Theory Sorting_Par_Partition
theory Sorting_Par_Partition
imports Sorting_Setup Sorting_Guarded_Partition IICF_DS_Interval_List IICF_Shared_Lists IICF_DS_Array_Idxs Sorting_Sample_Partition
lemma set_take_conv_nth: "set (take m xs) = {xs!i| i. i<m ∧ i<length xs}"
by (auto 0 3 simp: in_set_conv_nth)
lemma set_drop_conv_nth: "set (drop m xs) = {xs!i| i. i≥m ∧ i<length xs}" by (rule set_drop_conv)
lemma slice_eq_mset_whole_iff:
"slice_eq_mset 0 (length xs) xs' xs ⟷ mset xs' = mset xs"
"slice_eq_mset 0 (length xs') xs' xs ⟷ mset xs' = mset xs"
unfolding slice_eq_mset_def Misc.slice_def
apply clarsimp
apply (metis dual_order.refl mset_eq_length take_all_iff)
apply clarsimp
apply (metis dual_order.refl mset_eq_length take_all_iff)
definition nat_div_round_up :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat nres" where "nat_div_round_up p q ≡ doN {
ASSERT (q≠0);
let r = p div q;
if p mod q = 0 then
else doN {
ASSERT (r+1≤p);
RETURN (r+1)
lemma nat_div_round_up_correct[refine_vcg]: "q≠0 ⟹ nat_div_round_up p q ≤ SPEC (λr. r*q ∈ {p..<p+q})"
unfolding nat_div_round_up_def
apply refine_vcg
apply (auto simp: algebra_simps modulo_nat_def)
by (metis less_add_same_cancel1 nle_le times_div_less_eq_dividend)
by (metis div_le_dividend gr0_implies_Suc leI le_antisym less_Suc_eq_le mult_Suc not_add_less1)
using dividend_less_times_div less_imp_le_nat by presburger
sepref_register nat_div_round_up
sepref_def nat_div_round_up_impl is "uncurry nat_div_round_up" :: "(snat_assn' TYPE('l::len2))⇧k *⇩a (snat_assn' TYPE('l))⇧k →⇩a snat_assn' TYPE('l)"
unfolding nat_div_round_up_def
apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE('l)")
by sepref
definition [llvm_inline]: "array_cp_nth (cp :: 'a::llvm_rep ⇒ 'a llM) p i ≡ doM {
r←array_nth p i;
r←cp r;
Mreturn r
lemma sao_assn_cp_rl[vcg_rules]:
fixes A :: "('a,'c::llvm_rep) dr_assn"
fixes cp
assumes copy_elem_rl[vcg_rules]: "⋀a c. llvm_htriple (↿A a c) (cp c) (λr. ↿A a c ** ↿A a r)"
shows "llvm_htriple
(↿(sao_assn A) xs p ∧* ↿snat.assn i ii ∧* ↑⇩d(i < length xs ∧ xs!i≠None))
(array_cp_nth cp p ii)
(λri. ↿A (the (xs!i)) ri ∧* ↿(sao_assn A) (xs) p)"
unfolding sao_assn_def array_cp_nth_def
supply [simp] = lo_extract_elem
by vcg
sepref_decl_op list_cp_get: nth :: "[λ(l,i). i<length l]⇩f ⟨A⟩list_rel ×⇩r nat_rel → A" .
lemma woarray_slice_cp_nth_hnr:
assumes "GEN_ALGO cp (is_copy A)"
shows "(uncurry (array_cp_nth cp), uncurry mop_list_cp_get) ∈ (woarray_slice_assn A)⇧k *⇩a snat_assn⇧k →⇩a A"
proof -
from assms have copy_elem_rl[vcg_rules]: "⋀a c. llvm_htriple (A a c) (cp c) (λr. A a c ** A a r)"
unfolding GEN_ALGO_def is_copy_def
apply -
apply (drule hfrefD; simp)
apply (drule hn_refineD; simp)
apply (erule htriple_ent_post[rotated])
apply (simp add: sep_algebra_simps)
show ?thesis
apply sepref_to_hoare
unfolding woarray_slice_assn_def eoarray_slice_assn_def hr_comp_def in_snat_rel_conv_assn
supply [dest] = list_rel_imp_same_length
apply (clarsimp simp: refine_pw_simps some_list_rel_conv)
by vcg
notes [fcomp_norm_simps] = list_rel_id_simp
sepref_decl_impl (ismop) woarray_slice_cp_nth_hnr uses mop_list_cp_get.fref[of Id] .
section ‹Abstract Algorithm›
context weak_ordering begin
abbreviation "gpartition_all_spec p xs xs' m ≡ gpartition_spec 0 (length xs) p xs xs' m"
lemma gpartition_all_spec_alt1: "gpartition_all_spec p xs xs' m ⟷
mset xs' = mset xs
∧ m≤length xs
∧ (∀i<m. xs'!i ❙≤ p)
∧ (∀i∈{m..<length xs}. xs'!i ❙≥ p)
unfolding gpartition_spec_def
by (auto simp: slice_eq_mset_whole_iff)
lemma gpartition_all_spec_alt2: "gpartition_all_spec p xs xs' m ⟷
mset xs' = mset xs
∧ m≤length xs
∧ (∀x∈set (take m xs'). x❙≤p)
∧ (∀x∈set (drop m xs'). p❙≤x)
unfolding gpartition_all_spec_alt1
by (fastforce simp: set_take_conv_nth set_drop_conv_nth dest: mset_eq_length)
lemma gpartition_spec_permute: "mset xs = mset xs⇩1 ⟹ gpartition_all_spec p xs xs' m = gpartition_all_spec p xs⇩1 xs' m"
unfolding gpartition_all_spec_alt1
by (auto dest: mset_eq_length)
subsection ‹Step 1: Partition the Array›
locale is_ppart = weak_ordering +
fixes p xs ss bs
assumes complete: "ss ∪ bs = {0..<length xs}"
assumes disjoint: "ss ∩ bs = {}"
assumes ss_in_P1: "i∈ss ⟹ xs!i ❙≤ p"
assumes bs_in_P2: "i∈bs ⟹ p ❙≤ xs!i"
context weak_ordering begin
definition "ppart_spec p xs xs' ss bs ⟷ mset xs' = mset xs ∧ is_ppart (❙≤) (❙<) p xs' ss bs"
definition "ppart_SPEC p n xs ≡ doN { ASSERT(n=length xs); SPEC (λ(xs',ss,bs). ppart_spec p xs xs' ss bs) }"
lemma "ppart_SPEC p (length xs) xs = SPEC (λ(xs',ss,bs).
