct)
  case (1 n m w cs v bs)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "m = 0")
    case True
    with length bs = length cs show ?thesis by simp
    case False
    from "1.hyps" [of bin_split n w drop_bit n w take_bit n w] m  0 n  0
    have hyp: "v bs. length bs = Suc (length cs) 
      length (bin_rsplit_aux n (m - n) v bs) =
      length (bin_rsplit_aux n (m - n) (drop_bit n w) (take_bit n w # cs))"
      using bin_rsplit_aux_len by fastforce
    from length bs = length cs n  0 show ?thesis
      by (auto simp add: bin_rsplit_aux_simp_alt Let_def bin_rsplit_len split: prod.split)

lemma bin_rsplit_len_indep:
  "n  0  length (bin_rsplit n (nw, v)) = length (bin_rsplit n (nw, w))"
  apply (unfold bin_rsplit_def)
  apply (simp (no_asm))
  apply (erule bin_rsplit_aux_len_indep)
  apply (rule refl)

subsection Logical operations

abbreviation (input) bin_sc :: nat  bool  int  int
  where bin_sc n b i  set_bit i n b

lemma bin_sc_0 [simp]:
  "bin_sc 0 b w = of_bool b + 2 * (λk::int. k div 2) w"
  by (simp add: set_bit_int_def)

lemma bin_sc_Suc [simp]:
  "bin_sc (Suc n) b w = of_bool (odd w) + 2 * bin_sc n b (w div 2)"
  by (simp add: set_bit_int_def set_bit_Suc unset_bit_Suc bin_last_def)

lemma bin_nth_sc [bit_simps]: "bit (bin_sc n b w) n  b"
  by (simp add: bit_simps)

lemma bin_sc_sc_same [simp]: "bin_sc n c (bin_sc n b w) = bin_sc n c w"
  by (induction n arbitrary: w) (simp_all add: bit_Suc)

lemma bin_sc_sc_diff: "m  n  bin_sc m c (bin_sc n b w) = bin_sc n b (bin_sc m c w)"
  apply (induct n arbitrary: w m)
   apply (case_tac [!] m)
     apply auto

lemma bin_nth_sc_gen: "(bit :: int  nat  bool) (bin_sc n b w) m = (if m = n then b else (bit :: int  nat  bool) w m)"
  by (simp add: bit_simps)

lemma bin_sc_eq:
  bin_sc n False = unset_bit n
  bin_sc n True = Bit_Operations.set_bit n
   apply (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff bit_eq_iff)
  apply (simp_all add: bit_simps bin_nth_sc_gen)

lemma bin_sc_nth [simp]: "bin_sc n ((bit :: int  nat  bool) w n) w = w"
  by (rule bit_eqI) (simp add: bin_nth_sc_gen)

lemma bin_sign_sc [simp]: "bin_sign (bin_sc n b w) = bin_sign w"
proof (induction n arbitrary: w)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by (auto simp add: bin_sign_def) (use bin_rest_ge_0 in fastforce)
  case (Suc n)
  from Suc [of w div 2]
  show ?case by (auto simp add: bin_sign_def split: if_splits)

lemma bin_sc_bintr [simp]:
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) m (bin_sc n x ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) m w)) = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) m (bin_sc n x w)"
  apply (rule bit_eqI)
  apply (cases x)
   apply (auto simp add: bit_simps bin_sc_eq)

lemma bin_clr_le: "bin_sc n False w  w"
  by (simp add: set_bit_int_def unset_bit_less_eq)

lemma bin_set_ge: "bin_sc n True w  w"
  by (simp add: set_bit_int_def set_bit_greater_eq)

lemma bintr_bin_clr_le: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (bin_sc m False w)  (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w"
  by (simp add: set_bit_int_def take_bit_unset_bit_eq unset_bit_less_eq)

lemma bintr_bin_set_ge: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (bin_sc m True w)  (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n w"
  by (simp add: set_bit_int_def take_bit_set_bit_eq set_bit_greater_eq)

lemma bin_sc_FP [simp]: "bin_sc n False 0 = 0"
  by (induct n) auto

lemma bin_sc_TM [simp]: "bin_sc n True (- 1) = - 1"
  by (induct n) auto

lemmas bin_sc_simps = bin_sc_0 bin_sc_Suc bin_sc_TM bin_sc_FP

lemma bin_sc_minus: "0 < n  bin_sc (Suc (n - 1)) b w = bin_sc n b w"
  by auto

lemmas bin_sc_Suc_minus =
  trans [OF bin_sc_minus [symmetric] bin_sc_Suc]

