Funktionale Programmierung und Verifikation (IN0003), WS 2019/20

Klausur: Informationen

In die Klausur darf ein doppelseitig handschriftlich beschriebenes DIN-A4-Blatt mitgebracht werden. Weitere Hilfsmittel sind nicht erlaubt.

Klausur: Termine

Die Klausur findet am 08.02.2020 von 13:00 bis 15:00 Uhr statt.

The retake exam is planned to take place on the 04.07.2020 from 10:45 - 12:45. The exact timeslot might be changed/extended a few minutes. We will let you know if that is the case as soon as possible.

Retake exam information

The exam will take place online: you will receive exercises, solve them on your own at home, and then submit the solutions online. We will expect you to hand in compiling Haskell code. Proofs must be written in a simple *.txt file and structured in a format as practised during the past semester (cyp-like). Those proofs do not need to compile against cyp though to avoid cyp-compilation frustration. Again, you will receive more information about the exact procedure as soon as possible.

Update 26.06: The exam next week will take place on the artemis platform (

On Wednesday, 01.07 10-12am, you will have the chance to get used to this system. We will create a sample exam that shows you how you will receive the exam instructions and how you will have to submit your solutions. Note: The sample exam will neither contain any hints for the exam nor offer you any valuable, new practice material. It will consist of simple template exercises only.

The exam will neither require nor allow the usage of any packages outside the base and QuickCheck package. The used compiler for your submissions will be GHC 8.4.4, the base package version, and the QuickCheck package version 2.11.3. In case you use stack, this corresponds to the lts-12.26 version (

Note that you will not receive direct feedback when you submit your exam solutions besides the fact whether your submission compiled or not. We strongly suggest you to check for compilation errors before submitting anyway as there will be a delay before you receive your feedback.

Update: 29.06:

You must work on the exam on your own. The exam is open book, but you must not, in any way, get support by someone else (in person, chat, forum, discussion group, etc.). Doing so is classified as cheating ("Unterschleif") and leads to consequences as mentioned in the APSO ("Allgemeine Prüfungs- und Studienordnung"). In particular, the exam will be marked as failed (w. cheating), and you will only be allowed trying to pass the module in one final exam attempt (before being exmatriculated) (cf. APSO §24 (5)).

The exam submission will be checked for plagiarism. If you happen to copy code, for example, from a book, you must cite the reference. Failing to do so is classified as plagiarism.

If we have reasons to doubt that you solved the exercises yourself, we may schedule an additional oral exam at short notice, for example the following Monday. Failing the oral exam means failing the whole exam with the consequences explained in the first paragraph under "cheating".

As said, there will be a dry run on Wednesday for you to get accustomed to the artemis exam format from 10-12am. We will add you to the course for the dry run shortly. You will either be able to download each exercise and upload your solution using git or to paste your solutions to an online editor and submit. We recommend you to use former method and to use and IDE to detect, for example, compilation errors.

In order to compensate for various delays while down- and uploading your exam, the submission period will close ten minutes following the official end (that is 12:55). We encourage you to upload your submissions regularly and early. Late submission will not be accepted.

In case of an unexpected breakdown of artemis - and only in such an case - you have to hand in your exam via e-mail to Again, late submissions will not be accepted.

Update 30.06: If you registered for the retake exam, you will now be able to see the course for the test run here


Tomorrow (Wednesday) from 10:00 to 12:00, you will be able to participate in the test run. The exam will show up approximately 5 minutes before the official start in the test course. We highly recommend you to participate and test what way suits you best to submit your solutions. As for the real exam on Saturday, you will only receive feedback whether you code compiles or not in the test run.

The Übungsleitung of EIDI1 and PGDP kindly created a set of slides containing instructions about working on exams in artemis. You can find them here: They are only available in German, however.

If you run into any issues tomorrow, let us know.

Update 03.07: Note that "open book" includes the Internet, but you must not, in any way, get support by someone else (in person, chat, forum, discussion group, etc.). You must add a reference to the source at the relevant places if you copy code, e.g. '-- adapted from'."

If you think the instructions of an exercise are wrong, you can send an e-mail to If it turns out that the instructions must be changed, we will send an e-mail to all participants. Other questions about the exercises will not be answered during the exam.

If you encounter technical problems, you can also send an e-mail to

Update 03.07: Grading retake exam

[32.5, 34.49]1.3
[30, 32.49]1.7
[27.5, 29.99]2.0
[25, 27.49]2.3
[23, 24.99]2.7
[20.5, 22.99]3.0
[18, 20.49]3.3
[15.5, 17.99]3.7
[13, 15.49]4.0
[11, 12.99]4.3
[8.5, 10.99]4.7
[0, 8.49]5.0

Klausur: Hörsaaleinteilung

Die Hörsaaleinteilung für die Endtermklausur entnehmen Sie der folgenden Tabelle:

5620.01.101Interims I Hörsaal 1Pan-Schma
5416.01.004Interims II Hörsaal 1Schmi-Ton
5416.01.003Interims II Hörsaal 2Tor-Z