mset xs' = mset xs
∧ ss ∪ bs = {0..<length xs'} ∧ ss ∩ bs = {}
∧ (∀i∈ss. xs'!i ❙≤ p) ∧ (∀i∈bs. p ❙≤ xs'!i)
unfolding ppart_SPEC_def ppart_spec_def is_ppart_def is_ppart_axioms_def
by (auto simp: weak_ordering_axioms)
subsection ‹Step 2: compute mid-index, filter misplaced indexes›
definition ppart_mpos :: "nat set ⇒ nat" where "ppart_mpos ss ≡ card ss"
definition ppart_filter :: "nat ⇒ nat set ⇒ nat set ⇒ nat set × nat set" where "ppart_filter m ss bs ≡ ({i∈ss. m≤i},{i∈bs. i<m})"
locale misplaced_elements =
fixes ss bs n
assumes SSU: "ss ∪ bs = {0..<n}" "ss ∩ bs = {}"
fixes m ss⇩1 ss⇩2 bs⇩1 bs⇩2
assumes m_def: "m = card ss"
assumes ss⇩1_def: "ss⇩1 = {i∈ss. i<m}"
assumes ss⇩2_def: "ss⇩2 = {i∈ss. m≤i}"
assumes bs⇩1_def: "bs⇩1 = {i∈bs. m≤i}"
assumes bs⇩2_def: "bs⇩2 = {i∈bs. i<m}"
lemma finiteIs1[simp, intro!]:
"finite ss" "finite bs"
using SSU
by (metis finite_Un finite_atLeastLessThan)+
lemma finiteIs2[simp, intro!]:
"finite ss⇩1" "finite ss⇩2" "finite bs⇩1" "finite bs⇩2"
unfolding ss⇩1_def ss⇩2_def bs⇩1_def bs⇩2_def by auto
lemma m_le_n: "m≤n"
proof -
have "card ss + card bs = n"
using SSU
by (simp add: card_Un_Int)
thus "m≤n" unfolding m_def by auto
lemma ss_split: "ss = ss⇩1 ∪ ss⇩2"
and ss_dj: "ss⇩1 ∩ ss⇩2 = {}"
unfolding ss⇩1_def ss⇩2_def
by auto
lemma bs_split: "bs = bs⇩1 ∪ bs⇩2"
and bs_dj: "bs⇩1 ∩ bs⇩2 = {}"
unfolding bs⇩1_def bs⇩2_def
by auto
lemma low_range_split: "{0..<m} = ss⇩1 ∪ bs⇩2"
and low_range_dj: "ss⇩1 ∩ bs⇩2 = {}"
unfolding ss⇩1_def bs⇩2_def using SSU m_le_n
by auto
lemma high_range_split: "{m..<n} = bs⇩1 ∪ ss⇩2"
and high_range_dj: "bs⇩1 ∩ ss⇩2 = {}"
unfolding bs⇩1_def ss⇩2_def using SSU
by auto
lemma same_djs:
"ss⇩1 ∩ bs⇩1 = {}"
"ss⇩2 ∩ bs⇩2 = {}"
unfolding bs⇩1_def bs⇩2_def ss⇩1_def ss⇩2_def
by auto
lemma in_range:
"ss⇩1 ⊆ {0..<n}"
"ss⇩2 ⊆ {0..<n}"
"bs⇩1 ⊆ {0..<n}"
"bs⇩2 ⊆ {0..<n}"
using SSU
unfolding bs⇩1_def bs⇩2_def ss⇩1_def ss⇩2_def
by auto
lemma misplaced_same_card:
shows "card ss⇩2 = card bs⇩2"
proof -
from ss_split ss_dj have 1: "card ss⇩1 + card ss⇩2 = m" by (simp add: card_Un_disjoint m_def)
also from low_range_split[symmetric] have "m = card (ss⇩1 ∪ bs⇩2)" by simp
also from low_range_dj have "… = card ss⇩1 + card bs⇩2"
by (simp add: card_Un_disjoint)
finally show ?thesis by simp
locale ppar_step2 = is_ppart
abbreviation "m ≡ ppart_mpos ss"
definition "ss⇩1 = {i∈ss. i<m}"
definition "ss⇩2 = fst (ppart_filter m ss bs)"
definition "bs⇩1 = {i∈bs. m≤i}"
definition "bs⇩2 = snd (ppart_filter m ss bs)"
sublocale misplaced: misplaced_elements ss bs "length xs" m ss⇩1 ss⇩2 bs⇩1 bs⇩2
apply unfold_locales
unfolding ppart_mpos_def ppart_filter_def ss⇩1_def ss⇩2_def bs⇩1_def bs⇩2_def
using complete disjoint
by auto
thm misplaced.misplaced_same_card
lemma low_nbs2_well_placed: assumes "i<m" "i∉bs⇩2" shows "xs!i ❙≤ p"
proof -
from assms misplaced.low_range_split have "i∈ss⇩1" by fastforce
with misplaced.ss_split have "i∈ss" by auto
with ss_in_P1 show ?thesis by auto
lemma high_nss2_well_placed: assumes "m≤i" "i<length xs" "i∉ss⇩2" shows "p ❙≤ xs!i"
proof -
from assms misplaced.high_range_split have "i∈bs⇩1" by fastforce
with misplaced.bs_split have "i∈bs" by auto
with bs_in_P2 show ?thesis by auto
subsection ‹Step 3: compute swaps›
locale swap_spec_pre =
fixes src dst :: "nat set" and xs :: "'a list"
assumes src_dst_dj: "src ∩ dst = {}"
assumes src_ss: "src ⊆ {0..<length xs}"
assumes dst_ss: "dst ⊆ {0..<length xs}"
assumes card_eq: "card src = card dst"
lemma finite_src[simp,intro!]: "finite src" using src_ss by (blast intro: finite_subset)
lemma finite_dst[simp,intro!]: "finite dst" using dst_ss by (blast intro: finite_subset)
locale swap_spec = swap_spec_pre + fixes xs' :: "'a list"
assumes elems_outside: "i∉src ∪ dst ⟹ i<length xs ⟹ xs'!i=xs!i"
assumes elems_src: "i∈src ⟹ ∃j∈dst. xs'!i=xs!j"
assumes elems_dst: "i∈dst ⟹ ∃j∈src. xs'!i=xs!j"
assumes permut: "mset xs' = mset xs"
lemma length_xs'_eq[simp]: "length xs' = length xs"
using mset_eq_length[OF permut] by blast
lemma "swap_spec_pre src dst xs ⟷
src ∩ dst = {} ∧ src ∪ dst ⊆ {0..<length xs} ∧ card src = card dst
unfolding swap_spec_pre_def
by blast
lemma "swap_spec src dst xs xs' ⟷
swap_spec_pre src dst xs
∧ mset xs' = mset xs ∧ (∀i. i∉src ∪ dst ∧ i<length xs ⟶ xs'!i=xs!i)
∧ (∀i∈src. ∃j∈dst. xs'!i=xs!j) ∧ (∀j∈dst. ∃i∈src. xs'!j=xs!i)
unfolding swap_spec_def swap_spec_axioms_def
by blast
context swap_spec_pre begin
lemma swap_spec_refl:
assumes [simp]: "src={}"
shows "swap_spec src dst xs xs"
apply unfold_locales
using card_eq
by auto
definition "swap_SPEC ss bs xs ≡ do { ASSERT (swap_spec_pre ss bs xs); SPEC (swap_spec ss bs xs) }"
lemma swap_spec_exists:
assumes "swap_spec_pre src dst xs"
shows "∃xs'. swap_spec src dst xs xs'"
using assms
proof (induction "card src" arbitrary: src dst)
case 0
then interpret swap_spec_pre src dst xs by simp
from 0 card_eq have [simp]: "src={}" "dst={}" by auto
show ?case
apply (rule exI[where x=xs])
apply unfold_locales
by auto
case (Suc n)
then interpret swap_spec_pre src dst xs by simp
from ‹Suc n = card src›[symmetric] card_eq obtain i j src' dst' where
[simp]: "src=insert i src'" "dst=insert j dst'"
and NI: "i∉src'" "j∉dst'"
and CARD: "card src' = n" "card dst' = n"
by (auto simp: card_Suc_eq_finite)
have [simp]: "i<length xs" "j<length xs" using src_ss dst_ss by auto
have "swap_spec_pre src' dst' xs"
apply unfold_locales
using src_dst_dj src_ss dst_ss card_eq CARD
by auto
with Suc.hyps(1)[of src' dst'] obtain xs' where "swap_spec src' dst' xs xs'"
using CARD by blast
then interpret IH: swap_spec src' dst' xs xs' .
have "swap_spec src dst xs (swap xs' i j)"
apply unfold_locales
subgoal for k by (auto simp: IH.elems_outside)
subgoal for k
apply (cases "k=i"; simp)
using IH.elems_outside IH.elems_src NI(2) ‹j < length xs› by blast
by (metis IH.elems_src ‹dst = insert j dst'› ‹src = insert i src'› disjoint_iff insertCI src_dst_dj swap_indep)
subgoal for k
apply (cases "k=j"; simp)
using IH.elems_dst IH.elems_outside NI(1) ‹i < length xs› by blast
by (metis IH.elems_dst ‹dst = insert j dst'› ‹src = insert i src'› disjoint_iff insertCI src_dst_dj swap_indep)
by (simp add: IH.permut)
thus ?case ..