lemma bin_sc_numeral [simp]:
  "bin_sc (numeral k) b w =
    of_bool (odd w) + 2 * bin_sc (pred_numeral k) b (w div 2)"
  by (simp add: numeral_eq_Suc)

lemmas bin_sc_minus_simps =
  bin_sc_simps (2,3,4) [THEN [2] trans, OF bin_sc_minus [THEN sym]]

lemma int_set_bit_0 [simp]: fixes x :: int shows
  "set_bit x 0 b = of_bool b + 2 * (x div 2)"
  by (fact bin_sc_0)

lemma int_set_bit_Suc: fixes x :: int shows
  "set_bit x (Suc n) b = of_bool (odd x) + 2 * set_bit (x div 2) n b"
  by (fact bin_sc_Suc)

lemma bin_last_set_bit:
  "odd (set_bit x n b :: int) = (if n > 0 then odd x else b)"
  by (cases n) (simp_all add: int_set_bit_Suc)

lemma bin_rest_set_bit:
  "(set_bit x n b :: int) div 2 = (if n > 0 then set_bit (x div 2) (n - 1) b else x div 2)"
  by (cases n) (simp_all add: int_set_bit_Suc)

lemma int_set_bit_numeral: fixes x :: int shows
  "set_bit x (numeral w) b = of_bool (odd x) + 2 * set_bit (x div 2) (pred_numeral w) b"
  by (fact bin_sc_numeral)

lemmas int_set_bit_numerals [simp] =
  int_set_bit_numeral[where x="numeral w'"]
  int_set_bit_numeral[where x="- numeral w'"]
  int_set_bit_numeral[where x="Numeral1"]
  int_set_bit_numeral[where x="1"]
  int_set_bit_numeral[where x="0"]
  int_set_bit_Suc[where x="numeral w'"]
  int_set_bit_Suc[where x="- numeral w'"]
  int_set_bit_Suc[where x="Numeral1"]
  int_set_bit_Suc[where x="1"]
  int_set_bit_Suc[where x="0"]
  for w'

lemma msb_set_bit [simp]:
  "msb (set_bit (x :: int) n b)  msb x"
  by (simp add: msb_int_def set_bit_int_def)

lemma word_set_bit_def:
  set_bit a n x = word_of_int (bin_sc n x (uint a))
  apply (rule bit_word_eqI)
  apply (cases x)
   apply (simp_all add: bit_simps bin_sc_eq)

lemma set_bit_word_of_int:
  "set_bit (word_of_int x) n b = word_of_int (bin_sc n b x)"
  unfolding word_set_bit_def
  by (rule word_eqI) (simp add: word_size bin_nth_sc_gen nth_bintr bit_simps)

lemma word_set_numeral [simp]:
  "set_bit (numeral bin::'a::len word) n b =
    word_of_int (bin_sc n b (numeral bin))"
  unfolding word_numeral_alt by (rule set_bit_word_of_int)

lemma word_set_neg_numeral [simp]:
  "set_bit (- numeral bin::'a::len word) n b =
    word_of_int (bin_sc n b (- numeral bin))"
  unfolding word_neg_numeral_alt by (rule set_bit_word_of_int)

lemma word_set_bit_0 [simp]: "set_bit 0 n b = word_of_int (bin_sc n b 0)"
  unfolding word_0_wi by (rule set_bit_word_of_int)

lemma word_set_bit_1 [simp]: "set_bit 1 n b = word_of_int (bin_sc n b 1)"
  unfolding word_1_wi by (rule set_bit_word_of_int)

lemmas shiftl_int_def = shiftl_eq_mult[of x for x::int]
lemmas shiftr_int_def = shiftr_eq_div[of x for x::int]

subsubsection Basic simplification rules

  includes bit_operations_syntax

lemmas int_not_def = not_int_def

lemma int_not_simps:
  "NOT (0::int) = -1"
  "NOT (1::int) = -2"
  "NOT (- 1::int) = 0"
  "NOT (numeral w::int) = - numeral (w + Num.One)"
  "NOT (- numeral (Num.Bit0 w)::int) = numeral (Num.BitM w)"
  "NOT (- numeral (Num.Bit1 w)::int) = numeral (Num.Bit0 w)"
  by (simp_all add: not_int_def)

lemma int_not_not: "NOT (NOT x) = x"
  for x :: int
  by (fact bit.double_compl)