context ppar_step2 begin
lemma swap_spec_pre: "swap_spec_pre ss⇩2 bs⇩2 xs"
apply unfold_locales
using misplaced.same_djs misplaced.in_range
by (auto simp: misplaced.misplaced_same_card)
locale ppar_step3 = ppar_step2 + swap_spec ss⇩2 bs⇩2 xs
lemma "mset xs' = mset xs" by (rule permut)
lemma elems_ss1: "i∈ss⇩1 ⟹ xs'!i = xs!i"
using elems_outside[of i] misplaced.in_range misplaced.low_range_dj misplaced.ss_dj
by fastforce
lemma elems_bs1: "i∈bs⇩1 ⟹ xs'!i = xs!i"
using elems_outside[of i] misplaced.in_range misplaced.high_range_dj misplaced.bs_dj
by fastforce
lemma partitioned1: assumes "i<m" shows "xs'!i ❙≤ p"
proof -
have "i∈ss⇩1 ∪ bs⇩2"
using assms misplaced.low_range_split by fastforce
then show ?thesis
apply rule
apply (simp add: elems_ss1)
using misplaced.ss_split ss_in_P1 by auto
by (metis UnCI elems_dst misplaced.ss_split ss_in_P1)
lemma partitioned2: assumes "m≤i" "i<length xs" shows "p ❙≤ xs'!i"
proof -
have "i∈ss⇩2 ∪ bs⇩1"
using assms misplaced.high_range_split by fastforce
then show ?thesis
apply rule
by (metis bs_in_P2 dual_order.refl elems_src in_mono le_sup_iff misplaced.bs_split)
apply (simp add: elems_bs1)
using misplaced.bs_split bs_in_P2 by auto
lemma is_valid_partition: "gpartition_all_spec p xs xs' m"
unfolding gpartition_all_spec_alt1
by (auto simp: permut misplaced.m_le_n partitioned1 partitioned2)
subsection ‹The Algorithm›
context weak_ordering begin
definition "ppart1 p n xs ≡ do {
(xs,ss,bs) ← ppart_SPEC p n xs;
let m = ppart_mpos ss;
let (ss⇩2,bs⇩2) = ppart_filter m ss bs;
xs ← swap_SPEC ss⇩2 bs⇩2 xs;
RETURN (m,xs)
lemma "ppart1 p (length xs) xs = doN {
(xs,ss,bs) ← ppart_SPEC p (length xs) xs;
let m = card ss;
let (ss,bs) = ({i∈ss. m≤i},{i∈bs. i<m});
xs ← swap_SPEC ss bs xs;
RETURN (m,xs)
unfolding ppart1_def ppart_mpos_def ppart_filter_def
by simp
lemma ppart1_valid_partitition: "n=length xs ⟹ ppart1 p n xs ≤ SPEC (λ(m,xs'). gpartition_all_spec p xs xs' m)"
unfolding ppart1_def ppart_spec_def swap_SPEC_def ppart_SPEC_def
apply refine_vcg
apply clarsimp_all
proof -
fix xs⇩1 ss bs ss⇩2X bs⇩2X
pp_flt: "ppart_filter (ppart_mpos ss) ss bs = (ss⇩2X, bs⇩2X)" and
[simp]: "mset xs⇩1 = mset xs" and
"is_ppart (❙≤) (❙<) p xs⇩1 ss bs"
interpret is_ppart "(❙≤)" "(❙<)" p xs⇩1 ss bs by fact
interpret ppar_step2 "(❙≤)" "(❙<)" p xs⇩1 ss bs by unfold_locales
have [simp]: "ss⇩2X = ss⇩2" "bs⇩2X = bs⇩2" unfolding ss⇩2_def bs⇩2_def using pp_flt
by auto
show "swap_spec_pre ss⇩2X bs⇩2X xs⇩1" using swap_spec_pre by simp
fix xs'
assume sspec: "swap_spec ss⇩2X bs⇩2X xs⇩1 xs'"
interpret swap_spec ss⇩2 bs⇩2 xs⇩1 xs'
using sspec by simp
interpret ppar_step3 "(❙≤)" "(❙<)" p xs⇩1 ss bs xs'
by unfold_locales
show "gpartition_all_spec p xs xs' m"
using ‹mset xs⇩1 = mset xs› is_valid_partition gpartition_spec_permute by blast
lemma "ppart1 p (length xs) xs ≤ SPEC (λ(m, xs').
mset xs' = mset xs ∧ m ≤ length xs
∧ (∀i<m. xs' ! i ❙≤ p) ∧ (∀i∈{m..<length xs}. p ❙≤ xs' ! i))"
using ppart1_valid_partitition[OF refl, of p xs]
unfolding gpartition_all_spec_alt1 by simp
section ‹Refinement to Parallel Partitioning›
context weak_ordering begin
lemma ppart_spec_merge:
assumes "ppart_spec p xs⇩1 xs⇩1' ss⇩1 bs⇩1"
assumes "ppart_spec p xs⇩2 xs⇩2' ss⇩2 bs⇩2"
defines "ss⇩2' ≡ (+)(length xs⇩1)`ss⇩2"
defines "bs⇩2' ≡ (+)(length xs⇩1)`bs⇩2"
shows "ppart_spec p (xs⇩1@xs⇩2) (xs⇩1'@xs⇩2') (ss⇩1 ∪ ss⇩2') (bs⇩1 ∪ bs⇩2')"
using assms(1,2)
unfolding ppart_spec_def
proof clarsimp
assume "mset xs⇩1' = mset xs⇩1" "mset xs⇩2' = mset xs⇩2"
hence [simp]: "length xs⇩1' = length xs⇩1" "length xs⇩2' = length xs⇩2"
by (auto dest: mset_eq_length)
assume "is_ppart (❙≤) (❙<) p xs⇩1' ss⇩1 bs⇩1" "is_ppart (❙≤) (❙<) p xs⇩2' ss⇩2 bs⇩2"
then interpret p1: is_ppart "(❙≤)" "(❙<)" p xs⇩1' ss⇩1 bs⇩1 + p2: is_ppart "(❙≤)" "(❙<)" p xs⇩2' ss⇩2 bs⇩2 .
from p2.complete have sb⇩2_Un: "ss⇩2' ∪ bs⇩2' = {length xs⇩1' ..< length (xs⇩1'@xs⇩2')}"
unfolding ss⇩2'_def bs⇩2'_def
by (auto simp flip: image_Un)
from p2.disjoint have sb⇩2_dj: "ss⇩2' ∩ bs⇩2' = {}"
unfolding ss⇩2'_def bs⇩2'_def
by auto
have sb'_dj: "(ss⇩1∪bs⇩1) ∩ (ss⇩2'∪bs⇩2') = {}"
apply (simp add: p1.complete)
unfolding ss⇩2'_def bs⇩2'_def
by auto
from p1.complete have ss⇩1_in_range: "⋀i. i∈ss⇩1 ⟹ i<length xs⇩1" by auto
from p1.complete have bs⇩1_in_range: "⋀i. i∈bs⇩1 ⟹ i<length xs⇩1" by auto
from sb⇩2_Un have ss⇩2'_in_range: "⋀i. i∈ss⇩2' ⟹ length xs⇩1≤i" by auto
from sb⇩2_Un have bs⇩2'_in_range: "⋀i. i∈bs⇩2' ⟹ length xs⇩1≤i" by auto
show "is_ppart (❙≤) (❙<) p (xs⇩1' @ xs⇩2') (ss⇩1 ∪ ss⇩2') (bs⇩1 ∪ bs⇩2')"
apply unfold_locales
apply (rule HOL.trans[where s="(ss⇩1∪bs⇩1)∪(ss⇩2' ∪ bs⇩2')"])
apply blast
apply (simp add: sb⇩2_Un p1.complete) by auto
using p1.disjoint p2.disjoint sb⇩2_dj sb'_dj by blast
subgoal for i
apply (auto simp: nth_append p1.ss_in_P1 ss⇩1_in_range dest: ss⇩2'_in_range)
apply (auto simp: ss⇩2'_def p2.ss_in_P1)
subgoal for i
apply (auto simp: nth_append p1.bs_in_P2 bs⇩1_in_range dest: bs⇩2'_in_range)
apply (auto simp: bs⇩2'_def p2.bs_in_P2)
definition "gpartition_slices d p len xs = RECT (λgpartition_slices (len,xs). do {
ASSERT (d>0);
ASSERT (len = length xs);
if (len ≤ d) then do {
(xs,ss,bs) ← ppart_SPEC p len xs;
RETURN (xs,ss,bs)
} else do {
let si = len - d;
(((ss⇩1,bs⇩1),(ss⇩2,bs⇩2)),xs) ← WITH_SPLIT si xs (λxs⇩1 xs⇩2. do {
((xs⇩1,ivs⇩1),(xs⇩2,ivs⇩2)) ← nres_par (gpartition_slices) (ppart_SPEC p d) (si,xs⇩1) xs⇩2;
RETURN (((ivs⇩1,ivs⇩2),xs⇩1,xs⇩2))
ASSERT(iv_incr_elems_abs_bound ss⇩2 si len);
ss⇩2←mop_set_incr_elems si ss⇩2;
ASSERT(iv_incr_elems_abs_bound bs⇩2 si len);
bs⇩2←mop_set_incr_elems si bs⇩2;
ss←mop_set_union_disj ss⇩1 ss⇩2;
bs←mop_set_union_disj bs⇩1 bs⇩2;
RETURN (xs,ss,bs)
}) (len,xs)"