lemma int_and_0 [simp]: "0 AND x = 0"
  for x :: int
  by (fact bit.conj_zero_left)

lemma int_and_m1 [simp]: "-1 AND x = x"
  for x :: int
  by (fact and.left_neutral)

lemma int_or_zero [simp]: "0 OR x = x"
  for x :: int
  by (fact or.left_neutral)

lemma int_or_minus1 [simp]: "-1 OR x = -1"
  for x :: int
  by (fact bit.disj_one_left)

lemma int_xor_zero [simp]: "0 XOR x = x"
  for x :: int
  by (fact xor.left_neutral)

subsubsection Binary destructors

lemma bin_rest_NOT [simp]: "(λk::int. k div 2) (NOT x) = NOT ((λk::int. k div 2) x)"
  by (fact not_int_div_2)

lemma bin_last_NOT [simp]: "(odd :: int  bool) (NOT x)  ¬ (odd :: int  bool) x"
  by simp

lemma bin_rest_AND [simp]: "(λk::int. k div 2) (x AND y) = (λk::int. k div 2) x AND (λk::int. k div 2) y"
  by (subst and_int_rec) auto

lemma bin_last_AND [simp]: "(odd :: int  bool) (x AND y)  (odd :: int  bool) x  (odd :: int  bool) y"
  by (subst and_int_rec) auto

lemma bin_rest_OR [simp]: "(λk::int. k div 2) (x OR y) = (λk::int. k div 2) x OR (λk::int. k div 2) y"
  by (subst or_int_rec) auto

lemma bin_last_OR [simp]: "(odd :: int  bool) (x OR y)  (odd :: int  bool) x  (odd :: int  bool) y"
  by (subst or_int_rec) auto

lemma bin_rest_XOR [simp]: "(λk::int. k div 2) (x XOR y) = (λk::int. k div 2) x XOR (λk::int. k div 2) y"
  by (subst xor_int_rec) auto

lemma bin_last_XOR [simp]: "(odd :: int  bool) (x XOR y)  ((odd :: int  bool) x  (odd :: int  bool) y)  ¬ ((odd :: int  bool) x  (odd :: int  bool) y)"
  by (subst xor_int_rec) auto

lemma bin_nth_ops:
  "x y. (bit :: int  nat  bool) (x AND y) n  (bit :: int  nat  bool) x n  (bit :: int  nat  bool) y n"
  "x y. (bit :: int  nat  bool) (x OR y) n  (bit :: int  nat  bool) x n  (bit :: int  nat  bool) y n"
  "x y. (bit :: int  nat  bool) (x XOR y) n  (bit :: int  nat  bool) x n  (bit :: int  nat  bool) y n"
  "x. (bit :: int  nat  bool) (NOT x) n  ¬ (bit :: int  nat  bool) x n"
  by (simp_all add: bit_and_iff bit_or_iff bit_xor_iff bit_not_iff)

subsubsection Derived properties

lemma int_xor_minus1 [simp]: "-1 XOR x = NOT x"
  for x :: int
  by (fact bit.xor_one_left)

lemma int_xor_extra_simps [simp]:
  "w XOR 0 = w"
  "w XOR -1 = NOT w"
  for w :: int
  by simp_all

lemma int_or_extra_simps [simp]:
  "w OR 0 = w"
  "w OR -1 = -1"
  for w :: int
  by simp_all

lemma int_and_extra_simps [simp]:
  "w AND 0 = 0"
  "w AND -1 = w"
  for w :: int
  by simp_all

text Commutativity of the above.
lemma bin_ops_comm:
  fixes x y :: int
  shows int_and_comm: "x AND y = y AND x"
    and int_or_comm:  "x OR y = y OR x"
    and int_xor_comm: "x XOR y = y XOR x"
  by (simp_all add: ac_simps)

lemma bin_ops_same [simp]:
  "x AND x = x"
  "x OR x = x"
  "x XOR x = 0"
  for x :: int
  by simp_all

lemmas bin_log_esimps =
  int_and_extra_simps  int_or_extra_simps  int_xor_extra_simps
  int_and_0 int_and_m1 int_or_zero int_or_minus1 int_xor_zero int_xor_minus1

subsubsection Basic properties of logical (bit-wise) operations

lemma bbw_ao_absorb: "x AND (y OR x) = x  x OR (y AND x) = x"
  for x y :: int
  by (auto simp add: bin_eq_iff bin_nth_ops)

lemma bbw_ao_absorbs_other:
  "x AND (x OR y) = x  (y AND x) OR x = x"
  "(y OR x) AND x = x  x OR (x AND y) = x"
  "(x OR y) AND x = x  (x AND y) OR x = x"
  for x y :: int
  by (auto simp add: bin_eq_iff bin_nth_ops)

lemmas bbw_ao_absorbs [simp] = bbw_ao_absorb bbw_ao_absorbs_other

lemma int_xor_not: "(NOT x) XOR y = NOT (x XOR y)  x XOR (NOT y) = NOT (x XOR y)"
  for x y :: int
  by (auto simp add: bin_eq_iff bin_nth_ops)

lemma int_and_assoc: "(x AND y) AND z = x AND (y AND z)"
  for x y z :: int
  by (auto simp add: bin_eq_iff bin_nth_ops)

lemma int_or_assoc: "(x OR y) OR z = x OR (y OR z)"
  for x y z :: int
  by (auto simp add: bin_eq_iff bin_nth_ops)

lemma int_xor_assoc: "(x XOR y) XOR z = x XOR (y XOR z)"
  for x y z :: int
  by (auto simp add: bin_eq_iff bin_nth_ops)

lemmas bbw_assocs = int_and_assoc int_or_assoc int_xor_assoc

(* BH: Why are these declared as simp rules??? *)
lemma bbw_lcs [simp]:
  "y AND (x AND z) = x AND (y AND z)"
  "y OR (x OR z) = x OR (y OR z)"
  "y XOR (x XOR z) = x XOR (y XOR z)"
  for x y :: int
  by (auto simp add: bin_eq_iff bin_nth_ops)

lemma bbw_not_dist:
  "NOT (x OR y) = (NOT x) AND (NOT y)"
  "NOT (x AND y) = (NOT x) OR (NOT y)"
  for x y :: int
  by (auto simp add: bin_eq_iff bin_nth_ops)

lemma bbw_oa_dist: "(x AND y) OR z = (x OR z) AND (y OR z)"
  for x y z :: int
  by (auto simp add: bin_eq_iff bin_nth_ops)

lemma bbw_ao_dist: "(x OR y) AND z = (x AND z) OR (y AND z)"
  for x y z :: int
  by (auto simp add: bin_eq_iff bin_nth_ops)

subsubsection Simplification with numerals

text Cases for 0› and -1› are already covered by other simp rules.

lemma bin_rest_neg_numeral_BitM [simp]:
  "(λk::int. k div 2) (- numeral (Num.BitM w)) = - numeral w"
  by simp

lemma bin_last_neg_numeral_BitM [simp]:
  "(odd :: int  bool) (- numeral (Num.BitM w))"
  by simp

subsubsection Interactions with arithmetic

lemma le_int_or: "bin_sign y = 0  x  x OR y"
  for x y :: int
  by (simp add: bin_sign_def or_greater_eq split: if_splits)

lemmas int_and_le =
  xtrans(3) [OF bbw_ao_absorbs (2) [THEN conjunct2, symmetric] le_int_or]

text Interaction between bit-wise and arithmetic: good example of bin_induction›.
lemma bin_add_not: "x + NOT x = (-1::int)"
  by (simp add: not_int_def)

lemma AND_mod: "x AND (2 ^ n - 1) = x mod 2 ^ n"
  for x :: int
  by (simp flip: take_bit_eq_mod add: take_bit_eq_mask mask_eq_exp_minus_1)

subsubsection Truncating results of bit-wise operations

lemma bin_trunc_ao:
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n x AND (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n y = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (x AND y)"
  "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n x OR (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n y = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (x OR y)"
  by simp_all

lemma bin_trunc_xor: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) n x XOR (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n y) = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (x XOR y)"
  by simp

lemma bin_trunc_not: "(take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (NOT ((take_bit :: nat  int  int) n x)) = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n (NOT x)"
  by (fact take_bit_not_take_bit)

text Want theorems of the form of bin_trunc_xor›.
lemma bintr_bintr_i: "x = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n y  (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n x = (take_bit :: nat  int  int) n y"
  by auto

lemmas bin_trunc_and = bin_trunc_ao(1) [THEN bintr_bintr_i]
lemmas bin_trunc_or = bin_trunc_ao(2) [THEN bintr_bintr_i]

subsubsection More lemmas

lemma not_int_cmp_0 [simp]:
  fixes i :: int shows
  "0 < NOT i  i < -1"
  "0  NOT i  i < 0"
  "NOT i < 0  i  0"
  "NOT i  0  i  -1"
by(simp_all add: int_not_def) arith+