lemma ppart_spec_imp_len_eq: "ppart_spec p xs xs' ss bs ⟹ length xs' = length xs"
unfolding ppart_spec_def
by (auto dest: mset_eq_length)
lemma ppart_spec_len_bound:
assumes "ppart_spec p xs xs' ss bs"
shows "ss⊆{0..<length xs}" "bs⊆{0..<length xs}"
using assms unfolding ppart_spec_def is_ppart_def is_ppart_axioms_def
by (auto dest!: mset_eq_length)
lemma ppart_spec_lb_imp_disj:
assumes "ppart_spec p xs xs' ss bs"
shows "ss ∩ (+)(length xs)`ss' = {}" "bs ∩ (+)(length xs)`bs' = {}"
using ppart_spec_len_bound[OF assms]
by auto
lemma gpartition_slices_refine_aux: "d>0 ⟹ gpartition_slices d p len xs ≤ ppart_SPEC p len xs"
unfolding gpartition_slices_def ppart_SPEC_def
thm RECT_rule
apply refine_vcg
apply (refine_vcg RECT_rule[
V="measure (λ(_,xs). length xs)"
and pre="λ(len,xs). len=length xs"
and M="λ(d,xs). Refine_Basic.SPEC (λ(xs', ss, bs). ppart_spec p xs xs' ss bs)",
THEN order_trans])
apply (all ‹(thin_tac "RECT _ = _")?›)
subgoal by simp
subgoal by auto
subgoal by simp
subgoal by clarsimp
subgoal by simp
apply (drule sym[of "length _" "_ - _"])
apply (rule order_trans)
apply rprems
subgoal by force
subgoal by auto
apply refine_vcg
subgoal by (auto dest: ppart_spec_imp_len_eq)
subgoal by (auto dest: ppart_spec_imp_len_eq)
subgoal by (auto dest: ppart_spec_imp_len_eq)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule iv_incr_elems_abs_bound_card_boundI)
apply (erule ppart_spec_len_bound)
by simp
apply clarsimp
apply (rule iv_incr_elems_abs_bound_card_boundI)
apply (erule ppart_spec_len_bound)
by simp
subgoal by (simp add: ppart_spec_lb_imp_disj)
subgoal by (simp add: ppart_spec_lb_imp_disj)
subgoal by (auto intro: ppart_spec_merge)
subgoal by auto
lemma gpartition_slices_refine: "⟦ (xs,xs')∈⟨Id⟩list_rel; d>0⟧ ⟹ gpartition_slices d p n xs ≤ ⇓Id (ppart_SPEC p n xs')"
by (auto simp: gpartition_slices_refine_aux)
section ‹Refinement to Parallel Swap›
locale swap_opt_spec_pre =
fixes src dst :: "nat set" and xs :: "'a option list"
assumes src_dst_dj: "src ∩ dst = {}"
assumes src_ss: "src ⊆ sl_indexes' xs"
assumes dst_ss: "dst ⊆ sl_indexes' xs"
assumes card_eq: "card src = card dst"
lemma finite_src[simp,intro!]: "finite src" apply (rule finite_subset[OF src_ss]) by auto
lemma finite_dst[simp,intro!]: "finite dst" apply (rule finite_subset[OF dst_ss]) by auto
lemma idxs_in_bounds: "src∪dst ⊆ sl_indexes' xs" using src_ss dst_ss by auto
locale swap_opt_spec = swap_opt_spec_pre +
fixes xs'
assumes struct_eq[simp]: "sl_struct xs' = sl_struct xs"
assumes elems_outside: "i∉src ∪ dst ⟹ i∈sl_indexes' xs ⟹ sl_get xs' i=sl_get xs i"
assumes elems_src: "i∈src ⟹ ∃j∈dst. sl_get xs' i = sl_get xs j"
assumes elems_dst: "i∈dst ⟹ ∃j∈src. sl_get xs' i = sl_get xs j"
assumes permut: "mset xs' = mset xs"
lemma length_eq[simp]: "length xs' = length xs" using mset_eq_length[OF permut] .
locale swap_opt_spec_pre_split = swap_opt_spec_pre ss bs xs for ss bs xs +
fixes ss⇩1 ss⇩2 bs⇩1 bs⇩2
assumes split_complete: "ss = ss⇩1 ∪ ss⇩2" "bs = bs⇩1 ∪ bs⇩2"
assumes split_dj: "ss⇩1 ∩ ss⇩2 = {}" "bs⇩1 ∩ bs⇩2 = {}"
assumes split_card_eq1: "card bs⇩1 = card ss⇩1"
assumes ss⇩1_ne: "ss⇩1≠{}"
lemma finites[simp,intro!]:
"finite ss⇩1"
"finite ss⇩2"
"finite bs⇩1"
"finite bs⇩2"
using finite_src finite_dst
by (auto simp: split_complete)
lemma card_ss_eq: "card ss = card ss⇩1 + card ss⇩2" using split_complete split_dj by (auto simp: card_Un_disjoint)
lemma card_bs_eq: "card bs = card bs⇩1 + card bs⇩2" using split_complete split_dj by (auto simp: card_Un_disjoint)
lemma split_card_eq2: "card bs⇩2 = card ss⇩2"
by (metis card_bs_eq card_ss_eq diff_add_inverse card_eq split_card_eq1)
lemmas split_card_eq = split_card_eq1 split_card_eq2
sublocale p1: swap_opt_spec_pre ss⇩1 bs⇩1 "(sl_split (ss⇩1∪bs⇩1) xs)"
apply unfold_locales
using split_dj src_dst_dj idxs_in_bounds
apply (auto simp: split_card_eq)
subgoal using split_complete(1) split_complete(2) by blast
subgoal by (auto simp: sl_indexes_split split_complete)
subgoal by (auto simp: sl_indexes_split split_complete)
sublocale p2: swap_opt_spec_pre ss⇩2 bs⇩2 "(sl_split (-ss⇩1-bs⇩1) xs)"
apply unfold_locales
using split_dj src_dst_dj idxs_in_bounds
apply (auto simp: split_card_eq)
subgoal using split_complete(1) split_complete(2) by blast
subgoal by (auto simp: sl_indexes_split split_complete)
subgoal by (auto simp: sl_indexes_split split_complete)
lemma extreme:
assumes "ss⇩2={}"
shows "bs⇩2={}" "ss⇩1=ss" "bs⇩1=bs"
using assms split_complete split_dj split_card_eq
by auto
lemma idxs1_in_bounds: "ss⇩1 ∪ bs⇩1 ⊆ sl_indexes' xs"
using dst_ss split_complete(1) split_complete(2) src_ss by blast
lemma decreasing: "card ss⇩2 < card ss"
using card_ss_eq ss⇩1_ne by fastforce
lemma join:
assumes "swap_opt_spec ss⇩1 bs⇩1 (sl_split (ss⇩1∪bs⇩1) xs) xs⇩1'"
assumes "swap_opt_spec ss⇩2 bs⇩2 (sl_split (-ss⇩1-bs⇩1) xs) xs⇩2'"
shows "swap_opt_spec ss bs xs (sl_join xs⇩1' xs⇩2')"
proof -
interpret p1: swap_opt_spec ss⇩1 bs⇩1 "(sl_split (ss⇩1∪bs⇩1) xs)" xs⇩1' by fact
interpret p2: swap_opt_spec ss⇩2 bs⇩2 "(sl_split (-ss⇩1-bs⇩1) xs)" xs⇩2' by fact
have COMPAT[simp]: "sl_compat (sl_struct_split (ss⇩1 ∪ bs⇩1) (sl_struct xs)) (sl_struct_split (- ss⇩1 - bs⇩1) (sl_struct xs))"
by (auto intro: sl_compat_splitI)
have "mset xs = mset (sl_join (sl_split (ss⇩1∪bs⇩1) xs) (sl_split (-ss⇩1-bs⇩1) xs))"
using sl_join_split_eq[of "ss⇩1∪bs⇩1" xs]
by simp
also have "… = mset (sl_split (ss⇩1 ∪ bs⇩1) xs) + mset (sl_split (- ss⇩1 - bs⇩1) xs) - replicate_mset (length xs) None"
by (simp add: mset_join_idxs_eq)
finally have mset_xs_conv: "mset xs = mset (sl_split (ss⇩1 ∪ bs⇩1) xs) + mset (sl_split (- ss⇩1 - bs⇩1) xs) - replicate_mset (length xs) None" .