lemma bbw_ao_dist2: "(x :: int) AND (y OR z) = x AND y OR x AND z"
  by (fact bit.conj_disj_distrib)

lemmas int_and_ac = bbw_lcs(1) int_and_comm int_and_assoc

lemma int_nand_same [simp]: fixes x :: int shows "x AND NOT x = 0"
  by simp

lemma int_nand_same_middle: fixes x :: int shows "x AND y AND NOT x = 0"
  by (simp add: bit_eq_iff bit_and_iff bit_not_iff)

lemma and_xor_dist: fixes x :: int shows
  "x AND (y XOR z) = (x AND y) XOR (x AND z)"
  by (fact bit.conj_xor_distrib)

lemma int_and_lt0 [simp]:
  x AND y < 0  x < 0  y < 0 for x y :: int
  by (fact and_negative_int_iff)

lemma int_and_ge0 [simp]:
  x AND y  0  x  0  y  0 for x y :: int
  by (fact and_nonnegative_int_iff)

lemma int_and_1: fixes x :: int shows "x AND 1 = x mod 2"
  by (fact and_one_eq)

lemma int_1_and: fixes x :: int shows "1 AND x = x mod 2"
  by (fact one_and_eq)

lemma int_or_lt0 [simp]:
  x OR y < 0  x < 0  y < 0 for x y :: int
  by (fact or_negative_int_iff)

lemma int_or_ge0 [simp]:
  x OR y  0  x  0  y  0 for x y :: int
  by (fact or_nonnegative_int_iff)

lemma int_xor_lt0 [simp]:
  x XOR y < 0  (x < 0)  (y < 0) for x y :: int
  by (fact xor_negative_int_iff)

lemma int_xor_ge0 [simp]:
  x XOR y  0  (x  0  y  0) for x y :: int
  by (fact xor_nonnegative_int_iff)

lemma even_conv_AND:
  even i  i AND 1 = 0 for i :: int
  by (simp add: and_one_eq mod2_eq_if)

lemma bin_last_conv_AND:
  "(odd :: int  bool) i  i AND 1  0"
  by (simp add: and_one_eq mod2_eq_if)

lemma bitval_bin_last:
  "of_bool ((odd :: int  bool) i) = i AND 1"
  by (simp add: and_one_eq mod2_eq_if)

lemma bin_sign_and:
  "bin_sign (i AND j) = - (bin_sign i * bin_sign j)"
by(simp add: bin_sign_def)

lemma int_not_neg_numeral: "NOT (- numeral n) = (Num.sub n num.One :: int)"
by(simp add: int_not_def)

lemma int_neg_numeral_pOne_conv_not: "- numeral (n + num.One) = (NOT (numeral n) :: int)"
by(simp add: int_not_def)

subsection Setting and clearing bits

lemma int_shiftl_BIT: fixes x :: int
  shows int_shiftl0: "x << 0 = x"
  and int_shiftl_Suc: "x << Suc n = 2 * x << n"
  by (auto simp add: shiftl_int_def)

lemma int_0_shiftl: "push_bit n 0 = (0 :: int)"
  by (fact push_bit_of_0)

lemma bin_last_shiftl: "odd (push_bit n x)  n = 0  (odd :: int  bool) x"
  by simp

lemma bin_rest_shiftl: "(λk::int. k div 2) (push_bit n x) = (if n > 0 then push_bit (n - 1) x else (λk::int. k div 2) x)"
  by (cases n) (simp_all add: push_bit_eq_mult)

lemma bin_nth_shiftl: "(bit :: int  nat  bool) (push_bit n x) m  n  m  (bit :: int  nat  bool) x (m - n)"
  by (fact bit_push_bit_iff_int)

lemma bin_last_shiftr: "odd (drop_bit n x)  bit x n" for x :: int
  by (simp add: bit_iff_odd_drop_bit)

lemma bin_rest_shiftr: "(λk::int. k div 2) (drop_bit n x) = drop_bit (Suc n) x"
  by (simp add: drop_bit_Suc drop_bit_half)

lemma bin_nth_shiftr: "(bit :: int  nat  bool) (drop_bit n x) m = (bit :: int  nat  bool) x (n + m)"
  by (simp add: bit_simps)

lemma bin_nth_conv_AND:
  fixes x :: int shows
  "(bit :: int  nat  bool) x n  x AND (push_bit n 1)  0"
  by (fact bit_iff_and_push_bit_not_eq_0)

lemma int_shiftl_numeral [simp]:
  "push_bit (numeral w') (numeral w :: int) = push_bit (pred_numeral w') (numeral (num.Bit0 w))"
  "push_bit (numeral w') (- numeral w :: int) = push_bit (pred_numeral w') (- numeral (num.Bit0 w))"
by(simp_all add: numeral_eq_Suc shiftl_int_def)
  (metis add_One mult_inc semiring_norm(11) semiring_norm(13) semiring_norm(2) semiring_norm(6) semiring_norm(87))+

lemma int_shiftl_One_numeral [simp]:
  "push_bit (numeral w) (1::int) = push_bit (pred_numeral w) 2"
  using int_shiftl_numeral [of Num.One w]
  by (simp only: numeral_eq_Suc push_bit_Suc) simp

lemma shiftl_ge_0: fixes i :: int shows "push_bit n i  0  i  0"
  by (fact push_bit_nonnegative_int_iff)

lemma shiftl_lt_0: fixes i :: int shows "push_bit n i < 0  i < 0"
  by (fact push_bit_negative_int_iff)

lemma int_shiftl_test_bit: "bit (push_bit i n :: int) m  m  i  bit n (m - i)"
  by (fact bit_push_bit_iff_int)

lemma int_0shiftr: "drop_bit x (0 :: int) = 0"
  by (fact drop_bit_of_0)

lemma int_minus1_shiftr: "drop_bit x (-1 :: int) = -1"
  by (fact drop_bit_minus_one)

lemma int_shiftr_ge_0: fixes i :: int shows "drop_bit n i  0  i  0"
  by (fact drop_bit_nonnegative_int_iff)

lemma int_shiftr_lt_0 [simp]: fixes i :: int shows "drop_bit n i < 0  i < 0"
  by (fact drop_bit_negative_int_iff)

lemma int_shiftr_numeral [simp]:
  "drop_bit (numeral w') (1 :: int) = 0"
  "drop_bit (numeral w') (numeral num.One :: int) = 0"
  "drop_bit (numeral w') (numeral (num.Bit0 w) :: int) = drop_bit (pred_numeral w') (numeral w)"
  "drop_bit (numeral w') (numeral (num.Bit1 w) :: int) = drop_bit (pred_numeral w') (numeral w)"
  "drop_bit (numeral w') (- numeral (num.Bit0 w) :: int) = drop_bit (pred_numeral w') (- numeral w)"
  "drop_bit (numeral w') (- numeral (num.Bit1 w) :: int) = drop_bit (pred_numeral w') (- numeral ( w))"
  by (simp_all add: numeral_eq_Suc add_One drop_bit_Suc)

lemma int_shiftr_numeral_Suc0 [simp]:
  "drop_bit (Suc 0) (1 :: int) = 0"
  "drop_bit (Suc 0) (numeral num.One :: int) = 0"
  "drop_bit (Suc 0) (numeral (num.Bit0 w) :: int) = numeral w"
  "drop_bit (Suc 0) (numeral (num.Bit1 w) :: int) = numeral w"
  "drop_bit (Suc 0) (- numeral (num.Bit0 w) :: int) = - numeral w"
  "drop_bit (Suc 0) (- numeral (num.Bit1 w) :: int) = - numeral ( w)"
  by (simp_all add: drop_bit_Suc add_One)

lemma bin_nth_minus_p2:
  assumes sign: "bin_sign x = 0"
    and y: "y = push_bit n 1"
    and m: "m < n"
    and x: "x < y"
  shows "bit (x - y) m = bit x m"
proof -
  from bin_sign x = 0 have x  0
    by (simp add: sign_Pls_ge_0) 
  moreover from x y have x < 2 ^ n
    by simp
  ultimately have q < n if bit x q for q
    using that by (metis bit_take_bit_iff take_bit_int_eq_self)
  then have bit (x + NOT (mask n)) m = bit x m
    using m < n by (simp add: disjunctive_add bit_simps)
  also have x + NOT (mask n) = x - y
    using y by (simp flip: minus_exp_eq_not_mask)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma bin_clr_conv_NAND:
  "bin_sc n False i = i AND NOT (push_bit n 1)"
  by (rule bit_eqI) (auto simp add: bin_sc_eq bit_simps)

lemma bin_set_conv_OR:
  "bin_sc n True i = i OR (push_bit n 1)"
  by (rule bit_eqI) (auto simp add: bin_sc_eq bit_simps)