show ?thesis
apply unfold_locales
using sl_struct_join_split[of "ss⇩1∪bs⇩1"]
by auto
apply simp
apply (subst sl_get_join)
by (auto dest: sl_indexes_lengthD simp: split_complete sl_indexes_split p2.elems_outside sl_get_split)
subgoal for i
apply (simp add: split_complete; safe)
by (metis Un_iff COMPAT p1.elems_src p1.src_ss p1.struct_eq p2.struct_eq sl_get_join1 sl_get_split sl_struct_split subset_iff)
apply (frule p2.elems_src; clarsimp)
by (metis COMPAT IntD1 UnI2 p1.struct_eq p2.dst_ss p2.src_ss p2.struct_eq sl_get_join2 sl_get_split sl_indexes_split sl_struct_split subsetD)
apply (simp add: split_complete; safe)
subgoal by (metis COMPAT in_mono p1.dst_ss p1.elems_dst p1.struct_eq p2.struct_eq sl_get_join1 sl_get_split sl_struct_split sup_ge1)
apply (frule p2.elems_dst; clarsimp)
by (metis COMPAT IntD1 Un_Int_eq(2) in_mono p1.struct_eq p2.dst_ss p2.src_ss p2.struct_eq sl_get_join2 sl_get_split sl_indexes_split sl_struct_split)
by (simp add: mset_join_idxs_eq mset_xs_conv p1.permut p2.permut)
definition "swap_opt_SPEC ss bs xs ≡ do {ASSERT (swap_opt_spec_pre ss bs xs); SPEC (swap_opt_spec ss bs xs)}"
definition "split_sets_eq_SPEC ss bs = do {
ASSERT (ss≠{} ∧ bs≠{} ∧ finite ss ∧ finite bs);
SPEC (λ((ss⇩1,ss⇩2),(bs⇩1,bs⇩2)).
ss = ss⇩1 ∪ ss⇩2 ∧ bs = bs⇩1 ∪ bs⇩2
∧ ss⇩1 ∩ ss⇩2 = {} ∧ bs⇩1 ∩ bs⇩2 = {}
∧ ss⇩1 ≠ {}
∧ card ss⇩1 = card bs⇩1
lemma (in swap_opt_spec_pre) split_sets_eq_SPEC_swap_rl:
shows "src≠{} ⟹ split_sets_eq_SPEC src dst ≤ SPEC (λ((ss⇩1,ss⇩2),(bs⇩1,bs⇩2)). swap_opt_spec_pre_split src dst xs ss⇩1 ss⇩2 bs⇩1 bs⇩2)"
unfolding split_sets_eq_SPEC_def
apply refine_vcg
subgoal using card_eq by force
subgoal by simp
subgoal by simp
apply unfold_locales
apply clarsimp_all
definition "par_swap_aux ss bs xs ≡ RECT (λpar_swap (ss,bs,xs). do {
ASSERT (swap_opt_spec_pre ss bs xs);
((ss⇩1,ss⇩2),(bs⇩1,bs⇩2)) ← split_sets_eq_SPEC ss bs;
if (ss⇩2={}) then do {
ASSERT (bs⇩2={} ∧ ss⇩1=ss ∧ bs⇩1=bs);
swap_opt_SPEC ss⇩1 bs⇩1 xs
} else do {
(_,xs) ← WITH_IDXS (ss⇩1∪bs⇩1) xs (λxs⇩1 xs⇩2. do {
(xs⇩1,xs⇩2) ← nres_par (λ(ss⇩1,bs⇩1,xs⇩1). (swap_opt_SPEC ss⇩1 bs⇩1 xs⇩1)) (par_swap) (ss⇩1,bs⇩1,xs⇩1) (ss⇩2,bs⇩2,xs⇩2);
RETURN ((),xs⇩1,xs⇩2)
}) (ss,bs,xs)"
lemma par_swap_aux_correct:
shows "ss≠{} ⟹ par_swap_aux ss bs xs ≤ swap_opt_SPEC ss bs xs"
unfolding par_swap_aux_def swap_opt_SPEC_def
supply R = RECT_rule[where V="measure (card o fst)" and pre="λ(ss,bs,xs). ss≠{} ∧ swap_opt_spec_pre ss bs xs"]
apply refine_vcg
apply (refine_vcg R[where M="λ(ss,bs,xs). SPEC (swap_opt_spec ss bs xs)", THEN order_trans])
apply (all ‹(thin_tac "RECT _ = _")?›)
subgoal by simp
subgoal by simp
subgoal by simp
subgoal by simp
apply (clarsimp)
subgoal for par_swap ss bs xs proof goal_cases
case 1
note IH = ‹⟦_;_⟧ ⟹ par_swap _ ≤ _›
note [simp] = ‹ss≠{}›
note SOS_PRE[simp] = ‹swap_opt_spec_pre ss bs xs›
interpret swap_opt_spec_pre ss bs xs by fact
show ?case
apply (rule split_sets_eq_SPEC_swap_rl[THEN order_trans])
apply simp
apply (rule refine_vcg)
apply clarsimp
subgoal for ss⇩1 ss⇩2 bs⇩1 bs⇩2 proof goal_cases
case 1
then interpret swap_opt_spec_pre_split ss bs xs ss⇩1 ss⇩2 bs⇩1 bs⇩2 .
show ?thesis
apply (refine_vcg)
subgoal by (simp add: extreme)
subgoal by (simp add: extreme)
subgoal by (simp add: extreme)
subgoal by (simp add: extreme)
subgoal by (simp add: extreme)
subgoal by (rule idxs1_in_bounds)
using p1.swap_opt_spec_pre_axioms
by clarsimp
apply clarsimp
subgoal for xs⇩1'
apply (rule IH[THEN order_trans])
using p2.swap_opt_spec_pre_axioms
by clarsimp
subgoal by (rule decreasing)
apply clarsimp
subgoal for xs⇩2' proof goal_cases
case 1
then interpret
p1: swap_opt_spec ss⇩1 bs⇩1 "sl_split (ss⇩1 ∪ bs⇩1) xs" xs⇩1' +
p2: swap_opt_spec ss⇩2 bs⇩2 "sl_split (- ss⇩1 - bs⇩1) xs" xs⇩2' by simp_all
from 1 join have "swap_opt_spec ss bs xs (sl_join xs⇩1' xs⇩2')" by simp
then show ?thesis
by simp
subgoal by simp
definition "par_swap ss bs xs ≡ do {
if (ss={}) then RETURN xs
else do {
xs ← mop_sl_of_list xs;
xs ← par_swap_aux ss bs xs;
mop_list_of_sl xs
context swap_spec_pre begin
lemma to_opt: "swap_opt_spec_pre src dst (sl_of_list xs)"
apply unfold_locales
using src_dst_dj src_ss dst_ss card_eq
by auto
context swap_opt_spec begin
lemma to_plain_complete:
assumes [simp]: "xs = sl_of_list xs⇩0"
shows "sl_complete (sl_struct xs')"
by simp
lemma to_plain:
assumes [simp]: "xs = sl_of_list xs⇩0"
shows "swap_spec src dst xs⇩0 (list_of_sl xs')"
apply unfold_locales
subgoal by (simp add: src_dst_dj)
subgoal using src_ss by simp
subgoal using dst_ss by simp
subgoal by (simp add: card_eq)
subgoal for i using elems_outside[of i] by simp
subgoal for i using elems_src[of i] by simp
subgoal for i using elems_dst[of i] by simp
subgoal using permut by (simp add: mset_of_list_permut)
lemma par_swap_refine_aux: "par_swap ss bs xs ≤ swap_SPEC ss bs xs"
unfolding par_swap_def swap_SPEC_def
apply refine_vcg
apply (simp add: swap_spec_pre.swap_spec_refl)
apply (rule order_trans[OF par_swap_aux_correct])
apply simp
apply (simp add: swap_opt_SPEC_def)
apply refine_vcg
apply (simp add: swap_spec_pre.to_opt)
apply (simp add: swap_opt_spec.to_plain_complete)
apply (simp add: swap_opt_spec.to_plain)
lemma par_swap_refine: "⟦(ss,ss')∈⟨Id⟩set_rel; (bs,bs')∈⟨Id⟩set_rel; (xs,xs')∈⟨Id⟩list_rel⟧
⟹ par_swap ss bs xs ≤⇓(⟨Id⟩list_rel) (swap_SPEC ss' bs' xs')"
by (auto simp: par_swap_refine_aux)
definition "swap_o_intv_aux ≡ λ(l⇩1,h⇩1) (l⇩2,h⇩2) xs⇩0. doN {
ASSERT (l⇩1≤h⇩1 ∧ l⇩2≤h⇩2 ∧ h⇩2-l⇩2 = h⇩1-l⇩1);
(λ(xs,i⇩1,i⇩2). i⇩1∈{l⇩1..h⇩1} ∧ i⇩2∈{l⇩2..h⇩2} ∧ i⇩1-l⇩1 = i⇩2-l⇩2 ∧ swap_opt_spec {l⇩1..<i⇩1} {l⇩2..<i⇩2} xs⇩0 xs)
(λ(xs,i⇩1,i⇩2). i⇩1<h⇩1)
(λ(xs,i⇩1,i⇩2). doN {
ASSERT(i⇩1<h⇩1 ∧ i⇩2<h⇩2);
xs←mop_slist_swap xs i⇩1 i⇩2;
RETURN (xs,i⇩1+1,i⇩2+1)
}) (xs⇩0,l⇩1,l⇩2);
lemma swap_opt_spec_empty[simp]: "swap_opt_spec {} {} xs⇩0 xs⇩0"
apply unfold_locales
by auto
lemma swap_o_intv_aux_correct:
assumes "l⇩1≤h⇩1" "l⇩2≤h⇩2"
shows "swap_o_intv_aux (l⇩1,h⇩1) (l⇩2,h⇩2) xs⇩0 ≤ swap_opt_SPEC {l⇩1..<h⇩1} {l⇩2..<h⇩2} xs⇩0"
unfolding swap_opt_SPEC_def
apply refine_vcg
proof -
assume "swap_opt_spec_pre {l⇩1..<h⇩1} {l⇩2..<h⇩2} xs⇩0"
then interpret swap_opt_spec_pre "{l⇩1..<h⇩1}" "{l⇩2..<h⇩2}" xs⇩0 .
fix xs i⇩1 i⇩2
assume B1: "l⇩1 ≤ i⇩1" "i⇩1 < h⇩1"
assume B2: "l⇩2 ≤ i⇩2" "i⇩2 < h⇩2"
assume "swap_opt_spec {l⇩1..<i⇩1} {l⇩2..<i⇩2} xs⇩0 xs"
then interpret this: swap_opt_spec "{l⇩1..<i⇩1}" "{l⇩2..<i⇩2}" xs⇩0 xs .
have [simp]: "i⇩1 ∈ sl_indexes' xs⇩0" "i⇩2 ∈ sl_indexes' xs⇩0" using B1 B2 src_ss dst_ss by auto
have "swap_opt_spec {l⇩1..<Suc i⇩1} {l⇩2..<Suc i⇩2} xs⇩0 (swap xs i⇩1 i⇩2)"
apply unfold_locales
subgoal using B1 B2 src_dst_dj by fastforce
subgoal using B1 B2 src_ss by fastforce
subgoal using B1 B2 dst_ss by fastforce
subgoal using B1 B2 this.card_eq by (metis Suc_diff_le card_atLeastLessThan)
subgoal using B1 B2 src_ss dst_ss by fastforce
subgoal using B1 B2 this.elems_outside by (auto simp: sl_get_swap_other)
subgoal for j
apply (subgoal_tac "j≠i⇩2 ∧ j∈sl_indexes' xs⇩0")
apply clarsimp
apply (cases "j<i⇩1")
subgoal using this.elems_src[of j] by (auto simp: sl_get_swap_iff)
subgoal using B1 B2 src_dst_dj by (auto simp: this.elems_outside sl_get_swap_iff)
using B1 B2 src_dst_dj src_ss by auto
subgoal for j
apply (subgoal_tac "j≠i⇩1 ∧ j∈sl_indexes' xs⇩0")
apply clarsimp
apply (cases "j<i⇩2")
subgoal using this.elems_dst[of j] by (auto simp: sl_get_swap_iff)
subgoal using B1 B2 src_dst_dj by (auto simp: this.elems_outside sl_get_swap_iff)
using B1 B2 src_dst_dj dst_ss by auto
by (metis ‹i⇩1 ∈ sl_indexes' xs⇩0› ‹i⇩2 ∈ sl_indexes' xs⇩0› sl_indexes_lengthD sl_struct_length swap_multiset this.length_eq this.permut)
} note aux=this
show "swap_o_intv_aux (l⇩1, h⇩1) (l⇩2, h⇩2) xs⇩0 ≤ SPEC (swap_opt_spec {l⇩1..<h⇩1} {l⇩2..<h⇩2} xs⇩0)"
unfolding swap_o_intv_aux_def
apply (refine_vcg WHILEIT_rule[where R="measure (λ(_,i,_). h⇩1-i)"])
apply (clarsimp_all simp: assms swap_opt_spec.struct_eq aux)
subgoal using card_eq by simp
subgoal by auto
subgoal using src_ss by fastforce
subgoal using dst_ss by fastforce
subgoal using Suc_diff_le by presburger
subgoal using diff_less_mono2 lessI by presburger
subgoal for xs i2 using assms(2) eq_diff_iff by blast
definition "swap_o_intv ≡ λ(l⇩1,h⇩1) (l⇩2,h⇩2) xs.
if l⇩1≤h⇩1 ∧ l⇩2≤h⇩2 then swap_o_intv_aux (l⇩1,h⇩1) (l⇩2,h⇩2) xs else RETURN xs"
lemma swap_opt_spec_pre_empty1_conv: "swap_opt_spec_pre {} bs xs⇩0 ⟷ bs={}"
unfolding swap_opt_spec_pre_def
by (auto dest: finite_subset[OF _ sl_indexes_finite])
lemma swap_opt_spec_pre_empty2_conv: "swap_opt_spec_pre ss {} xs⇩0 ⟷ ss={}"
unfolding swap_opt_spec_pre_def
by (auto dest: finite_subset[OF _ sl_indexes_finite])
lemma swap_o_intv_correct:
shows "swap_o_intv (l⇩1,h⇩1) (l⇩2,h⇩2) xs⇩0 ≤ swap_opt_SPEC {l⇩1..<h⇩1} {l⇩2..<h⇩2} xs⇩0"
unfolding swap_o_intv_def
apply (cases "l⇩1 ≤ h⇩1"; cases "l⇩2 ≤ h⇩2"; simp)
apply (simp add: swap_o_intv_aux_correct)
unfolding swap_opt_SPEC_def
apply (all refine_vcg)
apply (simp_all add: swap_opt_spec_pre_empty1_conv swap_opt_spec_pre_empty2_conv)
lemma swap_o_intv_refine: "(swap_o_intv, swap_opt_SPEC) ∈ iv_rel → iv_rel → Id → ⟨Id⟩nres_rel"
by (clarsimp simp: iv_rel_def in_br_conv iv_α_def intro!: nres_relI swap_o_intv_correct)
notes [fcomp_norm_simps] = iv_assn_def[symmetric]
private abbreviation (input) "ivA ≡ iv_assn_raw :: _ ⇒ size_t word × _ ⇒ _"
sepref_definition swap_o_intv_impl [llvm_code] is "uncurry2 swap_o_intv"
:: "[λ_. True]⇩c ivA⇧k *⇩a ivA⇧k *⇩a (oarray_idxs_assn A)⇧d → oarray_idxs_assn A [λ((_,_),xsi) ri. ri=xsi]⇩c"
unfolding swap_o_intv_def swap_o_intv_aux_def iv_assn_raw_def
apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE(size_t)")
by sepref
lemmas swap_o_intv_oidxs_hnr[sepref_fr_rules] = swap_o_intv_impl.refine[FCOMP swap_o_intv_refine]
section ‹Wrap-Up: Parallel Algorithm on Abstract Level›
context weak_ordering begin
definition "ppart2 d p n xs ≡ do {
(xs,ss,bs) ← gpartition_slices d p n xs;
m ← mop_set_card ss;
let (ss⇩2,bs⇩2) = ppart_filter m ss bs;
xs ← par_swap ss⇩2 bs⇩2 xs;
RETURN (m,xs)
lemma ppart2_refine: "⟦ 0<d; (xs,xs')∈⟨Id⟩list_rel; n=length xs' ⟧ ⟹ ppart2 d p n xs ≤ ⇓Id (ppart1 p n xs')"
unfolding ppart2_def ppart1_def ppart_mpos_def
apply (refine_rcg gpartition_slices_refine par_swap_refine)
by auto
lemma ppart2_refine_p_all_spec:
assumes "0<d" "n=length xs"
shows "ppart2 d p n xs ≤ (SPEC(λ(m,xs'). gpartition_all_spec p xs xs' m))"
proof -
note ppart2_refine