subsection More lemmas on words

lemma msb_conv_bin_sign:
  "msb x  bin_sign x = -1"
  by (simp add: bin_sign_def not_le msb_int_def)

lemma msb_bin_sc:
  "msb (bin_sc n b x)  msb x"
  by (simp add: msb_conv_bin_sign)

lemma msb_word_def:
  msb a  bin_sign (signed_take_bit (LENGTH('a) - 1) (uint a)) = - 1
  for a :: 'a::len word
  by (simp add: bin_sign_def bit_simps msb_word_iff_bit)

lemma word_msb_def:
  "msb a  bin_sign (sint a) = - 1"
  by (simp add: msb_word_def sint_uint)

lemma word_rcat_eq:
  word_rcat ws = word_of_int (bin_rcat (LENGTH('a::len)) (map uint ws))
  for ws :: 'a::len word list
  apply (simp add: word_rcat_def bin_rcat_def rev_map)
  apply transfer
  apply (simp add: horner_sum_foldr foldr_map comp_def)

lemma sign_uint_Pls [simp]: "bin_sign (uint x) = 0"
  by (simp add: sign_Pls_ge_0)

lemmas bin_log_bintrs = bin_trunc_not bin_trunc_xor bin_trunc_and bin_trunc_or

― ‹following definitions require both arithmetic and bit-wise word operations

― ‹to get word_no_log_defs› from word_log_defs›, using bin_log_bintrs›
lemmas wils1 = bin_log_bintrs [THEN word_of_int_eq_iff [THEN iffD2],
  folded uint_word_of_int_eq, THEN eq_reflection]

― ‹the binary operations only  (* BH: why is this needed? *)
lemmas word_log_binary_defs =
  word_and_def word_or_def word_xor_def

lemma setBit_no: "Bit_Operations.set_bit n (numeral bin) = word_of_int (bin_sc n True (numeral bin))"
  by (rule bit_word_eqI) (simp add: bit_simps)

lemma clearBit_no:
  "unset_bit n (numeral bin) = word_of_int (bin_sc n False (numeral bin))"
  by (rule bit_word_eqI) (simp add: bit_simps)

lemma eq_mod_iff: "0 < n  b = b mod n  0  b  b < n"
  for b n :: int
  using pos_mod_sign [of n b] pos_mod_bound [of n b] by (safe, auto)

lemma split_uint_lem: "bin_split n (uint w) = (a, b) 
    a = take_bit (LENGTH('a) - n) a  b = take_bit (LENGTH('a)) b"
  for w :: "'a::len word"
  by transfer (simp add: drop_bit_take_bit ac_simps)

― ‹limited hom result
lemma word_cat_hom:
  "LENGTH('a::len)  LENGTH('b::len) + LENGTH('c::len) 
    (word_cat (word_of_int w :: 'b word) (b :: 'c word) :: 'a word) =
    word_of_int ((λk n l. concat_bit n l k) w (size b) (uint b))"
  by transfer (simp add: take_bit_concat_bit_eq)

lemma bintrunc_shiftl:
  "take_bit n (push_bit i m) = push_bit i (take_bit (n - i) m)"
  for m :: int
  by (fact take_bit_push_bit)

lemma uint_shiftl:
  "uint (push_bit i n) = take_bit (size n) (push_bit i (uint n))"
  by (simp add: unsigned_push_bit_eq word_size)

lemma bin_mask_conv_pow2:
  "mask n = 2 ^ n - (1 :: int)"
  by (fact mask_eq_exp_minus_1)

lemma bin_mask_ge0: "mask n  (0 :: int)"
  by (fact mask_nonnegative_int)

  includes bit_operations_syntax

lemma and_bin_mask_conv_mod: "x AND mask n = x mod 2 ^ n"
  for x :: int
  by (simp flip: take_bit_eq_mod add: take_bit_eq_mask)


lemma bin_mask_numeral:
  "mask (numeral n) = (1 :: int) + 2 * mask (pred_numeral n)"
  by (fact mask_numeral)

lemma bin_nth_mask: "bit (mask n :: int) i  i < n"
  by (simp add: bit_mask_iff)

lemma bin_sign_mask [simp]: "bin_sign (mask n) = 0"
  by (simp add: bin_sign_def bin_mask_conv_pow2)

lemma bin_mask_p1_conv_shift: "mask n + 1 = push_bit n (1 :: int)"
  by (simp add: bin_mask_conv_pow2 shiftl_int_def)