also note ppart1_valid_partitition
finally show ?thesis using assms by simp
definition "ppart_partition_pivot_par d xs n ≡ doN {
ASSERT (n=length xs ∧ 4≤length xs);
xs ← move_pivot_to_first_sample xs n;
p ← mop_list_cp_get xs 0;
(m,xs) ← WITH_SPLIT 1 xs (λxs⇩1 xs⇩2. doN {
ASSERT (n>0);
(m,xs⇩2) ← ppart2 d p (n-1) xs⇩2;
RETURN (m,xs⇩1,xs⇩2)
ASSERT (m+1 ≤ n);
let m'=m+1;
if m'=n then doN {
xs←mop_list_swap xs 0 m;
RETURN (xs,m)
} else RETURN (xs,m')
lemma move_pivot_to_first_sample_weak_correct:
"⟦n=length xs; length xs ≥ 4⟧ ⟹ move_pivot_to_first_sample xs n ≤ SPEC (λxs'. mset xs' = mset xs)"
apply refine_vcg by simp
lemma mset_eq_sum_mset_lengthD: "mset xs = mset xs⇩1 + mset xs⇩2 ⟹ length xs = length xs⇩1+length xs⇩2"
by (metis size_mset size_union)
lemma slice_LT_by_nthI:
assumes "l≤m" "m≤h" "h≤length xs"
assumes "∀i∈{l..<m}. xs!i❙≤p" "∀i∈{m..<h}. p❙≤xs!i"
shows "slice_LT (❙≤) (Misc.slice l m xs) (Misc.slice m h xs)"
using assms
unfolding slice_LT_def Ball_def in_set_conv_nth
by (force simp: slice_nth intro: trans[of _ p])
lemma ppart_partition_pivot_par_refines_part3: "⟦0<d; n=length xs⟧ ⟹ ppart_partition_pivot_par d xs n ≤ partition3_spec xs 0 n"
unfolding partition3_spec_def ppart_partition_pivot_par_def
apply (refine_vcg ppart2_refine_p_all_spec move_pivot_to_first_sample_weak_correct)
apply (clarsimp_all dest!: sym[of "_+_" "mset _"] simp: gpartition_spec_def slice_eq_mset_whole_iff)
subgoal by (auto dest: mset_eq_length)
subgoal by (auto dest: mset_eq_sum_mset_lengthD)
subgoal by (auto dest: mset_eq_length mset_eq_sum_mset_lengthD)
subgoal by (auto dest: mset_eq_length mset_eq_sum_mset_lengthD)
subgoal by (auto dest: mset_eq_length mset_eq_sum_mset_lengthD)
subgoal by (subst swap_multiset; auto dest: mset_eq_length)
subgoal for xs⇩1 xs⇩2 xs⇩2' m
apply (rule slice_LT_by_nthI[where p="xs⇩1 ! 0"])
apply clarsimp_all
subgoal by (drule mset_eq_length)+ auto
subgoal by (drule mset_eq_length)+ (auto simp: length_Suc_conv swap_nth)
subgoal by (drule mset_eq_length)+ (auto simp: length_Suc_conv swap_nth)
subgoal for xs⇩2 m xs⇩2' xs⇩1
apply (rule slice_LT_by_nthI[where p="xs⇩1 ! 0"])
apply clarsimp_all
subgoal by (drule mset_eq_length mset_eq_sum_mset_lengthD)+ (auto)
subgoal by (drule mset_eq_length mset_eq_sum_mset_lengthD)+ (auto simp: length_Suc_conv nth_Cons')
subgoal by (drule mset_eq_length mset_eq_sum_mset_lengthD)+ (force simp: length_Suc_conv nth_Cons')
definition align_chunk_size :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat nres" where "align_chunk_size d n = doN {
ASSERT (d>0);
if n=0 ∨ d=1 then RETURN d
else doN {
p ← nat_div_round_up n d;
nat_div_round_up n p
lemma align_chunk_size_correct[refine_vcg]: "d>0 ⟹ align_chunk_size d n ≤ SPEC (λr. r>0)"
unfolding align_chunk_size_def
apply refine_vcg
by (auto intro: ccontr[of "0<_"])
definition "ppart_partition_pivot d xs n ≡
if n≤d then partition_pivot_sample xs n
else doN {
d ← align_chunk_size d n;
ppart_partition_pivot_par d xs n
lemma ppart_partition_pivot_refines_part3: "⟦0<d; n=length xs⟧ ⟹ ppart_partition_pivot d xs n ≤ partition3_spec xs 0 n"
unfolding ppart_partition_pivot_def
apply (split if_split, intro conjI impI)
using partition_pivot_sample_correct[of xs xs n n]
by (auto)
apply (rule specify_left)
apply (rule align_chunk_size_correct, simp)
apply (rule ppart_partition_pivot_par_refines_part3)
by auto
definition "split_sets_eq1 s⇩1 s⇩2 = do {
(c⇩1,r⇩1) ← mop_set_rm_subset s⇩1;
(c⇩2,r⇩2) ← mop_set_rm_subset s⇩2;
let card⇩1 = op_set_card c⇩1;
let card⇩2 = op_set_card c⇩2;
let mc = min card⇩1 card⇩2;
(c⇩1⇩1,c⇩1⇩2) ← mop_set_split_card mc c⇩1;
(c⇩2⇩1,c⇩2⇩2) ← mop_set_split_card mc c⇩2;
r⇩1 ← mop_set_union_disj r⇩1 c⇩1⇩2;
r⇩2 ← mop_set_union_disj r⇩2 c⇩2⇩2;
RETURN ((c⇩1⇩1,r⇩1),(c⇩2⇩1,r⇩2))
lemma ivls_split_refine: "(split_sets_eq1, split_sets_eq_SPEC) ∈ Id → Id → ⟨Id⟩nres_rel"
unfolding split_sets_eq1_def split_sets_eq_SPEC_def
apply clarsimp
apply (refine_vcg SPEC_refine)
apply simp_all
subgoal by blast
subgoal by blast
apply (intro conjI)
subgoal by blast
subgoal by blast
subgoal by blast
subgoal by (metis Int_Un_distrib inf_commute)
subgoal by (metis card_gt_0_iff min_less_iff_conj sup_bot_left)
abbreviation "iv_assn_sz ≡ iv_assn' TYPE(size_t)"
abbreviation "iv_lb_assn_sz ≡ iv_lb_assn' TYPE(size_t)"
abbreviation "ivl_assn_sz ≡ ivl_assn' TYPE(size_t)"
sepref_definition split_sets_eq_impl [llvm_inline] is "uncurry split_sets_eq1" :: "ivl_assn_sz⇧d *⇩a ivl_assn_sz⇧d →⇩a (iv_assn_sz ×⇩a ivl_assn_sz) ×⇩a (iv_assn_sz ×⇩a ivl_assn_sz)"
unfolding split_sets_eq1_def min_def
by sepref
sepref_register split_sets_eq_SPEC
lemmas split_sets_eq_impl_spec_refine[sepref_fr_rules] = split_sets_eq_impl.refine[FCOMP ivls_split_refine]
context weak_ordering begin
term partition_spec
term partition_SPEC
definition "ppart_seq1 p h xs ≡ do {
ASSERT (h = length xs);
(xs,m) ← gpartition_SPEC 0 h p xs;
RETURN (xs,{0..<m},{m..<h})
lemma gpartition_all_imp_ppart_spec:
"gpartition_all_spec p xs xs' m ⟹ ppart_spec p xs xs' {0..<m} {m..<length xs}"
unfolding gpartition_all_spec_alt1 ppart_spec_def
apply (clarsimp)
apply (frule mset_eq_length)
apply unfold_locales
apply auto
sepref_register ppart_SPEC
lemma ppart_seq1_refine: "(ppart_seq1, PR_CONST ppart_SPEC) ∈ Id → Id → Id → ⟨Id⟩nres_rel"
unfolding ppart_seq1_def gpartition_SPEC_def ppart_SPEC_def PR_CONST_def
apply refine_vcg
by (clarsimp_all simp: gpartition_all_imp_ppart_spec)
definition "gpartition_slices2 d p len xs = RECT (λgpartition_slices (d,p,len,xs). do {
ASSERT (d>0);
ASSERT (len = length xs);
if (len ≤ d) then do {
(xs,ss,bs) ← ppart_SPEC p len xs;
RETURN (xs,op_set_union_disj ss {},op_set_union_disj bs {})
} else do {
let si = len - d;
(((ss⇩1,bs⇩1),(ss⇩2,bs⇩2)),xs) ← WITH_SPLIT si xs (λxs⇩1 xs⇩2. do {
let p_copy = COPY p;
((xs⇩1,ivs⇩1),(xs⇩2,ivs⇩2)) ← nres_par (gpartition_slices) (λ(p,d,xs). ppart_SPEC p d xs) (d,p,si,xs⇩1) (p_copy,d,xs⇩2);
RETURN (((ivs⇩1,ivs⇩2),xs⇩1,xs⇩2))
ASSERT(iv_incr_elems_abs_bound ss⇩2 si len);
ss⇩2←mop_set_incr_elems si ss⇩2;
ASSERT(iv_incr_elems_abs_bound bs⇩2 si len);
bs⇩2←mop_set_incr_elems si bs⇩2;
ss←mop_set_union_disj ss⇩1 ss⇩2;
bs←mop_set_union_disj bs⇩1 bs⇩2;
RETURN (xs,ss,bs)
}) (d,COPY p,len,xs)"
lemma gpartition_slices2_refine: "(gpartition_slices2, PR_CONST gpartition_slices)
∈ nat_rel → Id → nat_rel → ⟨Id⟩list_rel → ⟨⟨Id⟩list_rel ×⇩r Id ×⇩r Id⟩nres_rel"
proof (intro fun_relI, clarsimp, goal_cases)
case (1 d⇩0 p⇩0 len⇩0 xs⇩0)
define R1 where "R1={((d⇩0,p⇩0,len,xs),(len,xs)) | (len::nat) (xs::'a list). True }"
note [refine_dref_RELATES] = RELATESI[of R1]
show ?case
unfolding gpartition_slices2_def gpartition_slices_def
apply (rewrite at "let _ = COPY _ in _" Let_def)
apply refine_rcg
apply refine_dref_type
unfolding R1_def
by simp_all
context sort_impl_copy_context begin
definition [llvm_code]: "swap_o_intv_impl_uncurried ≡ (λ(a, x, y). swap_o_intv_impl a x y)"
sepref_def par_swap_aux_impl is "uncurry2 par_swap_aux"
:: "[λ_. True]⇩c ivl_assn_sz⇧d *⇩a ivl_assn_sz⇧d *⇩a (oarray_idxs_assn elem_assn)⇧d → oarray_idxs_assn elem_assn [λ((_,_),xsi) xsi'. xsi'=xsi]⇩c"
unfolding par_swap_aux_def
supply [[goals_limit = 1]]
apply (rewrite RECT_cp_annot[where CP="λ(_,_,xsi) xsi'. xsi'=xsi"])
supply [sepref_comb_rules] = hn_RECT_cp_annot_noframe
supply [sepref_opt_simps] = swap_o_intv_impl_uncurried_def[symmetric]
by sepref
sepref_def par_swap_impl is "uncurry2 par_swap"
:: "[λ_. True]⇩c ivl_assn_sz⇧d *⇩a ivl_assn_sz⇧d *⇩a (arr_assn)⇧d → arr_assn [λ((_,_),xsi) xsi'. xsi'=xsi]⇩c"
unfolding par_swap_def
by sepref
sepref_definition ppart_seq_impl [llvm_inline] is "uncurry2 ppart_seq1" :: "[λ_. True]⇩c elem_assn⇧k *⇩a size_assn⇧k *⇩a arr_assn⇧d → arr_assn ×⇩a iv_assn_sz ×⇩a iv_assn_sz [λ(_,xsi) (xsi',_,_). xsi'=xsi]⇩c"
unfolding ppart_seq1_def
apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE(size_t)")
by sepref
lemmas ppart_seq_impl_hnr[sepref_fr_rules] = ppart_seq_impl.refine[FCOMP ppart_seq1_refine]
definition [llvm_code]: "ppart_seq1_impl_uncurried ≡ λ(p,d,xs). ppart_seq_impl p d xs"
sepref_register gpartition_slices
sepref_definition gpartition_slices_impl [llvm_code] is "uncurry3 gpartition_slices2" ::
"[λ_. True]⇩c size_assn⇧k *⇩a elem_assn⇧k *⇩a size_assn⇧k *⇩a arr_assn⇧d → arr_assn ×⇩a ivl_assn_sz ×⇩a ivl_assn_sz [λ(_,xsi) (xsi',_,_). xsi'=xsi]⇩c"
unfolding gpartition_slices2_def
supply [[goals_limit = 1]]
apply (rewrite RECT_cp_annot[where CP="λ(_,_,_,xsi) (xsi',_,_). xsi'=xsi"])
apply (rewrite ivl_fold_custom_empty[where 'l=size_t])
apply (rewrite ivl_fold_custom_empty[where 'l=size_t])
supply [sepref_comb_rules] = hn_RECT_cp_annot_noframe
supply [sepref_opt_simps] = ppart_seq1_impl_uncurried_def[symmetric]
by sepref
notes [fcomp_norm_simps] = list_rel_id_simp
lemmas gpartition_slices_hnr[sepref_fr_rules] = gpartition_slices_impl.refine[FCOMP gpartition_slices2_refine]
thm ppart_filter_def
lemma ppart_filter_alt: "ppart_filter m ss bs = ( ss∩{m..}, bs ∩ {0..<m} )"
unfolding ppart_filter_def by auto
sepref_def ppart_filter_impl is "uncurry2 (RETURN ooo ppart_filter)" :: "size_assn⇧k *⇩a ivl_assn_sz⇧d *⇩a ivl_assn_sz⇧d →⇩a ivl_assn_sz ×⇩a ivl_assn_sz"
unfolding ppart_filter_alt
apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE(size_t)")
by sepref
sepref_register ppart2
sepref_def ppart_impl is "uncurry3 (PR_CONST ppart2)"
:: "[λ_. True]⇩c size_assn⇧k *⇩a elem_assn⇧k *⇩a size_assn⇧k *⇩a arr_assn⇧d → size_assn ×⇩a arr_assn [λ(((_,_),_),xsi) (_,ri). ri=xsi]⇩c"
unfolding ppart2_def PR_CONST_def
by sepref
find_theorems ppart1
thm ppart_impl.refine ppart2_refine
sepref_register ppart_partition_pivot_par
sepref_def ppart_partition_pivot_par_impl is "uncurry2 (PR_CONST ppart_partition_pivot_par)"
:: "[λ_. True]⇩c size_assn⇧k *⇩a arr_assn⇧d *⇩a size_assn⇧k → arr_assn ×⇩a size_assn [λ((_,xsi),_) (xsi',_). xsi'=xsi]⇩c"
unfolding ppart_partition_pivot_par_def move_pivot_to_first_sample_def PR_CONST_def
apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE(size_t)")
by sepref
sepref_register ppart_partition_pivot
sepref_def ppart_partition_pivot_impl is "uncurry2 (PR_CONST ppart_partition_pivot)"
:: "[λ_. True]⇩c size_assn⇧k *⇩a arr_assn⇧d *⇩a size_assn⇧k → arr_assn ×⇩a size_assn [λ((_,xsi),_) (xsi',_). xsi'=xsi]⇩c"
unfolding ppart_partition_pivot_def align_chunk_size_def PR_CONST_def
apply (annot_snat_const "TYPE(size_t)")
by sepref