lemma sbintrunc_eq_in_range:
  "((signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n x = x) = (x  range ((signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n))"
  "(x = (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n x) = (x  range ((signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n))"
  apply (simp_all add: image_def)
  apply (metis sbintrunc_sbintrunc)+

lemma sbintrunc_If:
  "- 3 * (2 ^ n)  x  x < 3 * (2 ^ n)
     (signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) n x = (if x < - (2 ^ n) then x + 2 * (2 ^ n)
        else if x  2 ^ n then x - 2 * (2 ^ n) else x)"
  apply (simp add: no_sbintr_alt2, safe)
   apply (simp add: mod_pos_geq)
  apply (subst mod_add_self1[symmetric], simp)

lemma sint_range':
  - (2 ^ (LENGTH('a) - Suc 0))  sint x  sint x < 2 ^ (LENGTH('a) - Suc 0)
  for x :: 'a::len word
  apply transfer
  using sbintr_ge sbintr_lt apply auto

lemma signed_arith_eq_checks_to_ord:
  "(sint a + sint b = sint (a + b ))
    = ((a <=s a + b) = (0 <=s b))"
  "(sint a - sint b = sint (a - b ))
    = ((0 <=s a - b) = (b <=s a))"
  "(- sint a = sint (- a)) = (0 <=s (- a) = (a <=s 0))"
  using sint_range'[where x=a] sint_range'[where x=b]
  by (simp_all add: sint_word_ariths word_sle_eq word_sless_alt sbintrunc_If)

lemma signed_mult_eq_checks_double_size:
  assumes mult_le: "(2 ^ (len_of TYPE ('a) - 1) + 1) ^ 2  (2 :: int) ^ (len_of TYPE ('b) - 1)"
           and le: "2 ^ (LENGTH('a) - 1)  (2 :: int) ^ (len_of TYPE ('b) - 1)"
  shows "(sint (a :: 'a :: len word) * sint b = sint (a * b))
       = (scast a * scast b = (scast (a * b) :: 'b :: len word))"
proof -
  have P: "(signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (size a - 1) (sint a * sint b)  range ((signed_take_bit :: nat  int  int) (size a - 1))"
    by simp

  have abs: "!! x :: 'a word. abs (sint x) < 2 ^ (size a - 1) + 1"
    apply (cut_tac x=x in sint_range')
    apply (simp add: abs_le_iff word_size)
  have abs_ab: "abs (sint a * sint b) < 2 ^ (LENGTH('b) - 1)"
    using abs_mult_less[OF abs[where x=a] abs[where x=b]] mult_le
    by (simp add: abs_mult power2_eq_square word_size)
  define r s where r = LENGTH('a) - 1 s = LENGTH('b) - 1
  then have LENGTH('a) = Suc r LENGTH('b) = Suc s
    size a = Suc r size b = Suc r
    by (simp_all add: word_size)
  then show ?thesis
    using P[unfolded range_sbintrunc] abs_ab le
    apply clarsimp
    apply (transfer fixing: r s)
    apply (auto simp add: signed_take_bit_int_eq_self simp flip: signed_take_bit_eq_iff_take_bit_eq)

lemma bintrunc_id:
  "m  int n; 0 < m  take_bit n m = m"
  by (simp add: take_bit_int_eq_self_iff le_less_trans)

lemma bin_cat_cong: "concat_bit n b a = concat_bit m d c"
  if "n = m" "a = c" "take_bit m b = take_bit m d"
  using that(3) unfolding that(1,2)
  by (simp add: bin_cat_eq_push_bit_add_take_bit)

lemma bin_cat_eqD1: "concat_bit n b a = concat_bit n d c  a = c"
  by (metis drop_bit_bin_cat_eq)

lemma bin_cat_eqD2: "concat_bit n b a = concat_bit n d c  take_bit n b = take_bit n d"
  by (metis take_bit_bin_cat_eq)

lemma bin_cat_inj: "(concat_bit n b a) = concat_bit n d c  a = c  take_bit n b = take_bit n d"
  by (auto intro: bin_cat_cong bin_cat_eqD1 bin_cat_eqD2)

lemma bin_sc_pos:
  "0  i  0  bin_sc n b i"
  by (metis bin_sign_sc sign_Pls_ge_0)

  code_module Bits_Int 
  (SML) Bit_Operations and (OCaml) Bit_Operations and (Haskell) Bit_Operations and (Scala) Bit_Operations
